LYNNWOOD 1 express toll lane BOTHELL 5 522 405 KIRKLAND SEATTLE 520 BELLEVUE 2 express toll lanes 90 167 405 167 link TUKWILA I-405/SR 167 RENTON 167 Corridor KENT Funding and AUBURN Phasing Report 5 FEDERAL WAY 1 express 18 January 2014 toll lane 167 TACOMA FIFE 167 5 PUYALLUP 512 Table of Contents About this Report ................................................................1 Executive Summary ............................................................2 1. Project Overview ........................................................6 a. Introduction to the Corridor ........................................7 b. Express Toll Lanes Study History ............................11 2. Carpool Policy ...........................................................16 a. Carpool Scenarios ...................................................19 b. Traffic and Gross Revenue Analysis .......................22 c. Net Revenue Analysis .............................................26 d. EAG Recommendation ...........................................32 3. Financing, Funding and Phasing .............................33 a. Express Toll Lane Financing Challenges ................33 b. Analysis by Office of the State Treasurer ................35 c. Funding and Phasing Options for Phase 2 ..............39 d. EAG Recommendation ............................................43 4. Public and Stakeholder Outreach ............................44 5. Next Steps ..................................................................49 a. Phase 1 ...................................................................49 b. Phase 2 ...................................................................50 Appendices ........................................................................51 About this Report The I-405/SR 167 Corridor Funding and Phasing Report summarizes WSDOT’s recent analysis in preparation for implementing and operating an express toll lane system in the I-405/SR 167 corridor. This report results from requirements set by the Washington State Legislature in 2011 through RCW 47.56.886, which reads: (2) The department, in consultation with the transportation commission, shall use the information from the traffic and revenue analysis and the corridor-wide project management plan to develop a finance plan to fund improvements in the Interstate 405 and state route number 167 corridor. The department must include the following elements in the finance plan: a) Current state and federal funding contributions for projects in the I-405 and SR 167 corridor; b) A potential future state and federal funding contribution to leverage toll revenues; Washington State Department c) Financing mechanisms to optimize the revenue available for capacity improvements of Transportation Secretary including, but not limited to, using the full faith and credit of the state; Lynn Peterson d) An express toll lane system operating in the I-405 and SR 167 corridor by 2014; and e) Completion of the capacity improvements in the Interstate 405 and state route num- ber 167 corridor. (3) The department and the transportation commission must consult with a committee consisting of local and state elected officials from the I-405 and SR 167 corridor and representatives from the transit agencies that operate in the I-405 and SR 167 corridor while developing the performance standards, traffic and revenue analysis, and finance plan. (4) The transportation commission must provide the traffic and revenue analysis plan, and the department must provide the finance plan, to the governor and the legislature by January 2012. The department shall provide technical and other support as requested by the transportation commission to complete the plans identified in this subsection. The report was originally scheduled to be delivered to the Legislature in 2012. Because of the complexity of the necessary independent analyses, the Washington State Transportation Commission worked with the Legislature to extend the deadline. WSDOT has provided ongoing updates to the Legislature about the progress of this work. In addition, because of the significance of the carpool policy decisions under consideration, it was essential to allow the necessary time for the I-405/SR 167 Executive Advisory Group members to come to consensus on well-vetted, data-driven recommendations. WSDOT is currently briefing the WSTC on toll rate setting policies, including carpool exemptions, based on the analysis, process and EAG recommendations documented in this report. WSTC plans to make final decisions in spring 2014. Preface 1 Funding and Phasing Report 167 Executive Summary January 2014 167 167 Winter 2011 Winter 2011 Tolling OptionTolling 4 OptionConstruction 4 Construction Phasing Phasing The Washington State Department of TransportationOption 4 – Phase40-mileOption 1 system: 4 – Phase Phase 1 1 40-mileOption system:4 – PhaseOption Phase 2 42 – Phase 2 Option 4 – CompletedOption 4 – Completed is building a 40-mile system of express toll lanes LYNNWOOD 1 expressLYNNWOOD 1 express LYNNWOOD 1 expressLYNNWOOD 1 express LYNNWOOD 1 expressLYNNWOOD 1 express from State Route 167 in Puyallup to Interstate 405 in toll lane toll lane toll lane toll lane toll lane toll lane Lynnwood. Express toll lanes offer a needed solution BOTHELL BOTHELL BOTHELL BOTHELL BOTHELL BOTHELL to the heavy congestion that commuters experience 5 522 5 522 5 522 5 522 5 522 5 522 daily, including carpool lanes that often fail to meet 405 405 405 2 express 405 2 express 405 405 their performance standards during peak periods. toll lanes toll lanes 2 express 2 express KIRKLAND KIRKLAND KIRKLAND KIRKLAND KIRKLAND toll lanes KIRKLAND toll lanes SEATTLE SEATTLE2 express 2 express SEATTLE SEATTLE SEATTLE SEATTLE The Washington State Legislature authorized 520 toll lanes 520 toll lanes 520 520 520 520 BELLEVUE BELLEVUE BELLEVUE BELLEVUE BELLEVUE BELLEVUE Phase 1, construction of express toll lanes between 2 express 2 express toll lanes toll lanes 90 90 Legend Legend90 90 Legend Legend90 90 Legend Legend Bellevue and Lynnwood, through RCW 47.56.880 Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction 1 Express 1 Express 1 Express 1 Express 1 Express 1 Express Toll Lane Toll Lane Toll Lane Toll Lane in 2011. This phase is currently under construction.Toll Lane Toll Lane 2 Express 2 Express 2 Express 2 Express 2 Express 2 Express Toll Lanes Toll Lanes Toll Lanes Toll Lanes That same legislation also required this I-405/SRToll Lanes Toll405 Lanes 405 405 405 405 405 167 Link 167 Link 167 Link 167 Link 167 Link 167 Link Completed Completed 167 link 167 link Completed Completed 167 link 167 link 167 Funding and Phasing report, which WSDOTCompleted TUKWILA Completed TUKWILA TUKWILA TUKWILA TUKWILA TUKWILA 1 Express 1 Express 1 Express 1 Express 1 Express 1 Express RENTON RENTON Toll Lane Toll LaneRENTON RENTON Toll Lane Toll LaneRENTON RENTON developed in consultation with a committee Toll Lane Toll Lane 2 Express 2 Express 2 Express 2 Express 2 Express 2 Express Toll Lanes Toll Lanes Toll Lanes Toll Lanes consisting of local and state elected officials fromToll Lanesthe 167Toll Lanes1 express 167 1 express 167 167 167 167 167 Link 167 Link 167 Link 167 Link 167 Link 167KENT Link toll lane KENT toll lane KENT KENT KENT KENT I-405 and SR 167 corridor, known as the I-405/SR 167 Executive Advisory Group. AUBURN AUBURN AUBURN AUBURN AUBURN AUBURN 5 5 5 5 5 5 FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL WAY WAY WAY 1 express WAY 1 express WAY 1 expressWAY 1 express The work in this report is consistent with the 2002 18 18 18 18 18 18 toll lane toll lane toll lane toll lane 1 express 1 express I-405 Master Plan and more than a decade of 167 toll lane 167 toll lane 167 167 167 167 TACOMA TACOMA TACOMA TACOMA TACOMA TACOMA FIFE FIFE FIFE FIFE FIFE FIFE technical analyses and collaboration with corridor 1 express 1 express 167 167 167 toll lane 167 toll lane 167 167 stakeholders, including the I-405/SR 167 EAG.5 The 5 5 5 5 5 Legislature has continued since 2005 to ask WSDOT PUYALLUP PUYALLUP PUYALLUP PUYALLUP PUYALLUP PUYALLUP 512 512 512 512 512 512 to evaluate express toll lanes as a way of offsettingCallout Legend Callout Legend Callout Legend Callout Legend Callout Legend Callout Legend new with this completednew construction with this completed construction new with this completednew construction with this completed construction new with this completednew construction with this completed construction corridor improvement costs. construction phase construction phase construction phase construction phase construction phase construction phase Throughout 2013, WSDOT re-engaged the EAG and Construction is underway on Phase 1 of the 40-mile express toll lane system hosted four meetings. In addition, WSDOT consulted to address continued heavy congestion and decreasing trip reliability in this with the I-405/SR 167 Interagency Working Group, area. This report summarizes WSDOT’s evaluation of carpool policy options for composed of technical staff associated with each Phase 1, scheduled to open to traffic in 2015. The report also covers funding EAG member. As part of their 2013 work, WSDOT, and phasing options for Phase 2, which extends the express toll lanes from the EAG and the IWG worked to answer the Bellevue into Renton and connects them to the existing SR 167 HOT lanes. following questions, covered in this report: Carpool Policy EAG Recommendation Summary • What is our 2+ to 3+ carpool transition plan? Carpool Policy 3+ carpool free peak/2+ carpool free off-peak Funding
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