ÑContra MundumÑ Volume IX, Issue 8 March 2007 The Congregation of St. Athanasius A Congregation of the Pastoral Provision of Pope John Paul II for the Anglican Usage of the Roman Rite http://www.locutor.net our Blessed Lord teaches love of SELFISHNESS God and love of neighbor as repre- senting the two commandments on FOR LENT? which all the Law and the Prophets ‘On Jordan’s bank the Baptist‘s depend. Now, love of God stands at cry’ and the Blessed Saviour’s warn- the very center of Christian teach- ing ‘unless ye repent, ye shall perish ing, and the totality which accrues as these’ both admonish us to con- to it also makes an absolute claim version, to turning inward. And the on every aspect of all our faculties: Lenten season now upon us provides heart, soul, mind, strength, so much us with more than adequate opportu- so that many believers will remain in nity to focus in upon ourselves as the constant denial and seek to qualify ones most in need of attention. its scope. “He can’t really mean it that absolutely?” Oh yes, He does! We cannot repeat enough to One might even venture that all sin ourselves that the reason for our comes from a failure to appropriate very existence centers upon the sal- vation of our own immortal souls. the entirety of God’s claim on us. Christian teaching answers in simple Also, however, in thinking about At very first a message like this and instructive terms one of man’s and in acting out the second great seems to us to hold two serious greatest questions: Why am I here? commandment, our love of neighbor, drawbacks: what about the merits And however much others may we do not consider sufficiently the assist us toward saving our souls, which come from our charitable kicker in the command: Thou shalt whether unknowingly by example actions toward others, something love thy neighbour as thyself. In or- and general prayer or knowingly by highly commendable? And doesn’t der to love your neighbor, you must kind and gracious direct assistance, such a message set a goal of perfec- love yourself first. That sets the stan- no one else but we ourselves can ef- tion unassisted, for we need others? dard against which and from which fect that salvation for ourselves. At Who indeed would deny the truth of our love of neighbor proceeds. The the Judgement, of which our Lenten those basic assertions? Yet, ‘being quality of our love of self follows readings, rites, and hymns make us men for others’ and the merits of directly from the quality of our love most highly aware, we stand alone Christian solidarity must first stand of God, and in turn our love of self before the Throne and account for in a healthy perspective to the prime informs our love of neighbor. our own actions and for the extent to demands of our faith, and in so doing which we have shown what God has they can then enhance the growth Our Holy Mother the Church, as asked of us. And what has God asked of that faith and practice, but ‘first Christ’s mystical body on earth, does of us? Three things: To know Him, to things first’. not abandon us to our own resources love and venerate Him, and to serve in carrying out the injunction to love Him. Only so, our Catechism teaches In all three synoptic gospels God, and ourselves, and our neighbor us, can we live with Him eternally. (Matthew 22, Mark 15, Luke 10) as ourselves. All of our Christian Page 56 Contra Mundum tradition: the Holy Scriptures, the husbands, brothers, uncles, and creeds and definitions of both silent neighbors may be quiet, gentle, and dogma and proclaimed teaching, the modest men, like St. Joseph, the best Mass and the sacraments and devo- portrait of him is found in the Lord tions, all support us in our respon- Jesus. Jesus is Son of Mary, but He sibility and direct us in the ways of was formed by St, Joseph. knowing, loving, and serving God. And all of our neighbors, including Think of the way small boys live the Holy Angels in Heaven, enter and play beside their fathers. Boys easily imitate what their fathers say into this communion, loving us as and do (sometimes to the fathers’ they love themselves. So we are far embarrassment!) Jesus would have from unassisted. heard and watched St. Joseph lead Do not spend this Lent asking the family’s morning and evening what you can do for others. Ask Saint Joseph’s Day prayers and tell Bible stories. Joseph rather what you, in and of yourself, Monday, March 19, 2007 took Jesus to the synagogue where can do for God, entirely, and He will Solemn Mass & Sermon they sat together. Something is made give you the grace and overflowing 7:30pm of the fact that Our Lord learned His charity against which to see yourself chapel of St. Theresa of Ávila craft from Joseph. But there is much first and thence to do for others, ac- Church more to say! Our Lord’s Human cording to His will. West Roxbury Heart must have learned a proper attitude towards work and workers, “Seek ye therefore first the king- children, and they all gathered at 6am a love for the poor, for justice, and dom of God, and his justice, and daily for morning prayers, including for freedom, from the attitudes and all these things shall be added unto a sermon which the father gave. After conduct of His foster father. you.” (Matthew 6:33) the first day he asked me if I would like to lead the service and preach. It is a strange and wonderful ¶ The Revd. Dcn. Michael Con- Would I like to? So we alternated thing, then, that what God needed nolly teaches linguisitics in Boston during my time there. for His Beloved Son was a father. College and serves primarily as It was not a role Almighty God Archdeacon at Holy Cross Armenian This story is a reminder of the would entrust to just anyone. And Catholic Church in Belmont. He as- fact that in so many countries in our what a shock it must have been sists frequently in the Anglican Use. world, even today, the man of the for Joseph, not only to discover he This is his second contribution to house provides leadership in matters is betrothed to one who would be Contra Mundum. of religion. Ben’s sermons were won- Mother of God, but also called to be derful both in terms of insight and “father” to a Child Who is God! Yet simple directness to his children, and Joseph’s role as father was never pre- I have an indelible visual memory of empted. Apart from some early an- A FATHER FOR these little ones, the eldest being no gelic encouragement (and advice on more than twelve, all still half asleep how to avoid King Herod!) no di- GOD’S SON and in their pajamas, kneeling into vine revelations told Joseph how to their chairs for prayer. father the Christ Child. And if Joseph OR four days in May 1990 I We wonder what St. Joseph was waited for some sign from this Boy Ffound myself as a guest in the like. He dropped out of sight in the that He could do His growing up and home of Dr, & Mrs. Anene Benedict Scriptures after our Lord was twelve learning without any help, it never Uzuarkpunwa, in a city called Enugu. years old. By the time of the wedding came. Again and again when Jesus I was in Nigeria on a preaching in Cana, Jesus is called “the Son of had something to learn, or sought- mission, and billeted to this lovely Mary.” But although our fathers, counsel, we can easily see Him com- home. Ben and Rose had five or six ing to Joseph. Contra Mundum Page 57 Blessed Jesus, Who is Son of the rishioner Marysia Swanberg. Mass omniscient Father, never gave a sign is at 9am. that He already knew what St Joseph was advising, Because in a marvel- Confessions are heard in St, ous way, God was an ordinary son of Theresa of Ávila by the parish clergy an ordinary father, except that each, every Saturday from 3:00-4:00pm in in his own way, was God’s special the chapel. Fr. Bradford hears con- work. fessions on Thursdays before first WEEKDAY MASS IN LENT Fridays after the 4:00pm Mass. Next One day many years after Joseph scheduled is March lst had died, Our Lord Jesus spoke to Tuesday at 10am a crowd about prayer and the lov- Holy Week is April 1-8 ing goodness of God. He said “but Saturdays at 9am Easter flower envelopes will be if one of you asks his father for a available Sunday March 4th. Please loaf, will he hand him a stone? or in the Convent Chapel contribute to the cost of decorating for a fish, will he for a fish hand him the chapel for Easter. a serpent? or if he asks for an egg, will he hand him a scorpion? If you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.” (Luke 1:9- 13) , That instruction came out of Our During Lent the Litany or Deca- Lord’s personal experience. Jesus logue begins Sunday Masses prior to had received good gifts from St.
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