----_.---- 2959 ',r" SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925. 'ltlrliS~tlt bu ~ttfgarifu, WELLINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1925. Writs for Election of Members of Parliament. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. To ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: GREETING. NOW ye that I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of K the Dominion of New Zealand, being desirous that the General Assembly of New Zealand should be holden as soon as may be, do d~clare that I. have this day signed my Warrant directing the Clerk of the Writs to proceed with the election of members of Parliament to serve in the House of Representatives for all the electoral districts within the said Dominion of New Zealand. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 14th day of October, 1925. F. H. D. BELL, for the Prime Minister. GOD SAVE THE KING! A 2960 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 74 Returning OJlicers appointed. I Registrars of Electors appointed. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. HEREAS by the Legislature Act, 1908, it is, inter alia, I WHEREAS by the Legislature Act, 1908, it is, inter alia, W enacted that the Governor-General may appoint such enacted that the Governor-General may appoint such Returning Officers, Registrars, clerks, and other officers as RetUrning Officers, Registrars, clerks, and other officers as are are required to carry the provisions of the said Act into required to carry the provisions of the said Act into execution, execution, and that every person so appointed shall hold office and that every person so appointed shall hold office during the during the Governor-General's pleasure: Governor-General's pleasure: Now, therefore, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Now, therefore, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur- Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in suance of thc power and authority vest~d in me by the said pursuance of the power and authority vested in me by the said Act, do hereby appoint each of the undermentioned persons Act, do hereby appoint each of the undermentioned persons respectively to be a Returning Officer for the electoral district respectively to be a Registrar for the electoral district the the name of which is placed opposite the name of such name of which is placed opposite the name of such person :- person :- Bruce McFarlane Bay of Islands. Harry Clough Blundell Bay of Islands. Frank Bird Marsden. Frank Bird Marsden. Arthur Blaymires Card Kaipara. Arthur Blaymires Card Kaipara. Frank Evans Waitemata. Joseph Hay Waitemata. Frank Evans Eden. Herbert John Copping Eden. Frank Evans Auckland East. George Chetwyn Parker Auckland East. Frank Evans Auckland Central. Frank Graham Hutton Auckland Central. Frank Evans Auckland West. Robert Charles Nixon Auckland West. Frank Evans Grey Lynn. John William Harvey Grey Lynn. Frank Evans Roskill. John Francis Barrett Roskill. Frank Evans Parnell. Wesley Mark Lovell Parnell. Charles William Ross Manukau. David Smith ManukQ,u. Edward John Roche Franklin. John Patterson .. Franklin. Frederick George King Raglan. Frederick Robert Watters Raglan. Henry Robertson Bush Thames. Henry Robertson Bush Thames. Percy Harold Wylde Ohinemuri. Percy Harold Wylde Ohinemuri. John Young Cameron Tauranga. Edward John Gifford Tauranga. Gordon Arthur Plummer.. Hamilton. James Milne Adam Hamilton. Albert Ameas Chittenden.. Waikato. Albert Ameas Chittenden.. Waikato. Jobn Lodewyk Crowther.. Rotorua. John Lodewyk Crowther.. Rotorua. Thomas Percival Pain Bay of Plenty. John Tom Merry Bay of Plenty. Samuel James Williams Waitomo. Albert John Bennetts Waitomo. Percy Fulton Gisborne. Percy Fulton Gisborne. William Melville Will Hawke's Bay. William Melville Will Hawke's Bay. Charles James Steevens Napier.' Charles James Steevens Napier. John Ross Waipawa. Walter Parker .. Waipawa. William John Henry Dashwood Pahistua. George Kilvington Pahiatua. William Shattock Jones Masterton. William Gillespie Masterton. James Scott Connell Wairarapa. George Nelson .. Wairarapa. George Haymes Morrish Stratford. Henry Hector Scott Stratford. Henry Gilmore Smith Taranaki. Henry Gilmore Smith Taranaki. Ernest Leslie Egarr Egmont. Ernest Leslie Egarr Egmont. Albert James Ching Patea. Albert James Ching Patea. Eric Alan Hylton Wanganui. Henry Morgan .. Wanganui. James Wyllie McLean Waimarino. James Wyllie McLean Waimarino. William McAllister Oroua. Noel Clement Harding Oroua. Charles Samuel Carrad Rangitikei. William Frederick Wallis Trueman Manawatu. John Newton Manawatu. Frederick Charles Wilson Rangitikei. Ernest Charles John Foot Palmerston. George Hutcheson Lang Palmerston. Samuel Pearce Eddy Otaki. Samuel Pearce Eddy Otaki. John Alfred Louisson Hutt. John Bennett Hutt. Joseph Lissant Palethorpe Wellington North. Denzil Ardell Wellington North. Joseph Lissant Palethorpe Wellington Central. Joseph Lissant Palethorpe Wellington Central. Joseph Lissant Palethorpe Wellington East. Francis Bernard Dwyer .. Wellington East. Joseph Lissant. Palethorpe Wellington South. John Edward Frederick Perry Wellington South. Joseph Lissant Palethorpe Wellington Suburbs. Hugh McAllister Patrick.. Wellington Suburbs. Frank Mitchell . _ Nelson. Frank Mitchell .. Nelson. Frederick James PretBch .. Motueka. Gordon James Waters Boundy Motueka. Colin Ainslie Montgomerie Buller_ Colin Ainslie Montgomerie Buller. Henry George Frederick Coles Westland. Henry George Frederick ColeR Westland. Arthur Frederick Bent Wairau. Richard Wanden Wairau. Charles Warden Browne.. Hurunui. Victor Joseph Rhodes Hurunui. Charles Henry Nicol Clarkson Kaiapoi. Jack Riccarton Deal Kaiapoi. James Joseph McGahey Christchurch North. Herbert Lester Wiggins Christchurch North. James Joseph McGahey Christchurch East. Alfred Leslie Christchurch East. James Joseph McGahey Christchurch South. Thomas William Reese Christchurch South. James Joseph McGahey Riccarton. Albert Freeman.. Riccarton. James Joseph McGahey Avon. James Joseph McGahey Avon. James Nathan Neville Lyttelton. James Nathan Neville Lyttelton. William Arthur Sawyer Ellesmere. William Arthur Sawyer Ellesmere. Clause Oswald Pratt Ashburton. Claude Oswald Pratt Ashburton. Alfred Ernest Reynolds Timaru. Alfred Ernest Reynolds Timaru_ William John Gibbs Temuka. Ernest Booth Temuka. Patrick David Leahy Waitaki. Patrick David Leahy Waitaki. Henry Bell Reid.. Oamaru. Henry Bell Reid.. Oamaru. William Ewart Gladstone Dunedin North. Bruce Anderson Dunedin North. William Ewart Gladstone Dunedin West. James McIndoe.. Dunedin West. William Ewart Gladstone Dunedin Central. Henry Maxwell .. Dunedin Central. William Ewart Gladstone Dunedin South. Harold Douglas Tennent .. Dunedin South. William Ewart Gladstone Chalmers. James Torrance .. Chalmers. George Clinch Clutha. Geoffrey Charles Gordon Clutha. Frederick Stoop Wakatipu. Frederick Stoop Wakatipu. John Leo Duggan Mataura. John Leo Duggan Mataura. Albert Brandford Wallace. Eleazar Griffiths Wallace. John Verdon Carmody Invercargill. Albert Samuel Froggatt Invercargill. I George Edward Harrison Davis Awarua. John Alexander Broom . Awarua. I As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor.General, As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General this 16th day of October, 1925. this 16th day of October, 1925. J. G. COATES, J. G. COATES, Minister in Charge of Electoral Department. Minister in Charge of Eleotoral Department. OCT. 16.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 2961 Returning o.fficers for certain Licensing Di8trict8 appointed. Peria, Hayden's Hall. Pobpu, the Public School. Prime Minister's Office, PubiplIhi, the Public School. Wellington, 16th October, 1925. PlIkepoto, the Native Pnblic Scbool. IS Excellency the Governor-General has, in pursuance Puketona, the Public Hall. H of the powers vested in him by the Licensing Act, PuaakrLue, the Old l'{)~t-uffl.,;e. 1908, been pleased to appoint the undermentioned persons to Purefua, J\ionntain '9 St.ore. be the Returning Officers for the licensing districts set Raio, the I'll hlic Hall. opposite their names respectively :- Rakautao, Kauri Timber Company's Office. Frank Graham Hutton Auckland. n,ullgiB,}lU<:t, tbe fla!l. Denzil Ardell Wellington. R,angiputa, the Public School. Thomas William Reese Christchurch. Raweue, the Courthouse. James McIndoe Dunedin. Riponui, the I'll bHe School. P.Wlsell, the Courthouse. J. G. COATES, Saies. the Public Hall. Minister in Charge of Electoral Department. Salt Spring", the Public School. Taheke, the Public Hall. Taikawhana, the Public Sehool. l'otZ,ng-placesv,nder (he Legi8tature Act, 19011, uppomlR4. Takahuc, the Puhlic School. Tapuhi, the Public Hall. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. Tautoro, the Native Public School. N pursuamce and exercise of the powers conferred upon Te Hapua, the Native Public School. I me by the Legislature Act, J 008, I, General Sir Charle. Tc Karae. the Public School. Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of llle DOllJiniull 0' Te Koroa, the Public School. New Zealand, do hereby abolish all existing polling-places. Titoki, the I'll blic Hall. and do hereby appoint the places mentioned in the Schedule Towae, Matangirau, the Native Public School. hereto t{) be polling-places for the electoral districts therein Towai, the Public Hall. ~pecified. Tuhipa, the Post-office. Tutekehua, the Public School. Tutukaka, Ferguson's Boardinghouse. SCHEDULE. t;mawera, the Public Schoo!. Bay of Islands
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