436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANUARY 7, POST.MASTERS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Daniel W. NC!lgly, to be postmaster at .Millersburg, in the county of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania. - . FRIDAY, ·January 7, 1887. James Sweney, to be postmaster at Chambersburg, in the county of The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chapla~, Rev, W. Franklin and State of Pennsylvania. H. MILBURN, D. D. John H. Turner, to be postmaster at West Grove, in the county of The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Chest.~r and State of Pennsyl>ania. ' Mr. HENLEY appeared and resumed his seat to-day. A. Bowman Weaver, to be postmaster at Clearfield, in the county of Clearfield and State of Pennsylvania. U~""ITED STATES LEGATION, ETC., IN COREA. , ThoQlas B. Gcss, to be postmaster at Bois6 City, in the county of Ada The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of and Territory. of Idaho. the Treasury, transmitting, with inclosures, a letter from the Secretary Charles T. Cooper, to be postmaster at Sewickley, in the countv of of State in relation to the establishment of United States legation and Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania. w consulates in Corea; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign James Brady, to be postmaster at Washington, in the county of Wash­ Affairs, and ordered to be printed. ington and State of Pennsylvania. Charles W. Gant, to be postmaster at Irwin, in the county of West­ SALARIES, ETC., OF COLLECTORS OF INTERNAl.- REVENUE. moreland and State of Pennsylvania. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ Alexander Gruff, to be postmaster at Kittanning, in the county ot tary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter from the Commissioner of Armstrong and State of Pennsylvania. Internal Revenue and asking an immediate additional appropriation James C. Henderson, to be :Postmaster at 1\fedia, in the county of for salaries and expenditures of collectors of internal revenue for the Delaware and State of Pennsylvania. current :fiscal year, required to execute provisions of the oleomargarine Samuel R. Robinson, to be postmaster at White Pjgeon, in the county act and of the act in relation to the inspection of exported tobacco; of Saint Joseph and State of .Michigan. which ~as referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered Robert T. Abraham, to be postmaster at East Liverpool, in the county to be printed. of Columbiana and State of Ohio. DAl\I SITE AT IIERR'S ISLAND. Samuel W. McFarland, to be postmastel" at Wapakoneta, in the county of Auglaize and State of Ohio. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Seer~ C. S. Vorwerk, to be postmaster at Lorain, in the county of Lorain tary of War, with inclosures, recommending legislation authorizing the and State of Ohio. · purchase of land for a dam site at Herr's Island, Allegheny River; William B. Delo, to be postmaster at Knox, in the county of Clarion which was l"eferred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and or­ and State of Pennsylvania. dered to be printed. George H. James, to be postmaster at Plankinton, in the county of SURYEY OF WISCOXSIN. RIVER. Aurora and Territory of Dakota. Freeman II. Perry, to be postmaster at Vermillion, in the county of The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ Clay and Territory of Dakota. tary of War, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, a John M. Lyon, to be postmaster at Seattle, in the county of King and report from the board of engineers upon the examination and surveys Territory of Washington. of Wisconsin River from Portage to its mouth; which was referred to William P. Ainsley, to be postmaster at Williamston, in the county the Committee on Rivers aucl Harbors, and ordered to be printed. of Ingham and State of Michigan. · - 1\IIS JSSIPPI RIVER CO'llillSSIO~. John M. Uathewson, to be postmaster at Lowell, in the county of Kent and State of Michigan. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ .... John W. Hingeley, to be postmaster at Barnesville, in theconnty of tary onVar, transmitting a communication from the Mississippi River Belmont and State of Ohio. Commission in reference to the works of prorection to the banks of that J. E. Lohmann, to be postmastel" at Hamilton, in the county of But­ river, also to the failure to make provision for the expenses of.the com­ ler and State ofOhio. mission; which was referred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, Charles N. Schmick, to be postmaster at Leetonia, in the county of and ordered to be printed. Columbiana and State of Ohio. COOSA RIVER. Noah N. Daves, to be postmastel" at Ashton, in the county of Spink The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secretary and Territory of Dakota. of ~r, transmitting, with a letter from the Chief of Engineers, a letter Joseph Hager, to be postmaster at Mandan, in the county of Morton from Capt..'\in Hoxie, Corps of Engineers, referring to purchase of site for and Territory of Dakota. lock No. 4and damon the Coosa. River; which was referred to the Com­ :Mary E. Ferguson, to be postmaster at Richwood, in the county of mittee on Rivers and Harbors. Union and State of Ohio. Miner R. Potter, to be postmaster at Wellston, in the county ·of Jack­ Al\IITE RIVER, LOUISIANA. son and State of Ohio. The SPEAKER also laid befote the House a letter from the Secretary William N . .Moore, to be postmaster at Roseburgh, in the county of of War, transmitting a letter from Maj. W. H. Heuer, Corps of Engi­ Douglas and State of Oregon. neers, recommending that appropriations for Amite River, Louisiana, Frederick B. Smith, to be postmaster at Columbia, in the county of be applied also to the improvement of its tributary, Bayou Manchac; Brown and Territory of Dakota. which was referred to-the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Euchariste Brule, to be postmaster at Lake Linden, in the county of Houghton and State of Michigan. BALTniORE HARBOR. Daniel D. Murray, to be postmaster at l!Iayville, in the county of The SPEAKER also laid before the House a lettel" from the Secre­ Traill and Territory of Dakota. tary of War, transmitting, with inclosures, an estimate from the Chief James Blair, to be postmaster at Leslie, in the county of Ingham and of Engineers of the cost of widening Baltimore Harbor; which was re­ State of Michigan. ferred to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and ordered to be Eugene W. Burkhart, to be postmaster at Fowlerville, in the county printed. of Livingston and State of Michigan. CONTRACTS BY THE WAR DEPART:ME~T. John King, to be postmaster at Portsmouth, in the county of Bay The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ anu State of Michigan. ' tary of War, transmitting a statement of contracts made by the War Hency S. Wyman, to be postmaster at Morenci, Jn the county of Department and its bureaus for the :fiscal year ended June 30, 1886; Lenawee and State of Michigan. which was 1·eferred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War De­ James W. Hopkins, to be postmaster at Uhrichsville, in the county partment,-and ordered to be printed. of Tuscarawas and State of Ohio. llfichael H. Cavanaugh, to be postmaster at Indianola, in the county PATRICK CORR. of Red Willow and State of Nebraska. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secretary Isaiah B. Miller, to be postmaster at Creighton, in the county of Knox of War, transmitting, with inclosures, a letter from the Adjutant-Gen­ and State of Nebraska. eral recommending that the salary of Patrick Corr, general-service William Wilson, to be postmaster at Chadron, in the county of clerk, be increased to $1,200 per annum; which was referred to the Dawes and State of Nebraska. Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Manley R. Morgan, to be postmaster at Hillsboro', in the county of Traill and Territory of Dakota. SAINT MARY'S RIVER, MICHIGAN. Executi1:e nomination confinned by the Senate, Jamtary 7, 1887. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, with inclosures, a.n estimate from the Chief of POSTl\lASTER. Engineers of cost of improving Saint l\fary's River, Michigan, and of Richard T. Gill, to be postmaster at Atlanta, in tbe county of Logan continuing work on a new lock; which was referred to the Committee and State of Illinois. on Rivers and Harbors, and ordered to be printed. 1887. CONGRESSIONAL R.ECORD-HOUSE. 437 SEXATE BILLS REFERRED. This affidavit is properly executed ef'ore a. notary public of .Teffe1·son County, Kentucky, and bears date of February 12,1886. The SPE.A.KER also laid before the House Senate bills of the follow­ Harvey l\1. Buckley, colonel of infantry in the Union Army, and others., in ing titles; which were read twice, and refen-ed as inaicated: _ affidavits, fully substantiate the statement made by 1\lrs.l\Iarshall. The proof clearly shows that the library, or at least a large portion of it, be­ The bill (S. 3023) to authorize the Kansas, Texas and So-qthwestern longed to and was purchased by 1\Irs. Marshall, and was her own separate prop­ Railway Company to build its road across the Fort Hays Military Res­ erty, held in her own right. • ervation-to the Committee on Military Affairs. The committee are satisfied that the claimant was loyal, to the United States Government.
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