Rhode Island College Digital Commons @ RIC The Anchor Newspapers 4-23-1952 The Anchor (1952, Volume 24 Issue 09) Rhode Island College of Education Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ric.edu/the_anchor Recommended Citation Rhode Island College of Education, "The Anchor (1952, Volume 24 Issue 09)" (1952). The Anchor. 163. https://digitalcommons.ric.edu/the_anchor/163 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ RIC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ RIC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 fHE ANCHOR -- -- -----~=-==-----------=---=-===---=---=-==,-,,----------,================================= Vol. XXIV, No. 9 RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Wednesday, April 23, 1952 Junior Prom Funeral Held Faculty Alters To B~eld For Dr. Whi le Soft music, a country club back- PP Marking System ground, tuxedos, billowy gowns, Dr. Lucius A. 1Vhipple died and the scent of gardenias are in Sunday evening, April 21, after A new system of marking will go into effect order for Saturday night when the an illness that forced his retire­ Kappa Delta at the Rhode Island College of Education next Septem­ Junior Clas will sponsor its an­ ment as president of Rhode Island College of Education last Novem­ ber. A's will receive 4 points; B's, nual prom. ber. Pi To Meet 3; C's, 2; D's, 1; U's, 0. Prom co-chairmen John Sousa Classes will be cancelled after Under this new 4-point maxi­ The Ep ilon Rho Chapter of the and Rachel Bennett announce that as embly period today so that mum plan, students in all classes Ralph Stuart's Orchestra will play faculty members and students may Kappa Delta Pi will hold its must earn a l. 7 5 index to remain from 8-12 p.m. at the Wannamoi­ attend the 2 p.m. funeral services Initiation Ceremony on April 30. off the probation list. )fames of those sett Country Club. ince no out­ at the Latham Funeral Home, 1952. Juniors and eniors who tudents who carry at least 16 hours, and who attain an index side couples will be allowed at Putnam Avenue, Greenville. have met requirements for mem­ this, the first formal of the year, Born in Harmony, R. I. in of 3.80 or higher will be placed bership in this honor society of on the President's List. tickets are still available for 5.00 1887, Dr. Whipple was graduated education will be officially hon­ Action was taken at the ticket table in front of from the Rhode Island School of on revising the ored at current marking Room 102. Design, Rhode I land tate Col­ the dinner. system at the Brooks Florist, Campus Florist, lege, and received his Master's Dr. Fred Donovan and ;1Ir. suggestion of the Student-Faculty Investigation Board. and the Waldorf Tuxedo Com­ degree from Brown University. Ernest Allison have been' recently The new plan will honor the C; pany have offered specially re­ Providence College, Bryant Col­ elected as faculty member in the previou ly, duced rates on corsages and tux­ lege, Rhode Island College of a student receiving an society. Also, ;1Ir. William Robin­ all-C report edos to those attending the Junior Pharmacv and Allied Sciences failed to make his son, director of the Certification index. Prom. Rhode I~land Univer ity, and th~ It will also facilitate trans­ ferring, since many colleges Providence Catholic Teachers School, superintendent of school Committee of the Rhode Island in this vicinity employ this College have awarded honorary in Lincoln, superintendent of R. I. State Education Department will sy tern. The new system is designed to aid 15 Firsts In degrees to him. State Home for Dependent and be initiated a an honorary mem­ the faculty in distinguishing more Dr. Whipple labored in the field Neglected Children, principal of ber into Kappa Delta Pi. }Ir. exactly between Science Fair of educat:on in many capacities: Pawtucket Senior High School, excellent good, Alli on, recently elected counselor and average students. ' as head of the mathmatics de­ director of surveys and research Winners of this year's Science for the Epsilon Rho Chapter for partment in Pawtucket High Continued on Page 4 Fair were decided yesterday after­ the coming biennium will be the Seniors To Get noon by the board of judges. guest speaker at the dinner. First place ratings were awarded Columbia Press Assn. Awards Caps and Gowns to: Jean i\IcHale, Doris John on, First Place Rating to Anc ...'1or Iviary Cappeiii, Doris Gret:nhalgh, Kathleen Ball The members of the Class of Alli on Hiorns, Edith Anderson, 1952 will receive their caps and It was recently announced that Camilla Boyd, ;1faureen Fitz­ Kathleen Ball was editor of gowns on Wednesday, :May 7, in The Anchor received a First Place Edits Ricoled patrick, C. Pereia, Anna M. Cho­ The Anchor when the papers the college auditorium. Rating by the judges of the Co­ quette, Joseph Genereux, Nancy which were considered were pub­ Dr. Fred J. Donovan, acting lumbia Scholastic Press Associa­ Welch, Joan Duval, Dick Don­ lished. Judge gave the full num­ At a recent election conducted pre ident, will preside. Dr. Mich­ tion. This is the fir t time in its nelly, Eileen Ward, Rose Lynch. ber of credits allowed to such by the Junior Class, Kathleen ael F. Walsh, Rhode Island Com­ hi tory that the R.I.C.E. paper Judges of the contest held in considerations as: effective use of missioner of Education, will be the received this rating. Ball, retired editor of The Anchor, rooms 305 and 307 include: Miss photography and cartoon , avoid­ principal speaker. The invocation M. Oatman, Broad St.; was elected to the editorship of :Miss M. The Anchor received a score of ance of triteness, evidence of con­ and benediction will be given by Garvey, Messer St.; the 1953 Ricoled. ;11:iss K. Ca _ 890 out of a possible 1,000 points. sistency of style, and variation of Rev. Harold Flynn, of St. Pat­ serly, Oliver Hazard Perry; Miss Papers are judged on the basis of layout in successive i sues. Under ;1li s Ball's guidance rick's Church, Providence. E. Campbell, R.I.C.E.; Miss A. their content, writing and editing, R.I.C.E. delegate , representing The Anchor received a first place ;1Iiss Catherine Davey is chair­ Baird, Laurel Hill Ave.; Miss R. make-up, character and individu­ both The Anchor and the Ricoled rating at the Columbia Scholastic man of the exercises. Her commit­ Kerr; :Miss A. Gage, Gilbert ality. attended the pres con ferenc~ Press Conference. Before attend­ tee includes Alice Hermiz and Stuart; Miss :YI. Rogers, Rogers; I Comments of the Board of sponsored by the Columbia Scho­ \\!alter Littlefield. ing R.I.C.E. ;1liss Ball was on the Mrs. J. Sherman, Coventry; Mrs. Judges were: "The Anchor is a lastic Pres Assn. in :'.\ew York Zurlinden, Henry Barnard School; superior paper that reflects pride last month. During panel discus­ staff of the X avierette, at St. Mr. C. ;1litchell, Williams; Mr. and studied effort of editors and sions at the conference, problems Xavier's Academy, from which Sigma Xi Elects R. Petrucci; :\Ir. Carter; Mr. E. staff to tell their teacher college were aired and suggestion were he araduated in 1949. Mr. Mitchell Silva, wansea; given for improving :\1r. A. Ru o, story. Your publication is evenly school publi­ Since entering R.I.C.E., ;1fiss Guitera Jr. High; :\1r. Rohloff, balanced in all important divisions, cations. Ball has had e x p e r i e n c e Mr. Christopher Mitchell, A.B., Aldrich: :\1r. cussell, Rogers; I and is an exceptionally eye- Ed.M., instructor in the yearbook field. For the past in the mathe­ Mr. G. ;1/fcCahey, Mt. Pleasant. appealing paper. Good work." matics department of the Rhode two years Kathleen has been Comdr. Noe a Island College of Education has member of the Ricoled under­ recently been received into 'igma Will Speak graduate taff. Xi, a national honorary scientific society. At Assembly ;1Ir. Mitchell was elected into the society on the basis of his graduate work in mathematics at Commander Robert A. Noe will Brown University. be the guest speaker at the as­ sembly program in the auditorium Leo Lacouture this morning. Commander Noe will represent the Office of Naval Sings Thursday Research, pecial Devices Center, The Alli on Celebrity Series Port Wa hington, Xew York. will present Leo Lacouture. a The topic, "Xavy Classroom member of the Sophomore class Training Devices" will be dis­ in a song recital. The program, t~ cussed by Commander Koe. Along be presented on April 24 during the with an explanation of his subject, fifth period, will be divided into three parts and will include this naval officer will present the following: actual demonstration of the var­ THE ELECTRIC MOTOR. Joe Genereux demonstrates his " "?n the Road to Mandalay," device for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy to ious classroom techniques used in Friend 0' Mine," "Obstination," Vito Campo. the naval training schools. Kathleen Ball Continued on Page 4 2 THE ANCHOR In Memoriam What you should know as a teacher The students and faculty of the Rhode Island College of Education mourn the death of their be­ With An Eye To The Future loved past president, Dr. Lucius A. Whipple. In his nr. Fred J. Donovan, as a member of the Aviation eleven years as head of our institution, Dr. Whipple Education Committee, has helped to form the "Report of labored untiringly to train competent teachers for the Aviation Education Committf'e of the American Asso­ the schools of his native state.
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