0T C Th e La w r e n t ia n Vol. 56. No. 31. Z 821 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Monday, June 12, 1939 Five Men Receive One Man Reunion SAE Fraternity, Commencement Speaker Confer Degrees Honorary Degrees Pi Phi Sorority On 110 Graduates At Commencement To Colonize Here In Service Here Cain, Denoyer, Millia, Petitioning Bodies Being John Fulton. Janet Weber Ti*rner,- anti Brown Formed on Campus Awarded Summa Are Honored In September Cum Laude Pictures on page 2 President Thomas N. Barrows One hundred and ten Lawrence Honorary degrees were awarded announced today that the Sigma students were graduated this morn­ to the following during the 89th Alpha Epsilon national fraternity ing at services held in the Memor­ annual commer cement exercises of and Pi Beta Phi national sorority ial chapel. At that time honoraries Lawrence College held in Memor­ are planning to colonize petitioning were announced and degrees con­ ial Chapel here this morning. No­ groups here at Lawrence next fall. ferred by President Thomas N. ble Cain. Doctor of Music: L Philip President Barrows was informed Barrows. Those in the graduating class who won honors in their de­ Denoyer. Master of Arts; H. A. by Mr. Lauren Foreman. Eminent partments were Ruth Marion Millis. Doctor of Laws: Rev. F J. Supreme Recorder of S.A.E., that Barnes, French: Karl Friedrich Turner. Doctor of Divinity; and Mr. Charles F. Collin3 Eminent Cast. Chemistry: Jean Lavinia Carleton Brown. Doctor of Letters. supreme archon, has appointed the Doerr, French; John Keith Fultcn, The commencement address to the following colonization committee: William Hulber, Stanford uni­ Biology; Edith Helen Geittmann, 110 graduates of the college togeth­ Psychology; Sally Johnson Eng­ er with the 20 graduates of the In ­ versity, Chairman. Clarence E. DB. T. D. WILLIAMS lish; Elizabeth Barbara Krell, Eng­ stitute of Paper Chemistry, affili­ Deakins. Millikin university. Vice Chairman, Fred Trezise. Michigan lish; Margaret Elizabeth Morrison, ated with Lav*/rence. was given by Story on page 3 Biology: Florence Louise Perry, Dean George Clarke Sellery, of state college. Glen H. Arthur, Uni­ versity of Wisconsin, Daniel Molt- Government: Ruth Violet Perry, the University of Wisconsin. Government: Lawrence Joseph zau. University of Montana, Ray H. A. Millis received his A. B. G. C. SELLERY Piette, Psychology; Mona Barbara Perschbacher, University of Wis­ find A.M. degrees from Indiana White Appointed Quell, Government; John Richard consin. Paul Redeman. University University and his Ph. D. from the Riesen, Biology; Judson George »University of Chicago. He w a s Lawrentian Head of Wisconsin. Allan Schenck, Mon­ Rosebush, Jr.. Economics; Kenneth ¡professor of economics and sociol­ tana state college and Ray Hamann, Sellery Addresses Roger Sager, History; Sterling Har­ ogy at the University of Arkansas. University of Wisconsin. ry Schoen, Economics: Robert 1902-1903; professor at. Stanford Former Managing Editor This committee will be respon­ James Van Nostrand, Chemistry; „University. 1903-1912: professor at sible for the organization of the Graduating Class George Jay Verbrick. Chemistry; the University of Chicago since Succeeds Johnson fraternity group which will peti­ and Janet Elizabeth Weber, Psy­ 1916. He has served as a mem­ tion for a charter as a chapter of In 89th Exercises chology. ber of the panel of Chairmen un- As Editor the Sigma Alpha Epsilon at the Summa Cum Laude was award­ 'der the International Arbitration national convention of 1941. ed to John Keith Fulton, and Janet Agreement between the American Jack White was elected editor- The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra­ Speak» on “College Pro­Elizabeth Weber while Sally John­ Newsnaper Publishers' Association in-chief of the Lawrentian for the ternity was founded on March 9, son, Margaret Elizabeth Morrison. find the Pressmen’s union since 1858 at the University of Alabama. 1939-1940 school year by the Law­ fessor Looking at Kenneth Roger Sager, Sterling 1923. He was also a member of There are at present 112 active rentian board of control at a special Harry Schoen. and Robert James „(first > National Labor Relations chapters with a total membership His Job” VanNostrand were granted Magna Board. 1931-19?5 At present, he is meeting of that body last Wednes­ of the fraternity of 50,000. The ex­ Cum Laude. The following grad­ Director of the study of collective day afternoon. He succeeds Henry act plans for the organization of Dr. George C. Sellery, dean of uated with Cum Laude: Karl Fried­ irgaining now being made ior Johnson who was unable to accept the new petitioning group will be the letters and science college at rich Cast. Jean Lavinia Doerr, e Twentieth Century Fund. the appointment granted him at an announced at a later ¿ate. the University of Wisconsin, ad­ Michael John Gaiko, Edith Helen eL. Philip Denoyer. noted edu­ earlier meeting. White has served At a recent meeting, about twen­ Geittmann. Elizabeth Craigie Holt. dressed the graduating class of cator. was born in Milwaukee on tfbrmg tne past year as managing ty-two girls in the college organiz­ Elizabeth Barabara Krell, Martha December 12. 1875. He obtained his editor under Johnson and will now ed a local sorority, to be known a* 1959 at the eighty-n'nth commence­ Jane Lyon. Edna May Nymen, Wes­ A.B. degree from Lawrence in 1901. hold the editorship until June. 1940 Eta Episilon. which is organized ment exercises this morning. He ley Adolph Ferschbacher, Mona He was professor of geograDhy and White, a member of Delta Tau for the purpose of petitioning Pi spoke on “The College Professor Barbara Qjell. John Richard Ries­ ¡geolog v at the State Teachers Col­ Delta, will be a junior next year. Bela Phi. national sorority, for a Looking at his Job.” en. Judson George Rosebush. Jr., lege at LaCrosse from 1MW to 1918. He has served on the Lawrentian charter The group has the assur­ Eleanore Anne Stadtmueller, George Soon afterwards he established the staff during his entire college ance of the Grand Council of Pi Mr. Sellery has held the posi­ J a y Verbeck. Mary Kathryn Denoyer-Geppcrt publishing com­ career, and is active in campus af­ Beta Phi of the Council's interest tion of dean at the University of Voecks. and Annabelle Esther Wolf, pany. He is a charter member of fairs. He is a member of the A in establishing a chapter at Law­ Wisconsin for 20 years. He became Jane Elizabeth Heyer. May Eliza­ the Illinois Academy of Sciences. Cappella choir, college pep chair­ rence and will receive encourage- a member of the faculty at the beth Hopfensperger, Edwin Robert |tnd a member of the American man and has served on the Ariel. | ment and assistance from the na- University in 1901, first as an in­ Shannon, and Elwin August Tilly 'Geographical Society. He has been During the coming summer he will : tional organization. Plans are be­ structor in European history. He won Cum Laude with the degrees President of the Lawrence College act as the campus guide. The new ing made for rushing next year. moved gradually up to a full pro­ of bachelor of music. Alumni Club of Chicago and has editor is also president of the fed­ The members of the group in­ fessorship and was appointed dean The following were granted teen associated with a number of eration of Episcopal student or­ clude: Dorothy Ahiensfeld, Beth bachelor of arts degrees: David civic movements in the communi­ in 1919. ganizations on campuses in th e Arveson. Fern Bauer, lune Brom. For five years he was director of Herbert Aldrich. Ruth Marion ties which have been his home. midwest. His home is in Chicago. Estelle Brown. Betty Burger, Grace the summer session and was act­ Barnes. Jane Kathryn Bisping, Carletqn Brown was* born in Ob- Illinois. I Burhop. Carmen Campbell, Vir- Dorothv Jeanne Blake, Elmer Ev­ erlin. Ohio. July M, 18(59 He re­ ing president early in 1937. He is In his application he dressed the ; ginia Dahlstrcm. Barbara Jane a member of the American History erett Bosserman. Arnold Ralph ceived his A.B. decree from Carle- need of a representative editorial Groff. Ruth Harvey. Shirley Hemp­ Boucher, Norman Anthony Bruehl on College in 1888. He did grad- association. W.sconsin history so­ board to map out the policy which hill. Betty Heth, Helen Kircaldie. ciety, Delta Upsilon social f r a- Robert Carl DeBaufer, W illiam late work at Harvard University. Helen Knight, Gwen Osgood. Alice the publicatioi will follow during ternity, and Phi Beta Kappa, na­ Hall Dupont. William Edward He was ordained into the Unitarian Raattama. Lorayne Rosenthal, i his term of office. He plans no tional honorary. Dutcher, Frank Robert Finn, Jr., tninistry in 1394. In 1903-190!» he Mary Jane Sanford. Andrea Steph­ drastic change* in staff personnel Dean Sellery was born in Kan- Mary Margaret Forest. Esther Em ­ Was an instructor in English at enson. Mildred Toll, Janet Worth­ and will make all appointments cardine, Ontaiio, Jan. 21, 1872. He ma Fritz, Thomas Robert Gettle- Harvard, becoming Professor of during the coming summer. ing. man. Josenh William Graf. Albert English Philolrgy later at Bryn attended University of Toronto, University of Chicago where he re­ Edward Haak. John Jay Hastings. Mawr. He became Professor of William Sewfird Hatten, Robert English at the New Yo»-k Univer­ ceived his doctor of philosophy, and received honorary degree from Karl Herrmar.n, Harry Beverly sity in 1927. He is a member of Sedate Seniors Pen Their Jackson, Thomas Louis Jacobs, Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa the universities of Colorado a n d Toronto. Germaine Anna Krautkraemer, Psi. He was Secretary of the Mnd- Barbara Lester, LaVerne Menetta e r n Language Association of Magee Speaks Final W ill to Classmates Bishop J.
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