•M P»P«r -' THE WESTFIELD LEADER Save THE _____ READING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entered as Second Clues Matter Host Office. WcalfleM. N. .1 Publinlied -r—^ WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1946 Every Thursday. 24 Pa get—5 CenU uugh Looks Here's Where Your Old Clothes Rested Briefly Court Of Honor Election For School Board Seven Teachers -* -Heavy Vote Feature Of Boy Added To Public [Election Scout Week Here Members Next Wednesday School Faculty Polk Opeh From Committee Other Special Events Team Chairman Five Resignations 2 To 9 In Lincoln, b wo Candidates Are Planned For Accepted By Board Washington Schools , School Board Observance Of Education With two candidates up for re- This week in observance of Na- election and four others seeking The public school faculty ia still tional Boy Scout Week, Westfield membership on the Board of Edu-In a state of flux, the Board of and Rolf members of the organisation have cation and a $773,401 budget to be Education reported last night in planned a Court of Honor at the voted for the school year 1946-47, approving contracts for seven new Roosevelt Junior High School on it is expected thnt the annual teachers reinstatements of two and Thursday evening, Feb. 14 at 8 school election Wednesday will resignation!) of flvo. o'clock; special events arranged by draw a better than customary vote. Resignations Included those, of each troop; contests between the iJrtthe'election next Wedncs- Polls will be open from 2 to 9 p. m.Miss Gertrude L, lh-yant, gradu Z, troops; parents' night; and Sun- Inins'from 7 to 9 p. in. at First and Second Ward' voters will Columbus School, to accept anoth. day services, when each troop with cast ballots in the Washington er position; Miss Helen M. La- 1 their leaders will attend service at committee, of School and'Third and Fourth Ward Varnway, grade 4, Wilson, to take their respective churches. iRrnH Minton is chairman, residents in the Lincoln School. a post in Newark; Mrs, Marie G. '• jI I determined drive to Many store windows have been Beck, (trade 4, Columbus, am! Mrs. 1 Jotes for its candidates. turned over to scout troops to dis- Those not registered and wish- Irene Bnllard, Junior and Senior 'fiU, Mtoton: "The committee play an original idea of scouting. ing to vote at the election, includ- High School music teacher, both of ing returned servicemen, must do urgcs the support ot its Scouts work on this program for a whom will join theif husbands who j., Rolf 0. Kristiansen year, competing for prizes for the so by Saturday noon at the office have returned from service; and ,cr A Hoffarth. Both of best display, judged by a commit- of Town Clerk Charles Clark in Miss Florence H. Smith, grade 6, tee of local business men. the Municipal Building on Pros- Columbus, who is leaving to be en have pledged themselves L. mod behind and actively mip- Scouts wear their uniforms dur- pect St. married. Her resignation is effec- There are three vacancies on thetive Mar. 23. J the platform of the commit- ing "Scout Week" nnd officials to- NATHANIEL M. COHEN, day said, "The townspeople should I board to be filled, each of them for oimel-y To provide the best who heftdt the merchant!* team Addeil to the staff were Mrs. Ei- Lie education for .Mountain- pay special attention to the boys in the full term of three years. Seek- leen A. Price,-Senior High School Volunteer worker, look .milmgly at a part of the clothing contributed by We.tfield residents during for the Red Cross drive, lechildren, by providing a more scout uniform, for it is not every ing re-election are Gilbert A. Die-clerk, replacing; Mrs. Virginia Row. the drive sponsored by the American Legion here. The last clothes were packed last night at the [boy who is allowed to wear one. trich who haa been a member of mate teachers' salary schedule, Legion Building. an; Charles K. Young, High School ineh is now beinj? prepared, and • The loyal, or as we term it, 'The the board for two years nnd is faculty, replacing Kene Varrln; I continued investigation and cor- Real Scout' is as proud of his uni-Business Men chairman of the finance committee, Mrs. Mary C. Downes, replacing Ktion of school welfare." The English Bride Of form at; the servicemen. In order and Georgo M. Haskew, who hasMiss Bryant, Columbus School; tfnnittec has further, however, to be permitted to wear a scout uni- served the board for six years and Miss Catherine E. Williams, suc- Clothing Fills form, a boy must earn it, and llelied its support and continued Westfielder Arriving Funeral Held Will Aid Drive is chairman of the operation and ceeding Miss LaVarnway, Wilson among other things, takes the fol- maintenance committee. School; Mrs. Helen Volk, to serve peration with the Board of Ed- lowing oath, before the leaders and i regardless of the results A Freight Car Bidding for election are Kcrshnw for Miss Gertrude Swift, High Mrs. JiM.Me Robinson Huviland For Rev. Mintz boys of his troop: Harms, Mrs. Mary E. Steinor, Har- School girls physical education su- • mis election." Seek More Funds of South Devon, England, wife of "On my honor, 1 will do my best old 1. Thorp and Mrs. Zillnh White. pervisor now on sick leave; Joseph • Mr. Hoffarth is best known for Bruce II. llnvilnnd of 20(1 Pros- to do my duty to God and my coun- For Red Cross All six candidates have agreed II. Iloran, to take Mrs. Deck's Is work in the Fire Department More Than 18,000 pec! St., is among the English war Was Former Pastor try, and to obey the scout law, to to run at the request of the Joint class, Columbus School, and Mrs. Fithich he is president and fore- 1 brides (hi; to arrive in Now York help other people, at all times, to Caroline Stephens Holt, to succeed Ian. He is also currently chair- Pieces Collected Of Baptist Church Nathaniel M. Cohen, chairman committee, a group of representa- aboard the (Ji.vni Muni Saturday keep myself physically strong, men- Mrs. Rnllard as High School music Jan of the Boy Scout committee of of the merchants' team for the ltMti tive civic organizations, who state tally awake, and morally straight." teacher. Imp- 70, this being his second or Sunday, acconliii": to an an- Red Cross Fund Drive, has an-that this year they have sponsored Enough clothes to fill a freight The Kev. Eugene G. Mint?:, pas- The theme of the observance, |im. He has two daughters in nouncement yesterday by the nounced that his group will at- more candidates thnn there arc va- Reinstated as teachers were Mrs. car were collected in the United Army's London Area Transporta- ! tor of the First Baptist Church which marks (lie .'if'th anniversary cancies to place the responsibility ie Iloroi!!;li school. Nntional Clothing Drive conducted tempt to raise a larger percentage Helen Krestan, Grade 4, Lincoln, Him Ollic j here for nearly 14 years, died swl- of the founding of the movement in of Westliehl's $27,400 quota than for final choice in the hands of the and Mrs. Virginia C. Urner, Grade, Mr. Kristiansen is also well- by Martin Wallberg Post, Ameri- If the ship docks Saturday, it I denly Saturday night in his home, America, is "Scouts of the World ton n for hia work on the Boy it did last year. voter and stimulate greater inter- 2, Lincoln, both of whom submit- can Legion, Alan Bruce Conlin, will he a year to the liny since Mr. | 21)5 Hiirh St., Perth Amboy. Mr. —Building Together." est in the election. cont committee and is a director chairman, said today. The drivu "The business men's group," Mr. ted resignations, but have agreed Haviinnd last saw his bride. They ! Mintz left Westfield last April to The ISov ScouU of America have In making their selections this to continue for the rest of the ' the Mountainside Community closed'Friday and the Legion asks Cohen explained, "is hoping to were married Apr. 1M, !!M4 in Tor- j become pastor of the First Bap- school term. [ssoeiation. He has three daugh- that residents please do not leave tist Church of Perth Amboy. (Continued on Page 6) meet an increased percentage of (Continued on Page 4) rs, two of whom are in the Bor- quay, when the bridegroom was the Westfield drive this yenr to Total enrollment in the schools any more clothing at their head-, , Kmrlund, shortly be- Funeral services .were held in 1 ah school, one of pre-school age. Btiltiont (1 in ease the burden for those whose was reported by Supervising Prin« quarter.s. The final packing _scs-|fm.c hc lt,ft fov ttu, ;llvusjon of the church Tuesday evening at 8 e has lived in the Borough five sion was held last night and how incomes have been cut due to labor ipul Charles A. Philhovvor ut 3,- Normandy. He went into service ! P- m., with Rev. Edwin A. Golds- conditions or cutbacks in war work. Woman's Club 303 pupils, 18 more than lust year, 'lit!?. much additional was packed is not with the Essex Troop, 102nd Cav- worthy, pastor of the First Hap- USO Celebrating fih. Smitb, who was appointed Wo expect to work hard and arc with Hi-ih School attendance up known at this time but on Tuesday alry, and was overseas three years.
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