• A STUDY OF INFORMATION NEEDS AND USES OF THE INFORMAL SECTOR OF UGANDA VOLUME ONE By Ikoja-Odongo, J.R. Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor ofPhilosophy (Library and Information Science) ofthe University of Zululand, Kwa Dlangeswa, SOUTH AFRICA. MAY 2002 I A STUDY OF INFORMATION NEEDS AND USES OF THE INFORMAL SECTOR OF UGANDA VOLUME ONE By Ikoja-Odongo, J.R. Thesis submitted in fulfillment ofthe requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Library and Information Science) ofthe University of Zululand, Kwa Dlangeswa, SOUTH AFRICA. MAY 2002 • APPROVAL PROMOTER: Prof. D.N. Ocholla Department ofLibrary and Information Science, University of Zululand South Africa • .:., • DECLARATION I declare that this study: "The study ofthe information needs and uses in the informal sector ofUganda", except where specifically indicated to the contrary in the text, is my own work both in conception and execution. All the information that was used have been and are duely acknowledged in the text and in the references. Signed: • ii r. I ACKNOWLEDGEl\<1ENTS Work ofresearch is a product ofmultiple support. To reach this stage, many people directly or indirectly made contributions worth mentioning here. • My Promoter, Professor D.N. Ocholla, for his guidance, involvement and committment to this thesis. His keen interest and constructive suggestions for the improvement of my work was invaluable. His involvement enabled me to produce high quality papers in peer refereed journals even before the thesis was completed. • My Advisor, Professor N.J. Smith for his guidance, leading to relevant economic literature, cultural aspects of the study and bringing my attention to examples of similar developments in other parts of the world especially South Africa and Asia • Professor P.J. Potgieter, Head ofCriminology, Justice Department University of Zululand for the contructive criticism of the research instruments, advice, guidance and encouragement. • Professor Sibaya of Educational Pyschology for raising important issue in the research instruments that would have, perhaps, gone unnoticed. • Professor Sebuwufu, J. and Professor Justin Opio-Epellu, Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor respectively for making important decisions and committing Makerere University to educate me up to this leveL .I owe my deepest gratitude to them. • Professor Opuda-Asibo, J. Acting Director of the School of Postgraduate Studies, Makerere University, for the guidance, and administration of my studentship while in Uganda. • The Academic Registrar, Makerere University for the Administration of my studentship on behalf of the Staff Development Committee of Makerere University. • The Bursar's Department for at all times processing the required funds 'Without a hitch. I thank them most sincerely and most especially Mr. Ben Byambabazi, ill Mrs Mwondha, The Chief Accountant, The Internal Auditor and the staff who handled my papers. • Associate Professor S.A.H. Abidi, Director, EASUS, Makerere University for all support, encouragement officially and unofficially during the course of study. • Makerere University Council for sponsoring my studies. • The National Council of Science and Technology (NCST) for granting me permission to carry out this study in different parts ofUganda • Resident District Commissioners of Kampala, Masindi, Lira, Soroti, Masaka, and Mbarara for permission and guidance to places where I could get the information I wanted. • All Research Assistants who participated in this study for their endurance with me in the field. • Mrs J. Mostert, fellow PhD student at Unizul and Senior Lecturer, DUS University ofZululand for all technical support that the study required. • Mrs Yvonne Johnstone, Senior Lecturer, DUS Unizul for technical support and readily giving advice, encouragement and witty stories whenever the going seemed murky. I will remember her for almost losing a dictionary to me. • Ms 1. Dube, Lecturer DUS Unizul for all encouragement. • Librarians at Unizul Library especially Mrs Ocholla Ludmila; Ms Bongi Sigwebela for the big role played in Iookingfor research materials allover South Africa through Inter Library loans, internet searches, photocopying etc. • My wife, Florence Ikoja for bearing the burden of being my full time research assistant while I was in South Africa, for being a good mother and head of the family in my absence. Together with her are my children Martha AkeIIo, Isaac Odongo, Godwin Ikoja, Winifred Apolot for missing me while I was toiling thousands ofmiles away. • Mr. Raphael Aregu for helping me go through a maze ofdata early enough. • Above all my Almighty God in whom I trusted would make me complete this work. "In him everything done rightly will come to pass rightly." • iv • DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my late father, Mr Jackson Odongo, my loving mother Josephine Akello Odongo, and my well meaning and caring wife, Florence Apio Ikoja and my children to whom I have proved a significant example to their lives. What I have done will be given the strength in God and their hands Thank you my Lord v • LIST OF ACRONYMS ACCD Association ofCourier Companies in Dganda AEATRl Agricultural Engineering and Appropriate Training Research Institute ACFODE Action for Development AGRIN National Information System for Agricultural Science and Technology AGRlS Agricultural Research Information System AID African Highland Initiative AMREF African Medical Research Foundation ARlS Agricultural Research Information System Am African Technology Network BEASTCD Animal Production and Diary Technology Information BOP Balance ofPayments CARIN National Current Agricultural Research Information. CARlS Current Agricultural research Information System. CD-ROM Compact Disk- Read Only Memory CAS Current Awareness Service COMESA Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa. COREC Coffee Research Centre DAr Development Activity Information DENIVA Development Network ofIndigenous Voluntary Associations FAO Food and Agricultural Organization FHRl Foundation for Human Rights Initiatives FEDEX Federal Express FIDA International Federation ofWomen Lawyers FIR! Fisheries Research Institute vi FISA Federation ofInformal Sector Associations FORI Forestry Research Institute FOSRI Food Science Research Institute. GIS Geographic Information System. Gil Global Information System GDP Gross Domestic Product GNP Gross National Product HIS Health Information System HURIPEC Human Rights Information Centre ITS Industrial Information System IACs Information Analysis Centres. IEC Information, Education Centre ICT Informationand Communication Technology IDRC International Development Research Council INFORM Infonnation for Research Managers Isis- WICCE Isis- Egyptian Goddess. Women's International Cross Cultural Exchange. IS Informal Sector ILO International Labour Organization ISO International Standards Organisation JASPA Jobs and Skills Progranunes for Africa URI Livestock Research Institute MTAC Management Training and Advisory Centre MFPED Ministry ofFinance, Planning and Economic Development MSEPU Micro & Small Enterprises Policy Unit MI&B Ministry ofInformation and Broadcasting NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Services. NGO Non- Governmental Organisation NARO National Agricultural Research Organisation N'W&SC National Water & Sewerage Corporation NEMA National Environment Management Authority vii NOTU National Organisation ofTrade Unions • OCLC Online Catalogue Library Centre ODA Overseas Development Association PTA Preferential Trade Area PSF Private Sector Foundation PRESTO Private Enterprise Support, Training and Organisation Development PSRRC Public Service Review and Reorganisation Commission sm Selective Dissemination ofInformation SAARI Serere Agricultural and Animal Research Institute SAP Structural Adjustment Programme. STDs Sexually Transmitted Diseases TASO The Aids Support Organization. TEEAL The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library. TIPS Technological Information Promotion System. TREECD Worldwide Forestry Information UBOS Uganda Bureau ofStandards Dec Uganda Communication Commission. UDHR Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights UJAFAE Uganda Joint Action for Adult Education UMA Uganda Manufacturer's Association UMACIS Uganda Manufacturer's Association Consultancy & Information Service UNBS Uganda National Bureau of Standards UNCST Uganda National Council ofscience & Technology UN United Nations UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund. UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization. lJ1'..'ESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UN'DP United Nations Programme UNFA United Nation's Fund for population Activities Ul:"L Uganda Postal Ltd • "ill USSIA Uganda Small Scale Industries Association USAID United States Agency for International Development UTL Uganda Telecommunication Ltd UVRI Uganda Virus Research Institute VETCD Veterinary Science and Animal Health Information WBS Wavamuno Broadcasting Service WFP World Food Programme WHO World Health Organisation YWCA Young Women Christian Association ix .., • LIST OF TABLES Table I: Sample ofOccupations 204 Table II: Information-seeking 230 Table III: Methods ofinformation seeking .232 Table IV: Contribution ofinformation to problem-solving 249 Table V: Information contribution to the growth and development ofinformal sector 253 Table VI: Difficulties in accessing information 256 Table VII: Suggestions on how the informal sector could be assisted .260 Table VIII: Information services needed 293
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