‘.y' < ' ' ' My DM With Ck Wr C»n S«»e Yoo Tiiae. Worry sod 1Icni «*. f eastern and native oysters oken day and night. PLAZA CAFE fIFTy-FIFIH YEAR. NANAIMO. VANCOUV^ ISLAND WEDNESDAY. MARCHir f92^^^^^ WOULD ABOLISH EK-mCUS. DEATH-PENALTY SALNONm LMdom March irv-Th. H«n»of Commow. ultag y, eemmittoa to h. Brilkb CMumbia wiS U «ioa*4 cooaidor tho muiual Army and Air WorUNews fn» Thm-aSay Mgbt mmm mat Pack Train PUN OF Fiwe. Bat. roimtiod.. LMser m—d- Turn Mum JmmMUr mormng. Satardar ■*»- n»m to MiA tho dooth poMbr Mg. a. wall u GomI FrUby aiM Eto- for coworsBeo io Iho Sold. Tho vote TldRIAPm sraa 174 to IM. missin By Cdble Crtew Buriec^ Victoria, Vlarch 27.—Mr. Charles Edward kcdfcrn, former Mayor of Halifax, March 27.—.Vcable receiv­ Victoria, and pioneer merchant of this sockvyc salmon fisheries of the TOilSTTiUDElN ed from the Wester* Unlbn Cable ship SCHOOLBOY city, died at the JubUec Hospital at Fraser River system, wliich include* Lord Kelvin, whose h«n^ port is Hati- laSO o'clock last evening, death fol- the waters voiuiguous to the Slate of fa*. reported the drownmg off Tam- Under SUde lowing a lengthy illness. Washington and British Columbii TBISmCEIS pneo, Mex., ol Stewart fAIlan, of Mr. Redfern was nearly eighty-nine jedm. N.B.,' J. Downey and G. J. DBOWNiAT was signed today hy Secretary Prince Uafat, B.C, Mmxh 27,- years of age and was a pioneer of logg and Hon. \’inccnt kfassey. derson. Halifax. Local Bnnch TaaefaetB* Memhan oi a pack tram earoul* •» 1862. A native of England, he was PailiawwiI Ailjiiiifs brought up as a watchmaker and MififEinSlNfi FedentioiiMat Last the Marmot Ei«»mii« Mmm, London. March 27,-r-B^h Houses of EXTENSION perty near Stewart, had a miracabM chronometer maker, serving his ap ­ Parliament adjourned today until Night prenticeship with the well-known Wat- etcape from death wfRn fliey arena Victoria. March 27.—“A most im­ April ISih, when Winsttm ChurchiU, caught by a aaowthde ' ‘ mhi firm of London, England. Then portant featnre of tourist traffic is Alfred Uw, the seven year qld sou Chancellor of the Exchequer, will in­ The local branch of the Teachers ’ burUd. he went to Paris, where English of the United States will be one of the that it plays such an important part in of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Law, of Ex­ troduce the Budget. Federation met Uit nvht the High watchmakers were greatly in demand. .American mcniUers. keeping our doiUirs at par, esjiecially tension was drowned Ust night in a School, where they were 4 rested by, StimuUled by the reports of an The commissionii charged with the small creek at Extension, the body be­ when it is considered that the fas-or- Dr. Sedgwick, head oi the EngKeh anclr. who had gone to California dig­ duty of making a thorough investi­ ablc trade balance for Canada for 1928 ing found at 1170 Ust night, after a glastes as it struck the Dain. Renew- of the Stanley Cup finals between the Department of the UwY*f*ity of B. C gings in 1849. Mr. Redfern decided tc gation into the natural history of the $151.812781. or practically half the long search since the Ud was reported er, hurried to the scene. Jack Uuni. New York Rangers and Boston, will son's haod arms seen waving nbovu the e and seek his fortune in Carl- lockcyc salmon and is given power to amount brought in from tourist traffic. missiog in the afternoon when he had boo. that district being at the renith be played in Boston Thursday night. not returned home from school. snow and be wns dng outjuM in tee. maintain hatcheries and develop fish­ The tourist exchanges his money of its career in 18«.the year he In company with other members of Jack Reitnk, in chatgc of te tratoi eries, It is also givenepower to es­ scenery, shelter, amusement, etc., with- oat on the ship Tynemouth, his travcl- Toronto, March 27.—The collapse of wns-.^uimed by a block of iee. haff tablish a closed season when fishing ont any depletion to our natural re­ the class the youth left school at 3JD Intenialinnal Nickel which closed yes­ dung >0 a tapRng n«9 the msfa hai for sockeye salmon will be prohibited sources, It is publicity of the best for home. What happtmed afterwards Englith.” Ulnttrating that without terday at 43, off six points, has torn passed . A horse's foot was seen aRdh ' between June first and August 2(hh in kind, as it makes known our resources •pKKi English in the home there cnuld Attracted by the oopportnnitiesfor down from a market rating of m the snow surface and the aal. eacli year««uid to rcglaie the charac- and opportunities for capital invest­ be no expectation of goodEnglish employment here, he abandoned his and striking on bis head was rendered was <h« out alive. ■r and the suee of fishing gear which ment. and in additioa, has a successiul the community. l>r. Sedgwick shoared intentions to proceed to the mines ay be used during the open season. with our trade unconscious as the water whre he was that exists and after a year's experience in road fortunes have been shattered. FIRE DISCOVERED found drowned'was less than a fo - . 1 of 01 srotk and teaching school, he estab ­ IN MIRE AT FERME INVn'ED TO DEATH depth. who arrived bte lished a jeweler's and watchmaker ’s Thus spoke Mr. P. B. Fowler, presi­ Femie, Mardi 27.—Late ycafbrdap London. March 28.—.An Exchange dent The funeral will take pUce from the lecture, “Waisa chances uh gettin’ bttsiness in 1W>3. which continued in of the Victoria Chamber of Com- Admiral Rodman pf afternoon, as the day tet was oaou- Telegraph dispatch from Hong Kong resideoce of Mrs. Lightfoot, anut of in?” existence until 1914. _ when it was meiee, and manager of the Canadian tic Steamship Co, went ashore on ing off. a fire was diacovered in te yesterday' relayed a circumstantu ’ “ the deceased, 21 Odlespie street, oo The speaker outKned the course closed down. FrrmcT917 to 1922 Mr. Bank of Commerce here, Jack's Cretk Island, near Chemainus. Tgroond wnrkmg of No. 1 ate port that General Li Chai-Sun, Saturday afternoon at 270, intennent that should he adopted by all teachers Redfern was employed in the -Marine the members of the Duncan Chamber last night. The Pacific Salvage Co. mine at Coal Crede eolierr o* te ' ernor of Canton, liad been shot. the Nanaimo Cemetery. Rev. Mr. of Commerce at a dinner in Duncan is sending boats from here. The Rod- Croirt' Nest Pass Coal Co. here. The The general was airaated by the Welch will officUle. writing and reading of good English. last night on the subject of "Tourist man it a woodenvessel 186 feet Ion extent of the Bre has not yet been de> Vationalist Government when he ar ­ DoctorSedgwick has not forgottenhis Trade From thi Standpoint of Na ­ •Hie steamer had been to Ladysrail ined. although Govermnent ofBr Through a Jong life he was closely rived in Nanking on March 13 for the connectionwith Nanaimo High school associated with the city's municipal a tional Importance and Expediency. preparing toresume her run toAlaska. Cheefooin Control cials and officers of the toanpany ere Kuomintang conference. and referred to it more than once dur­ fairs. Elected a councillor of Vi President Fowler sUted that the go- making every effort to do ao. The cat- India. Laader Fismd of Martha] Chang ing the evening. toria in 1877. he was reelected the fol­ e the tourist Calcutta, March 27. — Mahatma going afternoon ihHt was not permit' traffic as $83734,000 for the year 1920. led to enter the workinga. No. 1 east lowing year. (The term "alderman" Gandhi. Indian Nationalist leader, was Chefoo. Siiantung, March 27.—Mar ­ did ntg come into use until the fol­ and $242754,000 in 1927, an increase of convicted today of defying police or­ shal Chang Tsung Chang entered this is the largest coal prodDeer at GERUNCItilNilLS apiuoximately 190 per cent Last year this colbery. lowing decade.) ders against destroying foreign cloth .-.ly today and (iractically without In 1883 he, made his first at tempt it was estimated that it ran into $275,- and fined one rupee (about 36 cent- ' hindrance front Na ASniYXIiTEDDI ELECnOH FRAUDS OF H0 foe the inayof^yihy and wwas elected be­ Gandhi denied any intention of deiyii took cuiiirol. The British sloop Corn­ LEAD TO SEVERAL AME8TS ing unsuccessfulnl in 1844 and 1887 but RULBimm police orders. flower and the United States eniiser figures which give some idea of ttu. Edmonton, March 27.—Faciag tma returning to office In the Diamond Trenton moved inshore to a position fANdTERRME charges in connectionwUlgka ABR- ' Jubilee year of 1897. He was re-elect- importance of this invisible export, Berlin. March 27.—Criminal organi- Vancouver, B. C., March 27.—A cold near the foreign quarter to meet any basca election staisllils of HSS, T. J« cd 1898 and 1899. having contested were as follows; Wheat. $348,0003100; iiion in Gernunv has reached a high slorige barge of the B. C. Packers, emergency. Vancouver. B. C. March 28.-Mri Cornwall was remanded far ^ wkeg tonrist trade. $275.0003)00; minerak, ate of perfection. There are nu­ valued al $15,000. was torn from the E. Adams, 74, and her grandson Har ­ : cases came before Maglatrate Gy $271.0003W0: and pulp and paper $220.- merous "crime clubs" in which for a Salvage Princea Tuesday in Hecate GIRL, 18, MISSING old Jeffries.
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