E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2019 No. 182 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was economies have flourished. We are in opportunity. Let’s get to work and hold called to order by the Speaker pro tem- desperate need of updating NAFTA to a vote immediately. pore (Mr. CUELLAR). meet modern-day economic demands. f f I know many of us have staff who are younger than NAFTA, and we can all WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTION DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO agree that the world has changed an The SPEAKER pro tempore. The TEMPORE awful lot in the last three decades. Chair recognizes the gentleman from The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Congress needs to bring the United Maryland (Mr. HOYER) for 5 minutes. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, we are in- fore the House the following commu- States-Mexico-Canada trade agree- volved in a very serious process to de- nication from the Speaker: ment, or USMCA, to a vote imme- diately to keep trade free and fair. A termine whether the President of the WASHINGTON, DC, United States has committed high November 14, 2019. vote on USMCA is long overdue. crimes and misdemeanors. I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY It has been more than 400 days since The Constitution provides for the re- CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on President Trump announced this his- this day. toric agreement, and Mexico and Can- moval of high officials who violate NANCY PELOSI, ada have already given USMCA the their oath of office, who violate the powers of their office, and who commit Speaker of the House of Representatives. green light. For farmers, ranchers, bribery or treason, or high crimes and f manufacturers, and everyone in be- misdemeanors. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE tween, we must follow suit. So many In the course of that process, we have different industries can benefit from a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- been involved with numerous people modern trade agreement. asking for the whistleblower to testify. ant to the order of the House of Janu- In Pennsylvania, nearly 43,000 jobs ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- I will not speak to the substance of the depend on manufacturing exports to consideration that is ongoing with re- nize Members from lists submitted by Canada and Mexico. Last year alone, the majority and minority leaders for spect to the impeachment of the Presi- Pennsylvania exported $15 billion dent of the United States, but I do morning-hour debate. worth of products to Canada and Mex- The Chair will alternate recognition want to speak pointedly to the calls ico. from so many that the whistleblower between the parties. All time shall be There is no telling what economic po- equally allocated between the parties, be identified. tential lies ahead with a new revamped The whistleblower, of course, has no and in no event shall debate continue trade agreement. direct evidence to offer. What the whis- beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other In Pennsylvania, agriculture—and tleblower is is somebody who responded than the majority and minority leaders dairy, in particular—is the backbone of to ‘‘if you see something, say some- and the minority whip, shall be limited the Commonwealth’s economy. thing.’’ to 5 minutes. USMCA’s elimination of Canada’s Class We have witnesses to wrongdoing all f 6 and Class 7 dairy pricing programs over this country and all over the would be a big win for dairy farm fami- NAFTA ANNIVERSARY AND USMCA world, and our police departments have lies. These programs have unfairly lim- a line that is called an anonymous tip The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ited our export potential over the line so that somebody who sees some- Chair recognizes the gentleman from years. thing will say something. It is anony- Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 The signing of USMCA into law will mous so that we do not intimidate minutes. also signal to other major trade part- those people or expose them to danger Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. ners, like China and Japan, that we are for coming forward to out criminal be- Mr. Speaker, this coming Sunday serious about these kinds of deals and havior. marks the 26th anniversary of the we are committed to a bright future for The President of the United States House of Representatives passing the American exports. has made an analogy to this informa- North American Free Trade Agree- There is no reason why we cannot tion coming forward as the result of ment, or NAFTA. pass USMCA before the end of the year. spying, treason, which, as we all know, This agreement with our two closest USMCA will create more jobs, boost according to the President, can subject trading partners, Canada and Mexico, wages, and spur the Nation’s economy. someone to capital punishment. has become outdated as time has What are we waiting for? Each day Why do we have a whistleblower stat- passed, markets have diversified, and that passes without a vote is a missed ute? We have a whistleblower statute, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8829 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:39 Nov 15, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14NO7.000 H14NOPT1 Sspencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H8830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2019 Mr. Speaker, because we want to en- North Carolina (Mr. BUDD) for 5 min- neys general in all 50 States, along courage people, and we want to not ex- utes. with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. pose them to danger or intimidation— Mr. BUDD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today As scammers adjust the way they including from the most powerful per- to discuss an issue that has afflicted perpetrate fraud on the American peo- son on Earth, the President of the nearly every American, including me, ple, it seems like common sense that United States—or retaliation. Yet we and it is the influx of annoying and de- our laws should be updated to fight continue to hear: Tell us who the whis- ceptive robocalls. These seemingly end- back. No matter which side of the aisle tleblower is. Let us throw the whistle- less automated calls disrupt every part we find ourselves on, we should all be blower into the lion’s den. of our daily lives, constitute a serious able to agree that it is time for these In fact, of course, what we do know is form of harassment, and expose mil- illegal robocalls to be stopped once and the whistleblower, the information lions of Americans to dangerous finan- for all. cial scams. that was brought forward, A, led to the f release of funds to the Ukrainians just A prime example of the insidious na- shortly thereafter and, in addition, has ture of these calls occurred last year in b 1015 New York when scammers pretended to led to substantive testimony corrobo- HONORING THE LIFE OF be from the Chinese consulate and de- rating the information that the whis- THADDEUS SEYMOUR, SR. tleblower either saw or heard. manded money from people with what If you see something, say something. they considered to be Chinese-sounding The SPEAKER pro tempore. The It is irresponsible, it is wrong, and, in last names. As a result, 21 Chinese im- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from fact, in almost every jurisdiction, there migrants lost a total of $2.5 million. Florida (Mrs. MURPHY) for 5 minutes. are criminal penalties for threatening In another instance, scammers at- Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- a witness, for impeding justice. tempted to phish personal information er, I rise to honor Thaddeus Seymour, So, Mr. Speaker, when people say, by calling people and threatening them Sr., who passed away recently at the ‘‘Show me the whistleblower,’’ what with fines unless they signed up for age of 91. they are doing is not only trying to in- health insurance. In the obituary that appeared in our These incidences are financially dev- timidate that whistleblower, they are local, hometown paper, the Orlando astating and are happening to far too trying to intimidate every other whis- Sentinel, Thad was described by one of many people across our country. If tleblower who might deign to come for- his many admirers as a community there is one thing Republicans and ward because they saw something or treasure, and I think that sums up his Democrats should be able to agree on is heard something. life and legacy perfectly. that Congress can no longer sit back I would hope all of my colleagues Thad moved with his beloved wife, and ignore this problem. Our efforts would think to themselves: Why do we Polly, and their children to the Or- must be focused on adding teeth to the have a whistleblower statute? lando area over 40 years ago when Thad Federal Government’s ability to detect I represent 62,000 Federal employees, was named the 12th president of Rol- and punish individuals and organiza- and, very frankly, I want them to have lins College, where I had the privilege tions that abuse automated dialing the confidence to come forward if they to teach before being elected to Con- technology. see wrongdoing in the Federal Govern- gress.
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