33 Item No 03:- 18/01631/TELEC Fowlers Hill Quenington Gloucestershire C-.\Usefs\Duf^\Desktop\JUNESCHEDULE.Rlf ift lolbSI {TeLtc Mill House Wal?filde A ///i /// //// //// ///////////. ///////////, //yo FJ'" Copse /y^y\ ^ Wks Greenv J Playing n Field 1l6(n he Oic K MillHou Conseivation Areas Court Farm CZ3 PW Historic Parks and Gardens ©Crawnccpyrlght anddatabase rights 2015 Ordnance Survw 100024316 and 10001 1771 , '' ' . Dovt'cb^i' .'••• Scale: 1:5000 A ii Printed on: 1/6/2018 at U-2QPM N COTSWOLD oimuCTcwNciL AU. MMENSIONS we m mm UNLESS NOTED OlXmiSe • Site Access N.G.Rl E: 414651 Nj 204555 SITE LOCATION CONCESSION REQUIRED ^ •" ~ Access Route NO SITE LOCATION ORECTONS TO SITE; HEADING SOUTH ON M23 LEAVE AT JUNCTION 2047oo 11 THEN TAKE THE THIRD EXIT AT THE JohnmcTi tem iZk ROUNDABOUT ON TO A264. CONTINUE ON A264 PASSING STRAIGHT OVER 6 ROUNDABOUTS. AT THE NEXT ROUNDABCKJT 1 TAKE THE FIRST EXIT ON TO A24. AT THE ICmJI uri^ NEXT ROUNDABOUT TAKE THE SECOND EXIT. AT THE FARTHINGS Hia INTERCHANGE TAKE THE SUPROAD LEFT TOWARDS A264 THEN AT THE ROUNDABOUT TAKE THE THIRD EXIT ON TO A264. PASS THROUGH THREE ROUNDABOUTS REMAINING ON A264. TURN X>^ B ^ ^ \ LEH ON TO FULFORDS HILL THEN BEAR LEFT ,V C) AND CONTINUE ON TO WESTONS HILL 7;7>/V^ CONTINUE STRAIGHT ON AS THE ROAD NAME Inwvns CHANGES TO FULFORDS ROAD. PLUMTREE H#thttfO0 CROSS LANE, SANDHILLS ROAD AND FINAaY r'Av Mrn "«VOA^ 'ii TO CHAPEL ROAD- THE SITE IS SITUATED ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE. NOTES: r!Qu«nington Donfc«v*««li 204600 SurlhiM I to NwrnMd TggoT (m;E ' i Seole SITE LOCATION V (Scale 1:50000) Ordronce Survey fT\op extroct on based upon Londronger map series with the permission of the controller of 106.6m Her Mojesty's Stotionery Office Licence No. 0100023407 Crown copyright. CTIL Grow The Grid Cell Name rOWLERS HILL DETAILED SITE LOCATION Cell ID No (Scale 1:1250) CTIl TEF Bosed upon Ordnonce Survey map extract with the permission of the Controller of 207898 50661 95712 Her Mojesty's Stationery Office. Grown copyright. Licence No. 100020449 Site Address / Contact Details Qo FOWIIRS HILl OUENINGTON O GLOUCESTERSHIRE GL7 5CM DmwnpTiaa: (P SITE LOCATION MAPS TCpweoTSwe^ A*#r 7i^SCAU PUNNING 7^ SITE PHOTOGRAPH 50 OremngNumE^ SO 1_ 100 150 100 JL _1_ ORIGINAL SCALE AT A3 - ALL DIMENSIONS IN METRES DM 06.04.tS ALL OMENSIONS NK M mm UTUSS H01ED OIHOtwae N.G.Rj E: 414651 N; 204S5S CONCESSION REQUIRED NOTES: CWSTlNC 1.00m HIGH GTONE WALL r.»4S! PROPOSED 15.00m T-RANGE POLE ON NEW ROOT FOUNOA'RON PROPOSED VF LAMCMSTER CAaNET ON ROOT FOUNDATION VERGE LEVEL •fOO.SOm niOPOSED 1.12m HIGH HANDRAIL AROUND COMPOUND -> 1, \ PROPOSED 600x600mm PAVING BASS PW5P0SEP VF B2 METER CABNET ON ROOT FOUNDATION d\ GROUND LEVa ^ +00.00m ISSF^ISI'-T'TXIl riSFlK-Klll.l MOOrFKATKW | Br|CH| DATE PROPOSED SOOmm HIGH ACCESS STEPS ry EXISTING Farmers metal gate ON CTIL Grow The Grid Cell Name [Opt FOWLERS HILL Cell ID No CTIL TEF "vP" 207898 50661 95712 Site Address / Contact Details FOWLDtS HILL QUE>ffl4GT0N GLOUCESTERSHIRC G17 50A DrtMlng'ns*. PROPOSED Sire PLAN PurpononuuT' PROPOSED SITE PLAN ^0T To icAif PLANNING (1:100) 5000 Drawing Nunta- 5000 10000 201 The drawings comply with CTIL 8eacon Standard ICNIRP guidelines. D«»lgn><lln xccofdanc* wltti CTIL BMcon documants: SDN0008 &SON0009 KNIRP Compltonca Summary ORIGINAL SCALE AT A3 - ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILUMETRES OMa OwoiM Dak CAtM.ie LB 05B4.I8 AU. MMPeWHS AWt M mm UNLESS WOTO gWgWISe N.G.Rj E: 414651 N: 204555 CONCESSION REQUIRED NOTES: TOP OF PROPOSED POLE +15.60m AOL X TOP OF PROPOSED ANTENHAS •fIS.SOm A6L OF PROPOSED ANTEMNAS +12.0Om AOL TOP or TREE APPROX J2 00+m ACl TOP OF fWPOSED AMTENNAS +12.40m A6L C > U/S OF PROPOSED ANTENNAS -l-II.OOfn AGL .nJ/• f _ V.-' w i:>iiiin-KXi.a FiiriK-T'IKIS MOnnCATKIN BY CH -DATt PROPOSED IS.OOm T-RANGC ——jrzr. s^^PRCPOKO VF LANCASTER OaWET < POLE ON NEW ROOT FOUNDATTON jV'ON ROOT F0UNDATK5N <-.Ti Vf PROPOSED 1.12m MGH HANDRAIL AROUND COMPOUND CTIL Grow The Grid EliSTiNG I OOri mrjn 3T0NL WALI — Cell Name FOWLERS HILL Cell ID No cm JSL. IJT 207898 50661 95712 PROPOSB) 600mm HIGH ACCESS STEPS PROPOSED VF B2 METER CABNET ON ROOT FOUNOATXM Site Address / Contact Details FOWLERS HILL OUENINGTON CLOUCESTERSHRE GL7 50A DfawlngTWi: PROPOSED SITE ELEVATION Htirpaw of Uu*: PROPOSED SOUTH-WEST ELEVATION iUoT PLANNING brwuHng Himibor (1:100) 5000 5000 10000 301 The drawings comply with CTILBeacon Standard ICNIRPguidelines. ondtidSMMSm ORIGINAL SOALE AT A3 - DwignedIn•ccordane*withCTIL Baaeondocumanta; SON0008 S SDN0009 'ICNIRP Compllanca Summairy' ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES 0«> CIHCIIM ss COM.IS LA oso4.ia :u. • ' I Ocer UffV* »*drK yHibt \ Heritage Category: / .if ' • ' //ilbmstris / L Park and Garden / / :/ /Park Vf- List Entry No I 1000767 L. , Coin St Aldwyn / \ ~ - :v» u, I / i Dean Rim Grade: II . > cttfu1^1' ^ n ' li / County: Gloucestershire ^ - Oiafuii>i- u .-.-"A District: Cotswold " H ' • 1 £.1\ Hatherop Parish: Hatherop. Quenington /yS Kw«lr>vac Swanhili Cow tonyn^rtt Each official record of a registered garden or other land contains a map. The map here has been i^tlCftOn translated from the offiaal map and that process may have introduced inaccuradea Copies of maps that Sraitdag* form part of the official record can be obtained from Historic England. s^Haiherop This map was delivered electronically and when printed may not be to scale and may be subject to distortions The map and grid references aie for identification purposes only and must be read in conjunction with other information in the record. ioA* CO ^ iT i! HOOIKOI. cA^ru .»• Ofj -<"' v<..k.'.on-^'F ^ C»n^- Jli \ ~ ••) U • "^Netherton Ac^af^ACO paAH ! .F -^1' tF;.., -<^0 H/kfCWO /AJ C-A€CPA '*• ' •'^' •- «-r'S(C!!V»-^.< jZS./ ^ iF l-cia •''~;-v vl? ^'4;. '• '^y-P ^\v H*i' Hoinr F' I V-' Sy''^'.^ r .'"Queninatdn ' List Entry NGR: SP1622704589 Map Scale: ^or u usl£ mmm Modern Ottlnan^'Survey>fi^()5pfh0p'©,,C"f5ijWn Copyrightfai^^ databaserighti^17;WI rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licehce number 100024900. Print Date: 15 November 2017 This is an A4 sized map and should be printed full size at A4 with no page scaling set. Name: HATHEROP CASTLE Historic England HistoricEngland.org.uk 59 Item No 03:- Erection of base station and mast at Fowlers Hill Quenington Gloucestershire Telecommunication Notification 18/01631/TELEC Applicant: CTIL & Vodaphone Ltd Agent: Sinclair Dalby Ltd Case Officer: Ben Bendali Ward Member(s): Councillor Ray Theodoulou Committee Date: 13th June 2018 RECOMMENDATION: REFUSE Main Issues: (a) Policy Context (b) Impact of siting and appearance on the Grade II registered Park and garden, Hatherop Conservation Area (c) Cotswolds AONB (d) Impact of pollution Reasons for Referral: Councillor Theodoulou has requested that this Prior Approvai is brought to committee for further consideration. 1. Site Description: The site is iocated within the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Hatherop Castle Grade II Registered Park and Garden. 2. Relevant Planning History: 16/04581/FUL Installation of a telecommunication base station, with 24m high Lattice Tower with 6No. proposed antennas, 2No. 0.3m dishes, a 6.5m x 6.5m concrete base, 2No. Cabinets, a 1.8m high welded mesh fenced and access gate Refused 09.06.2017 - Dismissed on Appeal 16/04581/FUL Installation of a telecommunication base station, with 24m high Lattice Tower with 6No. proposed antennas, 2No. 0.3m dishes, a 6.5m x 6.5m concrete base, 2No. Cabinets, a 1.8m high welded mesh fenced and access gate Refused 09.06.2017 3. Planning Policies: LPR05 Pollution and Safety LPR15 Conservation Areas LPR19 Develop outside Development Boundaries LPR42 Cotswoid Design Code LPR41 Teiecommunications NPPF National Planning Policy Framework 4. Observations of Consultees: Landscape Officer: Refuse C:\Users\Duffp\OesktopUune Ben.Rtf 40 5. View of Town/Parish Council: None received to date 6. Other Representations: None received to date 7. Applicant's Supporting Information: Drawings ICNIRP Certificate Supporting statement 8. Officer Assessment: Introduction The Council has received a prior notification for the proposed mast and associated base station. Notice has been given to the applicant that prior approval is required; this Authority is required to determine the application within 56 days of its receipt. The land is within the Hatherop Conservation Area wherein the Local Planning Authority Is statutorily obliged to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area, in accordance with Section 72(1) of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The application site is located to the northern edge of Quenington, it relates to a parcel of open pasture known as The Grandage. The site itself sits on an elevated ridge, the land slopes down steeply In an easterly direction towards the River Coin. The site Is situated In close proximity to two small woodland groups and further north Is a larger woodland belt. The site is adjacent to the public highway named Fowlers Hill on a highway verge that forms part of the Hatherop Castle registered Par1< and Garden and the Cotswolds AONB, the proposed compound and associated 15.6 metre mast would abut a Cotswold dry stone wall which is approximately 1 metre in height. The proposal would involve the formation of a base station compound with an associated mast at 15 metres in height finished in a timber brown effect. The proposed base station would be 6.2 metres in length and 2.5 metres in width, with associated steps up to a paved area where there would be a Lancaster cabinet finished in a green colour at 1.8 metres in length, 0.7 metres in width and 1.7 metres in height.
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