GOVERNMENT OF INDIA HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO:5494 ANSWERED ON:29.08.2001 TREATMENT THROUGH CGHS DISPENSARIES RAVI PRAKASH VERMA Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state: (a) the details of categories of employees/persons eligible for treatment through CGHS dispensaries; (b) the number of Government employees/persons registered with each CGHS dispensary in Delhi/New Delhi area; (c) the details of dispensaries-wise expenditure incurred by Government on medical treatment of its beneficiaries in Delhi; (d) whether the Government are aware that the journalists are also getting treatment at various CGHS dispensaries in New Delhi area; and (e) if so, the rules permitting formalities getting CGHS facilities? Answer THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI A. RAJA) (a) The details of categories of employees/persons eligible for treatment through CGHS dispensaries are as under:- 1. Central Government employees and their family members. 2. Members and EX-Members of Parliament. 3. Judges of Supreme Court and High Court (setting and retired) 4. Central Government Pensioners. 5. Freedom Fighters. 6. Employees of some Semi-Government Autonomous Bodies in Delhi. 7 Accredited Journalists (upto dispensary level). 8. Ex-Governors and Ex-Vice Presidents of India. (b) The information is given at Annexure-`A`. (c) The dispensary-wise expenditure of local purchase allopathic medicines under CGHS Delhi for the year 2000-2001 is given at Annexure-`B`. Ad dispensary-wise accounts for bulk purchase of allopathic drugs through Medical Store Organisation and through other agencies for Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha/Homoeopathic System is not maintained under CGHS Delhi, the total consolidated expenditure on these medicines is given at Annexure-`C`. (d) Yes, Sir. (e) Journalists accredited by the Government of India`s Press Information Bureau (PIB) and residing in areas covered under CGHS Delhi are entitled to get a CGHS Card on the basis of the accreditation card issued to them by the PIB which would make them eligible for medical facilities under CGHS at par with those available to the general public under G.P. Card scheme. ANNEXURE -`A` DISPENSARY-WISE CARD AND BENEFICIARIES UNDER CGHS DELHI AS ON 30-6-2001 NAME OF DISPENSARY CARDS BENEFICIARIES Total Total Serving Pensioners Serving Pensioners Cards Beneficiaries AshokVih 3805 1879 15253 3685 5684 18938 ar Delhi 5540 292 27885 560 5832 28445 Cantt. DevNagar 2690 522 14988 1159 3212 16147 HariNaga 4884 1079 23769 2126 5963 25895 r Inderpur 3983 360 17202 847 4343 18049 i Janakpur 13165 3587 50870 7627 16752 58497 i.I Janakpur 3536 1973 14294 3407 5509 17701 i.II Karol 1103 259 3946 314 1362 4260 Bagh Naraina 2136 738 12113 2216 2874 14329 New 1686 1188 7035 2833 2874 9868 Rajinder Nagar NagalRay 7067 1789 33461 5228 8856 38689 a Patel 1947 419 8209 1310 2366 9519 Nagar.I Patel 2692 513 16268 1005 3205 17273 Nagar.II Pusa 1046 511 4136 1285 1557 5421 Road Palam 9755 1108 49518 2565 10863 52083 Colony Pitampur 6161 1250 27485 2761 7411 30246 a Rajouri 3877 1558 16256 3151 5435 19407 Garden Rohini 3687 1488 16554 3293 5175 19847 Paschim 5336 1654 19237 5170 6990 24407 Vihar Shakurba 4711 1198 25797 2665 5909 28462 sti Sunder 2696 1151 12468 3484 3847 15952 Vihar Tilak 4099 1287 18163 3361 5386 21524 Nagar Tri 1146 267 5452 545 1413 5997 Nagar Chandni 1278 242 5553 515 1520 6068 Chowk Darya 3135 441 11530 1352 3576 12882 Ganj Kingsway 16381 1085 87849 2182 17466 90031 Camp Pul 1419 275 6768 600 1694 7368 Bangash RajpurRo 3286 82 18097 162 3368 18259 ad SubziMan 2535 394 10343 1269 2929 11612 di Timarpur 4893 296 23315 782 5189 24097 Dilshad 2507 458 9850 969 2965 10819 Garden GKG 6998 816 28410 3152 7814 31562 LaxmiNag 7680 1136 38700 4545 8786 43245 ar Mayur 12990 1200 61165 3600 14190 64765 Vihar Shahdara 9824 1366 42446 4036 11190 46482 Yamuna 10767 266 51263 1799 11029 53062 Vihar Vivek 3801 1417 16013 2823 5218 18836 Vihar Ghazibad 6178 928 37757 2077 7106 39834 Gurgaon 5175 836 25538 2436 6011 27974 Gole 5034 318 26456 640 5352 27096 Market Noida 3598 2190 25760 7450 5788 33210 Chitra 4674 255 20880 765 4929 21645 Gupta Road Lodi 4309 220 16883 470 4529 17353 Road Ali Ganj 4149 709 20901 2102 4858 23003 Kali 4277 390 21264 1094 4667 22358 Bari Chankyap 2164 242 8150 580 2469 8793 uri Faridaba 3532 961 16646 2413 4493 19059 d Pahargan 2275 412 13770 1335 2687 15105 j Pandara 2528 299 10423 442 2827 10865 Road North 2640 791 8908 2298 3431 11206 Avenue Pragati 2630 56 10836 107 2686 10943 Vihar Presiden 1964 95 9643 239 2059 9882 t Estate Minto 4692 200 22972 454 4892 23426 Road Dr. 1641 212 1046 430 1853 10476 Zakir Hussain Marg Telegrap 1303 117 9285 252 1420 9537 h Lane Constitu 2374 80 8742 173 2454 9815 tion House South 2863 239 15640 834 3102 16474 Avenue Andrew 3040 720 14797 2352 3760 17149 s Ganj Pushp 11445 163 56195 389 11608 56584 Vihar Hauz 3284 860 18816 1760 4144 20522 Khas Jangpu 1407 577 6203 1474 1984 7677 ra Kalkaj 2295 2230 9180 4460 4525 13640 i.I Kalkaj 2672 1283 15662 2886 3955 18548 i.II Kastur 3199 131 16948 282 3330 17230 ba Nagar. I Kastur 2802 147 13992 390 2949 14382 ba Nagar. II Kidwai 5111 385 28299 810 5496 29109 Nagar. Lajpat 1533 810 6474 1707 2334 8181 Nagar Laxmib 3120 445 10877 1033 3565 11910 ai Nagar Malviy 1674 683 7161 1371 2357 8532 a Nagar M.B. 7819 442 34490 866 8261 35356 Road Moti 3392 822 15343 3032 4214 18375 Bagh Munirk 2946 388 15118 591 3334 15709 a Nanakp 3144 726 12497 1760 3870 14257 ura Nauroj 2639 435 10853 1275 3074 12128 i Nagar Netaji 3940 319 16844 724 4259 17568 Nagar R.K. 4795 839 24216 2480 5634 26696 Puram. I R.K. 3810 243 20833 538 4053 21371 Puram. II R.K. 3884 425 25137 962 4309 26099 Puram. III R.K. 3912 518 17109 1091 4430 18200 Puram. IV R.K. 4031 656 20793 1976 4687 22771 Puram. V R.K. 4143 576 12630 1227 4719 13857 Puram.VI Sadiq 3613 872 14267 2403 4485 16670 Nagar Sarojini 2603 246 10268 505 3843 10773 Nagar.I Sarojini 1589 221 6944 579 1810 7523 Nagar.II Sarojini 2235 158 7632 354 2374 7986 Nagar Market Srinivas 7091 806 35303 1616 7897 36919 puri DISPENSARY-WISE EXPENDITURE ON LOCAL PURCHASE 1.4.2000 to 31.3.2001 Sl. NAME OF THE DISPENSARY No. 1. Jungpura 1823169 2. Pushp Vihar 5507524 3. M.B.Road 8,231,144 4. Munika 3529302 5. Laxmi Bai Nagar 6136133 6. Sadiq Nagar 4156486 7 Hauz Khaz 10021584 8. Srinivaspuri 10406924 9. Nanakpura 4643163 10. Lajpat Nagar 5015088 11. Kidwai Nagar 4992353 12. Moti Bagh 5362976 13. Netaji Nagar 5152286 14. Nauroji Nagar 4411471 15. Kalkaji-I 9845691 16. Kalkaji-II 4013926 17. Sarojini Nagar-I 3539322 18. Sarojini Nagar-II 2899858 19. Andrews Ganj 5293381 20. Sarojini Nagar Market 3495829 21. Malviya Nagar 9305151 22. Rama Krishna Puram-I 7538081 23. Rama Krishna Puram-II 6531584 24. Rama Krishna Puram-III 7164753 25. Rama Krishna Puram-IV 12326264 26. Rama Krishna Puram-V 3905881 27. Rama Krishna Puram-VI 5655530 28. Kasturba Nagar-I 4374473 29. Kasturba Nagar-II 2414588 30. Subzi Mandi 4697136 31. Pul Bangash 2328799 32. G.K.G. 6040124 33. Mayur Vihar 9316034 34. Laxmi Nagar 9471447 35. Dilshand Garden 4202783 36. Chandni Chowk 1568841 37. Daryaganj 4524633 38. Vivek Vihar 9156608 39. Timarpur 5031424 40. Shahdra 5973740 41. Rajpur Road 2275584 42. Yamuna Vihar 8439517 43. Kingsway Camp 10612999 44. New Rajinder Nagar 5915698 45. Janak Puri-I 16111281 46. Janak Puri-II 10969298 47. Pital Pura 8299908 48. Rohini 5773342 49. Palam Colony 5722189 50. Delhi Cantt 4496407 51. Karol Bagh 2367531 52. Shakur Basti 6642093 53. Tilak Nagar 7420921 54. Naraina 3101158 55. Paschim Vihar 9871201 56. Sunder Vihar 5318272 57. Dev Nagar 4699179 58. Hari Nagar 8941861 59. Inder Puri 3430110 60. Pusa Road 2781866 61. East Patel Nagar 7747658 62. West Patel Nagar 4465750 63. Rajour Garden 9816272 64. Ashok Vihar 8334287 65. Nangal Rai 8033963 66. Tri Nagar 5324893 67. Minto Road 6341274 68. Lodhi Road-I 3681532 69. Lodhi Road-II 3489118 70. Chanakya Puri 2960929 71. Noida 11430192 72. President Estate 3228655 73. Ghaziabad 7463122 74. South Avenue 4607899 75. North Avenue 9046215 76. Maternity & Gyanae 1825800 Hospital, R.K. Puram 77. Gole Market-I 9225508 78. Kali Bari 5892872 79. Gurgaon 5227860 80. Telegraph Lane 2830973 81. Constitution House 4704110 82. Pragati Vihar 1658012 83. Pandara Road 4765786 84. Faridabad 3451619 85. Pahar Ganj 4533712 86. Chitragupta Road 6119288 87. Parliament House 2662826 Annexe 88. Dr. Zakir Hussain Road 6191936 89. FAP Supreme Court 3348 90. V.B. House 66673 91. M.S.D. 392652 92. Timarpur Hospital 312491 93. FAP-PHA,SJH,KN-I 596782 94. FAP-Nirman Bhawan 1157 95. Lab. Bills-Various 268150 Disp.`s TOTAL 51,99,00,203 ANNEXURE C 1. Allopathic medicines through Rs. 51,99,00,203-00 local (dispy wise list attached purchase 2. Fund transferred to MSO for Rs. 7,60,59,353-00 purchase of Allopathic medicines 3. Expenditure incurred on Rs. 2,54,06,833-00 Ayurvedic medicines 4. Expenditure incurred on Rs. 55,71,332-00 Homoeopathic medicines 5. Expenditure incurred on Unani Rs. 38,09,714-00 medicines 6.
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