Appendix 3 Meteorological Data for HEM3 Modeling METEOROLOGICAL DATA PROCESSING USING AERMET FOR HEM3 US EPA Air Toxic Assessment Group RTP, NC 27711 April, 2017 1 Meteorological Data Processing using AERMET April 2017 For HEM3 BACKGROUND The AERMOD meteorological processor, AERMET, and its supporting modeling system (AERSURFACE and AERMINUTE) were used to process one year of meteorological data for over 800 observation stations across the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. METEOROLOGICAL DATA To estimate the boundary layer parameters required by AERMOD, AERMET requires hourly surface weather observations (which may include hourly values calculated from 1- minute data) and the full (i.e., meteorological variables reported at all levels) twice-daily upper air soundings. The surface and upper air stations are paired to produce the required input data for AERMOD. USEPA meteorologists obtained calendar year 2016 Integrated Surface Hourly Data (ISHD) for over 800 Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS) stations spanning the entire US, as well as Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). To support AERMET, ASOS 1-minute data for each surface station were also obtained from NCDC in a DSI 6405 format. Further, upper air sounding data for the same time period for over 80 observation sites were obtained from the “NOAA/ESRL” online Radiosonde Database. These datasets were produced by ESRL in Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) format. Attachment 1 lists the surface and upper air stations, as well as the coordinates, ground elevation, and anemometer height for each station. AERMET PROCESSING Utilizing the AERMET meteorological data preprocessor, and the ASOS surface and FSL upper air stations, surface and profile files for input into AERMOD were generated nationwide. The surface stations were paired with representative upper air stations by taking the upper air station closest to each surface station. The AERSURFACE tool was used to estimate the surface characteristics for input into AERMET utilizing land cover data surrounding the surface station. In addition, the AERMINUTE preprocessor was used to process 1-minute ASOS wind data for input into AERMET. Table 1 and Attachment 1 outline the approach and site specific inputs each of the data preprocessors and tools used to generate the AERMOD meteorological data. 1 Meteorological Data Processing using AERMET April 2017 For HEM3 Table 1. AERMET Processing Options AERMET Options Version 16216 ASOS Site Yes Surface Data Format NCDC TD-3505 (ISHD) Upper Air Data Format FSL, all levels, tenths m/s Wind Speed Threshold 0.5 m/s Beta Option (U*) Yes AERMINUTE Options Version 15272 Include 1 minute ASOS Yes, where available TD-6405 Data format AERSURFACE Version Nonpublic release version1 Options Landcover data USGS NLC for 2011 Radius for Surface 1 km Roughness Calculations Seasons Winter – Dec, Jan, Feb Spring – Mar, Apr, May Summer – June, July, Aug Fall – Sept, Oct, Nov Temporal resolution Monthly, 12 sectors Site Surface Moisture See Attachment 1 Snow Cover See Attachment 1 1 : generated with the pre-public release version of AERSURFACE date. RESULTS To assure that the data would support an AERMOD run, USEPA meteorologists ran AERMOD using a model plant with each AERMET SFC and PLF pairs. Further, the surface files were examined for completeness. If more than 10 percent of specific data including the Monin-Obukhov length, wind speed, and cloud cover were missing, the station was not considered suitable for the meteorological database and therefore excluded. In all, 824 met station pairs ran successfully in AERMOD and passed completeness criteria. Figure 1 is a map that shows the locations of the 824 surface stations. The processed 2016 meteorological data generated by the above approach is posted on the EPA’s FERA (Fate, Exposure, and Risk Analysis) website under the HEM model page. 3 Meteorological Data Processing using AERMET April 2017 For HEM3 Figure 1. 824 HEM-3 Meteorological Stations. 4 Surface Surface Ice Free Ice Free Surface Surface Surface Anemo WBAN Call Call Date Name Latitude Longitude Elevation UTC Height (m) 13871 KANB ANB 11409 ANNISTON METRO AP 33.5872 -85.8556 181 -6 8 13876 KBHM BHM 30509 BIRMINGHAM AP 33.56556 -86.745 187 -6 10 53852 KDCU DCU 51007 DECATUR PRYOR FLD 34.6525 -86.9453 179 -6 10 13839 KDHN DHN 53007 DOTHAN RGNL AP 31.3167 -85.45 114 -6 10 53820 KGZH GZH 32007 EVERGREEN MIDDLETON FLD 31.41556 -87.0442 77 -6 10 3856 KHSV HSV 50807 HUNTSVILLE INTL AP 34.64389 -86.7861 190 -6 10 13838 KBFM BFM 41307 MOBILE DWTN AP 30.62639 -88.0681 6 -6 10 13894 KMOB MOB 30507 MOBILE RGNL AP 30.68833 -88.2456 66 -6 10 13895 KMGM MGM 22009 MONTGOMERY AP 32.2997 -86.4075 62 -6 10 13896 KMSL MSL 52407 MUSCLE SHOALS RGNL AP 34.7441 -87.5997 165 -6 10 3878 KTOI TOI 12109 TROY MUNI AP 31.86056 -86.0122 120 -6 10 93806 KTCL TCL 11209 TUSCALOOSA MUNI AP 33.2119 -87.6161 46 -6 10 63872 KEUF NA WEEDON FLD AP 31.95139 -85.1289 87 -6 10 26451 PANC ANC 91806 ANCHORAGE INTL AP 61.169 -150.028 37 -9 8 26409 PAMR MRI 41707 ANCHORAGE MERRILL FLD 61.21694 -149.855 42 -9 5 25308 PANT ANN 52606 ANNETTE WSO AP 55.0389 -131.579 33 -9 10 27502 PABR BRW 61703 BARROW POST ROGERS AP 71.2834 -156.782 9 -9 8 26615 PABE BET 91306 BETHEL AP 60.785 -161.829 31 -9 8 26533 PABT BTT 51806 BETTLES AP 66.9167 -151.519 196 -9 10 26415 PABI BIG 100705 BIG DELTA AP 63.9944 -145.721 389 -9 10 25624 PACD CDB 91906 COLD BAY AP 55.22083 -162.733 24 -9 10 26410 PACV CDV 110705 CORDOVA M K SMITH AP 60.4888 -145.451 9 -9 8 27406 PASC SCC 82406 DEADHORSE AP 70.1917 -148.477 19 -9 8 26411 PAFA FAI 82306 FAIRBANKS INTL AP 64.8039 -147.876 132 -9 10 26425 PAGK GKN 111705 GULKANA AP 62.1591 -145.459 476 -9 10 25323 PAHN HNS 102705 HAINES AP 59.2433 -135.509 5 -9 10 25507 PAHO HOM 92306 HOMER AP 59.642 -151.491 20 -9 8 25506 PAIL ILI 11407 ILIAMNA AP 59.7494 -154.909 44 -9 10 25309 PAJN JNU 82206 JUNEAU INTL AP 58.3566 -134.564 5 -9 10 3 Surface Surface Ice Free Ice Free Surface Surface Surface Anemo WBAN Call Call Date Name Latitude Longitude Elevation UTC Height (m) 26523 PAEN ENA 92106 KENAI MUNI AP 60.5797 -151.239 28 -9 8 25325 PAKT KTN 11003 KETCHIKAN INTL AP 55.35667 -131.712 23 -9 8 25503 PAKN AKN 32107 KING SALMON AP 58.6829 -156.656 20 -9 10 25501 PADQ ADQ 41007 KODIAK AP 57.75111 -152.486 24 -9 10 26616 PAOT OTZ 83006 KOTZEBUE RALPH WEIN AP 66.86667 -162.633 9 -9 8 26510 PAMC MCG 60106 MCGRATH AP 62.9574 -155.61 101 -9 10 26435 PANN ENN 102705 NENANA MUNI AP 64.55 -149.072 110 -9 10 26617 PAOM OME 90206 NOME MUNI AP 64.5111 -165.44 4 -9 8 26412 PAOR ORT 82406 NORTHWAY AP 62.9617 -141.938 522 -9 10 27515 PAQT AQT 82206 NUIQSUT AP 70.21167 -151.002 18 -9 8 25331 PAAQ PAQ 91906 PALMER MUNI AP 61.5961 -149.092 70 -9 10 26492 PATO POR 41707 PORTAGE GLACIER V C 60.785 -148.839 31 -9 10 25516 PASO SOV 103005 SELDOVIA AP 59.44333 -151.702 19 -9 10 26438 PAWD SWD 102705 SEWARD AP 60.12833 -149.417 15 -9 8 25333 PASI SIT 12403 SITKA AP 57.0481 -135.365 4 -9 8 25335 PAGY SGY 110705 SKAGWAY AP 59.4556 -135.324 6 -9 8 25628 PAPB PBV 70906 ST GEORGE ISLAND AP 56.6 -169.565 27 -9 10 25713 PASN SNP 100106 ST PAUL ISLAND AP 57.15528 -170.222 11 -9 10 26528 PATK TKA 70203 TALKEETNA AP 62.32 -150.095 107 -9 8 26529 PATA TAL 111705 TANANA CALHOUN MEM AP 65.175 -152.107 68 -9 10 27503 PAWI AWI 81606 WAINWRIGHT AP 70.63917 -159.995 8 -9 8 53869 KHKA HKA 92508 BLYTHEVILLE MUNI AP 35.94028 -89.8308 77 -6 10 53925 KDEQ DEQ 42607 DE QUEEN SEVIER CO AP 34.05 -94.4008 108 -6 8 93992 KELD ELD 71107 EL DORADO S AR RGNL AP 33.22083 -92.8142 77 -6 10 93993 KFYV FYV 42409 FAYETTEVILLE DRAKE FLD 36.0097 -94.1694 381 -6 10 53922 KXNA XNA 103008 FAYETTEVILLE NW AR AP 36.28333 -94.3 392 -6 10 13964 KFSM FSM 21909 FT SMITH RGNL AP 35.333 -94.3625 137 -6 10 13971 KHRO HRO 52709 HARRISON BOONE CO AP 36.2668 -93.1566 419 -6 8 3962 KHOT HOT 72407 HOT SPRINGS ASOS 34.479 -93.096 163 -6 8 4 Surface Surface Ice Free Ice Free Surface Surface Surface Anemo WBAN Call Call Date Name Latitude Longitude Elevation UTC Height (m) 3953 KJBR JBR 100108 JONESBORO MUNI AP 35.83111 -90.6464 78 -6 10 13963 KLIT LIT 52109 LITTLE ROCK AP ADAMS FLD 34.7273 -92.2389 79 -6 10 53919 KLLQ LLQ 71707 MONTICELLO MUNI AP 33.6361 -91.7556 88 -6 10 53921 KMWT MWT 60607 MOUNT IDA ASOS 34.5467 -93.5781 214 -6 10 53918 KBPK BPK 71107 MOUNTAIN HOME BAXTER AP 36.36889 -92.4703 281 -6 8 93988 KPBF PBF 61907 PINE BLUFF GRIDER FLD 34.175 -91.9347 61 -6 8 53920 KRUE RUE 120606 RUSSELLVILLE MUNI AP 35.25778 -93.0947 116 -6 10 13977 KTXK TXK 81607 TEXARKANA WEBB FLD 33.4536 -94.0074 110 -6 8 93026 KDUG DUG 22706 DOUGLAS BISBEE INL AP 31.4583 -109.606 1251 -7 10 3103 KFLG FLG 20807 FLAGSTAFF PULLIAM AP 35.1441 -111.666 2135 -7 10 3124 KFHU NA FORT HUACHUCA 31.58833 -110.344 1415 -7 10 3195 KGCN GCN 21207 GRAND CANYON NP AP 35.94611 -112.155 2014 -7 10 93167 KIGM IGM 22007 KINGMAN MOHAVE CO AP 35.2577 -113.933 1042 -7 10 3196 KOLS OLS 92606 NOGALES INTL AP 31.42083 -110.846 1194 -7 10 3162 KPGA PGA 21507 PAGE MUNI AP 36.92611 -111.448 1314 -7 8 3184 KDVT DVT 22107 PHOENIX DEER VALLEY MUNI AP 33.68833 -112.082 443 -7 10 23183 KPHX PHX 40307 PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTL AP 33.4277 -112.004 337 -7 10 23184 KPRC PRC 20907 PRESCOTT LOVE FLD 34.65167 -112.421 1524 -7 10 93084 KSAD SAD 30706 SAFFORD MUNI AP 32.85472 -109.635 968 -7 10 3192 KSDL SDL 32007 SCOTTSDALE MUNI AP 33.62278 -111.911 449 -7 10 93027 KSJN SJN 13006 ST JOHNS INDUSTRIAL AP 34.51833 -109.379 1746 -7 10 23160 KTUS TUS 41007 TUCSON INTL AP 32.1313 -110.955 777 -7 10 3029
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