British Columbia Directory of Radio Web Site: www.650cisl.com. Licensee: Standard Rao.o Inc. Group 662 -6000. Fax: (604) 662 -6088. Licensee: Canadian Broadcasting CJNW(AM)- June 1954: 730 khz; 50 kw-U, DA -2. Stereo. 700 W. owner: Standard Broadcasting Corp. (acq 5-8 -96: C$18 million with Corp. Format: Class. jazz. news/talk. Susan Englebert, gen mgr; Georgia St., Surte 2000 (V7Y 1K9). (604) 681 -7511. Fax: (604) CKZZ -FM Vancouver) Format: Oldies. Gary Sleight, pres; Gary Don Pennington, opns mgr; Joan Athey. prom dir: Fred Jackson, news 331 -2722. Web Site: www.cknw.com. Licensee: Coros Radio Co. Russell, VP & gen mgr, Kern Maxwell, prom dir; Rob Mise, progmg dir; dir: Ian Munro, engrg dir. Group owner: Coros Entertainment Inc. (acq 7 -6-00; grpsl) Format: All Gerry O'Day, mus dir & news dir: Barry Johnson, engrg mgr. news. Chris Pandoff, gen mgr & progmg dir. CBUF-FM-- Dec 1. 1967: 97.7 mhz; 50 kw. 1,823 K. (Digital radio: Salmon Arm 1459.792 mhz). Stereo. 700 Hamilton (V6B 2R5). Box 4600 (V6B CFOX -FM-Co-owned with CJNW(AM). October 1964: 99.3 mhz; 100 4A2). (604) 662.6169. Fax: (604) 662-6161. Web Site: kw. 2,243 ft. Stereo. (604) 684 -7221. Format: AOR. *Bob Mills, progmg dir. CKXR(AM)- Nov 18, 1965: 580 khz; 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N, DA -2. Hrs www.cbc.radio- canada.ca. Licensee: CBC. Format: Div. *Pierrette opn: 24. Box 69 (VIE 4N2). (250) 832 -2161. Fax: (250) 832 -2240. savard, gen mgr: Brigitte Tesniere, mktg VP & prom VP. Web Site: myezrock.com. Licensee: Telemedia Radio (West) Inc. CJVB(AM)- June 18, 1972; 1470 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N49 11 36 Group owner: Telemedia Radio Inc. (acq 10-18-99; grpsl). Rep: Target. W123 01 17. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Al -525 West Broadway (V5Z 4K5). CFBT -FM- February 2002: 94.5 mhz; 46 kw. #A301 - 770 Pacific Format: Adult News staff: Target (604) 708 -1234. Fax: (604) 708-1201. E -mail: general @am1470.com. contemp. 2. aud: 25.54. Ron Blvd., Plaza of Nations (V6B 5E7). (604) 699 -2328. Fax: (604) Langridge. gen mgr & stn mgr; Jason Mann, progmg dir; Chris Web Site: www.am1470.com. Licensee: Fairchild Radio Group Ltd. 484 -4912. E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: www.thebeat.com. Amason, mus dir; news Hoffos, Rep: Major MM., Target. Format: Ethnic, Chinese. News staff: 8; news Bob Crouse. dir & pub affrs dir; Greg Licensee: Focus Entertainment Group Inc. (acq 8.3 -01). Format: progmg 28 hrs wkly. Target aud: 30 plus; new Canadians.Korean 10 chief of engrg. Urban. hrs, Dutch 5 hrs, Ger 5 hrs, Hindi/Punjabi 4 hrs, Greek 3 hrs, Jewish Sechelt 2 hrs, Swedish one hr, Danish one hr, Norwegian one hr, Icelandic one CFMI -FM- Listing follows CKNW. hr, Estonian one hr, Finnish one hr, Vietnamese one hr, Thai one hr, Malaysian one hr, Filipino one hr, Pol one hr, Croatian one hr, Serbian CISE -FM- July 1985: 104.7 mhz; 750 w. 2.000 ft. Hm opn: 24. CFOX -FM- Listing follows CJNW(AM). one hr, Romanian one hr, Turkish one hr, Por one hr, Sp one hr wkly Rebroadcasts CISO -FM Squamish Box 1068, Squamish (VON 3G0). Thomas Fung, pres; George Lee, sr VP & VP; Alan Kwok, opus mgr; (604) 892 -1021. (604) 683-8060. Fax: (604) 892-6383. E -mail: Brenda Lo, dev VP: Pearl Kwan, mktg VP & mktg dir: Seme Ho, prom mountain @mountainfm.com. Web Site: www.mountainfm.com. 'CFRO-FM- Apr 22. 1975: 102.7 mhz: 5.5 kw. 1,005 ft. 337 Carrell VP & prom dir; Alfred Lee, adv dir & adv mgr; Travena Lee, news dir. Licensee: Rogers Broadcasting Ltd. Rep: Canadian Broadcast Sales. St. (V6B 2J4). (604) 684 -8494. Fax: (604) 681 -5310. E -mail: Format: Hot AC. News staff: 3; news progmg 16 hrs wkly. Target aud: [email protected]. Web Site: www.vcn.bc.ca/cfro. Licensee: CKBD(AM)- July 13, 1926: 600 khz; 10 kw -U, DA -N. Stereo. Hm 25-45. Spec prog: Magazine show 3 hrs wkly. *Chuck McCoy, pres: Vancouver Co-Op Radio. Format: Community, news/talk, alternative opn: 24.300 -1401 W. 8th Ave. (V6H 1C9). (604) 731 -6111. Fax: (604) Terry Chan, opns mgr. pub affrs. Target aud: General; alternative community.American Indian 731 -0493. E -mail: 600am 1$600am.com. Web Site: www.600am.com. 3 hrs, Azeri/Farsi one hr, Asian mus one hr, Black 14 hrs, Chinese 2 Licensee: Jim Padison Industries Ltd. Group owner: The Jim Pattison hrs, class 3 hm, feminist/women 3 hrs, folk 5 hrs, Greek one hr, hip Smithers Broadcast Group (acq 1965). Rep: CBS. Format: MOR. News staff: 3; hop 17 hrs, jazz 16 hrs. Jewish mus one hr, Latin American 7 hrs, Pol news progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: 45; mature adults. *Jim 5 hrs wkly Allan Jensen, progmg mgr: Voja Funula, engrg dir. CFBV(AM)- Oct 25, 1963: 870 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box 335 (VOJ Padison, CEO & chmn; Gerry Siemens, VP & gen mgr, Mark Rogers. 2N0). 1139 Queen St. (VOJ 2N0). (250) 847.2521. Fax: (250) gen sis mgr; Brian Pritchard, rgnl sis mgr; Sheila Dunn. prom dir; Gord 847.9411. Licensee: Cariboo Central Interior Radio Inc. (group owner) CFUN(AM)-Listing follows CHOM -FM. Eno, progmg dir,, Mark Patric, mus dir; Campbell McCubbin, news dir; Format: Adult contemp. Chris Collis, progmg dir. Dave Linder, engrg mgr. CHKG-FM- Sept 6, 1997: 96.1 mhz; 46 kw. Hm opn: 24. 525 W. Squamish Broadway, Suite A -1 (V5Z 4K5). (604) 708 -1234. Fax: (604) 708 -1201. CJJR -FM -Co -owned with CKBD(AM). July 1.1986: 93.7 mhz; 75 kw. E -mail: generaléfm961.com. Web Site: www.fm961.com. Licensee: 2,250 ft. Stereo. Hrs Opn: 24. 1501 W. 8th Ave. (V6H 1C9). (604) CISO -FM- Nov 30, 1981: 107.1 mhz; 12.48 kw. Ant 800 ft. Hrs opn: Thomas Fung and Roger Charest, representing a company to be 731 -7772. Fax: (604) 731 -1329. Format: Contemp country. News staff: 24. Box 1068 (VON 3G0). (604) 892 -1021. Fax: (604) 892-6383. incorporated. Format: Ethnic. *Thomas Fung, pres & VP; Alan Kwok, 2. Target aud: 25 -54. E -mail: mountaìnfm @mountainfm.com. Web Site: opns mgr; Brenda Lo, dev VP; Pead Kwan, sls VP, sls dir, mktg VP & www.mountainfm.com. Licensee: Rogers Broadcasting. Rep: mktg dir; Seme Ho, prom VP & prom dir; Alfred Lee, adv dir & adv CKKS-FM- Listing follows CKWX. Canadian Broadcast Sales. Format: Contemp hi/top -40. News staff: 3: mgr. Travena Lee, news dir & pub affrs dir. news progmg 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -54. Spec prog: Talk 5 hrs CKNW(AM) --(New Westminster). Sept 1, 1944: 980 khz; 50 kw -U, wkly. Ken Geiger, gen mgr, Terry Chan. mus dir. CHMB(AM)- Dec 10. 1959: 1320 khz; 50 kw -U, DA -2. TL: N49 09 55 DA -2. Stereo. Hm opn: 24.700 W. Georgia St., Suite 2000 (WY 1K9). W123 02 28. Hm opn: 24. 1200 W. 73rd Ave., Suite 100 (V6P 6G5). (604) 331 -2711. Fax: (604) 331 -2722. E -mail: cknwOdcnw.com. Web Summerland (604) 263 -1320. Fax: (604) 261-0310. E -mail: [email protected]. Site: www.cknw.com. Licensee: CKNW, Division of WIC Radio Ltd. Licensee: Mainstream Broadcasting Corp. (acq 12- 14 -93; C$1.8 Group owner: Western International Communications Ltd. (acq 4-1-56) CHOR(AM)- 1972: 1450 khz: 1 kw -U, DA -1. Rebroadcasts million) Format: Chinese, multicultural. News staff: 6; news progmg 30 Rep: Canadian Broadcast Sales. Format: MOR, news/talk, adult CHOR(AM) Summerland 70% Box 1170, 13415 Rosedale (VOH 1ZO). hrs wkly. Target aud: 18 -65; multilingual, multicultural, mainly Chinese. contemp. News staff: 20; news progmg 14 hrs wkly. Target aud: (250) 494-0333. Fax: (250) 494 -0263. Licensee: Okanagan Radio Ltd. Spec prog: Japanese 5 hrs, Vietnamese 2 hrs, Portugese 2 hrs, Farsi General. Spec prog: Sports. *Andrew Boyd, opns mgr; Al Anaka, sis Rep: Canadian Broadcast Sales. Format: Easy Istng. Spec prog: one hr, Aboriginal 2 hrs, Indocanadian one hr. It 2 hrs, Jewish one hr, VP; Steve Scarrow, prom dir; Torn Plasteras, progmg dir; Steve Class 3 hrs, jazz 3 hrs wkly. Ross Hawse, stn mgr & progmg dir. Tamil one hr, Greek one hr, Filipino one hr, Korean one hr wkly. Parsons, mus dir; Gord Macdonald, news dir; lan Koenigsfest, pub James Ho, chmn & pres; Teresa Wet, CEO. COO & gen mgr: affrs dir: Dave Glassteder, engrg VP. Terrace Michael Wai, sls VP, sls dir, mktg VP & mktg dir; Kay Lai. gen sls mgr: Stella Ho, news dir; Calvin Kwok, pub affrs dir. CFMI -FM-Co -owned with CKNW. Mar 22, 1970: 101.1 mhz; 100 kw. 3,500 ft. Stereo. (604) 331 -2808. Fax: (604) 331-2727. E -mail: CFNR-FU- 1985: 92.1 mhz: 43 w. Hrs opn: 24. 4562B Oueensway [email protected]. Web Site: www.rock101.com. Licensee: Dr. (V8G 3X6). (250) 638 -8137. Fax: (250) 638 -8027. E-mail: CHDM -FM- Aug 10, 1960: 103.5 mhz; 53 kw. Ant 2,026 ft. (Digital CFMI -FM, Division of WIC Radio Ltd. Format: Classic rock. Target marketing ®olnr.net. Web Site: www.dnr.net.Starchoice Ch. 851 radio: 1463.280 mhz). Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.380 W. 2nd Ave., Suite 300 aud: 25 -49. Ross Winters, progmg dir, Graham Hatch, news dir. Licensee: Northern Native Broadcasting (Terrace. B.C.). Format: (V5Y 1C8). (604) 871 -9000. Fax: (604) 871-2901. E -mail: Classic Rock, Oldies, Rock, Sports.
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