REMEMBER— 'hen there was consid• • love in this country? • • • ork Telephone com. It's old this ye.— It ck to the days V. be happy wi • • • ii (Issctsor, unable sot Isis cull. 110 'lire to get "It (rims II .01111,0,H • •• • • was a coming al'inI2 decent home aks better NI- ,r coasters. lee tracks hw.., • • • • r of a feTrvIA., at in a br..:n1 take for contirmati, as an old se:, st:ite th•it th, 111,1 have been 's for a cl it , ni "1-r 1,k. 144) ay Up met Ton lenry Rosenft!.1 front skirt it'"1 20. 9.30 to 5 )ned IIkbb (Look Photo) "Ready?" • CS—VA July 18, 1946 — 5 Cents EXCLUSIVE WITH SUTHERLAND'S IN LAWRENCE Perfect Harmony! Arresting coordination! Decorative fabric of striking color and complimentary design. Radiant "Magnolia" blossoms blooming rampant on dramatic slipcover and drapery C fabric. Comes in two patterns, panel and all over prints. PANEL ALL OVER b tr, Natural, rose, blue and Natural, blue, rose and green background with green background with A Magnolia pink, deep Magnolia pink, deep u: green and chartreuse, green and chartreasie. or warm grey, deep or warm grey, deep SI green and coral. green and coral. dE hit• 11,-, 11' au al B C Aloveltif Weatie the ha Co, drE Cla dot itiot Sala ealau sist tan clue A beautiful novelty diamond pattern self toned rec cha Bat slip cover fabric to be used in correlated effects kin Bet with "Duet in Magnolia Time" — Ideal as slip cover Brc tea or drapery fabric. Six select colors. Venetian me, .M n red, rose, blue, chartreuse, green and gold. Jun Brc in Bla par Nal par Da: met 'f Mo: (50 Inches Wide) an pro anti Gra ser Drapery and Curtain Dept. — Third Floor gar dill P Par lag day wit Al lo 21 TI VETERANS MAY APPLY King Awards Medal FOR COLLEGE AT DEVENS REPAIR AND RESTORATION OF AT GUIDANCE OFFICE In Freedom's Cause "Applications for entrance to the FAMOUS ORGAN TO BEGIN Metal is still "short" in the Fort Devens Extension of Massa- United Kingdom, but as soon as chusetts State college may be made there is enough to warrant the use through the guidance office in of it for the 1277 awards to be sent Punchard High school," Bernard M. to the United States in the name of Kellmurray has announced. King George VI, Norman K. Mac. The college at Devens is avail Leish of 37 Shawaheen road will be able to every equalified male vet- a recipien of one of the medals for eran entering freshman year, and "service in the cause of freedom." classes are scheduled to begin on or before October 1. An active member of the British Recent appointments for the col- Empire War Veterans, Mr. Mac. lege include Dr. Edward Hodnett of Leish served as chairman of the Cambridge, formerly editor of the local unit of the British War Relief Columbia University Quarterly and society during the war years. war-time officer in charge of Navy V12 units at Harvard and Tufts, as Twenty-two thousand dollars cash college head. Dr. Wentworth Wil- was contributed which was used to liams of Groton, infantry officer in purchase three field kitchens, two both world wars and 14 years a of which were sent to Andover, member of .the faculty of Boston University's College of Business England, and hospital beds to outfit Administration, will be dean of fac- a complete ward. Woolen garments ulty. Dr. Joseph Morgan Stokes of of all kinds including socks and snit. Middletown, Conn., former Rhode ;.ens were sent by the thousands Scholar and member of the En:, along with hundreds of cases of old Hill faculty of Wesleyan, will be clothing. dean of students. Department heads As chairman of the local organi- and other faculty members will be zation that gave so much of work, appointed immediately. .ime and money to aid our allies, Mr. I'MacLeish is well.deserving of :he commendation that reached him Bible School .11:Aiday from the British Embassy in Washington, D. C., informing him if the medal that will soon be pre- Closes Friday sented to him in acknowledgment For the past two weeks, the Daily of his service. Vacat!on Bible school sponsored by Mr. MacLeigh is very groud of the Andover Council of Churches lie honor bestowed on him by the has been in session at the South United Kingdom and expresses his Congregational church with 65 chil. thanks and appreciation to all who dren ranging from 4 to 14 enrolled. contributed in any way to the Classes have been under the direc- British War Relief with special tion of 13 officers, teachers and as. notice to the boys and girls of the sistants representing the Protes- Andover Guild, the employees of tant churches of the town who in. A contract has been signed to restore the beautiful and priceless the ,Shawsheen Mills and to Phil. elude: Rev. Wendell L. Bailey, di. lips Academy. rector; Rev. Levering Reynolds, in organ in the Methuen -Memorial Music Hall. Arthur W. How-es of the charge of worship services; Miss Phillips academy department of music was one of the committee who A native of Scotland, Mr. Mac- Barbara Loonier, teacher of the Leish saw action during World kindergarten department; Miss conferred with the organ builder when plans and specifications for the War I with the Cameron Highland- Beulah Dennison, Mrs. Marion work were formulated. ers in Belgium, France and Salon- Brown and Mrs. Clare Norton, ika. In World War 11 a son, Russell, teachers of the primary depart- was with the U. S. Army Air Forces ment; Mrs. Carrie Birnatein and The Methuen Memorial Music siveness. It is believed that the in- and a daughter, Jean, served with Mrs. Rita Buchan, teachers of the Hall organ, from the time of its strument will -become one of world. the WiA.C. junior department; Misses Marilyn wide reputation, and will attract. first installation in the old Boston the greatest artists as well as a. Russell is now employed with the Brown and Patty Black, assistants Music Hall in 1860, has been noted Employees Group Insurance in Boa. in the kindergarten; Miss Polly large number of organ students. The campaign for funds now be- ton and Jean is completing plans to Black assistant in kindergarten de- for having many tonal character- enter the Franklin Institute of partment and music; Miss Judith istics of the classical 18th century ing conducted is progressing satis- factorily and the total amount of Technology, Science and Art in Napier, assistant in Primary de. organs. In the present work, these Philadelphia next fall. partment and music; Mrs. Eleanor characteristics are being developed pledges to date is slightly in excess Daniels, assistant in junior depart- further, and many entirely modern of $53,000. Contributions may be ment. leatures are -being added. sent to the Methuen Memorial Mu.. When this work is completed, the sic Hall, Inc., Box L, Methuen or PROTECT TODAY'S INCREASED The session began each morning, xgan will be unexcelled by any given to any member of the local Monday through Friday, at 9:00 a. other in tonal variety and respon- committee. VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY m., and continued until noon, with an opening worship service, study WITH INCREASED INSURANCE program, recreation, handicraft Telephone 7339 Established 1854 anti singing as part of the schedule. Graham crackers and milk were GEO. W. HORNE CO. served each morning to the kinder. LAWRENCE, MASS . garten and primary department TAR AND GRAVEL ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK children during the mornings. ASPHALT SHINGLING AND SIDE WALL WORK Presentations by each of the de- partments will be given in the clos- ing exercises of the school on Fri. day when Rev. Wendell L. Bailey GOING AWAY? will make a report on the school. I have helped many Andover people with their travel problems; FOR SALE shall be glad to tackle yours. JUST CALL Authorized agent for every kind of transportation, land, sea, air. Many de:iirahle homes and holll-W SMART & FLAGG, INC. tutu in all sections of Andover. REEVE CHIPMAN TRAVEL SERVICE The Insurance Office FRED E. CHEEVER 5 Morton street, Andover Telephone, Andover 1426 21 Main St. Tel. 775 or 1098 Bank Bldg. Andover 870 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, July 18, 1946 Conclusion Of Carnival Finds Firemen Planning For Next Year The firemen are feeling pretty happy about their carni- Most of the major prizes that were given out each night val in the playstead last Thursday, Friday, Saturday and about 10:30, with youngsters picked from the audience to Sunday, and already they are making bigger plans for next choose the lucky tickets, went to residents of Ballardvale. The year's event which will be held during the week of the $50.00 bond was won by Roy Brown on Thursday night ; the Fourth and, besides the usual events (what's so usual about club chair went to Mrs. Mary O'Donnell ; and the electric having a grocery booth with butter?), will include an old- refrigerator was awarded to Benjamin Lawrence, Jr., on Sun- fashioned firemen's muster. day. Allen Bushway of North Main street was Andover's only lucky winner and he was really LUCKY, coming away with the combination radio-record player on Saturday. Prizes awarded at the sports contest on Saturday after- noon were donated by Andover merchants and included such treasures as candy, swim trunks, Eversharp pencils, flash- lights, chocolates, sweaters, fountain pens, toys and books. The winners of the events were as follows: WINNER 50 Yard Dash for Girls — Age 9 to 12 Charlene Worten 50 Yard Dash for Girls — Age 12 to 16 .Mamie Gaundette 50 Yard Dash for Boys — Age 9 to 12 William McMahan 50 Yard Dash for Boys — Age 12 to 16 Jack Barry Pie (Blueberry) Eating Contest Edward McMahan Three Legged Race for Boys—Age 9 to 12 Raymond Yancy Andy Vannett Three Legged Race for Boys—Age 12
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