US 20150213683A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0213683 A1 Graham et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 30, 2015 (54) INTEGRATING REMOTELY-HOSTED AND (52) U.S. Cl. LOCALLY RENDERED CONTENT ON A CPC ........ G07F 17/3244 (2013.01); G07F 17/3225 GAMING DEVICE (2013.01) (71) Applicant: IGT, Las Vegas, NV (US) (57) ABSTRACT (72) Inventors: Jacob Graham, Sparks, NV (US); Gregory A. Schlottmann, Sparks, NV A wager gaming machine may be configured not only to (US); Steven G. LeMay, Reno, NV provide wagering games, but also to communicate with one or (US); Richard E. Rowe, Las Vegas, NV more hosts that can provide information and/or services per (US) taining to local wager gaming events, including but not lim ited to local tournaments, local restaurants, local messages (21) Appl. No.: 14/677.567 (e.g., messages from other players in the gaming E. (22) Filed: Apr. 2, 2015 ment), local Social events, local sporting events, local dating opportunities, etc. Other hosts may provide information and/ Related U.S. Application Data or services pertaining to business or finance (e.g., Stock (63) Continuation of application No. 1 1/827,060, filed on quotes), sports, news, weather, etc. Processes for conveying Jul. 9, 2007, now Pat. No. 9,028,329. audio, video, etc., from host devices may be separate from s swa Yos processes used to control wager game presentations. At least (60) Provisional application No. 60/822,859, filed on Aug. Some Such processes may be able to output an associated 18, 2006. “skin' on a video system of the wagergaming machine. These PublicationO O Classification E.rocesses pers mav involveNNation providing atone least or morea Assive “widgets.” ofIn (51) Int. Cl. one or more wager gaming machine resources will be made G07F 17/32 (2006.01) available to wager game presentations and related functions. isiay. 3 Mi asssssssssssssssss-as-WWww.xxxwa xists: r R s $3.8 3 KSaxsaareases interfaces T 8x8 is $ its |- Maxxx Operating 8. - 5 credits system to Sik S$:s xxxaaakk &assigsalaratasaraxam-Maar- 88c is XYYYYYaayaasa 3Sess a is Patent Application Publication Jul. 30, 2015 Sheet 1 of 24 US 2015/0213683 A1 xx is: Gare xx, i. g see:& : 8 S& -- S: , & &xax -- Operatingstres 8 iss system 104 {888 ..............xxxx xxxx xxxxx----.S. ix-aaaaaaaasaaaak-aaaakaakarskrkkrkkrkrkrkra S. x s &aising kisciis& best is G. A startarary &f'& S. Event N g : S- it. N. 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