HIGHTSTOWN SENIOR HIOH SCHOOL LIBRARY UUINDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD VOL. 5, NO. 37 HIGHTSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1969 Newsstand 10c per copy Teenage Fisticuffs Trigger Second Curfew In 7-Weeks A brawl involving some 100 their own recognizance, Chief 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew so town High School on Monday. that some adults were spotted at black and white teenagers last Archer reported. TTie juveniles order could be restored to the Window breaking rampages the disorders Saturday night, Saturday night on Main Street names were withheld by au­ community of 8,000, Sunday and disorders involving and were at the high school Mon­ has compelled Hightstown Bor­ thorities. Councilman Thompson said some students at the high school day. "These adults do not live ough officials to Institute Hlghtstown Mayor Ernest B. he and Chief Archer had con­ Monday morning and afternoon in Highstown," he added. an 8 p.m. to 6 a,m. curfew for Turp, Councilman Ernest templated on lifting the first perpetrated officials to call the Chief Archer said he believes those under 21 until further Thompson, Jr., borough police curfew provided no incidents 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew. Coun­ the recent disorders are "spill- notice. commissioner, and Chief Ar­ occurred Sunday, and that ev­ cilman Thompson said. R is the second curfew im­ cher immediately imposed a erything stayed quiet at Hlghts­ Mayor Turp told the Herald (See CURFEW, Page 12) posed by borough officials in 7-weeks. An 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew for those under 18 was installed In July after fires swept through four businesses on Main Street. The fisticuffs between the teenagers erupted around 10 p. m. and lasted about 45 minutes M.U,, before authorities could restore order to the downtown area. Fifteen East Windsor Town­ IjQAVS ship Police officers, under the LEARN IN G NEW O FFEN SE Hightstown High varsity football mentor Dave Mclntire goes over direction of Chief Joseph Mich- nisky, were ordered into new plays with two of the Rams offensive spark plugs, halfback Stan Hatcher (left) and fullback Hightstown to assist the bor­ Frank Knowles at practice sessiondast week. (See story and photos, Page 6) ough's nine fulltime officers at the request of Chief Lawrence Archer and Sergeant Alex Hey- essy. A state trooper from the nearby barracks on Route 130 6-Story Height Amendment was called into the community as an observer. As teenagers swung at each other from one end of Main Gets Boro Council’s Okay Street to the other, citizens coming from the Hights Theater and a nearby restaurant desper­ An amendment to Hlghtstown's stipulation, the planners said In taken of the problem. "The pro­ ately attempted to avoid the zoning ordinance to Include the a letter to Council, should be en­ blem will be resolved very short­ disorders by running to their construction of six-story build­ forced to provide maximum park­ ly ," he commented. autos. ings was approved on first read­ ing for shoppers. Mr. Dorum said he has been pro- Two teenagers were reported ing Wednesday night, Sept. 3, by Also Included In the ordinance m ised sanitary sewer construction injured and taken to Princeton Borough Council, with a public will be a clause which allows two- fo r the past four years. ,fI r e ­ Hospital by Hightstown First hearing and final adoption of the story, 45 foot high buildings to be ceived a promise one year ago Aid Squad members. built In the borough's "Business that sewers would be Installed measure slated for Council's next Four arrests - - two adults H ELM ETED PO LICE move a group of youngsters down Hightstown's Maine Street Saturday night at the height of a brawl meeting Oct. 1, at 7:30 p.m. D istrict." this year. Who has priority? and two teenagers -- were made The proposal, which has been When questioned regarding the A road with nothing on it, or by authorities, Chief Archer which involved some 100 teenagers. (PHOTOS BY IN TERN ATIO N AL PRESS) recommended by the Hlghtstown zoning amendment, Hlghtstown Wilson Avenue?" he asked. reported. Adults who were ap­ Planning Board, is expected to Engine Company No. 1 officials Council's Attorney Hervey prehended were Identified by create more ratables In the bor­ did not object since the depart­ Moore said the Grape Run Road Chief Archer as Altha Martin, ough since there Is no room for ment's fire fighting effectiveness Bonding Ordinance was passed in 21, of 163 Rogers Ave., Hlghts­ the community to spread out, ac­ is now at 85 feet. Dec., 1966. "I don't recall you town, and Robert Neviua, 20, cording to Mayor Ernest B. turp. In other action, Council heard ever coming before Council pre­ 721 Pine Street, Trenton. The amended zoning ordinance a complaint lodged by Sidney L. viously," he added. Both were charged with viola­ would approve the construction of Dorum of 215 Wilson Ave., at 'T was here when sanitary sew­ ting the borough's curfew, and six-story buildings, or 65 feet In drainage problems on his proper­ ers were being constructed at the subsequently released under height, depending on whether they ty, and the lack at sanitary sewer Coca Cola Company," Mr. Dorum are equipped with elevators. construction in hl^neighoorhood. said. "I have a septic tank In the Citizens ConiniitteF Shopping centers in the borough '1 read In the newspaper about rear of my yard. My driveway could be built In two stories, or Council's action to construct sani­ seems to be the main drainage 45 feet In height, provided they are tary sewers In the Grape Run vic i­ point for the neighborhood. Wa­ Will Investigate constructed as one unit, according nity," Mr. Dorum said. "Whosays ter is filling In my septic tank to the proposal. Grape Run Road is to come before and yard and recreating a swamp. Town Tensions The amended ordinance, how­ me? I've lived in the borough for I have a mosquito problem, too," M r. Dorum related. ever, will include a stipulation four years. Grape Run Isn't even A six-member committee of Mr. Dorum said he was told by that office buildings over four a road yet," he added. Hightstown residents has been the developer and by township offi­ stories would not cover more than Donald Watson, Hightstown formed by Mayor Ernest B. cials that sewage was "coming In 50 per cent of an area, and that superintendent of Public Works, Turp and Borough Council to shopping centers not cover more said he was on top of the situa­ my area." delve Into the recent disorders than 25 per cent of a lot. This tion, and that he had pictures The resident suggested Council involving white and black teen­ take action to put a catch basin on agers, and various other prob­ his property until the problem is lems effecting the community. alleviated. Persons named to serve on Councilman W. Howard Klank the committee are former Mayor Cites Police: said Thomas Tyler Moore Associ­ Councilman Norman Walter, ates, borough engineers, were In­ Charles Feese, owner of a sta­ structed to look Into the situation. tionary store in Hlghtstown, "W e can take this matter up In Father William Haughney, pas­ 3 Patrolmen Hired executive session. Then I think we tor of St. Anthony of Padua can determine what can be done Church, Lucie Brown, a Com­ to correct the situation," he added. latlon growth, which will be­ munity Action Council member, East Windsor Township's 16 Councilman Arthur Roach said come more evident when Twin Kenneth Morton o f Academy fulltime police officers were that Mr. Dorum will not have to Rivers Is constructed off Route Street, and Philip Randolph, honored by Mayor Donald "wait two more years. I think 33. "We must provide enough president of Hlghtstown Club 8 Schultz and the Township Com­ you will see action very fast." men to patrol In squads for and East Windsor Regional mittee at Tuesday night's meet­ Mr. Klank mentioned the bor­ the safety and protection ofl School Board member. ing when municipal officials ough did not have the necessary persons in East Windsor. Mayor Turp said an initial presented the "township's funds budgeted to take care "of The Committee also announ-j meeting of the organization was finest" with citations for all the neighborhood's who don't ced that Police Lieutenant held last night, as the Herald "meritorious service while as­ have sanitary sewers. We are try­ Barry G. Barlow has been pro-j went to press, to lay the ground sisting In quelling civil disturb­ ing to construct sewers In areas moted to the rank of captain. rules for future work the group ances in Jamesburgand Hights­ each year." Sergeants Clifford Robbins and will be doing to ensure stronger SILH O U ETTED FIG U R ES of teenagers mill about in front of businesses on Main Street in borough Saturday night. As police town." Council also approved, on first community relations between At the same time, the Com­ (See COMMITTEE, Page 12), began disbursing huge gangs of youngsters, smaller groups '.egan to form, and police moved in to break them up. mittee also appointed three new (See COUNCIL. Page 12) blacks and whites. patrolmen, boosting the depart­ ment's total strength to 19, The new officers will begin at $7,308 per year. Police were cited by com­ Teenage Fighting Is mitteemen for their actions on July 15, 16 and 17 in James­ burg * when officials of that neighboring community asked East Windsor for help in putting down racial tensions, and for their recent assistance In 'Town Problem’ Too Hightstown Borough last Satur­ day night.
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