B. Judy Disc:rlsses • SaYe Otl Openings! Army Bau Take AdYantagc of on 'Communist' Text book t A dYattce Ticket Sales Washington and Lee Weekly Newspaper Volume XL VII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, OCTOBER 11, 1946 Number 4 Collegians Plan ~The Gopher Kids' lnYestigate; FratJcey Lane Ravenhorst Predicts Active Year of Decide Housing Lack Can Be Worse By Lelrh lnlth Roommates or t.he four men no- Oct. 20 Opening Date School Dances Four llred. hungry Washington Ufted the Dean's office that none and Lre students in mud-spattered had returned that night, o.nd after Orchestra Will Feature Army khaki were Jed t.o safety a rooter check revealed that they Fraier's French Horn; and civilization Tuesday afternoon were absent from classes, Dr. For First Pre-fab Units after s~ndlng a "lonely and des- Stow called on six men who were Will Be Twelve Pieces olate" 2-t hours In Cave Sprlng familiar with the cave's Intricate Cave, one mile west of here, where passa1es to aid him In searching - 25 Additional Units By AJ Walter they JosL their way Monday after- for the missing men. Hope that the Southern Col­ noon while on an Independent ex- Equipped with naahllghts. min­ EC-Dance Board Should Be Ready legians this year will emulate the ploraUon after a geology field e1·s' lamps, Reveral hundred feet traditionally tlne performances trip. of rope, sandwiches, apples and For Tenancy Nov. I or past Collegian bands was ex­ The four men, Brlggt> Dillard. water. and clad in w. and L. Urge No Flowers pressed yesterday by leader Bill Jnmes Lassiter. Ernie Love. and sweat-suits. the party, composed The long-awaited opening of Romaine. former member of the Bill Bowman. were discovered aL of Jerry Close. Jim Jeffries, Hal As Sales Begin pre-fab housing units was tenta­ Bill Randolph Trto two o'clock Tuesday afternoon by Chittum. John Funkhouser. Bob th·eJy sc·t. today for October 20 by The twelve-piece orchestra. tea­ a six-man searching party led by Haynes. and Dr. Stow entered Ticket Price Raised University Housing Administrator turing a French-hom innovation geology professor, Dr. Marcellus lhe cave at 1:30 Tuesday after- From $9.00 to $10.50 Henry Ravenhon;t., who said the by Buzz Fraler, will be ready when H. Stow. noon. tlr~t 25 units will be ready for oc­ time permits t.o resume the Col­ According to Dillard. the four "We had only been In the cave After October 22nd c·upancy by that date barring un­ legians policy of playing at cam­ remained in the cave after the about nve minutes when we heard rotf'cen obstacles. pus and fraternily fesllvltles. neld trip had been dismissed and their cries tor help," Dr. Stow At a recent Joint meeting the Mr. Ravenhorsl said the first 25 Romalne beads the rhythm sec­ roll call taken by Dr. Stow. Their declared. "and rescue was effect­ Executive Commlll<'e and the unlt.c; are virtually complete now. lion with hls drums. BUJ Rattner. only equipment was a ftashllght. ed. along the main channel of the Dance Board entered Into the cur­ Automntlc dltchdhuren; are at. who has bad experience In band­ a pipe. matches, a llgh~r. some cave, ebout twenty minutes later." rent controversy over the sending work. making way for the sewer­ leading in the vicinity ot Detroit, cigarettes, and some Greek notes The four men were sent to Unl­ of flowers to dates at the Opentntt plre system which is the last and who also was a member of belonglng to OiUard. Alter making verslty Physician Reid While for Dances on October 25 and 26 by facility to be Installed. their way through the labyrinthine a. perfunctory check-up although slrongly recommending that no last year's Bill Randolph Trio, Other ProJect Prorresslng has been assigned to the plano passages for about thirty min- all declared that they were Just flowers be sent. although they re­ stool. utes, the men noticed that their tired and hungry. According to frained from making nny detlnlle The 25 units are located In five houses on the north side of Nelson Pete ISlam) Palmer. the bass­ ftMhllght was growing dimmer. Dr. White, all are none the worse Francey Lane, Johnny Long's golden-voiced songstress, who will ruling. Advance ticket sales for t.he Avenue Completion of 25 addi­ nddler. rounds out the rhythm They became confused as to which for wear make evenings beautlful with her vocal1zing over the Openlngs­ dances began yesterday with tional units under construction on section Pete's talent has been cul­ direction to take out of the cave. Dr. Stow stressed that all stu­ Homecommgs week-end. and after several rutile attempts denta malting similar Independent Charlie Belcher. president, re­ the south side Is pi'O(lres.'Jing satls­ tured by a classical background ractorlJy. according to Mr. Raven­ at Eastman Institute, Roch ester, to make their way to safety, they trips In the future should lnfonn questing the cooperation of the decided t.o awalt discovery. roommates or friends of their ln- 11tudent body to !acllltate the horst. who expects them to be N. Y., the rating of which com­ Calendar ready rot· tenants by November 1. pares favorably with thAt of Ju­ "l t was cold, damp, muddy, and tended whereabouts and approxl­ Sigma Delta Chi functioning of the five committees Saturday, Oct. 12: West Virgin­ In charge of anangl."ments. Number one on the pre-fab llard and Peabody schools of mu­ we were lonely and scared." Las- mate time of return to avoid re­ Ia game In Charleston. W. Va waiting list Is The Ring-tum Phi sic. siter said just after he had been currence of such Incidents. He The price raise from $9 to $10 rescued. "We slept In shUts-or mamtalned that if disappearance Is Reactivated; Monday, OCl. 13· Forensic Un­ Managlng Editor Walt Potter, who Chapman Boyd, a Beta virtuoso, after October 22 makes it addi­ lrled to-leaving one man awake had been reported Monday night Ion to meet In Student Un­ tionally advisable that all students made application last February leads the bras.'! section with the to listen for a searching party. l a searchlDR party could have been ion at 7:00p.m All 25 families. however. may move nr11t-trombone. Wentworth Myers Pledging Soon purchase their tickets to hear We burned Dillard's Greek notes organizt'd then and obviated the Assimilation Committee to Johnny Long and his orchestra as In on the 20th Mr. Ravenhorst Is second-trombone man. Johnny trying to keep warm." overnight stay. meet In Student Union at said. Cole will be at the business end J ackson, Rowe Elected early as possible. This fee includes 7:15 p.m. admission to both evening dances Twenty-two or lhe units are of of the nrst- trumpet. The fow·th Tuesday, Oct 14: Executive the standard two-bedroom variety. member of the brass section. To Top SOX Offices, as well as the SAE concert Satur­ Committee to meet In Stu­ day afternoon immediately follow­ Each bedroom will contain two Frank Love, handles the second­ Assimilations Freshmen Elect To Sponsor SIPA Meet dent Union at 7: 15 p.m. twin beds. Three of the units have trumpet part with his cornet. ing the homecoming football game Interfraternity Council to with the University or Richmond. been designed for larger families Buzz Fraler's six years' playing Taylor to EC Veterans Ed Jackson and Char- meet In Student Union at 7·30 and have three bedrooms. these experience merits him a position Are Increasing ley Rowe were elected to the pres­ p.m. The problem concerning accom­ beln1 held in reserve tor several Idential and vice - presidential modatlons for the unprecedented as the French horn savant. Wlth Wednesday, Oct. 15: The Cotil­ men who have two or three chil­ 2 More Representatives posts of the Washington and Lee number of dates was still acute. music transposed from the third­ Men Warned To Speak, lion Club w11J meet In Student dren. trumpet book. Buzz uses his in­ Sigma Delta. Chi chapter as the Union at. 8:00 p.m. All mem­ although Belcher said that be had Wear Customary Dress To Be Chosen Nov. 4 round, and immediately released Situation Still Critical Rtrument to blend with the trum­ honorary journalistic fraternity bers Including old men are to students, approximately 25 more The housing admlnlslrdat.or as­ PE'ts and produce effects that have A greatly lncrea.'led number of Freshmen elected Jack L . Tay­ held a reactivation meeting lasL requested to attend. Tuesday afternoon. rooms. Hollins. one of lhe girls' serted that the housing situation proved so succes.o;ful with name freshmen appeared before the As· lor. Kappa Sigma from Roanoke, NFU will meet In Washington simllatlon COmmittee Monday to the Executive Committee at A nuclear group of pre-war re­ schoot.s which is handling its own Is still critical but has eased con­ bands which have begun experi­ Chapel at 7:00 p.m. tdC't-ably since the beginning of mentations with the French horn nillht to answer charges brought their class elections held in Lee turnees held the elections and Thursday, Oct. 16: Wives Club reservations had exhausted Its against lhem the preceding week, Chapel Monday afternoon. Taylor made plans for pledgmg Junior supply of rooms by last week and school. Bob Reid. Phi [)(>It companion­ to meet In Student Union at "At present we have 150 stu­ according to Ralph Davis, chalr­ defeated Russell Webb, non-fra­ and senior Journalism students 8:00 p.m.
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