Math 650, fall 2007 Texas A&M University Lecture notes on several complex variables Harold P. Boas Draft of December 7, 2007 Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Powerseries.................................. 1 1.2 Integralrepresentations. ... 2 1.3 Partialdifferentialequations . .... 3 1.4 Geometry ................................... 3 2 Power series 4 2.1 Domainofconvergence ............................ 4 2.2 Characterization of domains of convergence . ....... 5 2.3 Naturalboundaries .............................. 7 2.4 Summary ................................... 9 3 Convexity 10 3.1 Realconvexity................................. 10 3.2 Convexity with respect to a class of functions . ...... 10 3.2.1 Polynomialconvexity . 12 3.2.2 Linearandrationalconvexity . 16 3.2.3 Holomorphicconvexity . 18 3.2.4 Pseudoconvexity ........................... 24 3.3 TheLeviproblem............................... 33 3.3.1 TheLeviform............................. 34 3.3.2 Applications of the ∂ problem .................... 38 3.3.3 Solution of the ∂-equation on smooth pseudoconvex domains . 42 ii 1 Introduction Although Karl Weierstrass studied holomorphic functions of two variables already in the nineteenth century, the modern theory of several complex variables may be dated to the researches of Friedrich (Fritz) Hartogs (1874–1943) in the first decade of the twentieth century.1 Some parts of the theory of holomorphic functions—the maximum principle, for example—are essentially the same in all dimensions. The most interesting parts of the theory of several complex variables are the features that differ from the one-dimensional theory. The one-dimensional theory is illuminated by several complementary points of view: power series, integral representations, partial differential equations, and geometry. The multi-dimensional theory reveals striking new phenomena from each of these points of view. 1.1 Power series A one-variable power series converges inside a certain disc and diverges outside the closure of the disc. The convergence region for a two-dimensional power series, however, can have infinitely many different shapes. For instance, the largest open set in which the ∞ ∞ n m series n=0 m=0 z w converges is the unit bidisc (z,w) : z < 1 and w < 1 , while ∞ n n { | | | | } the series n=0 z w converges in the unbounded hyperbolic region where zw < 1. TheP theoryP of one-dimensional power series bifurcates into the theory of| entire| func- tions and theP theory of functions on the unit disc. In higher dimensions, studying power series already leads to function theory on infinitely many different types of domains. A natural question, to be answered presently, is to characterize the domains that are convergence domains for multi-variable power series. Exercise 1. Exhibit a two-variable power series whose convergence domain is the unit ball (z,w) : z 2 + w 2 < 1 . { | | | | } Hartogs discovered that a function holomorphic in a neighborhood of the boundary of the unit bidisc automatically extends to be holomorphic on the interior of the bidisc; one can prove this property by considering one-variable Laurent series on slices. Thus, 1A student of Pringsheim, Hartogs belonged to the Munich school of mathematicians. Because of their Jewish heritage, both Pringsheim and Hartogs suffered greatly under the Nazi regime in the 1930s. Pringsheim, a wealthy man, managed to buy his way out of Germany into Switzerland, where he died at an advanced age in 1941. The situation for Hartogs, however, grew ever more desperate, and in 1943 he chose to end his own life by an overdose of barbiturates rather than to be sent to a death camp. 1 1 Introduction in dramatic contrast to the situation in one variable, there are domains in C2 on which all holomorphic functions extend to a larger domain. A natural question, to be answered presently, is to characterize the domains of holomorphy, that is, the natural domains of existence of holomorphic functions. The discovery of Hartogs also shows that holomorphic functions of several variables never have isolated singularities and never have isolated zeroes, in contrast to the one- variable case. Exercise 2. Let p(z,w) be a polynomial in two variables. Show that if the zero set of p is compact, then p is constant. 1.2 Integral representations The one-variable Cauchy integral formula for a holomorphic function f inside a simple closed curve C says that 1 f(w) f(z)= dw for z inside C. 2πi w z ZC − A remarkable feature of this formula is that the kernel (w z)−1 is both universal − (independent of the domain) and holomorphic in the free variable. There is no such formula in higher dimensions! There are integral representations with a holomorphic kernel, but they depend on the domain, and there is a universal integral representation, but its kernel is not holomorphic. There is a huge literature about constructing and analyzing integral representations for various special types of domains. For the special case of a polydisc, one can simply iterate the Cauchy integral. A reasonable working definition of “holomorphic function” is a function on a domain in Cn that is holomorphic in each variable separately and continuous in all variables jointly. If f is holomorphic in this sense on the closed unit polydisc, then iterating the Cauchy integral shows that 1 n f(w ,...,w ) f(z)= . 1 n dw ...dw 2πi (w z ) (w z ) 1 n Z|w1|=1 Z|wn|=1 1 − 1 ··· n − n when the point z with coordinates (z1,...,zn) is in the interior of the polydisc. (The assumed continuity of f guarantees that this integral makes sense and can be evaluated in any order by Fubini’s theorem.) By the same arguments as in the single-variable case, this iterated Cauchy formula suffices to establish standard local properties of holomor- phic functions. For example, holomorphic functions are infinitely differentiable, satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations in each variable, obey a local maximum principle, and admit local power series expansions. Moreover, a normal limit of holomorphic functions is holomorphic. Exercise 3. Prove a multi-dimensional version of Hurwitz’s theorem: the normal limit of nowhere-zero holomorphic functions is either nowhere zero or identically zero. 2 1 Introduction 1.3 Partial differential equations The one-dimensional Cauchy-Riemann equations are a pair of real partial differential equations for a pair of functions (the real and imaginary parts of a holomorphic function). In Cn, there are still two functions, but there are 2n equations. Thus when n > 1, the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equations form an overdetermined system; hence there is a necessary compatibility condition for solvability. This feature is a significant difference from the one-variable theory. When the inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equations are solvable in C2 (or in higher dimension), there is a solution with compact support in case of compactly supported data. When n = 1, however, it is not always possible to solve the inhomogeneous Cauchy- Riemann equations while maintaining compact support. The Hartogs phenomenon can be interpreted as a manifestation of this difference. 1.4 Geometry According to the one-variable Riemann mapping theorem, every bounded simply con- nected planar domain is biholomorphically equivalent to the unit disc. In higher dimen- sion, there is no such simple topological classification of biholomorphically equivalent domains. Indeed, the unit ball in C2 and the unit bidisc in C2 are holomorphically inequivalent domains. One way to understand intuitively why the situation changes in dimension 2 is to realize that there is extra room in the tangent space. In C2, there is room for one- dimensional complex analysis to happen in the tangent space to the boundary of a domain. Indeed, the boundary of the bidisc contains pieces of one-dimensional complex affine subspaces, while the boundary of the two-dimensional ball does not contain any such analytic disc. Similarly, the zero set of a (not identically zero) holomorphic function in C2 is a one- dimensional complex variety, while the zero set of a holomorphic function in C1 is a zero-dimensional variety (that is, a discrete set of points). There is a mismatch between the dimension of the domain and the dimension of the range of a multi-variable holomorphic function. One might, however, expect an equidi- mensional holomorphic mapping to be analogous to a one-variable holomorphic function. Here too there are surprises. For instance, there exists a biholomorphic mapping from all of C2 onto a proper subset of C2 whose complement has interior points. Such a mapping is called a Fatou-Bieberbach map. Exercise 4. The image of a Fatou-Bieberbach map cannot have a bounded complement. 3 2 Power series Examples in the introduction showed that the domain of convergence of a multi-variable power series can have various shapes; in particular, the domain need not be a convex set. Nonetheless, there is a special kind of convexity property that characterizes convergence domains. n Developing the theory requires some notation. A point (z1,...,zn) in C may be abbreviated simply by z. If α is a point of Cn whose coordinates are all non-negative α α1 αn integers, then z means the product z1 ...zn , the notation α! abbreviates the product α1! ...αn!, and α means α1 + + αn. A multi-variable power series can be written in | α| ··· the form α cαz using this “multi-index” notation. There is a little awkwardness in talking about convergence of a multi-variable power P α series α cαz , because convergence of a series depends (in general) on the order of summation, and there is
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