Area Legal Services Unit Receives SEE STORY BELOW Rainy and Mild Rainy and mild today, tonight. FINAL and early tomorrow. Clearing ] firf B«k, Freehold f later, fair on Wednesday. t Long Branch J JEDITION Monmouth County9* Borne Newspaper for 92; Years VOL. 93 NO. 164 REDBABJK,N. J., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22,1971 ' 18 PAGES TEN CENTS By MARCUS ELIASON aries to be established in and a "twisted reply" to the take the Egyptian develop- and said to do otherwise JERUSALEM (AP) - Pre- peace agreements." It pro- Egyptian offer. A spokesman ment seriously," Foreign Min- would indicate a "political dif- mier Golda Meir's Cabinet sipns at the United Nations be for the Egyptian Foreign Min- ister Abba Eben said in a ference of opinion5? to Israel has renewed Its demand that posed that the indirect discus- istry said it "reaffirms Israeli broadcast before the meeting. about Jerusalem's status. The Egypt negotiate new bounda- continued under Gunnar V. expansionist policy, which Yitzhak Kabin, the Israeli am- Israelis have said repeatedly ries with Israel, but the de- Jarring with "the aim of contradicts the Security Coun- bassador to the United States, they would retain the Arab mand was greeted by a hostile reaching an agreed peace cil's 1967 resolution and vio- was at the meeting and was sector of the city, which they response from Cairo. .treaty between the two lates the U.N. charter." believed to (have advised the took from Jordan in the 1967 lite proposal came from an states." ' • • The UN Security Council Cabinet how far it could go on war. all-day cabinet meeting yes- "The negotiations should not adopted the resolution five the withdrawal question with-. Sporadic fighting between' terday to discuss Egypt's of- be subject to prior commit- months after the six-day war. out losing Washington's sup- Israeli soldiers and Palestini- fer of a peace agreement aft- Its peace formula included Is- port. Rabin returned to the an guerrillas continued. - ments on the outstanding is- United States today. er Israel withdraws from the sues," the communique said. raeli withdrawal from occu- The Israeli military com- Sinai Peninsula, which it has, pied Arab territory and Arab Housing Plan Okayed mand reported six comman- held since the June 1967 war.' 'Favorable'Look Taken , recognition of Israel's right to Meanwhile, the Jerusalem dos killed and one captured in Egypt also hinged a settle- The cabinet said it looked exist within "secure and rec- city government gave its ap- two skirmishes on the occu- ment on decision on relocating "favorably" on Cairo's peace ognized ' boundaries," Jar- proval to plans for building pied Golan Heights Sunday. Palestinian refugees. offer, made in reply to propos- ring's discussions, also includ- 21,000 new housing units for The Israelis said the captured "The government of Israel als by Jarring. But it said the ing Jordan, are^ based on the Jews on the outskirts of the man was a Syrian soldier and reiterates its position... that Egyptian proposal demon- resolution. city despite opposition from that Syria had been informed. it will not withdraw to the ar- strated th'e "concrete differ- Joseph Sisco, the U.S. State the U.S. government. The Commandos fired'bazookas mistice line of June 4,1967," a ences between Egypt's posi- Department's highest ranking State Department said the and machine guns at a U.N. Cabinet communique de- tion and that of Israel, in Middle East specialist, had' construction would alter Jeru- observation post on the clared, referring to its pre- particular the "substantial termed the Israeli cabinet salem's political makeup and heights Sunday night, but the war frontier. gap" on the questions of bor- meeting "one of the most de- that this was unacceptable Israelis said there were no But it said Israel is "ready ders and the refugees. cisive hours for Israel and the without a final settlement. casualties or damage. The ob- to discuss withdrawal of "Cairo Radio, said the com- United States." Mayor Teddy Kollek of Je- servers took refuge in shelters, armed forces toward secure, munique was a "flat rejec- "The only advice we had rusalem gave the city govern- as Israeli soldiers returned recognized and agreed bound- tion" of the Jarring initiative from the United States was to ment's approval yesterday the fire. Legal Services Kept Alive By DORIS KULMAN Feb. 28 pending the NLS Monmouth-Ocean merger over gone almost down to the wire Ocean County program is bet- WASHINGTON - The Mon- merger decision. Last week, the weekend and announce it before learning whether the ter. mouth Legal Services Organi- the agency said it would be today. NLS would give it money to However, Wilson Shepharcl, zation has been granted $49,- forced to shut down its four Sen. Williams was told that keep functioning, the smaller MLSO board vice president, 463 in federal funds to keep it offices at the end of this week the $49,463 grant was being Ocean County agency, which said the Auerbach eyaluators alive through Aug. 31 and sup- unless it got some money. made unconditionally and isn't opposing the merger, has were harsher in their judge- posedly is to learn today A spokesman for Sen. Harri- didn't depend on the merger received an $89,273 grant for ment of the Ocean County pro- COMPUTER ARRIVES - A digital PD 8 T computer is about to be unloaded at Ths whether the National Legal son A. Williams Jr., D-N.J., decision, the spokesman said. 10 months. Projected on a 12- gram. Daily Register's tempororary headquarters at 44 Apple St., New Shrewsbury. The Services will force its merger one of those to whom the The MLSO is vigorously op- month basis, that's $4,000 The Auerbach reports have- computer, shipped from Maynard, Mass., will be used in setting type, thus allowing with the smaller Ocean Coun- MLSO appealed for help, said posing the merger. more than the Ocean County n'jt. been made public. the paper to operate its own composing room facilities. Tests will begin today ty Legal Services Organiza- the senator had been told oh Laurence C. Stamelman, a agency received last year. According to information at and if all goes well, the paper wilt be operating its own composing room, by tho tion. Merger Opposed 1 Friday by Ronald Dietrich, Long Branch attorney who the hearing, the merger would middle of next week. Since the Christmas eve fire which destroyed- the paper * Pro-rated on the $133,518 the acting deputy director of the heads the MLSO's board of The MLSO argued against put the headquarters of the NLS here, that a $49,463 grant trustees, said that he received the merger at an informal facilities, type has been set at the Asbu ry Park Press. Assisting in the unloading MLSO received for its 1970-71 two-county agency in Toms operation are Register employes Ernest Trunzo, mark-up mart, left, Louis Ferraro, fiscalyear, the $49,463 repre- had been approved to keep the word of the grant from Sen. hearing conducted by Mr. Die- River, and close the legal sents-a cut of more than 25 Monmouth agency operating Williams. trich last month. services offices in Red Bank engraver, and Anthony Chmielewicz, right, mechanical superintendent. per cent in the agency's oper- through the Aug. 31 end of its Mr. Stamelman, who spoke According, to information and Freehold, leaving Mon- • (Register Staff Photo) ating funds for a six-month fiscalyear. by telephone with Mr. Die- brought out then, the merger mouth County without an of- period. Announcement Planned trich Thursday night, also proposal is based on an evalu- fice north of Long Branch or Tbe.MLSO, a federally-fund- The spokesman said Mr. said "I hear he will call me ation of the MLSO made by west of the Atlantic Ocean. ed agency to provide legal aid Dietrich also had told Sen. Monday", (today), about the Auerbach Associates, a Phila- The MLSO represents 3(0 to Monmouth County's poor, Williams that he would reach merger decision. delphia organization, and the clients in civil cases now in Unitarians in Lincfoft had been funded only through a decision, on the proposed While the MLSO has twice NLS assessment that the the courts'. War Revolt Lend'Lonely Voice'Ear Fx-Monk LINCROFT - "We will en- but at 9 a.m. Saturday morn- Robert Moir, a Rumson deavor to see that the lonely ing the church's board of trus- school teacher, who presided By GEORGE SHEEHAN from Hitler's Germany, said month on charges of plotting The . government, he dience, and nonviolent disrup- voice refused a hearing else- tees refused to allow Mr. over the meeting, praised the LINCROFT - Saying that that "the present similarities to kidnap Presidential aide charged is engaged in its own tive activity. • where shall have an opportun- Mayer to speak. No reason Unitarian Church officials, "perhaps the time has come in the United States to Nazi Henry Kissinger and to blow brand of kidnapping by the re- During the question and an- ity to be heard and present its was given. and he read the church's poli- when the price of peacemak- Germany are sufficient to dis- up heating (systems in govern- moval of hundreds of thou- swer period, Mr. Mayer told a case before the court of rea- Sponsors of the group, Mrs. cy on freedom of speech. ing is at least as high as war turb our sleep." ment buildings in Washington. sands of Vietnamese from questioner that "when a law• soil and conscience." Caroli said, then called 35 oth- He told the group that the making," Paul Mayer, one of He called the indictments Names Co-Conspirator their villages into urban no longer serves man, it has er churches between 9 and 11 events surrounding Mr.
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