YIZKOR BOOKS at the Library of Congress

YIZKOR BOOKS at the Library of Congress

Map © Department of History United States Military Academy Hebraic Section, Library of Congress Last update: August 1, 2011 by Ann Brener New Features in the Updated List: 1. In order to make this Finding Aid as useful as possible, names of towns have been standardized according to their spelling in the online Catalog at the Library of Congress. But because so many towns have alternate-sounding names or spellings using different systems of transliteration, many of these alternate spellings and names have been given either in parentheses (if they are fairly close to the standard Library of Congress spelling), or in a separate entry altogether (if the alternative names or spellings are very different, as in the two examples below). For example: Krzemienic See: Kremenits Krzemienica See: Volkovysk 2. In addition to adding over three hundred new books to the list, there are now also several hundred new entries linking smaller villages and towns with specific Yizkor books. For example: There seems to be no specific Yizkor book for the town of Krasnopole (in Poland). But someone searching for information on this town will now find a referral to the Yizkor book in which this town is discussed: Krasnopole See: Suwalki 1961 YIZKOR BOOKS at the Library of Congress Name of Locality Title of Book and Author/Editor Call Number Abauj-Torna Fleischmann, Isráel. "Örök Fények" DS135.H92 A236 1972 Megye Abauj-Torna Vármegye Hitközségeinek Történetéb´´Ol. [Nitsotsot me-Kehilat Siksa u- Mehoz Abaui Torna she nidmu]. Bené-Berák, 1972. Abaújszántó Stessel, Zahava Szász. Wine and DS135.H92 A257 1995 thorns in Tokay Valley: Jewish life in Hungary: the history of Abaújszántó. Madison, NJ and London, 1995. Aleksandriya Israeli, Shmuel, and Nathan Livneh. DS135.R93 A576 Hebr Pinkas Ha-Kehilah Aleksandriya. 1972. Aleksandrow Blumental, Nachman. Aleksander. DS135.P62 A53 Hebr 1968. Amdur Efron, Yedidia. Amdur, mayn DS135.R93 I54 Hebr geboyrn-shtetl. Buenos Aires, 1973. Andrychow See: Wadowice Annopol Nitsan, Smuel. Raḥov, Annopol, DS135.P62 R247 pirkẹ ‘edut ṿe-zikaron. 1978. Antopal Yosef. Antopal. [1966/1967]. DS135.R39 A6 Hebr (Antopol) Antopal Ayalon, Benzion H. Antopol. Tel- DS135.R93 A62 1972 Hebr (Antopol) Aviv, 1972. Apt See: Opatów Ataki Zerubavel, Seker. Aṭik:̣ a gedenḳ DS135.M64 A87 1993 Hebr bukh nakh a Yidisher kehileḥ in Besarabye. Tel-Aviv, 1993. Ataki Zamir, Hasyah. Yad le-Aṭaki:̣ DS135.M64 A87 1993 tosafot: sefer zikaron li-kehilaḥ Suppl. Hebr Yehudit be-Besarabyah. Tel-Aviv, 1997. Augustow Alexandroni, Yaakov. Sefer Yizkor DS135.P62 A8 Hebr (Yagistov) Li-Kehilat Ogustov. [1966]. Babruisk See: Bobruysk Bacau Yoldi-Vardi, Y. Ḳehilat Baḳa’u: DS135.R72 B324 1990 historyaḥ Yehudit mefo’ar. Tel- Hebr Aviv, 1990. Bácsalmás. Erno,̋ Polgár. Sárga csillagok DS135.H92 B33 1997 nyomában: getto a Délvidéken. Budapest, 1997. Baia Mare See: Nagybanya Baitsh See: Biecz Baklerove See: Suwalki Baligrod See: Lesko Balin See: Kamenetz-Podolsk Balmazujvaros See: Debrecen Balti Mazur, Yosef and Fuks, Mishah. DS135.M64 B357 1993 (Baltsi) Sefer Baltsi Basarabyah. [Tel Hebr Aviv?], 1993 Banffy-Hunyad Laci, Klepner Eliezer. Sefer DS135.R72 H845 1990 Zikhronotai mi-Banfi-hunyad / Igy emlékszem Huedin / Bánffy Hunyadra. [Tel Aviv, 1990]. Baranovichi Stein, Abraham Samuel. Baranovits. DS135.R93 B3 Hebr (Baronowicze) 1953. Baranow ----. Sefer-Yizkor Baranov. DS135.P62 B3 Hebr Jerusalem, 1964. Bardejov Grussgrott, Abraham, L. Be-ovdan DS135.S55 G78 1998 Hebr moladeti: yad ṿa-shem li-kehilaḥ kedoshaḥ Bardeyov, Tsekhoslovakyaḥ . Brooklyn, 1998. Bardo Esterin, Eliezer. Sefer Devart. 1974. DS135.P62 B346 Hebr Bedzin Liwer, David, and A. S. Stein. `Ir Ha- DS135.P62 B38 Hebr Metim. Tel-Aviv, 1945. Bedzin Shtain, Avraham Shemuel. Pinḳes DS135.P62 B385 Hebr Bendin. Tel-Aviv, 1959. Bedzin Brownlow, Donald Grey, and John DS135.P62 B376 1983 Eleuthère DuPont. Hell Was My 940.53/15/0392404385 Home: Arnold Shay, Survivor of the Holocaust. W. Hanover, Mass., 1983. Belchatów ----. Belhatov ondenk-bukh. [Buenos DS135.P62 B4 Hebr Aires], 1951. Belchatów Hilfs-fareyn fun Belkhatoṿ ̣ un DS135.P62 B412 1959 umgegnṭ. Bellhatover yuviley- Hebr oysgabe fun Hilfs-fareyn fun Belkhaṭoṿ un ungegnṭ [Buenos Aires], 1959. Belchatów Tsentral-farband fun Poylishe Yidn in DS135.P62 B395 1986 3 Argentine. Belchatow: Memorias De Hebr Residentes Judíos En Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1986. Beligrod See: Lesko Belitsa Losh, L. Pinkas Belitsah. 1968. DS135.R93 B346 Hebr (Bielica) Belitsa Losh, Lieber. The Belica memorial DS135.382 B45 2010 (Bielica) book = Pinkaṣ Belitse. Trans. by Jacob Solomon Berger. Mahwah, N.J, 2010. Belz Rubin, Yosef. Belz. 1974. DS135.P62 B415 Hebr Bełzeċ Reder, Rudolf. Belzec. Kraków, 1946. DS135.P62 K74 nr. 4 Bendery Tamari, Moshe, Mikhle Rozenb´um, DS135.R93 B364 Hebr and Dina Ginton. Kehilat Benderi. 1975. Berdichev Lynder, N. B. In Yene Teg; Tipn Un DS135.R93 B37 Hebr Bilder Fun Yidishn Lebn Amol in Berditshev. Nyu-York, 1957. Beregszasz Halevi, Yehosua. Yahadut Berehovo- DS135.R93 B3734 1989 (Berehove) Beregsas bi-temunot. Tel-Aviv, Hebr 1989. Berestechko Singer, Mendel. Haytah `Ayarah. DS135.R93 B38 Hebr (Beresteczko) 1960. Berettyóújfalu. Gero, Z’uz’ah and Nesher, David. DS135.H92 B477 2001 Sefer zikaron li-Yehude Beretọ ’ifalu Hebr u-sevivatah. Haifa, 2001 Bereza Kartuska See: Pruzhany 1958; 1968; 1983 Berezhany Katz, Menachem, and Shimon D. DS135.R93 B3843 Hebr (Berzhan) Katz. Bez'ez'ani, Narayuv Veha- (Brzezany) Sevivah: Toldot Kehilot She- Nehervu. [Haifa?], 1978. Bereznoye Bejgiel, G. Mayn Shtetele Berezne. DS135.R93 B3853 Hebr 1954. Bershad Huberman, Nahman. Bershad: be-tsel DS135.R93 B3874 1956 ‘ayarah. Jerusalem, 1956. Hebr Bessarabia Davidson, Menahem Mendel. Be-tsel DS135.R93 B43 Hebr ha-ilan: divre zikaron, demuyot u- te’udot mehe-haṿai ha-Yehudi be- Besarabyah. Tel-Aviv, 1944/1945. Bessarabia Schildkraut, Israel. `Al Hurvot DS135.R93 B46 Hebr Besarabiyah. Tel-Aviv, 1954. Bessarabia Bertini, K. Aharon. ‘Al Admat DS135.R93 B397 Hebr Besarabiyah. Tel-Aviv, 1959. Bessarabia Koren, Yitsak. Entiskilopedyah Shel DS135.E8E55 Hebr Galuyot.Vol. XI, Jerusalem, 1971. Bessarabia Vinitzky, David. Bisarabyah ha- DS135.R93 B48 Hebr 4 Yehudit be-ma‘arakhoteha: ben shete milhamoṭ ha-‘olam, 1914- 1940. Jerusalem, 1973. Beszterce See: Bistrita-Na̦ să ud̆ Betlen Zoltan, Singer. Volt egyszer egy DS135.R72 D47 (Beclean) Dés ... Bethlen, Magyarlápos, Retteg, Nagyilonda és kornyékë . Tel-Aviv, 1970. Bez’ez’ani Fajgenbaum, Moses Joseph. DS135.P62 B518 Hebr Podliashe in Natsi-Klem. 1953. Bez’ez’ani Kats, Menahem. Bez’ez’ani, Narayuv DS135.R93 B3843 Hebr veha-sevivah. [Haifa, 1978]. Biala Podlaska See: Bez’ez’ani Biala Rawska Fraidenraich, Eliyahu, and Aryeh DS135.P62 B53 Hebr Ya`akobovits. Sefer Yizkor Li- Kedoshe Byalah-Ravskah. 1972. Bialobrzegi Goldfarb, Aron. Maybe You Will DS135.P62 B5364 1991 Survive: A True Story. New York, 940.53/18/094384 1991. Bialobrzegi Mandelboim, David Avraham. Sefer DS135.P62 B5367 1991 zikaron li-kehilaṭ Byalovz’ig. Tel- Hebr Aviv, 1991. Bialystok Mark, Bernard. Megilat Byalistok: DS135.P62 B546 1945 Ha-Mered Ba-Geto. Tel-Aviv, 1945. Hebr Bialystok Rayzner, Refa'el. Der Umkum Fun DS135.P62 B547 1948 Byalistoker Yidntum, 1939-1945. Hebr Melbourne, 1948. Bialystok Herschberg, Abraham Samuel. Pinkos DS135.P62 B54 Hebr Bialistok. New York, 1949. Bialystok Sohn, David. Bialistok. [New York], DS135.P62 B55 Hebr 1951. Bialystok Blumental, Nachman. Darko Shel DS135.P62 B549 1962 Yudenrat. 1962. Hebr Bialystok Zabludovsky, David. Fargangene DS135.P62 B554 Hebr Yorn: Zikhroynes. Mexico, 1969. Bialystok Byalistoker Yizker Bukh. Nyu York, DS135.P62 B5353 1982 1982. Hebr Biaroza Irgun Yotse Ḳartuz-Berezeḥ be-Erets DS135.B38 K37 1993 Yiśrael. Ḳartuz-Berezeh:̣ sefer Hebr zikaron ṿe-‘edut li-kehhilah she- hushmadah. Tel-Aviv, 1993. Biecz Wagschal, Pinhas. Sefer Zikaron Li- DS135.P62 B567 Hebr (Baitsh) Kedoshe `Ayaratenu Baitsh. 1959. (Baytsh) Bielsk-Podlaski Rabin, H. Byelsk-Podlasḳ i:̣ sefer DS135.P62 B572 yizkor. 1975. 5 Bielsk-Podlaski ----. Byelsk – Poldlaski. 1976 DS135.P62 B572 Hebr Bielsko-Biala Meron, Eliahu. Bilits-Byala. Israel, DS135.P62 B586 1973 1973. Hebr Bieźuń ----. Sefer Ha-Zikaron Li-Kedoshe DS135.P62 B59 Hebr Byez'un. Tel- Aviv, 1956. Bikovsk See: Sanok Bilky Avital. M. Sefer zikaron li-kedoshẹ DS135.U42 B457 1998 kehilaṭ Bilkeḥ ṿeha-sevivah. Tel- Hebr Aviv, 1998. Bistrita-Na̦ să ud̆ Gafni, Neta Aryeh. Bistrits:̣ ‘ir ṿa-em DS135.R72 B573 1990 (Beszterce) be-Yiśra’el. [Bene Brak?] 1990. Hebr Bitola See: Monastir Bivolari ----. ‘Ayaratenu Bivolari. Haifa, DS135.R72 B582 1981 1981. Hebr Bobrka Kallay, Shraga Feivel. Le-zekher DS135.R92 B64 Hebr (Boiberke) kehilat Boberka u-venoteha. 1964 Bobruysk Salu, Yehudah. Bobroysk. 1967. DS135.R93 B59 Hebr (Babruisk) Bohemia Gold, Hugo. Die Juden und DS135.A9 G6 judengemeinden Böhmens in vergangenheit und gegenwart. Brunn-Prag:̈ 1934. Bohemia Wlaschek, Rudolf M. Zur Geschichte DS135.C96 B644 1987 Der Juden in Nordostböhmen: 943.7/1004924 Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Südlichen Riesengebirgsvorlandes. Marburg, 1987. Bohemia Wlaschek, Rudolf M. Juden in DS135.C96 B643 1990 Böhmen: Beiträge Zur Geschichte 943.7/1004924 Des Europäischen Judentums Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert. München, 1990. Bolekhiv Eshel, Jonah, and Mosheh Hanina DS135.P62 B65 Hebr (Bolechow) Eshel. Sefer Ha-Zikaron Li-Kedoshe Bolehov. Haifa, 1957. Bolimow See: Lowicz Bonyhád Blau, Leslie. Bonyhád: a destroyed DS135.H92 B664 1994 community. New York, 1994. Boremel See: Berestechko Borsa Stein, Gedaliahu. Sefer Zikhron DS135.R72 B677 1985 (Borshah)

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