All systems go futuring project takes off Oct. 3 8y Donna Walker Pomtes 8:~d H~r ~oods can save money would probably have backed out of the of interest and to refine the (study) model," Staff. Wnter . and proVl e ~rvl~es In a more efficie~t deal, since the Park city council agreed to Danaher said. LIke theIr counterparts in the ?ther way by consohdatll~g ~me of the servIces Join the study on the condition that at The study will begin on Saturday, Oct. 3, Grosse Pointes, the city councils m Grosse they currently provIde Independently. least four of the other five communities with a half.day session to which all citi- Pointe Woods and Harper Woods want to . .. participate. zens are invited, he said. know what the future holds. I~ all, SIXc~tles wIll .pm:tlclpate In the The study will be facilitated by Edward The session, to be facilitated by Barlow, O~ ~ond~y, the tw.o councils a~eed.~ti_ proJect. ~e CIty counCIls m Grosse ~oint~ D. Barlow Jr., a nationally recognized fu. will last from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. a~d partIcIpate In a futurmg study proJeci,.1 g F~{ CIty, Park and Sh?res gave It theIr turist who made a presentation to the ci. will take place at either the Grosse Pomte ated by Grosse Pointe Farms Mayor reg sea 0 approva! ea.:1.l€rt~IS sum~er ties l~st May. War Memorial or Grosse Pointe South Berendt. Each of the SIXcItIes wIll co~trIbute Each city will appoint a representative High School, Danaher said. h "Gosh, that's great," Berendt said ~h.en $5~OO cat and $5,OO~m servIce hours who will serve on the project's steering Topics to be discu:ssed at the sess~on in. he heard the two cities had agreed to Jom anIf ~upp Ieswtothe prOject commIttee, said Grosse Pointe Farms coun. elude process overvIew, trends and Issues, the project. "I think it's a very positive . arper oods and Grosse Pointe cllman John Danaher. and task force determination. Also, Barlow step for all our communities, because t~IS Woods had not ~greed to.participate, the will glVe a presentation titled, "Journey study is going to help chart our future. cost to the remammg CItIeswould have The steering committee will meet after Toward the Next MIllemum," Danaher The project will study ways the Grosse been greater. Also, Grosse Pointe Park Labor Day "to better define common areas said Your Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News Vol. 53, No. 34 40 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 50~ August 20, 1992 It smells, yes, but it's History buffs lose, not unsafe City OKs lot split By Ronald J. Bernas has no historic significance. Yes, Grosse Pomte Farms Slaft Writer "Next year we'll be celebrat- knows that sometimes the tap The ObjectIOns were heard mg our centennial. It's a shame water smells, but there's not a and the Grosse Pomte City we won't have any 100-year-old whole lot that can be done CounCIl saId it understood the buildings," saId one resident. about it concerns, but there was not a Other residents said that if According to city manager lot it could do the city council had been more RIch Solak, It's the same thing The council unammously ap- concerned WIth the city's his- that happened last fall when proved lot sphts for two parcels tory, somethmg rrught have the cIty rel'p:-,ed several calls of land owned by developer been done to save the build- about the smelly tap water. Brad Elvldge because the re- ings. One reSIdent urged the After extensive testmg, the quests complIed to the letter councIl to create a histoncal CIty determined that the water WIth the lot splIt ordInance. commIssion to help residents is safe and the smell is coming The two 100.foot lots on St. establish historic districts from dead and decaying algae Clair between Maumee and Jef. withm the city which would The algae IS proliferating be- ferson became four 50.foot lots hmit the way the land can be cause zebra mussels are clean- WIth the deciSIOn. developed. sing the lake, allowmg the sun It was the second tune the ReSIdents also objected to the to wann deeper waters, provid. proposal had come before the four lots, contending that they ing better breeding grounds. councIl. In July it was tabled would clutter up the street. St. Solak saId he's noticed the after a number of residents ob- ClaIr, however, consists primar- smell from time to time, but It Jected to Elvidge's plans to tear ily of 50-foot lots, which is one follows no set pattern. down the two structures on the of the reasons the council ap- , He urges residents to chIll land proved the split pItchers of water for drmking, One bUlldmg IS known as the They also sald It would de- which seems to make the smell Kramer Road House and is stroy the homey feeling of the go away. more than 100 years old. It street. tIf you have any water wor- once staged boxing matches AccordIng to the mobon, EI- ries, call Solak at 885.6600. and is beheved to have been vidge must get CIty approval of -Ronald J. Bernas the fIrst Pointe building with elevations, gradings and utilIty electricity. It was later con- Installation before proceeding verted to a three-unit apart- with construction Oops! Photo by Leah Vartaruan ment building and has been The councIl said it liked the Last week's chart of elec- vacant for more than a year. A Idea of a historical commiSSIOn, tion results on page 9A was Me and my puddle single-family home on one of and that it would consIder misleading m that It hsted the parcels will also be razed. It forming one. only the number of seats to Rain brings life to flowers and crops, and to little boys and girls, wonderful puddles to he, filled in three judICIal con- sit in and splash. It's obvious that Riley Edwards of the Farms enjoys his puddle, of which there has been an abundance this year. tests There were two candIdates who wIll face off in Novem- bet for one seat m the 1st District Court of Appeals; six ~caYldidates for three seats, Schools weigh options to winter taxes 3rd Judicial District Circuit By Ronald J. Bemas Court; and two candidates For years the dIStrict has col- All taxes are collected by the Staff Writer lected Its share of taxes in De- mdividual cities which then for one seat m Probate The Grosse Pointe School Court cember. But that meant that as give the schools their portIOn District, in yet another effort to of June 30 the district was Because the cities collect in the A complete chart is on cut expenses, is thinking of page 3A. effectively out of money. WInter, a change could cause changing the way it collects the Last week the board dis- admmistrative difficulties, even taxes due from residents. cussed possibly changing to if the cities agree to collect in either a 100 percent summer the summer, he said. collection or splitting the tax If the cities dId not agree, collection equally between sum- Wayne County would possibly Pointer of Interest mer and winter. be willIng to oversee the collec- In previous years, the district bon but that would involve a filled the gap between June 30 fee and might not save the dis- James W. Goss and the December collection trict much money date by borrowing money, in. By Pat Paholsky honors," he saId vesting it, and paymg It back The school system could col- Editor Other than bemg the senior in December. lect taxes on Its own, but again, James Cffiss was m hIS 30s class preSIdent, who flunked hIS As a result the distnct was the district would have to hIre when he found hIS nIche, work- senior year, that is. paYIng some $500,000 in inter. people and might not realize mg WIthin the legal system, Scheduled to graduate m est each year. That was accept- enough of a savings but It dIdn't come easy. January, he got busy and able when interest earnmgs In addItion, any change may He graduated from Edsel earned a diploma in June. were higher than the interest mean a loss to some taxpayers, Ford High School m Dearborn College was not in his plans expense. But WIth the troubled depending on whether they pay In 1959 "WIth no particular and Goss kIcked around doing economy, the dlstnct is getting theIr taxes mto an escrow ac- Photo hy Leah Vartaman varIOUSjobs for three years un- a lower return on its mvest- count tIl he decided It might be a ments The dlstnct, however, won't Carpe diem good Idea to contmue hIS educa- But the issue IS not as SImple take actIOn untIl next summer And seize the moment is exactly what residents do tIOn as changIng the date on the and any changes, if made, bIlls, according to school super- when there's a nice day, like this weekend. This was "I vividly remember tellmg would not go mto effect untIl taken from Lakeshore and Tonnancour. my mother at Easter break mtendent Ed Shme. 1994, Shme saId. that this was much better than workmg," he said He graduated from Western MichIgan Umversity With a Inside bachelor of busmess admmis- tration degree in 1966 and went to work for the account Opinion 6A mg firm of Touche Ross He was transferred to the Los An- Autos .
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