Dumb 180. 4537 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. t~'1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;W=E=L=L=I=N=G=T=O=N;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, =T=H=U=R=S=D=A=y=,=D;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;E=O=E=M=B=E=R=2=O=, =19-,,1=7.=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==- Altert1 .: ';bundaries of Rangiora! Oxford, Kowai, and Ashley River; thence across the Cust River to a fence, as delineated CountW8. on Map 60 (red) in the office of the Chief Surveyor, Christ­ church; thence along the said fence to the eastern boundary [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. of Rural Section 4214; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Rural Section 4214 to the Oxford and Rangiora A PROCLAMATlUN. Railway Reserve; thence westerly along the northern HEREAS it is provided by subsection two of sec­ boundary of the Oxford and Rangiora Railway Reserve to W tion three of the Counties Amendment Act, 1913, the North Eyre Road; thence south-easterly along the that the boundaries of anyone or more counties may be North Eyre Road to Boy's Tram Road; thence south­ altered in accordance with a resolution proposing the alter· easterly along that road to the road intersecting Educational ation passed by the Council of each of such counties in which Reserve 927 and forming the southern boundary of Rural the principal Act is in force: - Section 4286; thence easterly along that road to the eastern And whereas resolutions were passed by the Rangiora, boundary of the last-mentioned section; thence northerly Oxford, Kowai, and Ashley County Councils praying that along the said eastern boundary-line to Boundary Road; the boundary between the Rangiora, Oxford, Kowai, and thence easterly along that road and a line drawn in continua­ Ashley Counties be the middle of the Ashley' River instead tion of its northern side to its junction with a line drawn of the right bank thereof: And whereas it is expedient to southerly in continuation of the western boundary-line of make such alteration in accordance with the said resolutions: Rural Section 3811; thence northerly along the last-men­ Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power and tioned line to the road along the southern side of the Oxford­ authority conferred on me by the said Act, I, Arthur William Rangiora Railway line; thence south· easterly along that de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor·General of road to the Oxford and Kaiapoi Road; thence again south­ the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare easterly along the said Oxford and Kaiapoi Road and the that the boundaries of the Counties of Rangiora, Oxford, Main Drain and Road Reserve to the north branch of the Kowai, and Ashley respectively shall, as from, the first day of River Waimakariri; thence easterly along the north branch January, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, be those of that river to the north·west boundary of the Borough of set forth under their respective headings in the Schedule Kaiapoi; thence generally easterly and southerly, following hereto. the northern and eastern boundaries of the Borough of Kaiapoi and a line in continuation of its easternmost boundary to the middle of the' River Waimakariri; thence south­ SCHEDULE. easterly along the middle of the said river to the ocean; RANGIORA COUNTY. thence northerly by the ocean to the middle of the River ALL that area in the Canterbury Land District bounded by a Ashley; and thence westerly along t,he middle' f the channel line commencing at a point in the middle of the River Ashley of that river south of Rural Sections 11386, 12160, and 14316, due north of the junction of Bowick's Road with the south and south of Rural Sections 10260 aUlI 35072, and along side of the River Ashley, in Block II, Mairaki Survey Dis· the middle of that river to the point of commencement: trict, anti proceeding thence by a right line to the said excepting from the above·described area the Borough of junction; thence south.westerly along Bowick's Road and Rangiora. Carlton Road to Dickinson's Road; thence westerly along OXFORD COUNTY. Dickinson's Road to Bennett's Ro~d; thence south.easterly All that area in the Canterbury Land District bounded along Bennett's Road to Boundary Road; thence north· towards the south·east generally by the Rangiora County easterly along Boundary Road to the road forming the south· hereinbefore described and by the Eyre County as described western boundaries of Rural Sections 32061 and 23352; in the Second Schedule to the Ashley Subdivision and the thence south· easterly along the last· mentioned road to the Waimakariri.Ashley Water·supply Board Act, 1911; thenoe north·east corner of Rural Section 11124; thence southerly towards the south·west and west by a line along the middle of along the eastern boundary of Rural Sections 11124 and the Waimakariri 'River to a point due west of Trig. Station S. 10176 to the north· west corner of Educational Reserve 713 ; Upper Ashley Survey District; tljence towards the north thence easterly along the northern boundary of Reserve 713 by a right line to tho said Trig. Station S; thence towards aforesaid to the road forming the eastorn boundary of that the north·west by the summit of the Puketeraki Range to reserve; thence southerly along the said road to the Cust Ashley Head; thence towards the north·east by a righ~ line or A , '-~-----'---- _'- 4538 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 180 to Blook Hill; thence towards the south by a right line to Amended Fees under the Tobacco Act. the source of the River Ashley; and thence along the middle of the River Ashley. to the Rangiora Cotmty aforesaid, the LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. place of commencement. ORDER IN COUNCIL. KOWAl COUNTY. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this seventeenth All that area in the Canterbury Land District, the boundaries day of December, 1917. of which are as follows: Commencing at a point in the Present: middle of the River Waipara, the said point being in line with the western boundary-line of Rural Section 29653, THE HONOURABLE Sm JAMES ALLEN, K.C.B., PRESIDING Block XIII, Waipara Survey District; thence towards the IN COUNCIL. west generally by a right line to and thence by the summit 'WHEREAS by .order in Council dated the nineteenth of the range east of Bird's Eye Creek, and the summit of the day of December, one thousand nine hundred and range to Mount Grey; thence by the summit of the range seven, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the ninth to the road at the northernmost corner of Rural Section day of January, one thousand nine hundred and eight, a No_ 34744 ; _thence by the road forming the eastern boundaries certain regulation was made under the Tobacco Act Amend­ of Rural Sections Nos. 34744, 347l9, and 34532, and the ment Act, 1896, imposing a scale of fees to be paid for warrants south-eastern boundary of the last-mentioned section, and to make cigarettes by hand:' And whereas it is expedient by Rural Section No. 33532 to the Makerikeri River; thence to revoke the said regulation, and to make a regulation in by that river to the northernmost corner of Rural Section lieu thereof: No. 33378; thence by a right line to the north-eastern corner Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor.General of of Rural Section No. 5654; thence by a. right line to the the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and _exercise of south-western corner of Rural Section No. 8820; thence by the powers and authorities conferred upon him by the Tobacco Boundary Road to the Christchurch-Amberley Railway line; Act, 1908, as amended by the Finance Act, 1917, and of all thence by the railway-line to the middle of the River Ashley; other powers and authorities enabling him in that behalf, thence towards the south by the Rangiora County hereinbefore and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Ex­ described to the ocean; thence towards the east by the ecutive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby revoke ocean to the middle of the River Waipara; and towards the said regulation made on the nineteenth day of December, the east and north by a line along the middle of the River one thousand nine hundred and seven, and doth make the Waipara to the point of commencement. following regulation in lieu thereof; and doth order that this regulation shall come into force on the first day of January, AsHLEY COUNTY. one thousand nine hundred and eighteen. All that area in the Canterbury Land District bounded towards the south and west by a line along the middle of the REGULATION. Ashley River from the Christchurch-Amberley Railway line to its source; thence towards the north-west by a right line 5. (1.) THE scale of fees payable under subsection (3) of to Block Hill; thence towards the~north-east~by a right line section 28 of the Tobacco Act, 1908, as amended by sec­ from Block. Hill to the source of~the soutll,i,branch of the tion 51 of the Finance Act, 1917, shall be as follows:- River Waipara; thence by a line,along the~middle of that For an annual warrant to make cigarettes where the £ river to a point in line with thelwestern boundary-line of number of cigarettes intended to be made as Rural Section 29653, Block XIII, Waipara Survey District; specified in the declaration of the manufacturer thence towards the east generally by Kowai County herein­ made in accordance with Schedule B to the regu­ before described to the place of commencement.
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