Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-4-1959 The Ledger and Times, April 4, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 4, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3580. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3580 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. sr • • nst ;JAM. 3, 1959 - so Selected As A Beet All Hound Kentucky Community Newel Jper First ... Largest with Circulation In Lucal News The City • Largest and Circulation In Local Pictures The County MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 81 )me Use United Press International IN OUR 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturda Aft noon, April 4, 1959 ,ompany timer ter easy setting of. eoking times, replaces the P' ite timer. tour piece stainless steel FOR CITY oor seal attached to the BUILDING INSPECTO NAMED 3,0 frame allows for maxi- Body Has Within stention of microwave en- 'Humphreys Key To Take Over his seal plus the no-latch Tips On Safe Swimming And Itself Capacity To ndle gives greater ease in peration. Cure Cancer, Expert New Position Under Ordinance Tappan Electronic Rar • poating Given By J.0. Reeves atures all chromium st... SeliTH Net only does - chromium By DELOS Humphreys Key was named as he will ask the statelf to hang can es have been prepared for the the appearance of the "Water be 'a source of UPI Science Editor city building inspector last might 'signs at Fourth and Main to pleasure .2peit can water and if they are SPRINGS. Mo. nit this non-poroes finisn great he a enthusiast EXCELSIOR by the Murray G.ty' Council. denote that traffic coin turn right .', is little likelihood being has cly and effortlessly clean- place of tragedy Conservatien beyed there (UPS — Every human Mr. Key is now employed at on a red light. of sense is to newly designed shelf tray Officer J. 0. Reeves of Callo- accidents. Common within himself "the capacity the . college as engineer and plans The city will repair the weer-le today. _ the greatest factor concerned. Dr. Cheri- Id to catch spill-overs and way county warned cure 'his own cancer," to 'retire from this position in en part of the stands in the coy and If a fisherman, boater Or swim- said Friday. He and can serve as a utensil for -Boating. swimming fish- e. ,Higgins July. park. The boards have rotted out mer will only stop to use gored pro- some foods. ing will be only as safe as the other scientists disclosed The position - of building in- on the present seats. rt. _we --rtrdivieltral -horse- -sensor penny ef tases _els Sergalan4---Normen-- Loving 'med. "Whers a water enthus- the accidents that occur in Ken- hew to manipulate this capacny zoning ordinance. It is the, duty the Murray Police Departmen' 7 and Mr. Sims discuo. die loses respert for the water tuck each year will be avoided. to the full. et the build.in.g inspector to hanA.ed in his resignation ef- unty 4-H Rally, and tne 7am he is encouraging tragedy", He declared that everyone should It' ie hidden within the erete- iseue building permits and to fective April 24. Sergeant Loving. Ming was adjourned. he warned. know the :safety rules, should urine system f.f interdependent see that ',hey are followed ac- who has been on the department eporter, Vand,elene McKeel Reeves gave this waring in memorize them and should abide p•ands which secrete a host of cording to provisions of the or- for a number of years, is mov- pointing out that the boating. by thern. If all peesons who u.e chemicals that regulak man's de- dinance ing from the city. the water would observe the growth, "iproduction, WRONG ADDRESS swimming and tithing season is velopment. He will receive $100 per month Barney Weaks was named as right on us. He declared that following rules. accidents would and bodily functions, in the rspin- pt'- $25.00 traveling expense. a sergeant to replace Luvires and be at a minimum, he concluded. who has earned PORK, Va. — Wee — Build- according to Red Cross releases. cu Higgins, the c •uncil also passed an er- Veavell Kemp was named as a 'new Here are the safety rules for for his pioneer,ng 'id I. Levine constructed s total car 128 drownings were world tame oinoince setting up building per- mernber of the police fence. Mr beat users: of their relations to rewriters had mistakenly reported for Kentucky for 1957. discoveries mit fees. This will be $15 for Kemp has had frorner exper- 1. Know your boat— Every carpenters had mistakenly The 19513 figure is not yet avail- cancer. business and industrial bundinin, ience as a city policeman. boat has its limitations. Know the discos ery of them on property ownecio able. Of the number killed in He disclosed $10 for a residence and $5 for J. D. Overbey was named et' what can be expected of your easily used tool which city of Norfolk. Osegticky. 27 were fishermen. a new, ripen- or remodeling. a new employee of the city beat. bestow a magnificent bene- City Council came to Le- Reeves continued could Mr.' Key is well qualified for street department. 2. Balance your load— Distri- femele sex. The tool tescue. however, by selling He emphasized :hat snidely nil- fit on the this position, having been in the Two street lights were recom- bute weight evenly in the boat, of getting at the secrets ie property on which Is a way ei-41ert1uccon businese for many mended. one en 'Ryan near 18th. from side to side as well as mansn.ary cancer which kills ilt. It was almost ident: of Years. street and another on We!is from bow to stern. weeneere than any other. lots he had purchased ' more The council last nigh: authe- Bouleaverd near north 14'h • 3. Watch the weather— Head is. a particular kind les, but two blocks awie Combs-Wyatt The tool nzed the purchase of a new Street for shore bef,re a storm breaks. of rat whose female never de- motor grader and received bids If caught out, seet passengers velops a mammary cancer spcn- ft-cm the William Tractor Com- Emphasize on the floor of the boat. taneuusly. Higgins and his as- Seated: Judy Ward, business manager, Sharon Outland, editor. pany and the Brande.s Machin- Waterfield Says 4. Head into waves— 1.1 waves sociates at the University of Chi- Outland, feature editor; Shirley Andrus, head ery Company. The Williams Com- at an inflict Standing, from left, Rebecca He Will Take First are high. head your boat cago. have learned how to and Carmen Winning, copy editor. pany represented by Lee An- towards the waves at a these females typist, Donna Grogan, sports editor; • angle that cancer on derson bid a net amount of EN- Dilitrict By 35,000 Agriculture slow speed. 100 times in every 100 tries. 95 and the Brandeis Company 5. Keep bow— Step in the cen- He said 40 per cent of these Farmer Auctions represented by Bob Rea:Wert, ter when boarding or changing cancers were found to depend on bid a net amount 'if $8400. The New Tiger Staff Is Named At Than Let MADISONVILLE TIPS —Li. Gov. SPRINGFIELD Ter — The cam- seats. the secretions of the endocrine Farm Rather 'bid was given tc Bardeis who Harry Lee Waterfield, candidate paign team of Bert T. Combs and 8. Use the right motor— Too glands for their exerstence, while will mak: delivery this month. Government Run It for the Democratic gubernatorial Wilson W. Wyatt shifted its at- much power can damage your 80 per cent are independent of The .'iId grader was traded in Look also, Next Year nomination. Friday predicted a tat tention to plans for the state's boat, many even swamp it. tie ate secretions. This is Murray High For cn the new one. By mARGURITE DAVIS Congressional District victory mnr- industrial development today after for OBC remirnmended horse- roughly. the proportion cut human United Press international Feed Freeman appeared be- gin ,of 35,000 votes in a speech outlining an agricultural program power plate on transom. roarnroal7 cancers skillets or de- , fore the council to seller Tele- The new staff for the Tiger, tire staff for this "et'ear's paper. DOWAGIAC, Mich. 13PD — assailing his opponents. friday. 4 [bet overload— Seals do pendent or independent et Chose phone Service to the n. Muiray High School publication, She is the junior class secretary Stanley Yankus auctioned oft his Answering He said that during the past In a speech at Elkton. Combs not indicate tapeenty. Two or secretions. tosr a fee. This was referred lav has been named for next year. and the assistant business manag- 100-acre farm today rather than city three days he had been "reas- a program of tobacco three adults may a full load un- These rats are thus livMg lab- • en,posed have er for the annual staff. She is let the government tell him what to the proper committee for re- he would carry tile by a portion cesnditions. mammary Six issues of the Tiger sured" that research financed der many oratories both of hsne the junior girl's de with it.
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