PNP 390: PNP Reading Course Instructor: Dr. Ron Mallon -mallon(o)artsci. wustl. edu Office 204 Wilson Hours: Wednesday Afternoons by appt. Texts: Marcus, Gary. 2004. The Birth of the Genes Creates the Complexities of Human Thought. New York. Basic Books. Supplemental readings as rec r presentations. Course Description: In this course, we'll read Marcus's The Birth of the Mind, and consider a lot of ideas connecting genes, brains, and psychology. No laptops, cell phones, smart phones, pdas, etc. on during class, please. Course Assessment and Policies: 30% Presentation (fractional for group work) & Participation Each week, we'll have presentations on, and discussions of, supplemental materials. 70% Papers: 2 4-6 page papers, Due October 31st & December 14th Plagiarism will result in a failing grade. I am happy to make accommodations in accordance with the WUSTL's policies on accommodation. Please see me if you need some sort of accommodation. Topics by Week Week 1. Wednesday, August 31st: Introduction Week 2. Wednesday, September 7th: Marcus Chp. 1, "Neither is Better" Supplements: 1. Paul Ehrlich's "Gene Shortage" Argument Paul Erlich [2000] Human_natures: genes, cultures, and the human prospect pp. 124-127 2. David Buller's "Gene Shortage" Argument David Bulier. Adapting Minds Chp.4:pp. 130-131 3. Gene x Environment Interactions Caspi et al, (2002) "Role of Genotype in the Cycle of Violence in Maltreated Children" Science. VoL.297, August 2nd, 2002, Week 3. Wednesday, September 14th Marcus, Chp. 2, "Born to Learn" Burlap and Downes, "Innateness and Human Diversity" on Telesis & Ares Supplements: 4. "Poverty of the Stimulus" Arguments Laurence and Margolis (2001) pp. 217-233 (Sections 1-3) http:// w w w ,p h ij os Q p h y ■ Q ep t.. s n e t, a c, u k/pap ers/rUS.pdt 5. Between and within group heritability: the two fields argument Section 5 of Burlap and Downes (in assigned reading, on Ares) 6. Innate Social Apprehension Hamlin,. VVynn, Bloom (2007), "Social evaluation by preverbal infants," Nature Week 4. Wednesday, September 21st: Paul Griffiths (2002) What is innateness? The Monist. 85(1): 70-85. Ariew, A. f'1996"). "Innateness and Canalization". Philosophy of Scier Supplements: 7. Wimsatt, William. (1999]"( Innateness: Philosophy, Evolutionary Biology, and. Conceptual Foundations of Science" in Ed. Valerie Gray Hardcastle Where Biology Meets Psychology, pp. 139- 8. Beyond the Gene: Developmental Systems Griffiths, P.. E. and R. D, Gray/1994). Developmental Systems and Evolutionary Explanation Journal of Pllilosp^y_XCIX6J.L277__3'' 9. Griffiths, P., Madi__xJB.,, LinquistS.JTorthcomin Innateness. Mind & Language. Week 5. Wednesday, September 28th: Marcus, Chp. 3, "Brain Storms" Supplements: 10. Plasticity's Extremes: Hemispherectomy Keneaily (2006) "The Deepest Cut" The New Yorker. 11. Face Recognition and Initial Biases Elman, et al. 1996. "The Child's Sensitivity to Faces" in Rethinking Innateness, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 115-118 (on Ares) 12. Is your Brain really necessary? m Lome our Brain Really Necessary?" Science, vol. December 1980, Week 6. Wednesday, October 5th: Marcus, Chp. 4, "Aristotle's Impetus" Supplements: 13. Moss on Gene-P and Gene-D Lenny Moss, 2008, "The Meanings of the Gene and the Future of the Pbenotype," Genomics, Society and Policy, Vol.4. No.l. pp.38-57 14. Keil on Folk biology Keil (1994) "The birth and nurturance of concepts by domains" in eds. Hirschfeld and Gelman, Mapping the Mind. New York: Cambridge University 15. Stephen Downes, (2004) "Alternate Splicing, the Gene Concept, and Evolution" (on Ares) Week 7. Wednesday, October 12th: Marcus, Chp. 5., "Copernicus's Revenge" Supplements: 16. Allen Brain Atlas: http://www.brai D.org/ 17. Genes and Epigenetic Inheritance (2) GeneE. Robinson, Russ"1 Behavior", Science 7 Nov-: 18. Idiosyncratic Genetics Blog Post: Mitchell, Kevin, "Welcome to Your Genome" on Wiring the Brain Week 8. Wednesday, October 19th: Gazzaniga, Michael (1970) "The Bisected Brain" Michael Gazanniga and cerebral lateralization: h_tp_/7xf_itu.be/ZMLzPlVCANo 19. Thomas Nagel and Brain Bisection Nagel nQ711 "firgfojjfortfonanfl fne tmityofConsciousness"Svnthese 396- Week 9. Wednesday, October 27th: 1st Paper is due in Philosophy Department Office Wilson 2nd Fl at 5PM. Marcus, Chp. 6., "Wiring the Mind" Supplement! 20. Grandmother cells and "Halley Berry" cells ___!___ AnnsL 2005,.. Why your brain has a 'Jennifer Aniston cell' 21. Concepts and Brain Organization (2) /dfpjiso Caramazza and Bradford Z. Mahon (2006) "r _ty_______i UiliiaJIBIiMliCTinniMaEMKnagliitgTtT directions," COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY. 2006. 23 f 11.13-38 Week 10. Wednesday, November 2nd: Marcus, Chp. 7., "The Evolution of Mental Genes" Supplements: 22. Chimpanzees and Humans are genetically 98.5% identical 3.2.PP.252-254] 23. What does it mean to compare genomes? Monika Piotrowska (2009). What Does It Mean to Be 75% Pumpkin? The Units of Comparative Genomics. Philosophy of Science 76 (5) or on Ares. Week 11: Wednesday, November 9th: Language and Thought: Revisiting the Whorf Hypothesis Maria Francisca Reines & [esse Prin IM3 ________] Linguistic Relativity. Philosophy Compass 4 fu. Week 12: Wednesday, November 16th: Henri.ch, Joseph and Richard McElreath (2003). "The Evolution of Cultural ■Evolution." Evolutionary Anthropology 12:123-135. Supplements: 24. Culture and evolution in human populations. Cochran, Gregory, Jason Hardy, et al. f 200'" _BWII_l__Ha__M»jl___j______ intelligence." Journal of Biosocial Science 38: 659-693 25. Is evolution accelerating? Hawks, John, Eric T. Wang, j adaptive evolution." PNAS 104 (52): 207L. Wednesday, November 23rd: No Classes. Thanksgiving Break. Week 13. Wednesday, November 30th: Marcus, Chp. 8., "Paradox Lost" H. Clark Barrett, "Dispelling Rumors of a Gene Shortar' Week 14. Wednesday, December 7th: Marcus, Chp. 9, "Final Frontiers" Bostrum. Nick. (20071 "Why I W Kurzvveil. Rav. 2005. "How Technology Will Transform Us." TED talk. Supplements: 26. Merkle, R. 1994, "The Molecular Repair of the Brain." Friday, December 9th: Last Day of Classes. 2nd paper is due in Philosophy Department Office Wilson 2nd floor by closing. Thursday, December 15th-Thursday, December 21st: Final Exams.
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