2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report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orporate Social Responsibility Report 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018 Message from the Chairman "Our goal is to build a truly enabling platform for our broader ecosystem that empowers anyone and any company to realize their dreams for innovative breakthroughs. Working with our partners, we will continue to improve productivity, and expedite the delivery of innovative medicines to patients. WuXi's dream is for a future where every drug can be made, and every disease Chairman and Chief Executive can be treated." Officer of WuXi AppTec Ge Li, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of WuXi AppTec Since 2000 when WuXi AppTec was founded, every step we take has been inspired by our way we do business was bolstered by a company-wide culture centering on the creation of a dream that one day, every drug can be made and every disease can be treated. vibrant, employee-friendly workplace, with clear career pathways and work-life balance. As we work to tackle human diseases in all their complexity, we are acutely aware of the This is our first CSR report after the successful listings of WuXi AppTec on both the A-shares productivity limitations of traditional R&D models in delivering life-saving new therapies for and H-shares markets. This report therefore is a milestone, marking our continued focus on patients. It has dawned upon us that an open-access enabling platform can significantly lower our social responsibilities, a focus that has brought us where we are in our journey, and will the barriers of R&D and accelerate development of new healthcare products. That�s why at continue to guide our future endeavor. WuXi, we are devoted to this worthy cause and remain acutely aware of the important social responsibility such work entails. At WuXi, we will relentlessly enhance our enabling platform with the most comprehensive capabilities and the most cutting-edge technologies by working together and enabling By building the most comprehensive capability and technology platform for the global others. Our goal is to build the foundations upon which any one, and any company, can be healthcare industry, we are enabling the global innovators to move forward in their endeavors. empowered to realize their innovation dreams. In doing so, we can continue to improve It gives us tremendous pride in serving over 3,000 collaborative partners whose mission is to productivity, and bring new medicines to patients much faster. bring better medicines to patients. For us, this has been immensely rewarding. Making a meaningful difference to patients, is our unwavering commitment, and the In 2018, we made significant headway in the delivery of innovative projects, and introduced cornerstone of our social responsibility. green manufacturing and operations across all WuXi businesses. The ethical focus in the 01 02 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018 WuXi AppTec at a Glance Responsibility for Responsibility for Environment Responsibility for Employees Data Healthcare Industry and Community WuXi AppTec at a Glance About Us Leading Business WuXi AppTec is a leading global pharmaceutical, medical device open-access capability and technology platform company with global operations. As an innovation-driven and customer-focused company, WuXi AppTec provides a Company Profile broad and integrated portfolio of services to help our worldwide customers and partners shorten the discovery and development time and lower the cost of drug and medical device R&D through cost-effective and efficient solutions. Company name :WuXi AppTec Co., Ltd. With its industry-leading capabilities in chemical drugs R&D and manufacturing, cell therapy and gene therapy Stock code:02359 (H-shares); 603259 (A-shares) R&D and manufacturing, pharmaceutical discovery services, and medical device testing, WuXi AppTec�s platform is Establishment:Y2000 enabling more than 3,500 partners from more than 30 countries to bring innovative healthcare products to patients, and to fulfill the Company�s dream that �every drug can be made and every disease can be treated.� Headquarters:Shanghai, China Presence:64 subsidiaries worldwide Small molecule ● CMC platform received FDA approval for new drug R&D and chemical entities Operating income, CNY 1 million Total number of employees manufacturing ● CDMO approved by regulatory agencies in U.S., Canada, EU, Switzerland, China, Australia and New 6,116 7,765 9,614 10,587 14,763 17,730 Zealand to supply APIs and GMP intermediates for Cell therapy and Integrated, end- branded commercial drugs gene therapy to-end enabling platform ● GLP toxicology laboratory certified by both OECD and NMPA, and passed FDA GLP inspections Y2016 Y2017 Y2018 Y2016 Y2017 Y2018 Drug R&D and medical device ● GLP/GCP bioanalytical laboratory passed FDA, testing OECD, and NMPA inspections Organizational Structure The Company 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% WXAT Chengdu WXAT Shanghai WXAT Tianjin WXAT International WXAT HK 80.06% 19.94% 40.00% 60.00% WXAT Suzhou WXAT Wuhan 85.71% STA Note: 85.71% refers to WuXi AppTec�s Other subsidiaries direct stock ownership of STA. 03 04 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018 WuXi AppTec at a Glance Responsibility for Responsibility for Environment Responsibility for Employees Data Healthcare Industry and Community Global Presence WuXi AppTec boasts 64 subsidiaries globally, including China, the US, the UK and Germany, etc. Shanghai R&D headquarters Shanghai Clinical/registration affairs Shanghai Pharmaceutical research and development services Changzhou Chemical drugs R&D and manufacturing Jinshan Chemical drugs manufacturing Suzhou Animal research center London Project management Nanjing Bio-analysis and drug property evaluation Qidong Chemical drug R&D Tianjin Chemical research Chengdu Life Science Industry Park Wuhan Chemical research Beijing Clinical/registration affairs Guangzhou Project management UK Shijiazhuang Clinical research, R&D and manufacturing US Munich Drug discovery Germany South Korea China Israel Tel Aviv Project management Japan Plainsboro New Jersey Drug property evaluation and bioanalysis Philadelphia Pennsylvania Manufacturing of cell therapy San Diego California R&D and manufacturing of chemical drugs Austin Texas Clinical research Saint Paul Minnesota Medical device testing Atlanta Georgia Medical device testing 05 06 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2018 WuXi AppTec at a Glance Responsibility for Responsibility for Environment Responsibility for Employees Data Healthcare Industry and Community Corporate History Y2016 Y2017 Y2018 WuXi AppTec has evolved from a laboratory of 650 square meters with ● Acquired Crelux, enhancing structure-based drug ● Acquired HD Biosciences, ● WuXi AppTec announced listing of Initial Public four founders to an international discovery capabilities in Europe. strengthening the Company�s biology Offering of Common Stock on the Shanghai Stock company with over 18,000 employees. R&D capacity and capability; Exchange (stock code: 603259.SH); Today, WuXi AppTec is serving over 3,500 ● Acquired ResearchPoint Global, ● WuXi AppTec listed H shares on the Hong Kong Stock partners worldwide, with thousands expanding the Company�s clinical Exchange (stock code: 2359.HK). of R&D and clinical manufacturing research capabilities worldwide. programs driven by our platform. Y2015 Y2014 Y2012 Y2011 ● Launched medical device testing ● Opened a new plant in Philadelphia of ● The R&D and manufacturing site in the city of ● Acquired Medkey, expanding services in China. USA, focusing on R&D and production Wuxi was put into operation; to clinical development and services of CAR-T therapies and other ● Wuhan site was put into operation, and it registration services. immunotherapies; became the key of the Company�s strategic ● Expanded in U.S. with acquisition of network in central and western China. XenoBiotic Laboratories, bolstering bioanalytical and DMPK/ADME services. Y2000 Y2001 Y2006 Y2007 Y2008 Y2009 Y2010 ● Registered in the city of Wuxi, ● Started synthetic chemistry ● Started toxicology and formulation ● WuXi AppTec acquired AppTec ● Opened a toxicology facility in Suzhou, ● STA opened a large-scale Jiangsu and operated in Shanghai services in Y2001; services; Laboratory Services. The which became the most important manufacturing facility in Jinshan ● Started manufacturing process ● Set up �Life Science and Chemistry Company has been renamed WuXi base of toxicology services. District, Shanghai. development services in Y2003; Awards�, aiming
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