MIT’s Oldest and Largest The Weather Today: Partly sunny, 25°F (-4°C) Newspaper Tonight: Partly cloudy, 18°F (-8°C) Tomorrow: Partly sunny, 30°F (-1°C) Details, Page 2 http://tech.mit.edu/ Volume 128, Number 64 Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Wednesday, January 21, 2009 New Shuttle Will Big, Hopeful Crowds Gather to Travel to Trader Joe’s Starting January 24th, the MIT Parking and Transportation Office Watch Obama’s Inauguration will operate a shuttle to and from Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods Mar- ket. The shuttle will run every Saturday from 11 a.m. until 2:47 p.m., By Greg Steinbrecher the event, which was broadcast in estine and thinks that Obama will im- leaving campus every 30 minutes and STAFF REPORTER five lecture halls. A crowd of watch- prove America’s image abroad. She making its last pickup on campus at As President Barack Obama took ers filled 32-123, with some sitting looks forward to American troops’ News Briefs 1:47 p.m. A current schedule can be the oath of office at yesterday’s in- on the floor; and about a hundred withdrawal from Iraq, although she found online at http://web.mit.edu/facilities/transportation/shuttles/ auguration, hundreds of members of people turned out to watch the events said a presence in Afghanistan will grocery.html. the MIT community looked on from in the Ashdown dining hall. help stabilize the Middle East. But The shuttle service is funded by a donation from the parents of lecture halls and communal spaces. Students who watched the inau- in “the bubble of MIT,” Ayyash said a current student who want to remain anonymous, said Lawrence R. Students expressed a cautious opti- guration expressed cautious opti- she doubted Obama would do much Brutti, operations manager at MIT’s Parking and Transportation Of- mism for the future. mism in Obama’s prospects for lead- to affect her life. fice. The shuttle will cease operation after May 23 unless more funding Employees not normally free ing a nation through a time of crisis. is acquired. midday were given breaks to watch Dima Ayyash ’12 was born in Pal- Inauguration, Page 13 —Robert McQueen Fire Alarms, Sprinklers Disturb Bldg. 32 Over the past few days, Stata Center fire prevention systems have caused trouble for the building. On Saturday, a sprinkler began pouring out water, probably as a result of a frozen pipe break. Water flowed into the lobby for about half an hour, an artist whose work had been set up under a sprinkler told a Tech photographer. On Sunday and Tuesday, fire alarms forced occupants — including on Sunday at least one Mystery Hunt teams — to exit. Causes for the fire alarms have not yet been released, but stay tuned for a follow-up report. —Robert McQueen MIT Publishes Diversity Leadership Congress Notes A website launched on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day hopes to an- swer President Susan Hockfield’s 2008 call for MIT to make a “seri- ous, meaningful change” in the way it handles the “urgent challenge VINCENT Auyeung—THE TECH Inauguration viewers in 10-250 rise to their feet as President Barack Obama begins to recite the oath of News Briefs, Page 13 office. For more photos from inauguration day events, see page 8. ‘Beginner’s Luck’ Wins 63-Hour Mystery Hunt Apollo 17 By Pearle Lipinski metapuzzles, which prepared the way plete the Escape from Zyzzlvaria “DES PLAINES.” ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR for the Hunt’s final runaround. board game that would lead them to This year’s puzzles were written Moon Rock The 2009 Mystery Hunt conclud- Two teams, S.C. Johnson: A Fam- the Brass Rat Spaceship, its Captain by The Evil Midnight Bombers What ed, after 63 hours, when the team ily Company and Codex Magliabe- Blastoid, and his Covertly Opera- Bomb At Midnight, who earned the Beginner’s Luck uncovered the coin, chiano, had solved six of the seven tional Inversion Node (COIN). right to write this Hunt as victors of Reveals the traditional goal of the hunt, in the metapuzzles at the Hunt’s comple- Escape from Zyzzlvaria is a Hunt last year’s Mystery Hunt. That team Building 13 basement on Monday at tion and tied for second place. inside joke, dating back to a 2002 also won the 2006 Mystery Hunt. 3:03 a.m. In this year’s Hunt, participants Mystery Hunt puzzle featuring a The Evil Midnight Bombers has 26 This year’s hunt had 38 participants were trapped (in spirit) in the fiction- live duck and an tortuously compli- members, consisting of MIT alumni Magnetic and was the third longest in Hunt his- al space region Zyzzlvaria. To escape cated series of rules encoding a logic and friends. tory. Teams faced 112 puzzles and 7 from Zyzzlvaria, teams had to com- puzzle whose eventual answer was The winning team, Beginner’s Luck, is an offshoot of the Team Pal- Beginnings indrome which won the 2007 Mys- By Kenneth Chang tery Hunt. THE NEW YORK TIMES Jennifer Braun ’02, head coordi- The lasting impression left by the nator of the 2009 Hunt, said of the Apollo missions is of a moon that is puzzles, “I think that the metas were gray, dusty, desolate and dead. But particularly challenging, especially instruments left behind by Apollo in Phase Two, and possibly more astronauts recorded moonquakes and complicated than in previous years.” wobbles in its rotation that gave hints “It seems like [the puzzles] get of a still molten core. harder every year, but even so, these Now, a rock collected more than were well written,” said Laura Dean 36 years ago during Apollo 17, the ‘00, a member of Team Unseen who last human visit to the moon, reveals has participated in ten Hunts. that the molten core may have once The game ran smoothly, Braun churned and generated a magnetic said, and participants had a good field. time. “The teams seemed to enjoy Given that lava plains on the lu- [the Hunt], which is really the most nar surface indicate a volcanic past important thing,” Braun said. that may have lasted nearly 2 billion “It was amazing,” said Yuki G. years, “I don’t think it’s that surpris- Yamada ‘11. “It’s pretty much the ing,” said Ian Garrick-Bethell G, best excuse to stay up for 65 hours. who just finished his doctorate at the Looking from the outside, it may Massachusetts Institute of Technol- sound miserable, but it’s the best ogy. three days of the year.” Nonetheless, the findings of The Mystery Hunt was started by Garrick-Bethell and his colleagues, RACHEL Fong—THE TECH MIT student Brad Schaefer in 1980. which appear in the current issue of A spaceship crew chronicles its daring escape from the planet Zyzzlvaria at the opening ceremony of the Schaefer wrote the puzzles until he the journal Science, may help resolve year’s annual puzzle competition, the MIT Mystery Hunt, on Friday, Jan. 16. During the 2009 Hunt, teams left MIT in 1983, when the tradition a longstanding debate. of problem solvers posed as space travelers stranded on Zyzzlvaria and solved puzzles to find their way of the winning team writing the next home. See page 8 for more photos of Mystery Hunt 2009. Hunt began. Moon, Page 12 Comics OPINI O N ARTS World & Nation . 2 Is Noam Chomsky wrong about ‘Tokyo!’: three strange directors’ Opinion ����������������������������������������4 Israel and Hamas? takes on the strange land of Campus Life ��������������������������������6 Japan. Arts ����������������������������������������������7 Comcs & Fun Pages ������������������10 Page 10 Page 4 Page 7 Sports . 16 Page 2 THE TECH January 21, 2009 WORLD & NATIO N Report Faults Treatment of Women Obama Is Sworn in as the Held at Immigration Centers By Dan Frosch THE NEW YORK TIMES Forty-Fourth President Some 300 women held at immigration detention centers in Ari- zona face dangerous delays in health care and widespread mistreat- By Carl Hulse of elated African-Americans, Obama, be taken to a hospital. Friends of Ken- ment, according to a new study by the University of Arizona, the latest THE NEW YORK TIMES the first black to become president, nedy, the 76-year-old Massachusetts report to criticize conditions at such centers throughout the United WASHINGTON did not dwell on that in his speech. Democrat, said he was conscious and States. Barack Hussein Obama became He spoke for about 20 minutes, conversing. The study, which federal immigration officials criticized as nar- the 44th president of the United after taking the oath of office on the With his wife, Michelle, holding row and unsubstantiated, was conducted from August 2007 to August States on Tuesday before a massive same Bible used by Abraham Lin- the Bible, Obama, the 47-year-old 2008 by the Southwest Institute of Research on Women and the James crowd reveling in a moment of pro- coln at his first inaugural in 1861, son of a white mother from Kansas E. Rogers College of Law, both at the University of Arizona. It was found racial significance, and called emphasizing his determination to and a black father from Africa, was released Jan. 13. on Americans to confront together unite Americans in confronting both sworn in by Chief Justice John G. Researchers examined the conditions facing women in the process an economic crisis that he said was the economic challenges facing him Roberts Jr. a few minutes after noon, of deportation proceedings at three federal immigration centers in caused by “our collective failure to and the continuing fight against ter- a little later than planned, and spoke Arizona.
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