Morning Star morningstaronline.co.uk 4 Saturday/Sunday news morningstaronline April 28-29 2018 @m_star_online n FRONT PAGE n ECONOMY n RIGHT TO PRIVACY WADSWORTH HUNG OUT Tory cuts to TO DRY BY LABOUR NCC blame for big Snoopers’ FROM P1: “It is a bitter irony that cratically elected party leader. fall in growth, Wadsworth’s unjust treatment “These rightwingers will would not have been possible if stop at nothing in their Charter not the relevant recommendations attempts to remove Corbyn.” says O’Grady of the Chakrabarti report had Dozens of Labour MPs had BRITAIN’S economy is suf- been implemented rather than marched in support of Jewish fering from an “avalanche” being obstructed by the party’s colleague Ms Smeeth as she of cuts, the TUC warned legal, High entrenched bureaucracy.” prepared to give evidence at yesterday as figures reveal Mr Wadsworth said in a Mr Wadsworth’s disciplinary Britain’s weakest quarterly statement that he was over- hearing this week. growth in five years. whelmed by the support he Mr Wadsworth accused the GDP figures published by Court finds received. “gang of white MPs” of bully- the Office for National Statis- He said: “I deplore anti- ing behaviour, saying it was “a tics (ONS) show the economy semitism, anti-black racism, crude attempt to influence the growing by just 0.1 per cent by Sam Tobin state having the kind of reten- Islamophobia and all forms of outcome of my hearing, and it in the last three months. tion powers provided by the Act, prejudice, bigotry and discrimi- seems to have had an effect.” It was the weakest quar- but he added that its “incom- nation that I have campaigned He was supported by Labour terly growth since the fourth THE TORY government suf- patibility” with European law against all my political life and MP Chris Williamson, who said quarter of 2012 and worse fered a humiliating High Court was a result of “failures to have will continue to do so. he was “astonished” by the than experts had predicted. defeat yesterday when it was certain safeguards.” “With my brilliant legal “perverse” ruling. The ONS findings show given just six months to amend He said this was “a very team, who won the arguments “It flies in the face of the evi- that a major fall in con- its latest Snooper’s Charter. important constitutional case” hands down, I will be looking dence that was presented and struction work and a weak- Civil rights group Liberty with “vital public interests at at all my options to legally chal- offends against the principles ening manufacturing sector hailed a landmark victory for stake,” noting that it covered lenge the decision.” of natural justice. accounted for the stagnation. the right to privacy after the “relatively uncharted territory” Labour Against the Witch- “The NCC’s decision has all TUC general secretary Investigatory Powers Act (IPA) for the English courts. hunt said the decision to expel the hallmarks of predetermi- Frances O’Grady urged the was found to be incompatible But Mr Singh rejected Lib- him was “outrageous,” while nation and tramples on the government to invest in infra- with European law. erty’s argument that the leg- Grassroots Black Left (GBL) Labour Party’s record of stand- structure, clean energy indus- Lord Justice Singh ruled the islation allowed the “general also said it was appalled by the ing up for fairness.” tries and digital services. Act unlawful because access to and indiscriminate retention expulsion. [email protected] She said: “One week of retained communications data of communications data,” rul- GBL co-chair Deborah Hobson snow doesn’t explain a dec- was not limited to fighting “seri- ing that it included controls said: “Marc Wadsworth has been HAVE YOUR SAY ade of weak growth, dismal ous crime” and not subject to to ensure that retention was made a scapegoat in the battle productivity and falling any prior independent review. necessary and proportionate. Write (up to 300 words) to between anti-Jeremy Corbyn wages. It’s the avalanche of He gave the government Liberty director Martha Spur- [email protected] or cuts that has done the long- until November 1 to amend the Labour zealots and those peo- 52 Beachy Rd, London E3 2NS rier welcomed the court’s deci- ple who support a twice demo– term damage.” legislation accordingly. sion to declare the Act unlaw- The Act allows the govern- ful, while vowing that legal ment to intercept private com- challenges to other aspects of munications data on such ques- the legislation would follow. tionable grounds as “protecting She said: “Spying on every- public health,” “assessing or one’s internet histories and collecting any tax” and main- email, text and phone records taining “financial stability.” with no suspicion of serious In July 2017, the government criminal activity and no basic admitted that part 4 of the Act, protections for our rights under- relating to retention of commu- mines everything that’s central nications data, was unlawful. to our democracy and freedom.” But the government argued The case, the first stage of that Liberty’s judicial review Liberty’s legal challenge to the bid should be rejected as it was Act, was crowdfunded to the conducting a consultation with a tune of more than £50,000. FOLLOW US view to amending the legislation. The next stage will focus Lord Justice Singh ruled that on the government’s power to ON TWITTER “there is nothing in EU law” hack into electronic devices. @M_Star_Online which prevented a member [email protected] n HEALTH SERVICE Draconian immigration rules ‘cause NHS staff shortages’ by Ceren Sagir Rehana Azam said the govern- NHS Providers policy adviser ment does not have its “priori- Paul Myatt said that recruiting ties in the right place” and NHS internationally is one of the few IMMIGRATION rules are “caus- services should be a priority. short-term options open to trusts. ing shortages” in the NHS work- “It can be seen with the Win- “We appreciate that discus- force by preventing overseas drush generation that we still sions are taking place within doctors from coming to Brit- obviously have issues with racism government about this issue, ain to work, service providers across departments,” she said. but there needs to be a new warned yesterday. “Immigration policies have sense of urgency to find a solu- Limits on the number of visas been directing real issues tion,” Mr Myatt argued. issued to medics from outside which discriminate against In February, NHS Improve- the European Economic Area groups of people while patients ment reported 100,000 vacancies are contributing to rota gaps and are losing out because there is across England’s 234 acute, ambu- delays in patients receiving care. not enough skilled staff. lance and mental health trusts. NHS Employers said there “Officials undertaking gov- A Downing Street spokes- have been 400 cases of blocked ernment policy have a list of man said the government was visas since December. The occupations that we need from “investing in the workforce and Home Office claims its limits overseas, yet the Home Office is we have record numbers work- are in the national interest. potentially making conscious ing in the health service.” GMB national secretary decisions to block visas.” [email protected] Morning Star morningstaronline.co.uk 6 Saturday/Sunday world morningstaronline April 28-29 2018 @m_star_online n ArmenIA Karpetian refuses to meet opposition leader live on TV by steve sweeney credible candidate for Arme- Parliament, the Prosperous nia’s prime minister ahead of Armenia Party, yet to declare a vote in Parliament to deter- its support, although it has ANTI-GOVERNMENT protests mine the country’s new leader backed the anti-government are continuing in Armenia on May 1. protests. after acting prime minister Weeks of political turmoil Mr Pashinian told a rally Karen Karpetian refused to have unfolded in Armenia with in Yerevan: “I either will meet opposition leader Nikol a mass protest movement forc- be elected prime minister Pashinian yesterday. ing the resignation of former through the people, by their Mr Pashinian had proposed president Serzh Sargsyan just demand, and with their sup- the two meet for talks at the days after he was appointed port, or no prime minister at Marriott Hotel in the Arme- prime minister earlier this all will be elected in the repub- nian capital Yerevan, insisting month. lic of Armenia. on the discussion being broad- They were angered at Mr “There can be no compro- cast live on state television. Sargsyan for taking on the mise with the corrupt and However Mr Kareptian role, which became more pow- anti-national system.” declined the invitation with erful after 2015 constitutional Armenia’s main ally Russia spokesman Aram Araratian changes — which he helped has said it hopes for a swift saying: “The acting prime min- push through — saw the prime resolution to the political situ- ister believes that negotiations minister become head of a con- ation in line with the country’s where one side exclusively dic- stitutional democracy. constitution. tates the agenda, and the other Mr Pashinian is seen as While the ruling party said cannot present its agenda, can- leader of the protest movement it was prepared to meet Mr not be considered negotiations. which swept aside Mr Sarg- Pashinian to discuss any issue, “Besides, Karen Karapetian syan, who had ruled Armenia he insisted that “no deal can still believes that holding talks for a decade, amid calls for be struck behind the people’s in front of the media already new elections and political back.” suggests that the goal of the reform.
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