SPRING 2019 NATIVE PLANT SALE PRE-ORDER LIST DOGWOOD CANYON AUDUBON CENTER SALE & PICKUP: APRIL 20, 2019 | 10AM - 5PM PRE-ORDERS ARE NOT REQUIRED, BUT GUARANTEE AVAILABILITY. COME SHOP THE DAY OF THE SALE! 1206 W FM 1382, CEDAR HILL, TX 75104 (469) 526-1980 Items marked with * and in red are native and organic. Botanical Name Bloom Characteristcs Benefits Flower Color Size: Spacing Description 1 gallon 2 gallon 3 gallon Native & Time x Height x (#10) Common Name Organic Bloom Height Perennials and Shrubs Well-drained, moist soil, blooms best in full sun, can Tall shrub, attracts pollinators, be used at screen, can form mulitple trunks, can Bee Brush * Aloysia gratissima Mar-Nov Sun-Part shade vanilla fragrance White 6-12ft prune if prefer more compact shape $ 12.00 $ 20.00 N/A Larval host for southern dogfaces, Silver-spotted Skipper (Epargyreus clarus), Gray hairstreak, Hoary edge Tall shrub, attracts pollinators, showy flower plume, False Indigo * Amorpha fruticosa Apr-Jun Sun-Part shade skipper. Orange/Purple 6-10ft likes moisture $ 12.00 N/A N/A Attracts: Butterflies, Shiny green foliage with multiple flower spikes per hummingbirds stem. Hummingbirds love the flowers. Semi- Deciduous. Should be cut back Sun, Partial Sun, Aesthetics: Showy in the winter by at least 1/2 to 2/3 to encourage Flame Acanthus or Anisacanthus quadrifidus Atrtracts Butterflies, dense compact growth. Is tough, drought tolerant Hummingbird Bush * var. Wrightii Jun-Oct Dry Conditions Other: Interesting foliage Orange 3" x 4" and takes reflected heat. $ 12.00 N/A N/A Shade-Part Shade, Shade-loving with attractive Anisacanthus quadrifidus heat tolerant, sandy foliage; Attracts hummingbirds Beautiful woodland wildflower has showy, drooping, Columbine-Little Lanterns var. Wrightii Feb-Jul soil & bees Red/Pink 20-30" bell-like flowers. Semi-evergreen $ 10.00 N/A N/A Shade-loving with attractive Shade, heat tolerant, foliage; Attracts hummingbirds Beautiful woodland wildflower has showy, drooping, Columbine-Hinckleyana Aquilegia chysantha Feb-Jul sandy soil & bees Yellow 20-30" bell-like flowers. Semi-evergreen $ 10.00 N/A N/A Handsome shrub or small tree with showy thyrses Attacts hummingbirds & bees; (often called panicles) of deep red or yellow, Red Buckeye * Aesculus pavia Mar-May Part-shade; moist soil handsome ornamental Red, Yellow 10-40 ft campanulate flowers in early spring N/A $ 25.00 N/A Berlandiera texana Texas Greeneyes * (betonicifolia) Apr-Nov Part shade Well-drained, moist Yellow 1-3ft Name comes from green center on flower $ 12.00 N/A N/A Excellent addition as a bedding plant alone or mixed in a grassy area. May be planted in a hanging basket in which trailing stems cascade over the side. Color, Sun or part-shade; Attracts bees; Easy growing; White, Pink, Blooms ornamental, Showy, Wildflower meadow, Winecup Callirhoe involucrata Mar-June Well-drained soil Long-blooming Purple 1-3 ft Easily grown, Long-blooming. $ 10.00 N/A N/A Spring- Sun, Part shade; Low spreading perennial, green leaves, large lemon Sun drops Calylophus drummondii Summer Low water Yellow 1 ft. yellow flowers, long bloom $ 10.00 N/A N/A Horseherb * Calyptocarpus vialis Mar-Nov Shade-Sun Low growing, groundcover Yellow 0.5-1ft Soft texture, can be mowed, spreads well $ 12.00 N/A N/A Chili Pequin * Capsicum annuua May-Oct Sun-Shade Hot pepper, edible White/Red fruit 1-3ft May wilt when first planted in sun, give time to adjust $ 12.00 N/A N/A Cephalanthius Attracts pollinators, unusual Buttonbush occidentalis Jun-Sep Part shade-shade globe flowers White 10-12 ft Tall shrubs, multi-stem trunk, likes moist soils N/A N/A $ 20.00 A must for butterfly gardens. Flowers are a nectar Sun, Partial Sun, source for Monarchs. Filler plant around showier Attracts Butterflies, flowers. Drought tolerant Palm Leaf Mistflower Conoclinium greggii Aug-Oct Dry Conditions Attracts: Butterflies Blue 36" x 24" x 24" once established. Formerly Eupatorium greggii. Sun, Part-shade, Grows in small clumps but forms extensive colonies; Lanceleaf Coreopsis * Coreopsis lanceolata Apr-June Shade; Sandy soil Attracts butterflies & bees Yellow 1-2 1/2 ft yellow, daisy-like flowers $ 12.00 N/A N/A Page 1 of 7 SPRING 2019 NATIVE PLANT SALE PRE-ORDER LIST DOGWOOD CANYON AUDUBON CENTER SALE & PICKUP: APRIL 20, 2019 | 10AM - 5PM PRE-ORDERS ARE NOT REQUIRED, BUT GUARANTEE AVAILABILITY. COME SHOP THE DAY OF THE SALE! 1206 W FM 1382, CEDAR HILL, TX 75104 (469) 526-1980 Items marked with * and in red are native and organic. Botanical Name Bloom Characteristcs Benefits Flower Color Size: Spacing Description 1 gallon 2 gallon 3 gallon Native & Time x Height x (#10) Common Name Organic Bloom Height Attracts: Birds From the "Big Bang" series, compact plant with deep Coreopsis grandiflora- Sun, Attracts red flower and bright yellow button center. Medium Coreopsis Uptick Jun-Nov Butterflies Aesthetics: Fine, dense foliage Yellow 18" x 12" x 15" texture leaves. $ 10.00 N/A N/A Sun; High drought Attracts butterflies & bees One of the most widespread of the perennial Prairie Purple Prairie Clover * Dalea purpurea June-Sept tolerance; Dry soil (honey & bumble) Purple 2" Clovers, identifiable by their cone-like flower heads $ 12.00 N/A N/A Blooms in evening, very large Attracts evening pollinators, blooms through the Angel Trumpet * Datura wrightii Shade flower 48"x36"x36" night N/A $ 25.00 N/A Stout stems, 2-4 ft. tall, bear flowerheads having Sun; High drought lavender, or rarely white, rays drooping from a large, Pale Coneflower * Echinacea pallida May-July tolerance Attracts bees pale purple 3-6 ft spiny, cone-shaped center. Sometimes aggressive. $ 12.00 N/A N/A The 2-3 ft. flower stalks are sturdy and straight, with Yellow Coneflower * Echinacea paradoxa May-June Part shade Special value to native bees Yellow 1-3 ft solitary terminal flowers $ 12.00 N/A N/A Large, coarse and heavily toothed basal foliage. Daisy-like, 1" flowers. Petals will curve backwards with intense heat. In well Attracts: Birds amended soil plant becomes floppy. Needs well drained soil. Named after German-American Engelmann Daisy Engelmania peristenia April-July Sun, Partial Sun Aesthetics: Interesting foliage Yellow 2" x 2" x 2.5" botanist George Engelmann. $ 10.00 N/A N/A Scattered along the stiff, upright stem of this unusual perennial are tough, blue-green, yucca-like, parallel- Rattlesnake Master * Eryngium yuccifolium May-Aug Sun Special value to native bees White 3-6 ft veined leaves. $ 12.00 N/A N/A The large flowers have an intense hue and keep blooming when many other plants are looking crispy and brown in the summer. The blue-gray foliage is almost succulent. Combined with Indian grass, Texas Bluebells * Eustoma grandiflorum June-Sept Sun; Moist soil Interesting foliage Blue 1-3 ft bluebells looks great, especially in larger gardens. $ 12.00 N/A N/A Attracts butterflies & bees; Aromatic, Accent tree or shrub, Blooms Kidneywood * Eysenhardtia texana May-Oct Sun; Dry soil Aromatic White 6-12 ft ornamental, Fast growing, Showy $ 12.00 N/A N/A Alternative to white avens, Yellow Avens * Geum aleppicum May-July Shade slightly taller Yellow 1ft Nice shade plant with interesting foliage $ 12.00 N/A N/A White Avens complements any woodland garden as a groundcover or in a mass planting. The leaves resemble those of strawberries. Its evergreen winter Part-shade or foliage also makes it attractive as a potted plant. The White Avens * Geum canadense Apr-June Shade Attracts butterflies White 1-3 ft seeds attach to dog fur or clothing. $ 12.00 N/A N/A Mar-June; Year round w/ right Sun; Low water; Low, upright, silvery perennial with yellow disk Four-nerve daisy Hymenoxys conditions Dry soil None given Yellow 8-12" flowers. Great for a rock garden, or garden border. $ 10.00 N/A N/A Page 2 of 7 SPRING 2019 NATIVE PLANT SALE PRE-ORDER LIST DOGWOOD CANYON AUDUBON CENTER SALE & PICKUP: APRIL 20, 2019 | 10AM - 5PM PRE-ORDERS ARE NOT REQUIRED, BUT GUARANTEE AVAILABILITY. COME SHOP THE DAY OF THE SALE! 1206 W FM 1382, CEDAR HILL, TX 75104 (469) 526-1980 Items marked with * and in red are native and organic. Botanical Name Bloom Characteristcs Benefits Flower Color Size: Spacing Description 1 gallon 2 gallon 3 gallon Native & Time x Height x (#10) Common Name Organic Bloom Height Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris have similar flowers to the more familiar Tall Bearded Iris, but on a dwarf Louisiana iris-Dwarf Sky plant that blooms much earlier. Will tolerate a wide Blue Iris spp. Spring Sun Attracts: Butterflies Blue 6-12" range of moisture conditions. $ 10.00 N/A N/A Sun; Dry soil/ Heat Aromatic, Accent tree or shrub, Blooms Prairie Blazing Star * Liatris pycnostachya May-Oct & cold tolerant Attracts butterflies & bees White 6-12 ft ornamental, Fast growing, Showy $ 12.00 N/A N/A Scaly gayfeather or blazing star may have one or several stems, each erect, unbranched, and 10-24 Scaly Blazing Star * Liatris squarrosa June-Sept Sun; Dry soil Special value to native bees Purple 1-3 ft in. tall. N/A $ 30.00 N/A Sun, Partial Sun, Attracts: Birds, butterflies, Malvaviscus arboreus Shade, Attracts hummingbirds Very tough plant for all conditions. Lush green var. drummondii (only Butterflies, Dry foliage with small, unopened Hibiscus-like flowers, Turk's Cap pink available) Jul-Oct Conditions Aesthetics: Interesting foliage Red 3" x 4" x 4" that resemble a turban. $ 10.00 N/A $ 20.00 Attracts: Nector insects, butterflies, birds Aesthetics: Showy, blooms Continually covered with happy little 1" daisies ornamental, long blooming during the growing season.
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