® Adobe® Font Name Reference Table (Fntnames.pdf) © 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. ® Contents Typeface Trademark Symbols . 3 Introduction . 7 Font Name Reference Table . 11 Package 100 . 25 Package 200 . 42 Package 300 . 57 Package 400 . 74 Appendix A: Font Menu Name Revisions . 82 Appendix B: Trademark Attribution Statements . 91 Adobe Technical Support Technical Adobe ® Typeface Trademark Symbols The following list of trademark attribution symbols is arranged alpha- betically by family name. The name of the originating company (e.g., ITC) and prefixes such as “new” in names like “New Baskerville” were not used for alphabetizing. The trademark attribution statements are in Appendix B of this document. A Aachen™, Agfa®, Aja®, Berthold® Akzidenz Grotesk®, Albertus®, Aldus*, Alexa®, ITC American Typewriter®, Americana®, Amigo™, Andreas™, ITC Anna®, Antique Olive®, Apollo™, Arcadia*, Ariadne*, Arnold Bocklin*, Ashley Script™, New Aster™, Auriol*, ITC Avant Garde Gothic®, Avenir* B Baker Signet™, Balzano™, Banco®, Banshee™, Barmeno™, Berthold Baskerville™, Berthold Baskerville Book®, ITC New Baskerville®, ITC Bauhaus®, ITC Beesknees®, Bellevue™, Belwe™, Bembo®, ITC Benguiat®, ITC Benguiat Gothic®, ITC Berkeley Old Style®, Berliner Grotesk™, Berling™, Bermuda™, Bernhard Bold Condensed*, New Berolina™, Berthold®, Bickham Script™, Biffo™, Birch®, Blackoak®, Block Berthold®, Bauer Bodoni™, Berthold Bodoni®, Berthold Bodoni Old Face™, AG Book™, ITC Bookman®, Boton®, Boulevard™, Briem®, Bulmer™ C PMN Caecilia*, Caflisch Script®, New Caledonia*, Caliban®, Calvert™, Candida™, Cantoria®, Caravan*, Carolina*, Carta®, Cascade*, Adobe® Caslon, Berthold Caslon Book®, ITC Caslon 224®, Castellar™, Catull®, Caxton™, Celestia™ Antiqua, Centaur®, Linotype Centennial*, ITC Century®, ITC Cerigo®, Chaparral™, Charlemagne®, Charme®, ITC Cheltenham®, Cheq™, Christiana®, Berthold City®, Clairvaux*, Clarendon*, ITC Clearface®, Clearface Gothic*, Cochin*, Colossalis®, Comenius®, Concorde®, Concorde Nova™, Conga Brava™, Copal®, Coriander™, Corona*, Coronet™, Cosmos™, Cottonwood®, Cremona™, Critter®, Cronos™, ITC Cushing®, Cutout™ Adobe Technical Support Technical Adobe 3 ® D Delphin I*, Delphin II™, Delta Jaeger®, Linotype Didot*, DIN Schriften*, Diotima*, Diskus*, Dorchester Script™, Duc De Berry* E Egyptienne F*, Ehrhardt®, El Greco™, Electra*, Ellington®, Else™, Engravers™, ITC Eras®, ITC Esprit®, Eurostile™, Excelsior*, ExPonto® F Fairfield*, Falstaff™, ITC Fenice®, Fette Fraktur*, ITC Flora®, Florens™, Flood™, Flyer*, Folio®, Formata®, Forte™, ITC Franklin Gothic®, Freestyle™ Script, Frutiger*, Futura® G Galahad™, ITC Galliard®, Adobe Garamond®, Berthold Garamond®, ITC Garamond®, Stempel Garamond*, Garamond 3*, Garth Graphic®, Gazette*, Giddyup®, Giddyup Thangs®, Gill Sans®, ITC Giovanni®, Glypha*, Goudy Text™, Monotype Goudy Modern™, ITC Goudy Sans®, Goudy Sans™, Granjon*, Graphite™, Monotype Grotesque™, Guardi* H Hadriano™, Hardwood™, Helvetica*, Herculanum*, ITC Highlander™, Hiroshige™, Horley Old Style™ I Berthold Imago®, Impact™, Impressum®, Industria*, Inflex™, Insignia*, Ironwood®, ITC Isadora®, Italia™, Monotype Italian Old Style™ J Jaeger Daily News®, Janson* Text, Adobe® Jenson™, Jimbo®, Joanna®, Juniper® K Kabel*, ITC Kabel®, Kaufmann®, Kepler™, Khaki™, Kigali™, Kinesis™, Kino™, Klang®, Koch Antiqua*, Kolo™, Kompakt*, ITC Korinna®, Künstler Script* L Latin™, ITC Leawood®, ITC Legacy Sans®, ITC Legacy Serif®, Life®, LinoLetter*, Linoscript*, Linotext*, Linotype*, Lithos®, Lo-Type®, ITC Lubalin Graph®, Lucida® Adobe Technical Support Technical Adobe 4 ® M ITC Machine®, Madrone®, Manito™, Marigold™, Matura™, Maximus*, Medici*, Melior*, Memphis*, ITC Mendoza Roman®, Mercurius™, Meridien*, Mesquite®, Mezz®, Minion®, Mistral®, Mojo™, ITC Mona Lisa®, Monoline Script™, Monotype®, Monotype Modern™, ITC Motter Corpus™, Myriad®, Mythos® N Neue Hammer Unziale*, Neuland*, Neuzeit*, Nofret®, Notre Dame*, ITC Novarese®, Nueva®, Nyx™ O Ocean Sans™, Octavian™, ITC Officina Sans®, ITC Officina Serif®, Old Claude™, AG Old Face™, Monotype Old Style™, Olympian*, Omnia*, Ondine*, Onyx™, Optima*, Ouch!™, Oxford™, ITC Ozwald® P Palace Script™, Palatino*, Park Avenue®, Peignot*, Pelican™, Penumbra®, Pepita™, Pepperwood®, Perpetua®, Photina®, Plantin®, Poetica®, Pompeia™, Pompeijana*, Ponderosa™, Poplar®, Poppl-Exquisit™, Poppl-Laudatio™, Poppl-Pontifex™, Poppl-Residenz™, Post-Antiqua™, Post-Mediäval™, Present* Q Quake®, ITC Quorum® R Rad®, Raleigh*, Reporter®, Revue™, Rockwell®, Romic™, Rosewood®, Rotation*, Rotis™, Ruling* Script, Runic™, Russell Square™, Rusticana*, Ruzicka Freehand* S Sabon*, San Marco*, Sanvito®, Sassafras™, Sassoon®, Stempel Schneidler®, AG Schoolbook™, Monotype Scotch Roman™, Monotype Script™ Bold, Berthold Script™, ITC Serif Gothic®, Serifa®, Serpentine™, Shannon™, Shelley*, Sho*, Shuriken Boy™, Simoncini Garamond®, ITC Slimbach®, Smaragd*, Snell Roundhand*, Sonata®, ITC Souvenir®, Spartan*, Spectrum™, Spring™, Spumoni™, ITC Stone®, Studz®, ITC Symbol®, Syntax* T Tekton®, Tempo™, ITC Tiepolo®, Times*, Times New Roman®, Toolbox®, Trade Gothic*, Trajan®, Trump Mediäval* Adobe Technical Support Technical Adobe 5 ® U Umbra™, Univers*, University™ Roman, ITC Usherwood®, Utopia® V Vectora*, ITC Veljovic®, Versailles*, Visigoth™, Viva® W Berthold Walbaum™, Berthold Walbaum Book™, Waters Titling™, ITC Weidemann®, Weiss®, Wendy™, Wiesbaden Swing*, Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch*, Wilke*, Willow®, Wittenberger Fraktur™, Adobe Wood Type® Z ITC Zapf Chancery®, ITC Zapf Dingbats®, Zebrawood®, Zipty Do™ Adobe Technical Support Technical Adobe 6 ® Introduction You can use the Adobe® Font Name Reference Table (Fntnames.pdf) document to determine font filenames in Windows®, to see the style linking options for your font, to locate a font’s package number, or to find out which fonts are in a certain package. Fntnames.pdf also includes font menu name revision information in Appendix A, and font name trademark attribution statements in Appendix B. Fntnames.pdf includes the following font name information: • Package number — the font’s package number, used for ordering and organiz- ing fonts. • PostScript® name — the name ATM® or a PostScript printer driver uses to link the bitmap (screen) font or font metrics file with the outline (printer) font. • Mac OS menu name — the font’s name as it appears in Mac OS font menus. • Windows menu name — the font’s name as it appears in Windows font menus, followed by the style link. • Filename prefix — the eight-character filename prefix for Windows font file- names. Locating a Font Name in Fntnames.pdf Fntnames.pdf lists fonts by package number, not alphabetically. After you open Fntnames.pdf, you can search for a certain font using the Adobe Acrobat® Find command. Choose Tools > Find or press Command + f (Mac OS) or Cntrl + f (Windows) to specify your search criteria, and then click Find, or click the binoculars icon on the toolbar. Font Filenames in Windows To copy font files to or from another location in Windows, you’ll need to know your fonts’ filename prefixes. While many font names are longer than eight characters, all Type 1 font filenames have eight-character prefixes. Font filename prefixes contain up to five characters, followed by underscore characters to make a total of eight characters. For example, “Hv______” is the complete filename prefix for the Helvetica font file. Font filename prefixes often do not resemble the font’s actual name (e.g., Akzidenz Grotesk font files begin with Gf, Centaur font files begin with Nr). You can search for your font’s name in Fntnames.pdf to determine its font filename prefix. Fntnames.pdf lists font filename prefixes immediately following the more familiar PostScript, Mac OS menu, and Windows menu font filenames. Adobe Technical Support Technical Adobe 7 ® Font Style Linking General Information Type 1 fonts (also called PostScript fonts) often appear with different names in Mac OS font menus than they do in Windows font menus. While each Type 1 font has a unique PostScript name that is identical in Mac OS and in Windows, the same Type 1 font appears with a different name in font menus in Mac OS, in font menus in Windows, and in Adobe Type Manager (ATM) for Windows. These name differences can lead to a perception that fonts are missing in Windows, and can cause fonts to be substituted with other fonts when you transfer files across platforms. Although fonts may have different names on different platforms, once you understand font name style links, you can use them to access your fonts on both platforms and avoid font matching problems. Font Names and Style Links Windows can display a maximum of four styles (e.g., normal, bold, italic, bolditalic) per family in application font menus. Because of this limitation, many font families have bold, semibold, or italic members that do not appear in font menus. To access them, you must apply a style link—that is, apply the bold or italic type style to text formatted with a regular (roman) font. The Mac OS, on the other hand, doesn't limit the number of font family styles that can appear in font menus, so you can apply any font style in two ways: you can select the font in any available style directly from the font menu, or select the regular font and then apply a type style to it. Because of the different ways you can access a font, the same Type 1 font may have a different name in a font menu in Mac OS than it does in a font menu in Windows. Additionally, ATM for Windows may display different names in than those in font menus. To help you determine
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