SSTORM MAY 2001 VOLUME 43 NUMBER 05 STORM STORM STORMDATA DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA WITH LATE REPORTS AND CORRECTIONS NATIONAL OCEANIC AND NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE, NATIONAL CLIMATIC DATA CENTER noaa ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICE ASHEVILLE, NC Cover: An F2 tornado touchdown in Auburntown, TN on May 31, 2001. The heaviest damage occurred at Marshall Creek Road. A damaged car sits atop of a destroyed modular home where an injury occurred. (Photograph courtesy of Ralph Troutman, DAPM, NWS Office, Nashville, TN.) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Outstanding Storm of the Month ..……..…………………..……………..……………..……………..…. 4 Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena ....………..…………..…..……………..……………..…. 5 Additions/Corrections ..………….……………………………………………………………………….. 303 Reference Notes ..……..………..……………..……………..……………..…………..………………… 304 STORM DATA (ISSN 0039-1972) National Climatic Data Center Editor: Stephen Del Greco Assistant Editors: Stuart Hinson and Rhonda Mooring STORM DATA is prepared, and distributed by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena narratives and Hurricane/Tropical Storm summaries are prepared by the National Weather Service. Monthly and annual statistics and summaries of tornado and lightning events resulting in deaths, injuries, and damage are compiled by the National Climatic Data Center and the National Weather Service's (NWS) Storm Prediction Center. STORM DATA contains all confirmed information on storms available to our staff at the time of publication. Late reports and corrections will be printed in each edition. Except for limited editing to correct grammatical errors, the data in Storm Data are published as received. Note: "None Reported" means that no severe weather occurred and "Not Received" means that no reports were received for this region at the time of printing. Subscription, pricing, and ordering information is available from: NCDC Subscription Services 310 State Route 956 Building 300 Rocket Center, WV 26726 (866) 742-3322 Toll Free The editors of STORM DATA solicit your help in acquiring photographs (prints or slides; black and white, or color), maps, clippings, etc. of significant or severe weather events (past or present) for use in the "Outstanding Storms of the Month'' section of STORM DATA. We request our subscribers or other interested persons to mail such items to: Storm Data National Climatic Data Center 151 Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 Any such items received by the editor will be for use in STORM DATA only. Any other use will be with the permission of the owner of said items. Materials will be returned if requested. This is an official publication of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and is compiled from information received at the National Climatic Data Center Asheville, North Carolina 28801-2733. Thomas R. Karl Director, National Climatic Data Center 2 May 2001 Confirmed Tornadoes 3 F Scale 0 to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 6 F Scale F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Total N um ber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³6WRUP 'DWD DQG 8QXVXDO :HDWKHU 3KHQRPHQD´ VHFWLRQ IRU IXUWKHU GHWDLOV /()7 $ ; SLHFH RI OXPEHU SRZHUHG E\ WKH WRUQDGR¶V ZLQGV VFDUV DQ RDN WUHH LQ $XEXUQWRZQ 3KRWR FRXUWHV\ 5DOSK 7URXWPDQ '$30 1:6 2IILFH 1DVKYLOOH 71 5,*+7 7KH UHPDLQV RI WKH IDUPKRXVH LQ $XEXUQWRZQ DW 0DUVKDOO &UHHN 5RDG ZKHUH RQH IDWDOLW\ DQG RQH LQMXU\ RFFXUUHG 3KRWR FRXUWHV\ 5DOSK 7URXWPDQ '$30 1:6 2IILFH 1DVKYLOOH 71 Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena Time Path Path Number of Estimated May 2001 Local/ Length Width Persons Damage Location Date Standard (Miles) (Yards) Killed Injured Property Crops Character of Storm ALABAMA, North Central Winston County 4 N Haleyville 08 1710CST 0 0 1K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) A few trees were blown down onto power lines in the area of Bear Creek. Tuscaloosa County Tuscaloosa 09 1725CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.88) Nickel size hail was reported in Tuscaloosa. Autauga County White City 10 1638CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) 1645CST Dime size hail was observed near White City. The hail quantities were so great that the hail nearly covered the ground. Tallapoosa County 4.6 SW Reeltown 11 1330CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was reported between Reeltown and Tallassee. Coosa County Equality 11 1400CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (1.00) Quarter size hail was reported just northeast of Equality. Madison County Madison 11 1509CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (1.00) Nickel to quarter size hail briefly fell in the Monrovia community near Madison. Bullock County Union Spgs 11 1530CST 0 0 4K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) Several trees were blown down in a short path just south of Union Springs on US 29. Bibb County Countywide 12 1300CST 0 0 40K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G60) Several trees and power lines were knocked down in the southern part of the county. Additionally, several buildings and homes in southern Bibb County sustained damage. One business had its roof blown off and it landed on a few homes adjacent to it. Two out buildings were destroyed and one home lost its roof in Brent. Hale County Moundville 12 1300CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was observed in Moundville. Tuscaloosa County 10 S Tuscaloosa 12 1305CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.88) Nickel size hail was reported near the Tuscaloosa and Hale County border at a golf course. The hail completely covered the ground. Clay County Hollins 12 1315CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.88) Nickel size hail was reported in Hollins. Chambers County Milltown 12 1359CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Penny size hail fell in Milltown. Barbour County 6 E Clayton 19 1635CST 0 0 2K 0 Hail (1.00) Quarter size hail fell between Clayton and Eufaula. Barbour County Countywide 19 2330CST 0 0 25K 0 Flash Flood 20 0130CST Radar estimated 6 to 8 inches of rain fell in a short period of time that caused flooding mainly in eastern Barbour county near Eufaula. Most streets in the city of Eufaula were temporarily impassable and many vehicles were stranded or stalled in the high water. US 431 had up to a foot of water covering the roadway in the city of Eufaula. Just south of Eufaula, a large hole developed on US 82 that was created by flood waters. Several separate locations on US 82 had large cracks develop across the road. Fayette County 10 S Fayette to 20 1820CST 1 3 35K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G55) 5 N Fayette 1842CST A thunderstorm moving from the southern portion of Fayette County northward downed trees and caused power outages. One tree fell onto a mobile home on the north side of the city of Fayette killing a 36-year-old man and injuring three other people in the mobile home at the time. M36MH Fayette County 5 W Fayette to 20 1854CST 0 0 15K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G55) 5 ESE Fayette 1910CST 1 5 Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena Time Path Path Number of Estimated May 2001 Local/ Length Width Persons Damage Location Date Standard (Miles) (Yards) Killed Injured Property Crops Character of Storm ALABAMA, North Central A second thunderstorm, moving from west to east, moved across the southern portion of Fayette County downing trees and causing power outages. A large scoreboard at Fayette High School was destroyed by the wind. There were several reports of funnels clouds with this storm and the earlier storm. Lamar County Countywide 20 1840CST 0 0 4K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) 1855CST Several trees and power lines were blown down across the county. Pickens County Gordo 21 1140CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail fell in Gordo. One large tree was blown down blocking a road. Tuscaloosa County Echola 21 1150CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was reported in Echola. Tuscaloosa County 10 NE Northport 21 1157CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was observed in the Yellow Creek area. Greene County 3 N Union 21 1215CST 0 0 2K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) Trees were knocked down 3 miles north of Union. Greene County Eutaw 21 1215CST 0 0 4K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) A few trees and power lines were blown down in Eutaw. Tuscaloosa County 3 N Duncanville 21 1306CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) 1312CST Dime size hail was observed just north of Duncanville. Tuscaloosa County Duncanville 21 1306CST 0 0 6K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) 1322CST Several trees and power lines were blown down in the city of Duncanville. Bibb County West Blocton 21 1340CST 0 0 2K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) A few trees and power lines were blown down in West Blocton. Lauderdale County Florence 21 1823CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (1.00) Quarter size hail was reported on the eastern side of the city. Lauderdale County Florence 21 1823CST 0 0 6K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) Several trees were blown down in and around Florence. Lauderdale County Killen 21 1830CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was reported. Lauderdale County Killen 21 1830CST 0 0 8K 0 Thunderstorm Wind (G50) A large tree fell on a house in Killen.
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