THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AMD MOST WIDELY CIMCVUTED WEEKLY MEWgPAPEM IN UNION COUNTY YEAB—No. ?S EhUred a* second Cl»m Matter. PubMrtee Post Office, WeetfleKL K. 1. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THUBSDAY, MARCH 23, 1950 Every Thunder. Jjustnent Board Safety Council Approves GOPIWnSet Operation "Ml/D" For iVew High School Request Bicycle Licensing Here Luncheon Date Paves Way Far fir Apartnent Cabrieleon Aide NewHighSeM Licensing of bicycles in West- Councilman Arthur Bauer, chair- field appeared one step close, „r- man of the licensing committee, to Slated To Speak O Protest Thursday night, when the West- discuss the ordinance in detail. ^tAl g.R. Welch'* Bid field Safety Council voted its ap- Meanwhile, plans are proceeding The Westfield Women's Republi proval of a proposed ordinance re- to hold the annual bicycle inspec- can Club will hold its annual TtiMday Eveat For Rezoning quiring bicycle licenses "as a means tion at Westfield schools in late spring luncheon on Tuesday, May De.pile Mud, Raia of improving and promoting; safe- April or early May. New blue and 9, at 1 p. m. at the Beechwood 1 re-wning request by Herbert ty." white inspection stickers have been Hotel, Summit. Ground-breaking for Welch Jr. to permit erection of Joining the Town Council's li- ordered for all bicycles passing The speaker will be Mrs. Gil- n«w ,3,000,000 hick school to* •700,000, 72-unit garden spart- censing committee, which previous- inspection. ford Mayes of Kellogg, Idaho, Re- plat* Tueiday afternoon btfor* tlr It 926-1012 Central avenue ly studied and approved the meas- Mathematics classes at Roosevelt publican national committeewoman mogt 200 persons at the lit* •* dtnied Thursday night at a ure, the Safety Council believes Junior High School are preparing for her state and assistant to Guy Dorian road and Railway arMHM. Jy.gttemled public hearing of that by providing Tegularly sched- charts which graphically ilustrate G. Gabrielson, chairman of the Re- Mayor Charles P. Baiter, Or. goird of Adjustment in the uled inspection periods, riders facts and figures relating to safety publican national committee. Staccy N. Ewan Jr., tuptrvli fjcp Building. would be assured of the safe me- on the street and in the home. The Beginning her political activity principal, and J. Bliu Auitin, Tbs board's decision wa» unani. chanical condition of their vehicles, charts will be djsplayed in a few as committeewoman for Shoshone Ident of the Board of Ed, awl, iccording to Chairman Ches- and motorists would be certain weeks in the windows of a local County, Idaho, Mrs. Mayes has de •poke briefly. Mayor Balky •!• fg j|. Kellogg, in denying the ap- that all Westfield bicycles would bank. voted many years to the promo- pruted the thinks of th* town's ' ^ at Mr. Welch, who, through be equipped with proper lights and •Another study made Thursday tion of the Republican Party. residents to members of the board [Tlttorney, Ctiddie E. Davidson, reflectors. Young cyclists, the night by the Safety Council in- She'served as committeewoman •nd others who "worked lout Md iT* "property hardship" in members believe, would also be volved the need for safety precau- for 16 years, and from 1942 to hard" to lay the groundwerk for jjfj | variance on hit property, impressed with the responsibility tions on the Boulevard, between 1« *«» vice crchairmann of tht e the new school. Mr. Auitin atM xw in a "Residential A" zone. of ownership and the necessity of Midvale way and Ayliffe avenue, Idah° st»te Republican committee, commended board members for , flTelch, a local realty broker complying with traffic regulations. when the plans for extension of In addition, Mrs. Mayes organised their work and Mid that the new president of the Westfleld The Safety Council is planning th«t*Btreetritec°eirUy approved by!the Id»ho state Federation of school wilt "gin WistAfld the fe- jnJ »nd Improvement Co., thru a meeting, in the near future, with th. i. e. council.ii, materialize... _ i • _i'_ . ! Women'Wntvon'as RepublicaRaniiKlis>an ClubP.inhBs anandd cit high school in %ht sUt»." May (r, D»vidson, explained that his acted as its president for .five yean. or Bailey and Mr. Auitin tamed [ttker, the late Herbert R. Welch, In the national field, she was elect- the first ipade of earth. i purchased the tract many Dinner Speaker ed to the executive committee of Dr. Ewsn introduced David Din* ago and it represented an Cancer Drive the National Federation of Wom- woodie, s ienior end vice prttl- ' nt of $20,000. The high- en's Republican Clhbs in 1946, and dent of the Student Council, who gget ever received from • pros- is now also the fourth vice presi- said that, although present Junleri buyer was $15,000, he Set To Begin dent. Plvtara* akxe frsnt Irfl «• rl«kt arc Marar < karlra P. Bullrr an* i. Wlaa Awlla, anaMtat af tlw •nd seniors may graduate befere In the 1944 Republican national of Mni'atl.H, aa thtr faurkt "Old fiMtral Mm*" Tw«lar at tke alto •( tfct HW kick arkMl. Or. MMCf completion of the new school, they .V. Etvaa Jr., aaacrvMaa; arlxlaal, la akawa •aa*r>MaJf Ik* work. Itarrli Photo . Peck, Westfield architect, convention, Mrs. Mayes was the •re happy that undergraduates itted preliminary plans and Appeal Committee only woman to make a seconding will enjoy its facilities. for the proposed apart- Members Named speech. _ She also was a member Merchant* Offer Among those present at the cere. Opposing the granting of the of the ^convention platform com- mony were former Supervising mittee, and served as chairman of Weekend Special* Borough Board Plans Principal Charles A. Philhowwi iriince were W. P. Lakin of Horace E. Baker, chairman of the special western conference on Mn. Gladys Morrell, Mrs. Char* 1110 Ci'undview avenue, Victor B. the 1950 Westfield campaign com- Kdel of 1026 Grandview avenue, Pacific coast problems. Merchant m*mbtrt of tha otU Montgomery, Bryce I. Mac* mittee of the American Cancer So- W«lfieU Btiiintti AM«lall«B Donald, Frank Ketcham, all meat* and John H. Aldrich of 915 Boyn- ciety, today announced that this New $350,000 School ar* inamvratinc Ikia week a berg of the Board of Education j tsn avenue. Mr, Lakin and Mr. year's cancer control fund appeal Noel opposed the variance in gen- icrici of sfftrinf > «( wtaktaal Mrs. Austin, wife of the Board will be directed to every Westfield Players Plan MOUNTAINSIDE — Plans are According to the figures submit- of Education president; William cnl terms, and Mr. Ald'i'ich said •ptciilt. Tha first of than "resident on Apr, 1, the opening appear on pal** 26 and 17 now being prepared for the con' ted to the board, the present two M. Beard, board attorney; Miss that a large apartment on the site date of the drive. of thit lime. It it the first struction of a now school building classes for kindergarten, first and Frances Peirce, district clerk, and "would constitute a hazard to Polio Benefit second grades, will grow to two or Funds will be solicited by mail promotion of th* organisation in the Borough of Mountainside, several faculty members and par. school children who would have to three for each grade in the next and by coin boxes placed through- thli year. Rolfe Kristiansen, chairman of the ents of ttudenti. il busy Central avenue." out the business section in April, Board of Education, has an< five years. This figure is bated on To Give Kaufman Each of the participating Also Mrs. Milton T. Staub, preil- After adjourning the hearing, the fact that each class should not which has been proclaimed "Can- tloret hat teUcled one item nounced. * tlw board met in private cession. Comedy Apr. 13 exceed SO children. cer Control Month" by President from lit regular tlock and re- The decision was reached after (Continued on Page 2) A ihort time later, Mr. Kellogg Truman. duced Itt price to make • real much discussion of the reports of Mr. Kristiansen has announced A special performance of the that the board has applied to the announced that Mr: Welch's re- Because .of the favorable public tpecial, Pointing out that the the school expansion committee Community Players' spring produc- state for aid in having plans quit had been denied. He said response to the society's appeal in local butinen lection now in- during the past year, its final re- County ACS Head tion of The Man Who Came (o drawn and for their considers'' that the board believed that a past year, the local committee does dudei all typei of buiineti, port, which was discussed at the CLIFFORD P. CASE Dinner for the benefit of the West of state aid in building a HA hardship "under the terms of the not consider house-to-house solici- the AuocUtion ttatei that the board meeting Thursday night. tation to be necessary to meet its field chapter, National Foundation school. The board has selc 'ul law"4d not exist. , , . ...';'" variety of the buiinciiei The report stresses the need for $4,000 quota. for Infantile Paralysis, will be held Ludlow & Wheeler of Summit m Apr. 13 at Roosevelt Junior High which ar« Included in the an additional school building con- Frank H. Betz is treasurer of architects to draw the plant, sub- Case To Speak School. •Ian will five th* caMamer taining at least 10 classrooms and ject to state approval. Andti'Jii the Westfleld campaign committee, an epportaaity to Hive ao other n.;ceaaary rooms.. Tha aite, fkilv Night which also includes; Anne S.'Alje^-' - Receipt! Irom this extra produc- A Bcckwith of BoiUm, *«*O|WKM- tion, the first benefit staged by the matter what item •'• deiired.
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