GENERAL AGREEMENT ACCORD GENERAL SURRESTRICTED ON TARIFFS AND LES TARIFS DOUANIERS 3COM.TD/W/10June 19692 TRADE ET LE COMMERCE Limited Distribution Committee on Trade and Development Comité du commerce et du développement Fourteenth Session Quatorzieme session LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES - LISTE DES REPRESENTANTS Chairman: President: H.E. Mr. T. SWAMINATHAN (India) ARGENTINA Representante Sr. Julio César Raimondi Consejero económico y commercial, Misión Permanente ante los Organismos Internacionales en Ginebra AUSTRALIA Representative Mr. G.J. Hall Commercial Counsellor, Permanent. Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva AUSTRIA Representative Mr. Franz Bock Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva BELGIQUE Représentants M. Guy Stuyck Représentant permanent auprès du GATT M. S. Taloen Conseiller adjoint, Ministère des Affeires économiques Secretary of Committee: Mr. D. Peart, Villa Le Bocage, Tel. Ext. 2097. Conference Officer: Miss S. Niklaus, Villa Le Bocage, Tel. Ext. 4411. COM. TD/W/102 Page 2 BRAZIL Representatives Mr. Braulino B. Barbosa Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Mauro Couto First Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva CAMEROUN (liste non reçue) CANADA Representative Mr. F.R. Petrie Counsellor (Economic affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva REPUBLIQUE CENTRAFPICAINE Représentant S.E. M. R... Guerillot Ambassadeur, Ambassade à Bruxelles CEYLON Representative Mr. L.J. Mariadasan Trade Commissioner, Office of the High Commissioner in the United Kingdom CHILE Representantes Sr. Carlos Besa Representante Permanente ante el GATT Sr. Mario Cademártori Tercer Secretario, Delegación Permanente ante el GATT Sta. Edda Rossi Tercer Secretario, Delegación Permanente ante el GATT COM.TD/W/102 Page 3 COTE D'IVOIRE Représentants S.E. M. Bénié Nioupin Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'0ffice des Nations Unies à Genève M. Amoakon Thiemele Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève CUBA Representantes S.E. Dr. Mario García Incháustegui Embajador, Delegado Permanente ante los Organismos internacionales en Ginebra Sr. Rafael Núñez Cuesta Director de Organismos internacionales, Ministerio del Comorcio Exterior Sr. Frank Ortiz Rodríguez Primer Secretario, Misión Permanente ante los Organismos internacionales en Ginebra CZECHOSLOVAKIA Representatives Mr. Z. Jung Federal Ministry of-'Foreign Trade Mr. J. Hoplisek Ministry of Commerce Mr. J. Janspa Federal Ministry of External Affairs Mr. J. Jaks Economic Counsellor, Permanont Mission to the international organizations at Geneva COM.TD/W/102 Page 4 DENMARK Representative rIr. Jørgen Nørgaard Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA Representante Dr. F. Herrera-Roa Ministry Consejero, Encargado de Negocios, a.i., Delegación Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra ESPA?A ESPANA Representantes Sr. D. Enrique Mu?oz Vargas Delegado permanent adjunto para los asuntos del GATT, Asuntos comerciales de la CEE y de la UNCTAD Sr. Enrique Fernández-Laguilhoat Agregado comercial, Delegación Permanente ante los Organismos Internacionales en Ginebra FINLAND Representative Mr. Dieter Vitzthum Attach, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva FRANCE Représentants M. Pierre-Marie Colmant Délégué permanent auprès du GATT M. J.-D. Gardère Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances Mme E. Michaud Attaché Delegation permnanente auprès du GATT COM.TD/W/102 Page 5 GERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Representatives Dr. H.U. Meyer-Lindemann Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. H. Lindemann Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. W. Thüring Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva GHANA Representatives H.E. Mr. Kwaku, Baprui Asante Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. J.A. Ashmah Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. J.A. Sittie First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. M.Y. Asomaning Second Secretary (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva GRECE Représentant M. Démètre Scouroliakos Délégué permanent adjoint auprès des organisations internationales à Genève HAUTE-VOLTA (liste non reçue) COM. TD/W/102 Page 6 INDIA Representatives Mr. R.D. Praddhan Resident Representative to GATT and UNCTAD Mr. N.R. Rege Chief Research Officer, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva INDONESIA Representative H.E. Mr. Hans Alexander Pandelaki Ambassador, Permanent Delegate to GATT ISRAEL Representatives Miss Hava Hareli Deputy, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. B. Bardan First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United nations at Geneva ITALIE Représentants M. 0. Rossi Ministère du Commerce extérieur M. Ugo Vitale Mission permanente auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève M. Simeone Franco Ministère du Commerce extérieur M. Ambra Ministère du Trésor COM.TD/W/102 Page 7 JAMAICA Representatives Mr. K.B. Scott Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. P.W. Aitken Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. K.G. Anthony Hill First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Arthur H. Thompson Scond Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva JAPAN Representatives Mr. T. Suzuki Counsellor, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. J. Shiwkau Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. Hatori Ministry of Agriculture KENYA Representative Mr. J.J. Isige Commercial Attaché, Embassy in Paris COM. TD/W/102 Page 8 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Representatives H.E. Mr. Tong Jin Park Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. Nam Kyun Park Second Secretary, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. Eun-Tak Lee Attach, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. Sei-Hyon Ohm Attache, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva LUXEMBOURG Représentant S.E. M. Marcel Fischbach Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève MADAGASCAR (liste non reçue) MALAWI (list not received) MAURITANIE (liste non reçue) COM.TD/W/102 Page 9 NENTHERLANDS, KINGDOM OF THE Representatives Mr. J.M.J. Wintermans Ministry of Economic Affairs Mr. J.M. Jonkman Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. E. Bos Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva NEW ZEALAND Representative Mr. M.J. Moriarty First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Goneva NIGER (liste non reçue) NIGERIA Representative Mr. E.G.O. Beecroft Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva NORWAY Representative Mr. Bjørn Barth First Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission to the international organizations at Geneva COM.TD/W/102 Page 10 PAKISTAN Representatives H.E. Mr. Kamaluddir Ahmed, P.F.S. Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. A.S. Noor Mohammad Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Mohammad Amin Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Representante Sr. G. Garcfa Pike Tercer Secretario, Misión Permmnente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra POLAND Representative Mr. Bohdan Laczkowski Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to GATT Members Mr. Tadeusz Bogaczewicz Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Trade Mr. Stanislaw M3otkcwski Office of the Permanent Representative to GATT PORTUGAL Renrésentants S.E. M. Antonio de Siqueira Freire Ambassadeur, Déleéué permanent auprès du GATT M. Jose G. Faria Délégation permanent auprès du GATT M. G. de Sá da Bandeira Delegation permanent auprès du GATT COM.TD/W/102 Page 11 SIERRA LEONE (list not received) SWEDEN Representatives Mr. Hans Ewerlöf Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva Mr. K. Stenström Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Delegation to the international organizations at Geneva SUISSE Représentant M. Fritz R. Staehelin Premier collaborateur diplomatique, Division du commerce, Département federal de l'économie publique TCHAD (liste non reçue) TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Representatives H.E. Mr. Charles H. Archibald Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Trevor Spencer Executive Officer, Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva TUNISIE Représentant M. Taoufik Largui Deuxième Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Mission permanent auprès de l'Office des Nations Unies à. Genève COM. TD/W/102 Page 12 TURQUIE Représentants M. Sornt R. Pasin Ruprésentant permanent auprès du GATT M. Irfan Kizikli Conseiller, Délégation permanent auprès duGATT UGAITDA (list not recerived) UTITIED ARAB REUBLIC Represenatives Dr. Adel El Gowhari Commercial Counsellor, Permnent Mission to the Offico of the United Nations at Geneva Mr. Mohamed Roushdy Abdel-Kader Secretary (Commercial),
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