DOCUMENT RESUME ED 212 133 FL 012 738 AUTHOR Padilla, Raymond V., Ed. TITLE Bilingual Education Technology. Ethnoperspectives in Bilingual Education Research, Volume III. INSTITUTION Eastern Michigan Univ., Ypsilanti. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, ! C. PUB DATE Dec 81 NOTE 479p.; Published as part of the Ethnoperspectives Project. For volumes 1 and 2 of that project,see ED 200 005 and 203 663. For related documents,see FL 012 740-769. AVAILABLE FROMEastern Michigan University, Bilingual Programs, 107 Ford Hall, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 ($8.00). EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Posta4t. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Biculturalism; *Bilingual Education; Bilingualism; Cross Cultural Training; Elementary Secondary Education; Language Proficiency; *Material Development; *Models; *Multicultural Education; *Program Evaluation; Public Policy; Second Language Learning; Teaching Methods; *Testing ABSTRACT The 32 papers in this collection on the general topic of bilingual education technology are presented in three sections. The first group of papers deals with models, methods, and materials; the second group treats measurement and evaluation. Thepapers in the final section are about language mixing and bilingual education and public policy. (AMH) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. ***w******************************************************************* Ethnoperspectives inBilingual EducationResearch: BILING'JAL EDUCATIONTEOINOLOGY Edited by RaymondV. Padilla College of Education Arizona State Univermty U.S. DEPARTMENT 'PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS EDUCATION NATIONAL INST%TUTE oF MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION HAS BEEN GRANTED BY CENTER IERICI 1007L R. Padilla, document has been reproducedas received horn the personor wanIzation onge-anng Eastern Michigan Univ. Moog changes have been madeto improve reproduction a< altty TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Perna of We*, Or noseons slated in Ous docu INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)" rnent do not necessarily represent offroaiNIE poSolon x policy Ethnoperspectives inBilingual Education Research Series VolumeIII Cover design by Man in Moreflb. The design incorporatesmeznamerican motifs. The digital markings refer to the year 3.113B.C. (the beginning of the world). The long count system of dating wasfound on a small jade figure in Olmec stylecalled the Tuxtla statuettediscovered in southeast Veracruz, the heartland of the Chimes. The activity that is the subject of this publication wassupported in part by the National Institute of Education. U.S.Department of Education. However, the opinions expressed herein do notnecessarily reflect the po- sition or policy of the National Institute of Education norof the Department of Education, and no official endorsement by theseagencies is inferred. Except for sections that are specificallycopyrighted. this publication is in the public domain and may be reproducedfor local use. provided that appropriate credit is given to the authons) and source.The U.S. Depart- ment of Education shall have aroyaki-free, nonexclusive. and irrevocable right to reproduce. publish, or otherwise use.and to authorize others to use. this publication for fe,.',:ral governmentpm-poses. Eastern Michigan University shall have a royalty-free. nonexclusive,and irrevocable right to reproduce. publish, or o,;ierv.ise use, and toauthonze others to use. this publication for purpose university. Library of Congress it. d No.: 81-68614 Published "and &Armin lied in the United State, ofAmerica by. Departir.2nt of Foreign Languages and Bilingcal Studies Bilingual Programs 107 Ford Hall Eastern Michigan Univers:,4 Ypsilanti. MI 48197 First printing December 1981 3 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This publication would not have been possible withoutthe interest and efforts of all thosepersons who responded to the call thors whose works are included for papers:The au- here deserve special mentionnot only for the papers that they contributedbut also for their excellent the two national forums participation in on Bilingual Education Technology.Valuable sup- port was proviesd by Dr. ClaiborneRichardson and by Dr. Gwen head of the Experimental Baker. Program for Opportunitiesin Advanced Study and Research in Education.National Institute of Education. Franco Alejandro from that Thanks also to same institution The members ofthe advisory committee were very helpfulin selectir.g nresenters for the forums. Staff from many offices at Ea.ternMichigan University provided Lomell support. Dr. John Porter. wel- Dr. Anthony Esans. and Dr.John Hubbard were especially supportive. Thanks alsoto Gary Keller and Laurencio Pefia who chaired major sessions. Margo Maclnnes and MartinMoreno contrib- uted valuable technicalservices 31 consultants. Staff from Programs Gloria Perez. Charles the Bilingual Rornaker. Tammy Rodrtguez-.-artd-Canni- Eddy performed with theircustomary efficiency and cheerfulness cias de nuevo. Gra- 41 CONTENTS Introduction Page ix Part I,MODELS, METHODS AND MATERIALS/MODELOS, . METODOS Y MATERIALES In Search of a Paradigm forBilingual Educate n Adalberto Aguirre. Jr. 3 The Implementation ofa Bilingual Instruction Model: The NEW Concurrent Approach Rodolfo Jacobson 14 Toward t14 Practice of Culturally Relevant Teaching 30 Armando Trujillo and Jill M.Zachman 'Principles of Design for FunctionalBilingual Education Programs Jo-Ann Saint, 49 The Short Circuit Model ofReading Nancy TL-Lueers,\ 62 Imitative Reading with AilingualStudents Peter L. Pelosi 77 Spanish Language Arts and ReadingMaterials for the Intermediate Grades Juan Gonzalez 84 The Development of CulturallyRelevant Spanish Literacy Materials 96 Leroy Ortiz and Luisa Chavez. Language Through Science: An Integrative Model. ..... 107 Joyce A. Penfield dnd JacobOrnstein-Gahm Music for the Bilingual Classroom:An Interdisciplinary Approach Sheryl Linda .Santos 121 ACABA: An Alternative for Underachieving Chicano Youth. J Alex Pulido 135 Data Banks Revisited: The Use ofInformational Systems in a Multigual-Millticultural Environment Anti )X Simoes. Jr. 144 How to Design a CAI Course forMexican American Migrant Students Sandra Maciell Franco 160 v 4?, vi B1 limnial Edit( alum lei lapdogs Computer-Assisted Bilingual Education .. 174 Joan E. Friedenberg A Computer-Assisted Bilingual Bicultural Teacher see ED 144 373 Education Program (Spanish, English) Lester S Golub Plenty of Bilingual Teacher, . 2(X) - Beier') McConnell Collaborativerfitaff Development for Teachers of Bilingual Students with the Teacher as Researcher ... 217 Cntlii Dar( he-Park and Jaime timin PART Ii.MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION /MEDICION V EVALUACION the Assessment of Language Proficiency in Bilingual Children: An Analysis of Theories and Instrumentation 233 Charles .Stansfield Language Dominance Testing in the United States: A Review of Ttithnological Advances Since the 1940s .. .... 249 Rosa Que :ada Separate but Equal- A Good Deal for Bilingual Education ../65 Deinuls_R_Preston_ 3 The Relation of Topic/Situation Sensitivity to the Study of 2-81 Language Proficiency . ..... Boni Wald Diagnosing the Learning Styles of Bilingual Students and Prescribing Appropriate Instruction . 307 John N, Sim-dabs Matciiing the Cognitive Styles of Bilingual Students . ..... 321 Ito hard E. Bileclier The; Construction and Validation of Listening and Reading Components of the English as a Second Language . 349 Assessment Battery . Maria Linnbardo Articulation Skil!, in Spanish-Speaking Children.. .. 363 llioura5 A. Linares Language Assessment at Post ScLondary Institutions 368 .Stan/e% .S.Seyiner Ethics Involved in the Evaluation of Bilingual Education 381 Juan C (ion: ales and Dine I Rawnians Context Sensitive Evaluation Technology in Bilingual Education . 396 Dennis C COI ....it% 'II Factorial and Naturalistic ObservationalProcedures in an Baluation of Pre-School Bilingual CurriculumModels...... 416, Stele,/ .Stfartine:. Rat 1 Chegerfield. andRewno Chat ez The Microethnographc Study of Bilingual Schooling . .... 430 Luz. (Von EPILOG/EPILOG° A Topological Model of Bilingual IntercalationBehlnior 447 John Amna.i, Chri.topher Hie, and Ramon(' A Framework for the Analysis of BilingualEducation Publii. Policy in the United State,.. ... 467 Paymand t. Padilla A 0 Gi le IN With the publication ofthis volume, the first noperspectives in Bilingual Education three-year vycre of the Eth- ResearcProject comes to a close. A total of six forumswere held during the past hree years. all devotedto the exposition and analysisof current thinkin search. The forums resulted in bilingual educationre- in the publication ofthree volumes. each fo- cusing on one of threetopics in bilingual education: theory, technology,or public policy. These volumeshave been well received ucation community-. by the bilingual ed- as evidenced by the significantuses to which the books have been put: as textbooks,teacher training materials. as background information for research aids, and policy makers, toJame but a few examples. Given the successfulcompletion of the project. summarize in this introduction it may be worthwhileto the basic conceptsthat were implemented through_the,project. Following this generaldiscussion,a few remarks will be made concerningbilingual education technology. The implem:ntation of the EthnoperspectivesProject reflected a : definite viewpointas to what have been, and very continue to be. key issuesin the field of bilingualeducation during the late
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