Soccer Scholarships, Colleges, Universities soccer office: (205) 782-5679, admissions office: (205) 782-5400, fax: (205) 782-5527; email: North America [email protected]; URL: www.jsu.edu. Pub- lic, 4 year, enrollment: 8500. Coach: Lisa Howe. Women: Affiliation: NCAA Div I, Conference: Atlantic Sun. 1997 record: 8-12-1; 1998 record: 11-7-0; 1999 record: 12-4-5; 2000 record: 9-9-0; 2001 record: ALABAMA 7-10-1. Cost: Instate: $2940 per year, Out of ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY state: $5880 per year. Soccer scholarships: 12, 4900 Meridian St., Normal AL 35762; soccer Soccer scholarship total amount: $103,692 office: (256) 858-8265, admissions office: (256) SAMFORD UNIVERSITY 858-5245, fax: (256) 851-5372; email: 800 Lakeshore Dr., Birmingham AL 35229; soc- [email protected]; URL: www.aamu.edu. cer office: (205) 726-4039, admissions office: Public, 4 year, enrollment: 5000. Coach: Frank (205) 726-2901, fax: (205) 726-2132; email: Davies. Affiliation: NCAA Div I, Conference: South- [email protected]; URL: www.samford western Athletic. 2000 record: 3-15-0; 2001 sports.com or http://www.samford.edu. Private, record: 2-10-0. Cost: Instate: $1400 per semes- 4 year, enrollment: 4500. Coach: TBA. Affiliation: ter, Out of state: $2800 per semester. Soccer NCAA Div I, Conference: Atlantic Sun. 1998 scholarships: 7, Soccer scholarship total amount: record: 8-8-1; 1999 record: 9-8-2; 2000 record: 8- $95,000 8-1; 2001 record: 8-10-2. Cost: $5740 per ATHENS STATE UNIVERSITY semester. Soccer scholarships: 9 300 N Beaty St., Athens AL 35611. Affiliation: SHELTON STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE NAIA 9500 Old Greensboro Rd., Tuscaloosa AL 35405; AUBURN UNIVERSITY soccer office: (205) 391-2499, admissions office: P.O. Box 351, Auburn AL 36831; soccer office: (205) 391-2214, fax: (205) 391-3912; email: (334) 844-9287, admissions office: (334) 844- [email protected]; URL: www.shelton 4080, fax: (334) 844-4255; email: .cc.al.us. Community, 2 year, enrollment: 6000. [email protected]; URL: www.auburn Coach: Nellie Christian. Affiliation: NJCAA. 1999 .edu. Public, 4 year, enrollment: 22,000. Coach: record: 3-11-0; 2000 record: 13-5-2. Cost: In- Karen Richter. Affiliation: NCAA Div I, Confer- state: $52 per hour, Out of state: $100 per hour. ence: Southeastern. 1997 record: 11-9-1; 1999 Soccer scholarships: 18 record: 6-13-0; 2000 record: 13-7-0; 2001 record: SPRING HILL COLLEGE 11-8-1. Cost: Instate: $3154 per year, Out of 4000 Dauphin St., Mobile AL 36608; soccer state: $9254 per year. Soccer scholarships: 12, office: (334) 380-3491, admissions office: (334) Soccer scholarship total amount: Varies 380-3491, fax: (334) 460-2196; email: AUBURN UNIVERSITY - MONTGOMERY [email protected]; URL: www.shc.edu. Pri- P.O. Box 244023, Montgomery AL 36124-4023; vate, 4 year, enrollment: 1100. Coach: John soccer office: (334) 244-3617, admissions office: Mollaghan. Affiliation: NAIA, Conference: Gulf (334) 244-3000, fax: (334) 244-3176; email: Coast Athletic (GCAC). 1997 record: 5-13-1; [email protected]; URL: www.aum 1998 record: 8-8-0; 1999 record: 9-7-1; 2001 .edu. Public, 4 year, enrollment: 5600. Coach: record: 7-9-0. Cost: Instate: $6600 per semester. Brett Teach. Affiliation: NAIA, Conference: GACC. Soccer scholarships: Varies, Soccer scholarship 1999 record: 8-9-1; 2000 record: 9-9-2; 2001 total amount: $35,000 record: 14-7-0. Cost: Instate: $3200 per year, Out TALLADEGA COLLEGE of state: $9600 per year. Soccer scholarships: 6, 627 W Battle St., Talladega AL 35160. Affiliation: Soccer scholarship total amount: $58,000 NAIA.SOCCER AMERICA MAGAZINE /////WOMEN ’S COLLEGE CHOICE /2 /2 /2 BIRMINGHAM - SOUTHERN COLLEGE /2 /2 900 Arkadelphia Rd., Box 549035, Birmingham ALABAMA, CONT. AL 35254; soccer office: (205) 226-7731, admis- TROY STATE UNIVERSITY sions office: (205) 226-4696, fax: (205) 226-3059; Davis Field House, Troy AL 36082; soccer office: email: [email protected]; URL: www.bsc.edu. (334) 670-5652/670-5653, admissions office: Private, 4 year, enrollment: 1531. Coach: Keidane (334) 670-3179, fax: (334) 670-3724; URL: McAlpine. Affiliation: NCAA Div I, Conference: www.troyst.edu. Public, 4 year, enrollment: 5500. Big South. 1997 record: 10-10-0; 1998 record: Coach: Qasim Sheikh. Affiliation: NCAA Div I, 13-6-0; 1999 record: 11-7-2; 2000 record: 18-4- Conference: Atlantic Sun. 1999 record: 3-14-1; 1; 2001 record: 8-6-3. Cost: $16,810 per year. 2000 record: 3-14-0; 2001 record: 11-8-0. Cost: Soccer scholarships: 12 Instate: $2800 per year, Out of state: $5750 per FAULKNER UNIVERSITY year. Soccer scholarships: Varies 5345 Atlanta Hwy., Montgomery AL 36109-3398. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Affiliation: NAIA P.O. Box 870323, Tuscaloosa AL 35487; soccer HUNTINGDON COLLEGE office: (205) 348-0143, admissions office: (205) 1500 E Fairview Ave., Montgomery AL 36106; 348-5666, fax: (205) 348-9945; email: soccer office: (334) 833-4468, admissions of- [email protected]; URL: www.rolltide.com. Pub- fice: (800) 763-0313, fax: (334) 833-4486; email: lic, 5 year, enrollment: 19,400. Coach: Don Staley. [email protected]; URL: www Affiliation: NCAA Div I, Conference: SEC. 1997 .huntingdon.edu. Private, 4 year, enrollment: 850. record: 14-6-0; 1998 record: 13-7-1; 1999 record: Coach: Amy Stockton. Affiliation: NCAA Div III, 6-14-0; 2000 record: 6-14-0; 2001 record: 12-4- Conference: Independent. 1997 record: 6-12-0; 1. Cost: Instate: $1342 per semester, Out of 1998 record: 11-8-0; 1999 record: 10-9-0; 2001 state: $3608 per semester. Soccer scholarships: record: 12-9-0. Cost: $10,500 per year. Soccer 12, Soccer scholarship total amount: $160,000 scholarships: None UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA - HUNTSVILLE JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY 205 Spragins Hall, Huntsville AL 35899; soccer 700 Pelham Rd. N, Jacksonville AL 36265-9982; office: (256) 824-5425, admissions office: (256) 824-6070, fax: (256) 824-7306; email: NCAA Div I [email protected]; URL: www.uah.edu/ CHANDLER-GILBERT COMMUNITY athletics. Public, 4 year, enrollment: 8500. Coach: COLLEGE Lincoln Ziyenge. Affiliation: NCAA Div II, Confer- 2626 E Pecos Rd., Chandler AZ 85225-2499; ence: Gulf South. 1997 record: 1-11-2; 1998 soccer office: (480) 985-4957, admissions office: record: 6-9-1; 1999 record: 5-8-3; 2000 record: (480) 732-7308, fax: (480) 732-7323; email: 10-7-0; 2001 record: 12-5-1. Cost: Instate: $1416 [email protected]; URL: www.sites per 15 hours, Out of state: $2969 per 15 hours. .netscape.net/cgccsoccer. Community, 2 year, Soccer scholarships: 6 enrollment: 7000. Coach: Andrew Guarneri. Af- UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT filiation: NJCAA, Conference: ACCAC. 1998 BIRMINGHAM record: 3-14-0; 1999 record: 1-15-0; 2000 record: Bartow Arena East Tower, 617 13th St. S, Bir- 1-15-0; 2001 record: 3-16-0. Cost: Instate: $40 per mingham AL 35294-1160; soccer office: (205) credit, Out of state: $175 per credit. Soccer schol- 934-4756, admissions office: (205) 934-8221, arships: 15 (In County), Soccer scholarship total fax: (205) 975-6266; email: [email protected]; amount: $3000/semester URL: www.uabsports.com. Public, 4 year, enroll- COCHISE COLLEGE ment: 15,921. Coach: Paul Harbin. Affiliation: 4190 W Hwy. 80, Douglas AZ 85607; soccer NCAA Div I, Conference: USA. 1997 record: 8- office: (520) 417-4747, admissions office: (800) 10-2; 1998 record: 12-6-2; 1999 record: 10-10-1; 966-7943, fax: (520) 417-4096; email: 2000 record: 3-14-2; 2001 record: 11-9-0. Cost: [email protected]. Community, 2 year, Instate: $2820 + $455 fee per year, Out of state: enrollment: 4500. Coach: Kenneth Dale. Affilia- $5640 + $543 fee per year. Soccer scholarships: tion: NJCAA, Conference: ACCAC. 1998 record: 12, Soccer scholarship total amount: Varies 3-14-0; 1999 record: 8-8-1; 2000 record: 12-7-2; UNIVERSITY OF MOBILE 2001 record: 17-3-2. Cost: Instate: $31 per unit, 5735 College Pkwy., Mobile AL 36663-0220; Out of state: $177 per unit. Soccer scholarships: soccer office: (251) 442-2364, admissions office: 10, Soccer scholarship total amount: $40,000 (251) 442-2273, fax: (251) 442-2499; URL: EMBRY - RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL www.umobile.edu. Private, 4 year, enrollment: UNIVERSITY 2000. Coach: Uwe Tittle. Affiliation: NAIA, Con- 3200 N Willow Creek Rd., Prescott AZ 86301- ference: Gulf Coast Athletic. 1997 record: 24-0-0; 3720; soccer office: (928) 777-3894, admissions 1998 record: 22-0-1; 2000 record: 16-5-0; 2001 office: (928) 777-6600; URL: http://soccer record: 4-11-1. Cost: $4500 per semester .pr.erau.edu. Private, 4 year, enrollment: 1750. UNIVERSITY OF MONTEVALLO Affiliation: NAIA Station 6600, Montevallo AL 35115-6000; soccer GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE office: (205) 665-6601, admissions office: (205) 6000 W Olive, Glendale AZ 85302; soccer office: 665-6030, fax: (205) 665-6587; email: (623) 435-3040, fax: (623) 435-3005. Commu- [email protected]; URL: www.montevallo nity, 2 year, enrollment: 20,000. Coach: .edu/athletics. Public, 4 year, enrollment: 3500. Christopher Sydney. Affiliation: NJCAA, Confer- Coach: Ryan Pratt. Affiliation: NCAA Div II, Confer- ence: Region I. 1997 record: 9-6-0; 1998 record: ence: Gulf South. 1997 record: 7-7-0; 1998 record: 15-1-0; 1999 record: 7-8-1. Cost: Instate: $37 per 10-4-1; 1999 record: 8-5-2; 2000 record: 12-7-0; credit hour, Out of state: $162; $62 (less than 6 2001 record: 5-11-0. Cost: Instate: $2664 per year, hrs.) per credit hour. Soccer scholarships: 15 Out of state: $5328 per year. Soccer scholarships: GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY 8, Soccer scholarship total amount: $60,000 3300 W Camelback Rd., P.O. Box 11097, Phoe- UNIVERSITY OF NORTH ALABAMA nix AZ 85017; soccer office: (602) 589-2099, Athletic Department, P.O.
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