r * a« - EVENING HERALD. Frl., Dec. R lOT Be Wary of Holiday Appeals for Fake Causes By L'niled Pm« inlernalional you may be squandering money that legitimate charities easy. It could happen during this holiday season: you open a need. “The generoaity of Americans is equaled by their Before giving to any of these, try to find out who Y o u r N O lQ h b O rS ’ V iO W S I what do you think of Iho court ruling that part of the piece of junk mall and out tumbles a toe-nail clipper. The "A good rule on Christmas giving; make your gullibility and there’s plenty of proof from experimenU benefits from your donation, he said. atata’s death penalty law It unconstitutional? Iraq Army letter explains this is a free gift from the Ingrown Toenail donations to reputable local philanthropic conducted from time to time," he said. Bakal said b ^ a r s and panhandlers work overtime this Foundation, appealing to your holiday spirit and organizations.” He cited these examples; time of yea*, too. generosity. The fake charities are common. In one year, Bakal “blind shop” sold |2,IXI0 worth of concert tickets in IMleCMSMIMIMlaitWMSKlMIKlaMIlMMSiaSMSWWIS The Foundation, mythical in this case, wants money. said, the New York State Attorney General's office its behalf before authorities discovered the operation had What should you do? received complaints about no less than 1,600 phony nothing to do with blind persons. The shop sold Venetian [LIVE cunsnus Keep the merchandise and toss the letter, unless you philanthropies. blinds. pHOU8AMD$ TO CH008K FROM Withdraws want to be taken, says Carl Bakal, author of "Charity Karl F. Lauby, vice president for operations, the —A group of New York University psychology students g CUT 0 8 010 " USA" (Times Books). Better Business Bureau of Greater New York, added his trying an experiment had no trouble filling containers Bakal says you should only consider mail appeals from voice to Bakal's caution. bearing the label; “Help buy rustproof switchblades for ! W M i O N S I D established organizations and "be wary of the many "Be on the lookout for unordered merchandise coming juvenile delinquents." o appeals from unknown or obscure groups.” through the mail with a charity appeal," he said. "The - A group set up to solicit funds to train paraplegics for i N U R S E R Y From Ir£^i "The holidays are the time for charity groups,” he solicitation frequently is combined with the ‘gift’ — gainful employment promised to help find them jobs and said. "People are most vulnerable to fakers at this time greeting cards or writing paper or religious objects. get them wheelchairs. Records show the group collected i 158 QrWIn Rd„ South Wlndser TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - Iraqi by Iraqi forces,” Brown said. "As of the year and charity racketeers know and take advan­ "You are under no obligation to return this merchan­ $70,(X)0. Of this only $181 was swent to paraplegics and I (North on m. 8 to Suittvan A n. forces armed with heavy weapons you know there has been tension tage. dise or pay for it.” much of that small sum was used to buy shirts for a g RL 184 Ryo S t to Ortltln Rd.) Friday drove three miles into Iranian between those two countries and oc­ Bakal said Christmas gypsters know the pickings are "If you don't give with your head as well as your heart. paraplegic bowling team. SfciwsanworiwisaiwiwsasnuwnnwaBi territory in the oil-rich southwestern casionally accusations of incursions. region but retreated several hours I have no information that would later, the Foreign Ministry an­ suggest that there has been an in­ Animal nounced. vasion.” “The border now is completely In Tehran, ambassadors from 12 Kimball Calapano Bullock Perrone Hagan Lee Wounds KODAK INSTANT CAMERAS calm," the Ministry said in a brief Western nations met with Foreign A.H. Kimball, Wethersfield- a technicality. But, I can see Manchester — "I think it’s constitutional." statement broadcast by the state Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh Friday Alarming "I don't know that I have an where part of the death penalty is ridiculous. It’s Judge Shea’s opi­ T. Lee, Hartford - "Well, radio. The statement gave no details to arrange a visit to the American answer. I'd have to study that.” wrong. They’re limiting the nion. But I'm going by the case. I that's a good question all right. I of the attack, when or where it had hostages, expected in the next day or GIFTS THAT SAY...SMILE! taken place or the strength of the two, to inspect their living conditions BOLTON — The doctors Ron Calapano, East Hartford amount of evidence that can be think the act deserves the penalty. always had a preference where in — Basically I think it's true. put forward to the court.” The cop was down and just about a brutal murder, and a case of that Iraqi force. which Washington described as at the Bolton Veterinarian But it said the Iraqi forces had "inhuman." Hospital expressed con­ Part of it is unconstitutional. I Richard Bullock, Norwich - out and then Castonguay bent kind, I favor capital punishment. I don't see letting him (Gerald "1 haven’t even read about it to down and shot him.”.^ think they're getting away with crossed three miles into Iranian The ambassadors of Australia, cern Thursday about the territo ry in what government Austria. Canada. Denmark. Finland, number of small animals Castonguay, whose defense have an answer.” Tim Hagen, Maine — formerly too much of this crime today." sources identified as the Shalamcheh Greece, New Zealand, Norway, Por­ being brought to the lawyers sought the ruling) off for Dcleclive Vito Perrone, of Bolton — “1 'ton't think it's un­ area in the Khuzestan province. tugal. Sweden. Spain and Switzerland hospital with gunshot The official statement, obviously were expected to form a "neutral wounds. signaling an end to the episode, came [w l" of observers and visit the cap­ The doctors said in the I nearly four hours after the state tives in the next day or two - the first past they have scattered television first reported the assault independent-visit to the U.S. Em­ cases but in the past week iUmirhfBtpr in the southwestern region skirting bassy compound in more than three four animals have been Kodak ‘Colorburst 250’ Iran’s oilfields and accused the weelcs. brought in and they con­ United States of being behind the at­ Aytalloh RuhoUah Ktiomeini sider this alarming. Instant Camara with Built-In Flaah tack. Thursday ordered Ghotbzadeh to They feel that most of It came as Iran attempted to deal arrange an independent visit to the the cases aren't accidental Caldor Rag. Price............59.70* with widespread unrest among its hostages to disprove American shootings and some of the Caldor Sale Price........... 54.40 restive ethnic minorities and the allegations they were being treated animals have been severe­ Kodak Mall-In Rebate........5.00* problem of what to do with 50 harshly and constantly threatened ly wounded. Americans held hostage at the U.S. with execution. They said two of the dogs Embassy for 41 days. Working at unprecedented speed, -AO*"’'-' YOUR brought in were shot more FINAL COST. lEuf mng Hrralh Earlier, the official Iraqi news the International Court of Justice than once which is an in­ 49.40 agency said it had no information on said it would give its judgment Satur­ OP®*' I Vol. XCIX. No. 65 — Manchwter, conn., Saturday, Decembw IS, '1^9 • Since 1881 • 20t Single Copy • 15t Home Delivered dication they were not ac­ the reported border flareup and Ira­ day in a case brought by the United cidentally shot. OP' niy i built-in flashhnd nothing to focus! nian government officials also States against Iran in an attempt to One puppy literally had privately said they had no knowledge force the release of the hostages. its nose shot off. obviously Stops action indoors or out for clear, true-to-life color photos. about the attacks. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, at very close range. They The initial broadcast said, "Iraqi winding up a six-day trip to Europe feel such a young dog And it's motorized! GIVE THE GIFT OF MUSIC! Kodak ‘Colorburst A50’ forces armed with heavy weapons told a news conference that he was couldn't have been doing 'SMdMTfcfor dBtaHs. launched an aggression on a section returning to the United States "much Instant Camera **R«9. prtCM on Cotorburtt Comori may nry Industrial Output Down anything that would Hex\ trom itoTB to tloro. (of the southwest border region) of encouraged" by Europe’s response to warrant it being shot. the Iranian border.” his suggestion to go to the United Caldor Reg, Price.............33.70** next year will dip to their lowest tober and a 0.5 percent increase in cent higher than a year earlier but Animal owners are urged S m d k \ From the CBS WASHINGTON (UPI) - The "The aggression by the Iraqi Nations to seek trade sanctions Caldor Sale Price............ 29.70 k o d a k levels since 1975. September, tlie Federal Reserve slightly below the level at the end of to obey the state law and I Galaxy of Stars! nation's industrial output fell 0.5 per­ mercenaries is taking place at a time against Iran if the American Kodak Mail-In Reba te ........ 5.00* Fuel conscious Americans, said. 1978. keep their dogs tied or cent last month as the effects of when (President) Carter's govern­ hostages are pot released.
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