FAY SMITH WETLANDS FLORA AND FAUNA LIST AMENDED AND UPDATED APRIL 2017 FLORA Brisbane black wattle Acacia leiocalyx Maiden’s wattle Acacia maidenii Snow in Summer Melaleuca linariifolia Black she- oak (p) Allocasuarina littoralis Soap tree Alphitonia exelsia Moreton Bay Ash Corymbia tessellaris Queensland Blue gum (p) Eucalyptus tereticornis Sandpaper fig Ficus opposita Weeping cabbage palm Livistonia decora Swamp box Lophostemum suaveolens Swamp paperbark Melaleuca quinqinervia Pink Euodia Meliocarpe elleryana Scaly tree fern Cyathea cooperi Foambark Jagera pseudorhus Prickly Paperbark Melaleuca Styphelioides Cheese tree Glochidion ferdinandi VINES Wombat berry Eustrephus latifolius Scrambling lilly Geitonoplesium cymosum Monkey rope Parsonsia straminea Cockspur Thorn Maclura cochinchinses Dodder Cassytha Burny vine Trophis scandens Bell vine Ipomea plebeia Native grape Clematicissus opaca GRASSES Sawsedge Gahnia aspera Barbed- wire grass Cymbopogon refractus Blady grass Imperata cylindrica Kangaroo grass Themeda triandra Brown’s love grass Eragrostis brownie Hairy panic Panicum effusum FERNS Bristle Cloak Fern Cheilanthes distans Harsh Ground fern Hypolepis muelleri HERBS Lesser Joyweed Alternanthera denticulata Blue trumpet Brunoniella Australis Many flowered mat rush Lomandra multiflora Blue flax lilly Dianella caerolea Small flowered bluebell Wahlenbergia gracilis Dianella rara Dianella brevipedunculata White root Lobelia purparescens Goodenia rotundifolia Velleia spathulata Spade flower Hybanthus enneaspermum Fringed lilly Thysanatos tuberoses Spider lilly Crinum pendunculatum Slug herb Murdannia graminea Bulrush Typha orientalis Prickly smartweed Persicaria strigosa Smartweed Persicaria spp? Native willow primrose ludwigia octovalvis Woolly frogmouth Philydrum lanuginosum Karamat Hygrophila angustifolia Lobelia stenophylla FAUNA Birds Australian pelican Hardhead Australian wood duck Pacific black duck Intermediate egret Purple swamp hen Little black cormorant Australian white ibis Australian magpie lark Spectacled monarch Torresian crow Chough Grey butcherbird Pied butcherbird Black shouldered kite Fork tailed kite Whistling kite Crested hawk Grey goshawk Swamp harrier Galah Rainbow lorikeet Scaly breasted lorikeet Pale headed rosella Sulphur crested cockatoo Peaceful dove Spotted turtle dove Bar shouldered dove Brown cuckoo dove Masked lapwing Noisy friarbird Little friarbird Rainbow bee eater Blue faced honeyeater Yellow faced honeyeater White throated honeyeater Yellow tufted honeyeater Brown honeyeater Dusky honeyeater Scarlet Honeyeater Mistletoe bird Figbird Olive- backed oriole Silvereye Striated pardalote Red- browed firetail finch Chestnut breasted manikin Cinnamon finch Double- barred finch Spangled drongo Dollarbird Forest kingfisher Sacred kingfisher Laughing kookaburra Black-faced cuckoo shrike White-bellied cuckoo shrike Cicadabird Grey shrike-thrush Little shrike-thrush Rufous whistler Rufous fantail Grey fantail Willi wagtail Red-backed fairy wren Variegated fairy wren White-browed scrubwren Tawny grassbird White-throated gerygone Fairy gerygone Koel cuckoo Little bronze cuckoo Pheasant coucal Fantail cuckoo Brush cuckoo Channel-billed cuckoo Tawny frogmouth Rufous night heron Varied triller Reptiles Green tree snake Dendrelaphis punctulatus Red- bellied black snake Pseudechis porphriacus White- crowned snake Cacophis hariettae Keelback Tropidonophis mairii Bearded dragon Pogona barbata Eastern water dragon Intellagama leseurii Dragonflies Australian emerald Hemicordulia australie Fat bellied emerald Hemicordulia contintentalis Wandering ringtail Austrolestes leda Aurora Bluetail Ishnura aurora Slender Skimmer Orthetrum Sabina Rosy skimmer Orthetrum migratum Redtail Ceriagrion aeruginosum Graphic flutterer Rhyothemis graphiptera Red Swampdragon Agrionoptera insignis allogenes Scarlet percher Diplacodes haematodes Wandering percher Diplacodes bipunctata Blue skimmer Orthetrum caledonicum Water Prince Hydrobasileus brevistylus Blue-spotted Hawker Adversaeschna brevistylus Palemouth Brachydiplax denticauda Butterflies Common crow Citrus swallowtail Common eggfly Blue tiger Wanderer butterfly Lesser Wanderer White- banded blue Clearwing Swallowtail Meadow Argus Chocolate argus Dusky knight Australian painted lady Australian Admiral Lemon migrant Caper White Other Eurycnema goliath Goliath stick insect Frogs Brown striped frog(formerly striped marsh frog) Lymnodynastes peronei Tyler’s tree frog Litoria Tyleri Cane Toad Bufo marinus Green tree frog Litoria caerolea Dainty tree frog Litoria gracilenta Dwarf tree frog Litoria fallax MACROPODS Eastern grey kangaroo .
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