56 m-long CAF URBOS tram on a refurbished section on Budapest’s tramline 1 Photo: Simon Nyirő, BKK NEWSLETTER 6 | JUNE 2018 Managing Transportation he SMART-MR project’s 6th in- ct partners presented their best practices in ternational workshop was held transport organising and covered different to- in Budapest on the 12th and pics about mobility management in roundtab- 13th of June, 2018. The work- le talks, focusing on the regional institutional SMART-MR (Sustainable measures Tshop organised by BKK Centre for Buda- cooperation, demand responsive transport for achieving resilient transportation pest Transport took place in the “New City (DRT), mobility as a service (MaaS), shared in metropolitan regions) is an Interreg Hall” of the Hungarian capital and it was transport solutions and autonomous vehicles. Europe project running from April 2016 discussed how transportation in a metro- A site visit was also organised to try and gain until March 2021 with a total budget politan region can be managed. insights into Budapest’s public transport sys- of approximately EUR 2.2 million. tem. The presentations, the site visit and also Circa 50 participants from eight the main findings are described in details in metropolitan regions, such as Oslo and this newsletter. Akershus (Norway), Gothenburg (Swe- Contact den), Helsinki (Finland), Ljubljana (Slo- BKK Centre for venia), Rome (Italy), Porto (Portugal), Budapest Barcelona (Spain) and Budapest (Hun- Transport gary) took part in the sixth workshop of the project’s seven workshops, in the fra- Balázs Fejes mework of which presentations were held Innovation expert about the regional institutions of the Hun- Mobility Strategy garian capital and its surroundings, about Strategy and Innovation BKK’s institutional structures and roles, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport the Hungarian capital’s mobility strategy Phone: +36 30 774 1133 (Budapest Mobility Plan, BMT) and also Participants of the 6th SMART-MR workshop E-mail: [email protected] about the UN’s sustainable goals. Proje- Photo: Per Kristersson Web: www.bkk.hu NEWSLETTER 6 | JUNE 2018 Good practice in Barcelona Green Ticket (T-verda metropolitana) Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelo- na (AMB) and Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM) promote a new transport ticket to encourage people to retire their old and pollutant ve- hicles. Citizens who retire their old car/ motorcycles (without environmen- tal sticker) can get the Green Ticket, which is a 3-year free pass for all Dr. Janez Nared welcoming the workshop | Photo: Simon Nyirő, BKK public transport (ATM zone). The only condition to keep the ticket is the prohi- bition of buying another vehicle (even with environmental sticker). Interreg Europe, platform for a The basic and necessary condi- tions for getting the green card are fruitful cooperation the following: Dr. Janez Nared, Lead Partner, SMART-MR • Being a registered resident in one of the 36 metropolitan municipa- he idea of the Interreg Europe pro- Their cooperation within the Interreg Europe lities. gram is to help regional and local platform gives them a unique opportunity for • Having got rid of a light diesel governments across Europe to de- professional growth, capacity building and vehicle up to Euro 3 (manufactured velop and deliver better policy by networking. before 2005), or gasoline or gas up Tcreating an environment and opportunities to to Euro 2 (manufactured before 2000) share solutions. In the framework of projects, This is an opportunity also for all of the and motorcycles type pre-Euro or such as the SMART-MR project, they are able partner regions, which can generally take ad- Euro 1. to exchange their experiences and good prac- vantage of people’s potentials, strive for the • Not having bought any new ve- tices, as well as create a network of experts, most suitable solutions and avoid mistakes hicle for 6 months before the date of which can transfer those good practices to by learning from the others’ success and fai- scrapping, nor after the mentioned their regions. lure, and by providing innovative, acceptable loss during the period of validity of the and prudent solutions, resulting in successful Metropolitan Green Card. All of the workshops organised within the pro- and resilient metropolitan regions with a high ject are thus new steps taken in the field of mutual quality of life. learning, by which new knowledge can be acqui- red and, even more importantly, new relation- The workshop aiming at transport ma- ships can be created between the participants. nagement in Budapest in June 2018 was a good example of this process. By attending By the involvement of experts, partners the workshop sessions, the participants could are able to better identify challenges, state-of- learn from each other and by testing Buda- the-art, good practices, drivers and barriers. pest’s transport system, they were inspired by This practice encourages citizens Experts contribute to mutual learning, sup- several ideas on how the services of public to retire their old and pollutant vehicles port cross-sectoral approach, but at the same transport in their regions could be improved. and to use public transport, instead of time, they are part of the process by getting At the same time, they provided some va- buying a new private vehicle. ideas from their counterparts across Europe, luable comments to BKK Centre for Budapest This initiative helps to reduce pol- by bridging skills and knowledge gap, by dis- Transport, the host organisation on how to lution and to improve the metropolis’ air seminating knowledge and by creating a com- improve their services. quality; at the same time, it represents mon understanding among the participants. a real alternative when restrictions on The SMART-MR project’s success can the circulation of polluting vehicles Putting experts at the fore is the crucial be attributed both to the dedicated partners start to be applicable in the metropoli- element in providing a smarter future. They and also to the numerous enthusiastic experts tan Low-Emission Zones (ZBE). contribute to a policy change on a daily ba- who are willing to share their knowledge and Users pollute less and at the sis. They are the ones who know the proces- participate in the project events. Many thanks same time get used to moving with ses and trends and, most probably, they for your effort and for all the experiences by public transport in the long run (valid know how to address various challenges. which you contribute to the project. for 3 years). Therefore, this measure 2 NEWSLETTER 6 | JUNE 2018 promotes a new model of sustainable mobility, discouraging the ownership of cars and motorcycles. The service is managed by the AMB, and it has proved so success- ful that the Generalitat de Catalunya (regional government) has decided to adopt it and extend it to the rest of the territory with the name of T-Verda. Good practice in Budapest Integrated mobility ma- Dr. Kálmán Dabóczi (Ph.D.), BKK’s CEO speaking at Budapest’s New City Hall nagement in Budapest Photo: Simon Nyirő, BKK The Municipality of Budapest as the competent authority for local Official welcome by the CEO transport established BKK Centre for Budapest Transport as an integrat- of BKK, Dr. Kálmán Dabóczi ed transport authority for managing transportation issues in Budapest. BKK as a public company manages r. Kálmán Dabóczi, BKK’s Mr. Dabóczi spoke about the tasks and activities such as strategic CEO welcomed the parti- word SMART, which is often linked mobility planning, road safety, public cipants of the 6th SMART- to ITS but in his sense the smartest transport, strategic road management MR workshop. He gave a thing is not the technology, but to and maintenance, parking, taxi ser- Dshort introduction about BKK Centre learn from each other, even if people vices as well as passenger informa- for Budapest Transport, established in do not agree or understand each ot- tion. Through the cross-sectoral inte- 2010, which is acting as a responsib- her completely. Communication and gration of all transport modes, BKK le mobility manager of the city, provi- knowledge sharing are key factors; functions as an integrated mobility ding strategic planning and organising we should build bridges to connect manager. Following reorganisations public transport services and based people. The winner of innovation is in the past few years, transportation on sustainability principles, harmoni- the one who can find relevant infor- is managed by four companies: BKK sing travel demands. As a result of the mation sources, can implement the and its subsidiaries: Budapest-Közút past years’ development and innovati- best practices and can share the kno- (Public Road Manager), BKÜ (Buda- on, Budapest has managed to join the wledge, data and these practices with pest Transport Customer Relations) customer-oriented metropolises’ lea- each other. This kind of networking and BÖK (Budapest Municipal Debt gue, which has an efficient transport can bring together participants and Management). Budapest Közút is governance system with an integrated as a result, a scientific cluster can be responsible for management, opera- mobility manager, a sustainable urban formed in the world. “Today’s topics, tion and maintenance of roads and mobility plan (SUMP) and a public like decarbonisation, MaaS, transport bridges, BKÜ is responsible for ticket transport system that provides better management are very important but it sales and ticket control, while BÖK is services and an integrated transport is crucial to be able to work together responsible for penalty fare debt ma- infrastructure with more connections also for the very basic values, such as nagement. and attractive vehicles and, further- life quality and environment, besides Creating an integrated transport more values quality and innovation. the above-mentioned values”, decla- authority ensures a holistic approach A responsible mobility manager has red the CEO.
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