71 RESOLUTIONS OF TH E ALL INDIA MUSLIM LEAGUE From May 1924 to December 1936. Prm.biiEn nr:- (.YOlcabzada) Liaquat. Ali Khan, M, A., (Oxon), M. 1. A., (U. P.) BARRISTETI· AT· L Aw, Honorary Secretary: All India Muslim League. Price As. 8. 8 of Kashmir Darbar towards the political and educa- - tionQ.} needs and aspirations of the Mussalmans of Kashmir State and resolves that in view of the grave situation existing in Kashmir a special Sub-committee of the AU-India Muslim League be formed to find out ways and means for uplifting the poor and down trod­ den Mussalman community of that State, and to bring home the Kashmir Darbar the paramount necessity of providing special facilities of educating the Mussalmans of the State and ameliorating their presei)t helple!'s condition and to give the Mussalmansof Kashmir who form 95 per cent. of the populat.ion of the State their rightful place jn the public services and in the adminis­ tration of the State. P1·oposed by-Pi1· Tajuddin, Lahore. · · Seconded by-).f.r. Mohammad Sadiq, Amritsar. Resolution No 14 rrhat the President (M:r.l\f. A. Jinnah), the Honon:ny Secretary (Syed Zahur Ahmad' and the Honorary Joint Secretaries \Choudhari Khaliq-uz-zaman nnd Mr. Masudul Hasan· and other . office bearers whm1e terms of office have expired, be re-elected f'or a further term of three years. P1·opo.~ed by-~fr. Mushir Husain Kidwai, Gadia.. Seconded by-M1'. K. B. Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Lahore. Resolution No. 15 · Vobe of bhanks to the Reception Commit.tee it.s Honorary Secretary Sardar Habibul1ah Khan and othe1~ office bearers and to Pir rrajuddin the Honorary Secn~­ tary of the Punjab Provincial .Muslim League for all that they had done to make this adjourned Sessi·on a remarkable success. ·' . Pt·oposed hlJ-Syed Zahur Ahmad, Lucknow. Resolution No 16 - Vote of thanks to the president of League for his tactful conduct of the proceedings of the Session that had led to its success. - ·Proposed by-K. B. Shaikh Abdul Qadir, Lahore. (Sd.). SYED ZAHUR. AHMAD, Honorary Secretary. 72 CONTENTS· p .AGE, Lahore Annual Session Resolution 1924 1 Bombay )) 1924 " " 9 AHgarh , JJ 1925 " 17 Delhi , " " 1926 27 Calcutta JJ 1927 35 " " Calcutta JJ 1928 43 " " Allahabad 1930 47 " " Delhi 1931 51 " " Delhi 1933 57 '' " Bombay " " 1936 65 ·ro P1'oposed by-Sahebzada Aftab Ahmed Khan. Seconded by-Mr. Abdul Aziz, Peshawar. Supported by--Maubn'a Mahomed Ali. Resolution No 4 That the All India Muslim League urges upon such Provincial Governments as have not yet enforced the J\lussulman \Vaqf Act, to do so without furt.het· delay. Proposed by-Dt-. Shafaat Ahmed I\hnn, A Ualmhad Seconded b.rJ-Mr. Faiz Tyebji, Bombay Suppm·ted b.IJ-)11'. Wahed Husain of Calcut.t.a and Akbar Ali Mohsin of Bombay. Resolution No.· 5 rrhat the All India Muslim League protests st.rong­ ly against the action of the Legislature of the Union of South Africa in passing, and .of the Governor-Gener­ al-in.Council of the Union in assenting to the Natal Boroughs Ordinance, which deprives lndians in Natal of the right to Municipal enfranchisement exercised by them continuously for ove1· 40 years, und thus con­ stitutes a breach of the 1914 settlementwhilstit adds' one more disability to thos~ already suffered by the Indians of South Africa, in t.he enforcemeut against them of differential legislation bassed upon racial con­ sideration. rrhe League urges upon llis Majesty's Govern. ment to disallow the said Ordinance as-it is highly unjust' and as it is the duty of the Imperial Govem­ ment to protect the rights of His Majesty's Indian subjects in South Africa and it further urges upon t.he Govemment of India to take all necessary steps for the removal of the grievu.nees of the Indians in South Africa. The League emphatically pl'otests ogaimt. tl1e policy laid down in the White Paper of 19~3 which dep­ rives Indians oftheir rights in Kenya and directly violate their status of legal equality with other immigrant population, and the T~eague demands, that in the in· terests of justice and good faith, energetic steps be taken by the Goyernment of India and His 1\tu.jesty's Govenment to remove the stigma of racial inferiorit.y 73 Text of Resolutions passed at the Fifteenth Annual Session of The Ali India 'Muslim League on the 24th and the 25th of May 1924 at Lahore with Mr. M. A. Jinnah in the Chair. Resolution No. 1 The All India :Muslim League pbces on record its deep sense of sorrow at tho sad and unHmely death of t!Je lion 'b]e l\1r. Ghulnm n[ohammnd Bhurgri :mel feelR tlw,t in him the l\fnssalmans of India had lost one of t,he greatest patriots politicians ancl disinterested servants of the community anddesires that t.lds expression of sorrow on behaJf of the community mav be convewd to his family. · " · K. B. Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Bnr·at·Law of Lahore tlH'n moved and Sheikh KeYaz 2\fohamnwd of Lahore seconded the following Resolution:- Resolution No. 2 \Vhereas the speedy attal!lment of S\-raraj is one of the declared objects of the All ]ndia :Muslim Lea~ue and whereas it is now gene1a1ly felt that the concep­ tion of Swaraj should be translated into the realm of conerete politics and become a factor in the daily life of the Indian people, the All India Muslim League hereby resolves, that in any scheme of a constitution for India, that may ultimately be agreed upon and ac­ cPpt.ed by tbe people, the following shall constitute its basic and fundamental principles:- ~n) The e);isting provinces of India shall all be united under a common govermnent on a federal basis so that each province shall h:we full and complete provincial autonomy, the functions of the Central Go,'ernrnent beil1()' con­ fine.d to such matters only us are of g~nernl aml eommon concem, v1b) Any territorial redistribution that mig·ht at any time become necessarv, sball not in any wny affect the Muslim Iwt')ority of populatioi1 in the Punjab, Bengal and X Wr.F. Provinc('. 12 Swaraj to the people of India, and while disafPl'O'Ying and condemning most emphatically such organisations if any, the All India Muslim League views with the strongest disapproval, the action of· the Governer­ General in promulgating the Criminal Law Amend­ ment Ordinance of 1924, as such extraordinary measure, being a direct invasion upon individual liberty. should not have been enacted without the sanc­ tion of the Legislature and as it easily lends itself, in the hands of the Executive, to grave abuses resulting in implicating innocent persons and in interfering with constitutional political activity, a.s past experie­ ence of similar measures has repeatedly demonstrated. The League therefore urges the immediate withdrawal of the Ordinance and the trial, if necessary, in a~cord ance with the oTdinary law, of the persons detained undeT it, and the League further urges that Rt>gulation HI of 1818 . which gives the Government powers of arresting and confining persons suspected of public crimes, without warrant, without trial and without state­ ment of reasons for such arrest and confinement, should be forthwith withdrawn, and it records its conviction that the present political situation in India is due to tl1e denial of the just rights of the people long overdue and that the speedy establishment of Swaraj i~ the only effective remedy t.herefor. Proposed by-1fr. M. C. Cbagla, Bombay. Seconded b.y-Agha Mohammad Safdar, Sialkot. Supported by-Mr. Abdul Hamid J{han, Madras. , Maulvi Mazharuddin, Delhi. Resolution N.o. 8 That the All India Muslim League is of opinion that the circumstances of the time imperatively demand that the various Muslim associations of India represen· ting different shades of political tcought and different p:uts of the country, should co-operate together to t.be greatest possible extent and a united and sound practi­ cal activity should be developed to supply the needs of the ).f uslim community, and that for this purpose it is desireable that the l'epresentntives of the various associn.­ t.ions should meet in a conference at aJl early date at 74 3 Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad of Aligorh moved an amend· ment to substitute the following for Clause (c) of the proposeJ resolution riz :- "The mode of 1epresentation in the Legislature and in all other elected bodies shall guarantee adequate and effective representation to minorities in every pro­ vince subject however to the essential proviso that no majority shall be redu::ed to a minority or even to an equality." The amendment was seconded by "Mian Shahne· ''nz of Lahore nnd supported by l\foulvi Mohammad Yaquh 1\LL.A. of .l\loradabad, Chaudh ri f:;hahabuddin .:\LL.C. of Lahore, ~foul vi A bul Qasim M.L.A. of Burdwan and the Hon. l\fian Fazle Husain K. B. of Lahore: It was opposed by Ghazi Abdul Rahman of Layallpur: Chaudhri Khaliquzzaman of Lucknow and l\bulnna Mohammad Ali, and on a division being taken tbe amendment was carried by a majority of 12G to 83. An amendment proposed by Mr. Asaf Ali of Delhi and seconded by Mr. Mushir Husain Kidwai and an­ other proposed by Syed Habib Shah of Lahore and seconded bv Maulana Mohammad Ali to alter Clause (e) were both pnt to the vote and lost. The whole resolution as amended by Dr. Ziauddin was then put to the vote and carried.
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