Submitted by: Michael F. Luck, Senior Vice President • Development and Public Affairs REPORTON EXTERNALRELATIONS HIGHLIGHTS Upcoming Alumni Events/Activities In keeping with the Alumni Association's continuing effort to bring alumni into the city, we are planning a guided morning walking tour of the Greektown-Bricktown areas on Saturday, July 23 followed by a luncheon in the historic St. Andrews Society. In the afternoon of July 23 there will be a tour of the Detroit Salt Mine which has long been an intriguing experience but a tour offered only very infrequently. We can accommodate 100 alumni, and the popularity of this tour is illustrated by the fact that we had re­ ceived at least 200 inquiries a month in advance of the tour. • The Alumni Association will sponsor its second Annual Wayne State University Day at Boblo Island on Saturday, July 30. This ticket package includes lunch as well as all attractions and amusements on the island. Over 150 alumni and friends attended last year. The Annual Shaw Festival Weekend will depart on August 5 with two full busloads of alumni. This event was sold out 6 weeks in advance. From August 7 to 22, the Alumni Association will offer "The Best of the British Isles", featuring famous sites and natural beauties in four countries. A capacity crowd of 80 alumni have already reserved for this tour. Another in our annual series of Black History Tours will be held on August 13. It will focus on the Underground Railroad from Detroit to Canada and visit significant sites on both sides of the Detroit River. Another Detroit adventure will be a behind-the-scenes visit at the Eastern Market on August 23. This guided tour will provide an early morning orientation to this interesting downtown area and conclude with breakfast at Butchers Inn . • BOARDOF GOVERNORS Aaenda -2- A two-day excursion to the popular Stratford Festival in Ontario is scheduled for August 27 and 28. This tour features accommodations • at the Victorian Inn overlooking the Avon river, orchestra seats for two plays, a backstage tour at the Festival Theatre, and other events and activities. WJBK-TVJefferson Awards Ceremony The Vice President for Community Relations served as a member of the annual Jefferson Awards Committee sponsored by WJBKand Participated in the awards ceremony at WJBK-TV. Richard Simmons Tribute Committee The Vice President for CommunityRelations served with Governor Murray Jackson as co-chairman of a tribute committee honoring Richard Simmons in McGregor Memorial Conference Center on June 9, 1983. Mr. Simmons, who was earlier this year appointed to the position of Deputy Director of the Michigan Department of Mental Health is former President of Wayne County Community College, Deputy Mayor to Mayor Coleman Young, Professor of Social Work at Wayne State University and Director of the Centers of Urban Studies • and Black Studies. WDET-FMMusic Festival Station WDET-FMsponsored a jazz and blues festival at Meadowbrookon May 29, 1983 and raised approximately $5,000 to support WDEToperations. Mayor Coleman A. Young1 s Special Task Force for the City The Vice President for Community Relations is serving on a special task force organized by Mayor Coleman A. Young to assist in his efforts to strengthen the position of the City of Detroit as the center of business, commercial and cultural activity in this region. Civic Appointments Senior Vice President Ria Frijters has been recommended as the Wayne State University representative on the New Center Area Council Board of Directors. The Board meets on July 21 to confirm her appointment. • BOARDOF GOVERNORS Agenda July 15, 1983 -3- • Affirmative Action Hearino Assistant Vice President Jacob B. Oglesby participated in a meeting called in Lansing on June 15, 1983 by Representative Carolyn Co Kilpatrick, concerned with H.B. 4028 which has been introduced by Rep. Kilpatricko The Bill would amend the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to require departments of the executive branch and state­ supported colleges and universities to develop affirmative action plans . Under the provision of Senate Resolution No. 7,_a_special _Sen~t~ committee has been established to examine the hiring of minorities in state government. Membersof the committee are: Sen. David Holmes, Jr. (D-Detroit), Chair Sen. Lana Pollack (D-Ann Arbor) Sen. Philip Mastin (D-Pontiac) Sen. Harry Demasco (R-Battle Creek) Sen. Phil Arthurhultz (R-Whitehall) The committee scheduled a public hearing 1n D~troit on.July 11 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Detroit City Council Chambers, (City-County Building). The hearin? ~xami~ed the hirin~ and to promotion practices of WayneState University as they relate womenand minorities. The hearing souqht to determine the current • status of minorities and womenemployed at the University. WSUOutreach Program The following recent engagements have been arranged: President Adamanyaddressed approximately 100 attendees at a recent DowntownRotary Club luncheon. The President's address focused on the need for the community to become more aware of WayneState University and the critical role of WayneState University and the other state universities will play in Michigan's economic recovery. Senior Vice President and Provost Harold Hanson recently addressed a dinner meeting of the American Society for Training and Develop­ ment. His remarks focused on WayneState University's many contributions to the community-at-large and our continuing effort to enhance, on many fronts, the quality of life in Michigan. He cited several specific examplei of the University's active participation with the private sector in the area of education and retraining of various segments of the workforce. They included our current collaborative retraining programs with Ford Motor Company, Michigan Bell, Detroit Public Schools and • the City of Detroit. BOARDOF GOVERNORS Agenda July 15, 1983 -4- Dean John Roberts was the featured speaker at a recent 11Respect for Law Week11 breakfast program sponsored by the Lakeshore • Optimist Club of Grosse Pointe. Ethnic Heritage Center Armenian RoomProgram The Vice President for CommunityRelations is currently working with the program committee of the Armenian Roomto assist them in their plans for a fall program to be held in the Armenian Room. German-Austrian Room The Office of Senior Vice President for Development and Public Affairs recently arranged for Mr. Kurt Keydel, Governor Emeritus, and other leaders in the German community to view the room designated as the German-Austrian Room(481) in Manoogian Hall to get a full sense of the room, and explore its design potentials. A member of the committee, Dr. Karl Greimel, Dean, School of Architecture, Lawrence Institute of Technology has offered to provide several preliminary design concepts for the committee to consider . Hungarian Heritaqe RoomMural • The Hungarian Heritage RoomCo~mittee, under the chairmanship of Mr. Vilmos A. Misangyi, has 11reached another milestone" in the further enhancement of the Hungarian Heritage Room. The committee has selected an artist to paint a 16' x 8' mural depicting Hungarian culture. Estimated cost of the project is $12,000 to be paid in three equal installments from funds in the Hungarian Heritage Roomaccount in the WayneState Fund. Fall Tour of the Ethnic Heritage Center (proposed) The Special Assistant for University Outreach programs is presently meeting with members of the Special Events Committee of the Alumni Association to assist them in plans to invite the general public to tour the Ethnic Heritage Center. The preliminary program proposed includes providing ethnic foods and representatives for each of the ethnic rooms in the costume of their country narrating information to those touring the Center . • BOARDOF GOVERNORS Agenda July 15, 1983 -5- Press Coverage National Scene: Lorraine Dusky, a WayneState University graduate, authored an extensive story in the June 12 NewYork Times Sunday Magazine telling • about how Detroiters are coping with unemploymentand economic hard times. Her story contained observations by Robert F. Kelly, associate professor of Sociology, and Irving Bluestone, university professor in Labor, Urban and Metropolitan Affairs. The results of Psychology Professor Eli Saltz 1 s research disclosing the futility of shouting commandsat younger children were reported in the Sunday, June 12 issue of the World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska; USAToday, June 14; the Associated Press wire service and several newspapers in the metropolitan area. NormanKopmeyer, president of the AAUPat WSU,and chairman of the AAUP1 s Bargaining Congress, was quoted in a Chronicle of Hi~her Education article~ June 29, on the desirable qualities for a successor o the ret1r1ng genera'1 secretary of the national AAUP. Law Professor Ralph Slovenko was quoted in U.S. Newsand World Report,-June 27, about the current national controversy concerning the early release of mentally ill persons charged with violent crimes. The May issue of FRI, the monthly newsletter of the national Fund-Raising Institute, carried an excerpt of a speech on fundraising given by Senior Vice President Michael Luck at the 1982 CASEAssembly in Toronto . The national weekly radio program, 11Decisions of the 80s, 11 produced by • Robert MacDonaldof Public Relations for the Mutual Broadcasting System, (950 radio stations) during the past month included a discussion of mandatory sentencing with Professor Marvin Zalman of Criminal Justice; Cancer Cures with Professor Kenneth Honn, Radiation Oncology; the PACT program with Dorothy Kispert, PACTdirector; and Nation at Risk, with College of Education Dean J. Edward Simpkins. USAToday, in its June 2 edition, noted that the Wesley Foundation at WSU is helping to fund 11Dialogue, 11 a national non-profit program offering courses that bring a real-life dimension to classroom studies. The law suit against the FBI, won by Walter Bergman former WSUprofessor, was carried by the ABCnetwork and most Michigan television and radio stations. State Scene: President David Adamanyauthored an article in the May issue of the Michigan School Board Journal analyzing the problems of education at schools and universities and offering methods to correct them.
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