Journal Geological Society of India, Vol. 20, Oct. 1979, pp 512 to 517 Charnockites of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh A. SRIRAMADAS A!'D A. T. RAO Abstract The tonalitic charnockites from Visakhapatnarn, Andhra Pradesh, belong to 2,600 m y. age. They were structurally emplaced along the axes of NE and E plunging over­ turned isoclinal synclines exhibited by khondalites, The palingenetic charnockites of granodioritic composition have indicated an age of 2,000 m.y., which corresponds to the ageof NW-SE cross-folds in the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. Introduction The Eastern Ghats extend along the east coast from Ongolc in Andhra to, Sambalpur in Orissa. The Eastern Ghats consist largely of khondalites and char­ nockites belonging to high grade granulitic facies and maintain general NE-SW trend with local irregularities. The khondalite group comprises garnet-biotite-graphite­ sillimanite (±)-quartz-feldspar gneisses, quartzites, limestones, calc-granulites, hyper­ sthene-cordierite-biotite-garnet-sillimanite gneisses, whereas the charnockites include hypersthene-garnet (:t) granitic-granodioritic rocks. The pyroxene granulites occur as sills and dykes. The charnockites are mostly confined to the axes of overturned isoclinal synclines exhibited by khondalites. The charnockites occasionally show stock like intrusive relationship with the garnet-biotite granites. Migmatitic impress is common in khondalites, granites and charnockites. Structures around Visakhapatnam The pattern of hill ranges around Visakhapatnam portrays the general structural features. The hill ranges northwest of Elamanchili and Kasimkota trend NE-SW and further east of Chodavaram up to Visakhapatnam and Bhimunipatnam trend E-W with occasional swerving to N70cW-S70"'E at places like Kommadi. Elamanchili and Kasimkota hill ranges are made up of khondalites and have the general strike of foliation N 45°E and dip S55°E. The folds exhibited by khondalites are overturned isoclinal synclines plunging NE. Garnetiferous granites and char­ nockites are confined to the axes of major folds. The paragneisses in Sabbavaram, Kottavalasa and Visakhapatnam ranges east of Chodavaram have E-W foliation with steep southerly dips and indicate a major overturned syncline plunging E to I-:SE. The major fold axis swerves from NE to E (Fig. I) and this is due to superimposed folding along the NW-SE axis. The domal upwarps near Kommadi in Visakhapatnam are related to refolding. Similar upwarps in Kondapalli in Krishna district, Kasipatnam in Visakhapatnam district (Rao, 1977), and Phulbani and Baliguda in Orissa (Narayanaswami, 1975) are evidently related to refolding. The gravity anomaly pattern (M. N. Qureshy's Bouguer anomaly map of Peninsular India - Fig. 10; in Pichamuthu, 1967), in the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa confirms the regional cross fold structures in NW-SE direction mainly at Visakhapatnam, Konda­ palli and Phulbani, and Baliguda regions. The Sarada river follows along the cross fold axis in Visakhapatnam district. The change of river course from AnakapalJe to Elamanchili is possibly due to fault­ ing in :-.lE-SW direction (Fig. 1). :-.lE-SW trending faults and shear zones parallel to the Sarada river course are more prominent along the coast of Pudimadaka. RESEARCH NOTES 515 The chemical and spectrographic analyses of both medium and coarse grained charnockites together with the C.I.P.W. norms and modes are given in Tables I and II. The dark looking even grained TABLE I. Chemical analyses of chamockites around granular charnockites are tonalitic Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh in composition. The apparent constancy in composition (major 3 4 5 and trace) of the medium grained Si0 55.74 58.75 56.44 58.87 60.76 charnockites, occupying the axes 2 ofsynclines, suggestsoriginal igne­ AI203 16.96 15.84 16.36 17.56 15.68 ous parentage and subsequent re­ Ti02 1.08 0.97 0.85 1.52 1.91 crystallisation under granulite Fe203 1.67 2.18 1.90 1.38 3.04 facies in the solid state. The FeO 10.34 7.91 10.44 7.28 6.02 coarser foliated biotite (± amphi­ MgO 3.60 4.52 3.50 2.80 2.26 bole and allanite)-garnet bearing MnO 0.31 0.14 0.22 0.28 0.20 charnockites confined to the shear CaO 5.50 4.28 5.61 4.00 3.43 zones and axes of cross folds indi­ Na20 3.50 3.79 3.14 2.10 2.42 cate that they were subjected to K20 1.34 1.20 1.15 3.60 3.89 metamorphism under high PH 20 P20S 0.30 024 0.28 0.36 0.41 and attained palingenesis. This H20+ 0.10 017 0.15 0.35 0.30 led to the remarkable concentra­ H20- 0.05 0.04 0.10 0.12 0.11 tion of K and associated elements Ba, Rb, Zr, Ce, Th, U, P and 100.14 100.43 Total 100.49 100.03 100.22 enrichment of radioactivity. The radioactivity, 2.3 ± 0.1 c.g.m. in Trace elements as p.p.m, the igneous charnockites has in­ Ga 25 20 30 35 15 creased to 8.9 ± 0.1 c.g.m. in the Cr 75 50 80 40 30 palingenetic charnockites and sup­ Li 10 12 10 15 10 ports the evolution of two types of Ni 25 50 40 75 83 charnockites belonging to two Co 3 2 5 20 25 different metamorphic episodes. V 200 175 225 100 150 These two types are separated by Zr 100 150 200 250 300 basic activity in the form of Sc 10 10 15 20 15 younger sills and dykesofpyroxene y 20 15 10 30 40 granulites. Sr 1100 900 1000 350 400 Age of Charnockites Ce 20 20 25 60 100 Pb 10 15 15 20 25 The overall structures exhi­ Ba 700 500 550 2000 2500 bited by khondalites in Visakha­ Rb 20 10 30 100 150 patnam district are overturned iso­ clinal folds plunging NE, which are Th 10 13 10 30 40 emplaced by charnockites along U 3 4 3 8 10 the cores and axes. Refolding I-Hypersthene tonalite, MudasarJova, Visakha­ along NW-SE axes has resulted in patnam. simple SE plunging synclines, anti­ 2-Hypersthene tonalite, 8 miles NW of Elamanchili. clines-often doubly plunging­ 3-Hypersthene tonalite from Air Port Hill, Visakha­ and occasionally overturned folds, patnam. isoclinal in nature. Charnockite 4-Biotite-hypersthene granodiorite, Air Port Hill, Visakhapatnam. bands have attained double thick­ ness along cross fold axes wherever 5-Biotite-hypersthene granodiorite, Rampuram near Pendurti. involved and are well exposed at 516 RESEARCH NOTES Kasipatnam, Kondapalli region TABLE II. c.I.P.W. Norms and Modes of charnockites around Visakhapatnarn in Andhra Pradesh and Baliguda in Orissa. The widespread shear I 3 4 5 zones and fractures running in NW-SE directions are parellel to Norms the cross fold axial plane traces. Q 6.4 11.7 9.6 16.4 19.5 The allanite-bearing palingenetic Or 7.9 7.1 6.8 21.3 23.0 charnockites and pegmatites and Ab 29.5 32.0 26.5 17.8 20.5 apatite-magnetite deposits follow­ An 25.5 . 19.8 26.4 17.8 14.6 ing the NW-SE trends are coeval C 0.3 1.0 0.3 3.7 2.1 and belong to 2,000 m.y. (Rao and Hy 25.3 22.7 25.4 17.2 11.4 Babu, 1978) and hence the age of Mt 2.4 3.2 2.8 2.0 4.4 refolding is related to the same Il 2.0 1.9 1.6 2.9 3.6 period. K- Ar age of biotite, Ap 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 2085±43 m.y., from the type area Modes charnockite (Balasubrahmanyam, Quartz 8 12 11 22 23 1975) is sympathetic to the refold­ ing age. The structurally emplaced Orthoclase 8 7 7 29 31 monazite bearing charnockites into Plagioclase 50 49 47 28 26 the earlier fold system are thus Orthopyroxene 29 26 30 7 5 much older. The monazite from Garnet 7 8 beach sands of Visakhapatnam Biotite 2 3 gave an age of 2,600 m.y. (Vino­ Ores 4 5 4 3 3 gradov et al., 1964) and relates to Zircon 1 1 1 2 1 the older charnockites. The Rb­ 1-5: Same description as in Table I. Sr isochron age of 2,615 m.y. and 2,580 m.y. for Nilgiri and Madras charnockites (Crawford, 1969), and the zircon age of Madras acid charnockite, 2,600 m.y. (Vinogradov et al., 1964) are concordant with the monazite age from Visakhapatnam. The Rb-Sr whole rock ages of charnockites from Kasipatnam, Visakhapatnam district have also indicated ages of 2,695 m.y. and 2,129 m.y. (Perraju, 1977 - personal communication) supporting observations of two ages for the charnockites. References BALASUBRAHMANYAM, M. N., (1975) Significance of K-Ar age of biotite from charnockite type area, Madras. Geol. Surv.Tndia, Misc. Pub., v. 23, Precambrian Geology of the Peninsular Shield, pt. I, pp. 233-235. CRAWFORD, A. R., (1969) Reconnaissance Rb-Sr dating of the Precambrian rocks of southern Peninsular India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 10, pp. 117-166. NARAYANASWAMY, S., (1975) Proposal for charnockite-khondalite system in the Archaean Shield of Peninsular India. Geol. Surv, India, Misc. Pub. v. 23. Precambrian Geology of the Peninsular Shield, pt. I, pp. 1-17. PICHAMUTHU, C. S., (1967) The Precambrian of India (in) Geologic systems. The Precambrian, v, 3, ed. K. Rankama, lnterscience, London. RAo, A. T., (1977) Study of apatite-magnetite veins near Kasipatnam, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Tschermaks Min. Petro Mitt.. v. 23, pp.
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