Practical Information for Incoming Students Faculty of Art and Design Faculty of Education Faculty of Environment Faculty of Health Studies Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Production Technology and Management Faculty of Science Faculty of Social and Economic Studies www.ujep.cz Structure Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem . 4 Basic Information about the Czech Republic . 7 The Town of Ústí nad Labem . 11 Study Information . 15 How will you get to Ústí nad Labem? . 23 Travelling in the Czech Republic . 25 Accommodation . .. 29 Catering Services . 31 Gastronomy . 31 Insurance . 32 Residence Permit for Foreign Students . 33 Communications . 34 Further Practical Information . 36 1 2 Dear students, This brochure tries to help you with orientation at the University and in Ústí nad Labem. Inside you can find practical information. We know that this brochure can not solve every problem and answer every question. Our students from Tutor Or- ganisation and employees of our University will try to help you any time. Have a nice stay in Ústí nad Labem 3 Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem We have adopted the name of Jan rent young people . We are a state- Evangelista Purkyně, i .e . the name of-the-art scientific, pedagogic, and of the renowned North-Bohemian cultural and educational centre of fellow countryman of Libochovice the Ústí nad Labem Region . (1787–1869), one of the founders of We educate a number of students such sciences as biology, embryol- exceeding 10 000 and employ a staff ogy, histology, modern pharmacol- of about 900 . ogy, comparative anatomy and an- We proudly take credit for the mu- thropology . Besides, Purkyně ranks nicipality of Ústí nad Labem, and among the world’s most outstand- contribute in a significant way to the ing physiologists . development of the Ústí Region . Just as well-rounded a personality The UJEP University dates back to Purkyně in his time was, we too, in 1991, and is currently known as the these days, offer a wide variety of umbrella term for 8 faculties . study programmes and specialisa- tions focusing on the most varied areas of human activities . Not only because of that are we – with our as- sorted offer – attractive for the cur- These are the: Faculty of Art and Design Faculty of Education Faculty of Environment Faculty of Health Studies Faculty of Philosophy Faculty of Production Technology and Management Faculty of Science Faculty of Social and Economic Studies 4 Chapters from Our History Our history dates back to 1954 when the Higher Teacher Training College was set up to become the Pedagogi- cal Institute in 1959, and to 1964, when the Pedagogical Faculty in Ústí nad Labem was established . Under Act No . 314/1991 Coll ., the Univer- sity of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem was set up and sol- emnly inaugurated on 28 September 1991, comprising three faculties and an Institute . Those were the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, the Faculty of Environment and the Institute of Slavonic & Germanic Studies . 1993 – The Institute of Art Culture was established as an art school of an artistic and in- dustrial orientation . 1998 – The Institute of Technology and Production Management was set up as part of UJEP 2000 – The Faculty of Applied Art ences were established . The and Design was established, Institute of Natural Sciences being transformed from the was transformed into the Institute of Art Culture . Faculty of Science 2003 – The Institute of Health Stud- 2006 – The Institute of Humanities ies was founded . was transformed into the 2005 – The Institute of Humanities Faculty of Philosophy . The and Institute of Natural Sci- Institute of Technology and 5 Production Management J. E. Purkyně University Structure was transformed into the Faculty of Production Tech- nology and Management . This university is divided into 2008 – The Institute of Slavonic and faculties and the faculties into de- Germanic Studies became partments . Some faculties have also part of the Faculty of Philos- special institutes . The Chancellor ophy . The Faculty of Applied and the Academic Senate of the Uni- Art and Design changed its versity are two main bodies at the title to become the Faculty of head of UJEP . The deans are heads Art and Design . of faculties together with the Aca- 2012 – The Institute of Health Stud- demic Senate of the faculties . ies was transformed into the Every Academic Senate is divided Faculty of Health Studies into the Student Council and the Council of Academic Employees . All faculties consist of the departments headed by the Chairman/Head of the Department . The research issues are within the scope of powers granted to individual faculties of the Univer- sity and those granted to the Univer- sity Scientific/Research Boards . 6 Basic Information about the Czech Republic The Czech Repub- The Czech countryside varies a lot; lic is situated in it offers mountains, forests and na- the central Europe . tional parks . Czechs have built a very It is a neighbour positive relationship with the nature to Poland in the that surrounds them . They often visit north, to Austria in it, and understand well how and why the south, Germany in the northwest it must be protected . and in the west and to Slovakia in the Since the so-called Velvet Revolution east . in 1989, which helped to dismantle The Czech Republic is a densely the Communist regime subordinated populated state . At an area of not to the Soviet Union, the Czech Re- more than seventy-eight thousand public enjoys the status of an ad- square kilometres it has a popula- vanced democracy . Czech politics is tion of more than ten million people . based on the ideals of democracy, Its capital city, Prague, is the larg- a free-market economy and respect est city of this country . It alone nes- of human rights . tles a population around 1 .2 million people . Prague, also known as the Golden City, is categorized among the world’s most beautiful cities . Geographical Introduction The Czech Republic is a typical land- locked country (i .e . acountry that has no access to the ocean at its borders), which is partly hilly and partly flat, and in which several im- portant European rivers have their origins . 7 of average temperatures and the oc- currence of rainfall is more likely . Many other factors also play an im- portant role in its climate – the bor- der mountain ranges, for example, significantly influence the ground- level air flow and rainfalls . Various height levels of the sun dur- ing the year cause the changing of the seasons, differentiated from each other mainly by the develop- What Languages Are Spoken in the ment of temperatures and precipita- Czech Republic? tion . Similarly to the whole moderate northern band, the beginning of the year in the Czech Republic is also The official language in the Czech characterized by a relatively cold Republic is Czech . The most wide- winter . After this season comes spread foreign language is English . spring, followed by a warm summer Older people also speak German and chilly autumn . The alternation quite often . As a result of the com- of the seasons has a marked effect, mon past Slovak and Russian are above all on vegetation . also frequently spoken on the terri- The climate of the Czech Repub- tory of the Czech Republic . lic can be labelled as moderate, of The Climate in the Czech Republic The climate differs markedly among the various regions of the Czech Republic, depending on the height above sea level . Generally speaking, the higher you are, the more fre- quently you can experience the drop 8 course with great local diversity seen throughout the year . Further change- ability of the climate is strongly as- sociated with the weather itself . History of the Czech Republic When we ponder over the history of the Czech Republic, we find out that the settlement in this country com- Around the 15th century Bohemia menced in the Neolithic Era . became an arena for numerous The Czech state (or the Bohemian religious wars . Prominent among state) emerged in the 9th century these were the Hussite Wars in the after its unification by the Premyslid 15th century and Thirty Years´ War Dynasty . During the Middle Ages the in 17th century (1618-1648) . This Kingdom of Bohemia was an impor- long period of wars caused wide- tant local power in central Europe . spread destruction of both the lives It remained part of the Holy Roman of inhabitants in Bohemia and the Empire for a long time . infrastructure of this country . As a result of these conflicts Bohemia came under the Habsburg influence and became a significant part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire . But the Austrian-Hungarian Empire buckled during the First World War, due to which an independent republic of Czechoslovakia was created in 1918 . 9 But peace did not prevail in Czecho- Nazi Germany, but the Czechoslovak slovakia . The centralistic states did government-in-exile nevertheless not grant political autonomy to the continued to exist during this period minorities due to which they rebelled of time . and asked to break Czechoslovakia Between 1948 and 1989 Czecho- into pieces . slovakia was a Communist state The dictator Hitler sensed the wave with a centrally planned economy . of discontent in the Czechoslovakian In 1989 Czechoslovakia managed population and thought to benefit to gain political freedom through out of it . He succeeded in his plans the Velvet Revolution . This peaceful through the Munich Agreement that country split into the Czech Repub- gave him the majority of the Ger- lic and the Slovak Republic on 1st man speaking Sudetenland . In 1939 January 1993 . In 1999, the Czech Slovakia separated from Czechoslo- Republic was accepted as a member vakia and Hitler occupied the rest of the NATO and together with nine of the Czech territory .
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