SEPTEMBER 2013 Vol. 108, No.9 NORTHWEST ADVENTISTS IN ACTION A into IMAGES OF CREATION esus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, Jbut the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” Matthew 8:20 (NIV) Source: ThinkStock.com 4 FYI/LETTERS EDITORIAL 5 Communicating Across Generations FEATURE FEATURE 14 It’s Beyond Belief 6 (Revisited) ACCION 16 La Obra en la Iglesia de Remix CONFERENCE NEWS 17 Alaska 18 Idaho 19 Montana 20 Oregon 24 Upper Columbia 27 Washington 30 Walla Walla University 31 Adventist Health 32 FAMILY 34 ANNOUNCEMENTS 35 ADVERTISEMENTS LET’S TALK 42 Love COVER PHOTO BY Levy Moroshan POSTMASTER: send all address changes to: North Pacific Union Conference GLEANER, 5709 N. 20th St., Ridgefield, WA 98642 GLEANER STAFF Phone: 360-857-7000 Editor: Steve Vistaunet [email protected] Copy Editor: Laurel Rogers www.gleaneronline.org Advertising and Project Manager: Desiree Lockwood SUBMISSIONS: Timely announcements, features, news Digital Media Coordinator: stories and family notices for publication in the GLEANER Brent Hardinge may be submitted directly to the project manager at Design: GUILDHOUSE Group the address listed above. Material sent directly to local Copyright © 2013 conference correspondents may be forwarded to the CORRESPONDENTS September 2013 | Vol. 108, No. 9 GLEANER. Alaska: Butch Palmero, [email protected] PLEASE NOTE: Every reasonable effort is made to screen Idaho: Eve Rusk, [email protected] GLEANER, (ISSN 0746-5874) is published once per month all editorial material to avoid error in this publication. The Montana: Bette Wheeling, [email protected] for a total of 12 issues per year by the North Pacific Union GLEANER does not accept responsibility for advertisers’ Oregon: Krissy Barber, [email protected] ® Conference of Seventh-day Adventists , 5709 N. 20th St., claims. Upper Columbia Conference: Jay Wintermeyer, [email protected] Ridgefield, WA 98642. It is printed and mailed at Pacific Washington: Heidi Baumgartner, Press Publishing Association®, 1350 N. Kings Rd., Nampa, ADVENTIST® and SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST® are the [email protected] ID 83687-3193. Subscription rate: $13 per year. Periodical registered trademarks of the General Conference of Walla Walla University: Rosa Jimenez, [email protected] postage paid at Ridgefield, WA 98642 and additional Seventh-day Adventists®. Adventist Health: Ruthie Montgomery, [email protected] mailing offices. LITHO U.S.A. NEWS AND NOTES Krueger Takes Up New Challenge When God calls, the righteous respond. says Krueger. “KGTS/PLR and WGTS have Kevin Krueger, longtime general manager a long, rich ‘sister station’ history that I plan for KGTS 91.3 FM and Positive Life Radio to continue.” (PLR) Network based on the campus of Krueger had served as KGTS general Krueger and PLR for launching the Rice for Walla Walla University (WWU), has fol- manager since 1988. Under his leadership, Cambodia program, through which listeners lowed that call to begin a new opportunity the WWU station grew into a regional have donated more than $1.3 million. He for ministry at WGTS in Takoma Park, Md. Christian radio network based in 15 cities, is the incoming president of the Society of WGTS broadcasts contemporary Christian covering a majority of the Inland Empire. Adventist Communicators. music to more than 600,000 listeners each He initiated the Hands & Heart ministry at With KGTS and PLR under interim leader- week. PLR to encourage listeners to participate in ship, the station’s executive board is seeking “It’s an honor to be invited to guide the team community service projects. In May of this a permanent replacement to fill the general at an industry-leading station and ministry,” year, the Cambodian government honored manager position. Letters Doctrine and Love Can Coexist EDITOR’S NOTE: For another perspec- thropology with their faith in God’s Word. In reference to Andy Nash’s article (“Beyond tive on the survey mentioned in the “Beyond The same issue reports the North Pacific Belief,” June 2013 GLEANER) about former Belief” article, turn to page 14. Union Conference in harmony with the members who have problems with Ellen Unintended Irony North American Division expanding oppor- White and doctrines: If they know enough tunities for women in ministerial leadership. about Ellen White and our doctrines to have The July 2013 GLEANER was grand with These welcome actions accommodate a problems with them, then what would be the unintended irony. culture that has elevated the role of women attraction for them to come to our churches? Under the heading “Images of Creation” is a in ways unknown to the writers of Scripture. Haystacks? picture from Palouse Falls clearly portraying I suspect God must be amused as we will- Has there ever been a prophet who was geologic features understood as the product ingly reinterpret the writings of those of a popular? And what is wrong with our of multiple massive lava flows (millions of distant past to enable progress in a subjec- doctrines? If these dear folks have been years) later carved by massive and repeated tive cultural sphere while at the same time reading the popular books about grace and flooding (more than 12,000 years ago). Leaf anchor ourselves to ancient understandings justification only, and then hear Seventh- imprints, petrified wood, vertebrate bones in objective scientific matters. and insects are found at some of the deepest day Adventists teach about obedience and Richard Faiola, Olympia, Wash. sanctification, that may seem harsh to them. levels. The correlation of multiple dating But then again, sipping the wine of Babylon methods make these observations a chal- does cause confusion. lenge to the most literal inter- pretation of the early chapters When was it that the disciples stopped argu- of Genesis. The 2015 General ing over who was the greatest? It was after Conference has been tasked with 10 days of fasting, confessing their sins and replacing the simple words of praying for the Spirit of Jesus. Then they Scripture in fundamental belief #6 truly loved one another and could call each with more precise formulations in other brother and sister and mean it. Maybe English. The intent (at minimum) then, when the Holy Spirit brings people to is to reduce some of the specula- GLEANER our churches, we could genuinely love them 5709 N. 20th St. tive interpretations currently Ridgefi and treat them with patience and kindness — eld, WA 98642 available to SDAs who struggle to like family. Isn’t that what Jesus would do? accommodate their knowledge of John Materne, Kettle Falls, Wash. Send geology, biology [and] paleoan- letters, st to tal ories, k@gleaneronlea photos 4 GLEANER • September 2013 ine.org. EDITORIAL Communicating Across Generations live and breathe church communication. I’ve been adapted to technology quickly and had little need for Ian employee of the Seventh-day Adventist Church authority. Th e Internet and instant communication Never before all my adult life, and I can still remember in 2004 play a meaningful role to us. To reach my generation when I was involved with Breath of Life’s NET 2004 one needs thoughts that will resonate and cause us to have there with Walter L. Pearson Jr. I witnessed fi rsthand using dig deeper. television ministry to broadcast the good news of Millennials or Generation Y (1981–2000): Much been so many Jesus’ soon return. has been written about this generation, and, accord- Church communication has evolved over the ing to a 2010 report by the Pew Forum on Religion opportunities, years, and I believe now more than ever we are at in Public Life, one in four persons of this generation a critical point as Web and mobile delivery play an are unaffi liated with any particular faith.2 Th is gener- so many ever-present role in reaching people of all ages. Th e ation is more connected via social networks than any diff erent tools for days of tent meetings and evangelizing via satel- other age group. We must continue to show them lite series are still relevant, but our audiences have ways to connect and share Jesus using technology communicating changed. For the fi rst time in American history four and social media. To be eff ective to this generation generations are sitting in the same church: tradition- we need bite-sized information, which some pastors our mission and alists, baby boomers, Generation X and millennials.1 call their “tweetable quotes” during sermons. Traditionalists (1925–1945): Loyalty is impor- Never before have there been so many opportu- message. tant to this generation. Th ey have been members nities, so many diff erent tools for communicating of the church for many years and have seen various our mission and message. We hhaveave tthehe potentiapotentiall to changes. Consistent messaging is key to this genera- reach all four generations by usingusing communicationcommunication tion. Books and the printing press played a major channels familiar to them. We shouldshould not negneglectlect role for communicators in this generation. Th ey care one in favor of another. Our messagemessage should not be deeply about our core message and want to hear buried under a bushel. It needss to shine for all to solid preaching on Jesus’ Second Coming. see; it needs to be shared for allll to hear.hear. Baby Boomers (1946–1960): Optimism is a key In 1962 renowned Adventistt comcomposerposer factor with this generation. Television and radio Wayne Hooper wrote “We Haveve Th is Hope,” a miministrynistry wwasas iintroducedntrodu to this generation, and song still beloved by many aroundound the world. books still played a critical rorole.le. Th is ggenerationeneratio Th ere’s never been a better timeme for each of us wants assurance that information given is fafactualctu to share that hope, to prepare oothersthers to know a anandd Bible-baseBible-based.d.
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