n ry L te W S me Falls Creek ha Ce mrock Tk e Alpine Resort r s Rocky Valley e D t v i Storage Bungalow Spur W Track u R n s MT HOTHAM LOCATIONS & CHAIN FITTING BAYS g n K www.mthotham.com. e e d v i o a y e Great Alpine Road R O s w s n Harrietville Alpinea driving checklist Winter driving tips i Wheel chains a Elevation 500m Mount T l h n R P r k c y L Harrietville Valid Resort Entry Permit Remember for your own safety and those in your vehicle slow Wheel Chains are fitted to vehicles in snow and ice condi- n r a h All vehicles stopping in a Victorian Alpine Resort must d W c te Feathertop i Falls Creek g S a e down when driving in snow or icy conditions (this includesi black r ma Boom Gate v a h e The Mount Hotham Alpine Resort c DIAMOND PATTERN wheel chains on-board tions for your safety and the safety of other road users. a B C o H have a valid authorized Resort Entry Permit. m Tk e r e rock d k ice). Driving on snow or ice is significantly different from driving R Know which wheels to fit your chains to and how to fit them Alpine Resort g Vehicles entering Mount Hotham Alpine Resort during the r CHAIN FITTING BAYS Day, Multi-day and Season Resort Entry Permits are s T a Rocky Valley Management Board welcomes you to r l on normal, dry, road surfaces. n e o E o l D t declared snow season must carry Diamond Pattern Wheel Full tank of fuel as there is no fuel supply on the mountain available through the online system of alpineeasyaccess. i v R a SNOW CHAINS (Diamond Pattern) MUST BE CARRIEDg • Observe speed limits on the Great Alpine Road and i Storage s MountBungalow Hotham. Spur W Track o M u h t Alpine Diesel is essential for diesel vehicles to prevent fuel Chains. Diamond Pattern Wheel Chains are a mandatory com.au, allowing guest to purchase prior to or immedi- R within the Resort (for the safety of both pedestriansB n t c n BY ALL VEHICLES AND FITTED WHERE DIRECTED legal requirement. These are the safest and most suitable o s as freezing and is available from local off mountain service ately upon arrival, alleviating the need to queue at an i MT HOTHAM LOCATIONS & CHAINand other vehicles). FITTING BAYS A l b g Sambas Minee n K o B chain for the conditions on the Great Alpine Road. Please W e stations. • Travel at a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. entry booth to purchase an Entry Permit, giving you more e r We want your visit to be a most enjoyable d Corner C HARRIETVILLE - MT HOTHAM (31km’s) - CHAIN FITTING BAYS a v a i o y e ensure that you know how to fit your chains and that they n Anti-freeze in the radiator Great Alpine• RoadApply gradual pressure to the accelerator to avoid R time on the snow and less time in your car. O c holiday for you, your family and friends. This s w s h VehicleChain battery fitting is in good Bay condition Location Name wheel Distance spin. Distance from n fit correctly. Harrietville a i a T • Applyto Mt gradual Hotham pressureHarrietville to the brakes to avoid locking the Elevation 500m brochure will give youMount the information you Windscreen Heater and wipers in good working order l alpineeasyaccess.com.au h Razorback Walking Track R P k r k c c wheels which may cause loss of steering and control. T r a Harrietville h Ladder chains, spider chains and snow socks are not per- n a Chain Bay 6 Corbetts Flat 16km 14.5km Alpine Easy Access is smart phone compatible allowing s c d Windscreen de-icing scraper n need to know to arriveFeathertop at your destination i g e a • Avoid unnecessary gear changes. Engage first i or second a v v r Boom Gate c Albury O a H mitted to be used at any time on the Great Alpine Road. you to purchase your Resort Entry as you travel to Mount B o O Chain Bay 5 Olive Branch 14km 16km r e Wodonga d h gear on level ground before ascending or descending hills; t The Meg R safely and with a minimum amount of fuss. k g v s 106km t CHAIN FITTING BAYS Diamond Pattern chains are available for sale or hire T a Hotham giving you more time on the snow and no Resort r Wangaratta n e l e • You should try and avoid braking on corners as this can Elevation 900m l o E r o n y W i a By reading the information provided and a G g from off mountain ski hires, retailers and petrol stations Entry queues. R s SNOW CHAINS (Diamondr Pattern)cause MUSTloss of control. BE Try toCARRIED break before entering the w e s Alpine National o e a o t M t e Bright A h R l r p corner while the wheels are straight. B throughout North East Victoria and Gippsland. using this brochure as a guide for your F in c Mt Hotham i BY ALL VEHICLES AND FITTED WHERE DIRECTED t N e n v e o R s a o i • Think of snow like slippery mud driving. A l b e k m Seymour Dinner Plain a Sambas Minee d o u B r Park CFA water tank travels and parking at Mount Hotham, you c Omeo H W d • Clear any snow from the car roof and bonnet to avoid cre- It is an offence to travel the Great Alpine Road without r Corner C a HARRIETVILLE - MT HOTHAM (31km’s) - CHAIN FITTING BAYS Elevation 1200m a Razorback i r Melbourne n ating a road hazard to others. Failure to do so is an offence; Picinic Corner will be able to enjoy the scenery ofr the high T carrying Diamond Pattern Chains and/or not fitting them Sale c Walking r Bairnsdale Elevation 1180m h y S p u Chain fitting Bay Location Name • Clear Distance all snow and iceDistance from your from windscreen, windows and where directed. r Click here G country as youTrack wind up Victoria’s highest tomirrors Mt Hotham to ensure goodHarrietville visibility. e Razorback Walking Track for c k Bon Accord Spur n Melbourne - Harrietville - Mt Hotham • Keep well away from snow clearing machines. T r a road the Great Alpine Road to your snowi s Melbourne to WangarattaChain Bay 6 252km Corbetts2 hours 50 min Flat 16km 14.5km A chain fitting service operates on the Great Alpine Road n h Smartphone v e • To avoid windscreen wipers freezing when parking in O Monarch Corner c Wangaratta to Harrietville 101km 1 hour 30 min O holiday destination. Chain Bay 5 Olive Branch 14km 16km Harrietville approach during the snow season and can h Harrietville to Mt Hotham 32km 45 min (summer road conditions) snowy weather or overnight, lift wipers from windscreen. friendly t The Meg Elevation 1200m a v s 106km t e e Chain Bay 4 Star Extended • When12km parking your vehicle18.5km disengage your hand brake assist you by fitting your wheel chains to your vehicle. M Elevation 900m r version n W B500 Melbourne - Omeo - Mt Hotham s 0 1 2 3 4whilst leaving 5 your car in Gear or Park to avoid freezing 10 Wheel Chains are not available for hire from this service or Alpine National o Melbourne to BairnsdaleChain Bay 3 282km The3.25 hours Black Hole 11.5km 19km Chain Bay 6 The BlackR Bairnsdale to Omeo 121km 1.5 hours your brakes to your wheels. on mountain and must be carried before beginning your i Diamantina Hut The Cross N v k Omeo to Mt HothamChain Airport Bay 2 34km Dungeys35 min (summer road Hollow conditions) 9km 22km Corbetts Flat Holee Razorback Trailhead Great Alpine Road T k • Please avoid driving too fast with chains fitted. Recom- trip up the mountain. r Park Mt Hotham Airport to Mt Hotham 25km 25 min (summer road conditions) CFA water tank c APPROXIMATE SCALE IN KILOMETRES Elevation 1240m Elevation 1600m highest point e d a Chain Bay 1 Blowhard Hut mended 5km maximum speeds25km in the owners’ manual of chains Center Fold Elevation 1200m Razorback g i r Elevation 1820m d out Chain BayPicinic 5 Corner r T is generally 30 to 40 km/h - maximum. Walking i r Chains should be fitted properly when directed either by Elevation 1180m R Mount y S p u • Always carry a jacket, beanie and gloves for getting out in r Olive Branch Dannys G G Track h OMEO - MT HOTHAM (54km’s) - CHAIN FITTING BAYS signage or a Road Management Officer. Look for the sign c e the weather to fit your chains. u Elevation 1300m Lookout Loch o n C n Bon Accord Spur r s k illustrated below so you know when to put them on. L i e s Loch Chaind l Bay 3 Flour Bag Plain • Always18km drive with your lights on low-beam when driving in h i n T w Monarch Corner Chain Bay 1 c the alps. r Reservoir S Chain Bay 2 Dinner Plain 14km a Elevation 1200m Elevation 1790m a c Blowhard Hut Mount k M Chain Bay 1 Wire Plain 2km Chain Bay 4 B500 Elevation 1660m Tunnel 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 Chain Bay 6 The Black Hotham V Star Extended Diamantina Hut The Cross i lk Elevation 1330m Chain Bay 3 l Slatey Cutting Corbetts Flat Hole Razorback Trailhead Great Alpine Road T a APPROXIMATE SCALE IN KILOMETRES Alpine Easy Access self-purchase iPad terminals Elevation 1240m The Black Hole ElevationBaldy 1600m Hollow highest point e g Elevation 1640m M RMB Office g e o ChainElevation Bay 1340m 5 Elevation 1650m Elevation 1820m d are located at the following locations: un Elevation 1750m i E a t S R Mount FAQs s t ugarloa Olive Branch Dannys B r f h Chain Bay 1 a G Tk Elevation 1300m Mount c B500 n u Renes Lookout o Loch C Off Mountain n L Wire ePlainr s k Disclaimer - The information contained on this map may be of c s Buckland Gap Lookout Blowhard Loch d l Q.
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