DIC196 Trends in Development Assistance Series 2 Global ODA since the Monterrey Conference Edited by AKIYAMA Takamasa KONDO Masanori Global ODA since the Monterrey Conference The Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development (FASID) was established in April 1990. FASID and its affiliate, International Development Research Institute (IDRI), conduct research, facilitate interaction among researchers and practitioners, and offer train- ing programs to development specialists. These activities are aimed for improvement in the quality of development programs and policies. Copyright © 2003 by FASID Published in 2003 in Japan by the Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development, 1-6-17 Kudan-minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074, Japan e-mail : [email protected] URL : http://www.fasid.or.jp Foreword Naonobu Minato Acting Director, International Development Research Institute, Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development This is the second volume in the series Trends in International Assistance, edited and published by the International Development Research Institute (IDRI) of the Foundation for Advanced Studies in International Development (FASID). IDRI follows trends and issues in international development assistance through research, analysis and discussions arranged and organized by its Development Assistance Study Unit. The first volume in the series, published in 2002, reviewed the history of development assistance theory and practice since World War II through an examination of the strategies and activities of mainly one influential organi- zation, the World Bank. This second volume focuses on the present and on a range of major players. It offers in-depth analyses of key current trends in the development assistance programs and policies of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the governments of Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, France and Germany, as well as the World Bank. Attention is also given to important issues occupying the inter- national development community through describing major topics discussed at key international conferences. IDRI expresses its appreciation to the outside contributors to this vol- ume, each of whom has brought insights to this book from academic studies and hands-on experience: Masanori Kondo, International Christian University; Suzanne Akiyama, DEVINAK Associates; Akiko Yuge, UNDP; and Masahiko Kiya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. We are also very grateful to Hajime Sato for the difficult translation work and to Seth Beckerman for his excellent editing. We hope that the topics presented in this book will provide researchers, practitioners, and students of the international development community with relevant and topical information. Global ODA since the Monterrey Conference Foreword List of Tables and Figures Abbreviations and Acronyms Chapters 1 Overview ............................................................................................ 1 2 Discussions at International Conferences during 2002 ..................... 15 3 International Organizations .............................................................. 41 World Bank.................................................................................. 41 Recent Aid Trends at UNDP........................................................ 55 UNDP Activities to Build Peace — Institutional Reform and Operational Restructuring..................... 69 4 Trends in Development Aid in Major Developed Countries ............. 83 Japanese Development Aid since the 1990s................................... 83 American Aid Policy under the Bush Administration.................. 115 Trends in European Development Aid ....................................... 126 5 Future of Japanese Development Assistance .................................... 154 List of Tables and Figures Tables Table 2-1 Primary international conferences held in 2002 .................... 17 Table 3-1 IBRD lending by region........................................................ 53 Table 3-2 IDA lending by region .......................................................... 54 Table 3-3 UNDP’s course corrections................................................... 56 Table 3-4 UNDP’s actual expenditures by thematic area, FY2001........ 58 Table 3-5 Actual UNDP expenditures by region................................... 58 Table 3-6 Themes of Human Development Reports............................. 65 Figures Fig. 2-1 Transition process to the Johannesburg Summit (WSSD)..... 38 Fig. 3-1 World Bank lending by network........................................... 52 Fig. 3-2 World Bank lending by theme.............................................. 53 Fig. 4-1 Changes in the amount of Japanese ODA, 1980-2001 ........ 85 Fig. 4-2 Japanese ODA as a percentage of GNP, 1980-2001.............. 85 Fig. 4-3 Sector distribution of Japanese ODA, 1987-2000................. 86 Fig. 4-4 Distribution of Japanese ODA by type, 1983-2001 .............. 88 Fig. 4-6 Japan platform.................................................................... 100 Fig. 4-7 Geographical distribution of Japanese bilateral ODA, 1989-2000.......................................................................... 110 Fig. 4-8 Top five recipient countries of Japanese ODA, 1995-2000 ... 111 Fig. 4-9 Changes in US ODA, 1980-2001....................................... 123 Fig. 4-10 US ODA as a percentage of GNP, 1980-2000.................... 123 Fig. 4-11 Sector distribution of US ODA, 1987-2000 ....................... 123 Fig. 4-12 Changes in UK ODA, 1980-1999 ...................................... 128 Fig. 4-13 UK ODA as a percentage of GNP, 1980-2000 ................... 129 Fig. 4-14 Sector distribution of UK ODA, 1987-1998 ...................... 130 Fig. 4-15 Changes in French ODA, 1980-2000................................. 137 Fig. 4-16 French ODA as a percent of GNP, 1980-1999................... 137 Fig. 4-17 Sector distribution of French ODA, 1987-1998 ................. 138 Fig. 4-18 Changes in German ODA, 1980-1999............................... 145 Fig. 4-19 German ODA as a percent of GNP, 1980-1999................. 145 Fig. 4-20 Sector distribution of German ODA, 1987-1998 ............... 146 Abbreviations and Acronyms AfD Agence française de Développement APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ARPP Annual Report on Portfolio Performance ART Anti-Retroviral Drug Treatment ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations ATP Aid and Trade Provision BASD Business Action for Sustainable Development BCPR Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery BHN Basic Human Needs BMZ Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development CAPs Country Assistance Plans CAW Country Analytic Work CCA Common Country Assessment CDD Community-Driven Development CDF Comprehensive Development Framework CICID Comité Interministériel de la Coopération Internationale et du Développement CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Reform CIS Commonwealth of Independent States CPC Crisis and Post-Conflict CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment CPRP NetCrisis Prevention and Recovery Practice Network CSOs Civil Society Organizations DAC Development Assistance Committee DFID Department for International Development DG Development Gateway DGCID Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development DPA Department of Political Affairs EAP East Asia and the Pacific ECHA Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs EFA Education for All E/N Exchange of Notes EPA Economic Planning Agency ERD Emergency Response Division EU European Union FDI Foreign Direct Investment FfD Financing for Development FILP Fiscal Investment and Loan Program GAGP Grant Assistance for Grassroots Project GDA Global Development Alliance GDP Gross Domestic Product GNI Gross National Income GNP Gross National Product GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit HCCI l’Haut Conseil de la Coopération Internationale HIPCs Heavily Indebted Poor Countries IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICT Information and Communication Technology IDA International Development Association IDB Inter-American Development Bank IDEA Initiative for Development in East Asia IDPs Internally Displaced Persons IDTs International Development Targets IMF International Monetary Fund JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation JEXIM Export-Import Bank of Japan JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JPF Japan Platform JPO Junior Program Officer JOCV Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau LDCs/ LLDCs Least Developed Countries/Least among Less Developed Countries LDP Liberal Democratic Party LICUS Low-Income Countries Under Stress LOTFA Law and Order Trust Fund for Afghanistan MCA Millennium Challenge Account MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation MDBs Multilateral Development Banks MDGs Millennium Development Goals MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry MENA The Middle East and North Africa MOF Ministry of Finance MOFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs MYFF Multi-Year Funding Framework NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations ODA Official Development Assistance ODA Overseas Development Administration OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECF Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund PBA Performance-Based Lending PREM Poverty Reduction through Economic Management PRODERE Development Programme for Displaced Persons and Returnees in Central America PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PSD
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