Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2000 Indexed and prepared by Jamie Onusic, Michael Elliott, Mary Plazo, Leonard Schlup, and Alex Cikra for the Akron-Summit County Public Library The first column lists the name of the deceased and the second lists the date on which an obituary appeared. Please note that it is quite common for an individual’s obituary to appear in two or three consecutive issues of the newspaper, with an abbreviated version appearing on at least one day. If the obituary that appears on the date given is not as detailed as you had hoped, check the issue for the previous and/or following day. Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2000 – page 1 Abbott, Esther V.S. 3/9/2000 Abbott, William D. 11/26/2000 Abbott-Sturgill, Deborah 3/19/2000 Abdoo, Raymond T. 6/23/2000 Abel, Mayme L. 1/1/2000 Aberegg, Gertrude A. 6/20/2000 Abernathy, Betty L. 11/13/2000 Aberth, Daniel 6/11/2000 Abraham, William J. 1/15/2000 Abrams, Florence M. 2/15/2000 Abramson, Edward I. 1/29/2000 Acker, Verda M. 1/3/2000 Ackerman, Louise O. 8/28/2000 Acklin, Elizabeth C. 1/26/2000 Acoff, Seaborn 5/24/2000 Acomb, Marshall 2/6/2000 Adair, Mozell 2/14/2000 Adamick, Rosemary 3/2/2000 Adamle, Tony 10/8/2000 Adamov, Larry 9/9/2000 Adams, Constance H. 12/6/2000 Adams, Denise L. (nee Graham) 7/9/2000 Adams, Harold 1/18/2000 Adams, Irene B. 4/16/2000 Adams, James W. 11/17/2000 Adams, Jane M. 2/27/2000 Adamski, Emil F. 6/4/2000 Adamson, Betty L. 11/26/2000 Addison, James 5/3/2000 Addison, Randall 11/28/2000 Addiss, Luise K. 11/25/2000 Adella, Nancy L. 3/5/2000 Adelman, Sara M. 12/22/2000 Adkins, Pauline C. 1/2/2000 Adkins, William E. 5/18/2000 Admire, Doris I. 2/24/2000 Agnello, Judith C. 2/6/2000 Agnew, Terry M. 10/15/2000 Agrusa, Angelo T. 11/12/2000 Agrusa, Nancy L. 10/18/2000 Ahern, Laurence 5/6/2000 Ahern, William F. 1/15/2000 Ahrendsen, Geraldine J. 7/28/2000 Akers, Aubrey B. 11/15/2000 Akers, Michael G. 5/2/2000 Akins, William D. 3/3/2000 Alberts, Bernard Lee 6/30/2000 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2000 – page 2 Albright, Erma O. 4/15/2000 Alexander, Alex G. 1/11/2000 Alexander, Dean R. 7/30/2000 Alexander, Irene 3/29/2000 Alexander, Sarah W. 1/22/2000 Alexoff, Olga 1/21/2000 Alford, Jerrionna 4/7/2000 Allbritton, Lila Jane 3/12/2000 Allegree, Margaret 3/6/2000 Allen, Alice M. 11/22/2000 Allen, Carl V. 8/11/2000 Allen, Elva 11/29/2000 Allen, Kerri A. 7/28/2000 Allen, Pauline G. 6/27/2000 Allen, Richard L. 3/5/2000 Allen, Robert J. 6/7/2000 Allen, Stephen 5/18/2000 Allgood, Frances 5/28/2000 Allison, Ann M. 1/30/2000 Allison, Dorothy V. 9/4/2000 Allison, Marguerite 3/21/2000 Allshouse, Laura E. 4/6/2000 Allshouse, Terry V. 9/4/2000 Almquist, Leroy K. 8/22/2000 Alpaugh, Betty J. 7/14/2000 Alquist, Verner W. 1/6/2000 Alsip, Theda 5/27/2000 Alspach, Yvonne M. 1/2/2000 Alton, Barbara J. 6/17/2000 Ambrose, Paul E. 1/4/2000 Amedeo, Vito 12/26/2000 Ameling, John F. 11/12/2000 Ames, Walter 1/26/2000 Amma, Harriet E. 1/23/2000 Amos, Annie 2/6/2000 Amshey, Audrey 10/31/2000 Amstadt, Richard A. 4/11/2000 Amweg, Kathleen 4/29/2000 Anders, Danny Lee 11/9/2000 Andersen, Thomas J. 1/12/2000 Anderson, Alice H. 7/2/2000 Anderson, Don 3/2/2000 Anderson, Frank, N. 10/7/2000 Anderson, Harold W. 12/4/2000 Anderson, Harry E. II 3/21/2000 Anderson, Ina Mae 9/10/2000 Anderson, Jack W. 3/21/2000 Anderson, Jesse H. 11/17/2000 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2000 – page 3 Anderson, Mary 8/20/2000 Anderson, Rita Mae 2/2/2000 Anderson, Roy 1/5/2000 Anderson, Ruth P. 11/30/2000 Anderson, Travance 4/13/2000 Ando, Frank 8/23/2000 Andonian, Wanda W. 5/16/2000 Andreoli, Arthur J. 11/7/2000 Andrew, Betty B. 3/23/2000 Andrews, Frank A. 12/15/2000 Andrews, Harold J. 9/16/2000 Andrews, Mary M. 1/10/2000 Andrews, Robert E. 7/11/2000 Andrews, Theresa A. 10/4/2000 Andrews, Thresa 5/7/2000 Andrews, Virginia G. 10/22/2000 Angheld, Doris J. 1/18/2000 Ansley, Maxine 1/12/2000 Antal, Sophia I. 12/17/2000 Antel, Fred 12/29/2000 Antes, Karl A. 7/23/2000 Antonino, Angie 6/11/2000 Antrobius, Mark 1/25/2000 Anweiler, Raymond P. 5/11/2000 Appleby, Paul E. 6/6/2000 Applegate, Clark W. 12/19/2000 Archer, Douglas M. 12/16/2000 Archer, Herbert E. 2/20/2000 Archer, Marilyn L. 7/13/2000 Archer, Mary L. 12/20/2000 Ardelian, Carole A. 5/11/2000 Argabrite, Edward L. 2/27/2000 Arison, Robert W. 12/15/2000 Armienti, Frank 3/21/2000 Armos, Mary 6/28/2000 Armstrong, Edgar L. 12/28/2000 Armstrong, Foster D. 4/18/2000 Armstrong, Lloyd E. 12/29/2000 Arnes, Gordon 3/29/2000 Arnesen, Dagfin R. 7/26/2000 Arnold, Delores C. 12/19/2000 Arnold, Gladys 4/11/2000 Arnold, Helen C. 5/3/2000 Arnold, Mary 9/1/2000 Arnold, Mary L. 3/30/2000 Arnold, Thomas 5/6/2000 Arnold, Zachery, M. 5/23/2000 Arp, Harold M. 5/27/2000 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2000 – page 4 Arra, Mamie E. 9/21/2000 Arvay, Mary H. 5/10/2000 Ashley, Katelynn R. 3/30/2000 Ashman, Raymond D. 3/26/2000 Ashton, Eva J. 1/20/2000 Ashton, Mearl V. 1/6/2000 Ashton, Olive M. 11/9/2000 Ashworth, Karan E. 5/9/2000 Askey, Roy M. 11/9/2000 Assumpta, Sister Mary 7/24/2000 Atalla, Bernice E.R. 6/25/2000 Atchinson, June A. 2/15/2000 Athey, Vernon 8/14/2000 Atkins, Harold T. 1/14/2000 Atkins, Mary A. 1/12/2000 Atkinson, Orlie V. B. 1/4/2000 Atkinson, Violet 11/18/2000 Atta, Abdal Karim 10/12/2000 Auberry, Eilleen O. 12/10/2000 Auburn, Benjamin M.J. 1/11/2000 Augustine, B. Sue 1/1/2000 Augustine, Mary A. 5/12/2000 Auker, Louise 7/23/2000 Aulino, Lucy 11/16/2000 Ault, C. William 4/4/2000 Auria, Carl 1/20/2000 Austin, G. Clark 5/26/2000 Austin, Hollis 10/28/2000 Austin, Lula 7/5/2000 Autrey, Connie G. 4/28/2000 Avery, Jesseie L. 9/5/2000 Ayers, Hazel I. 3/14/2000 Ayres, William H. 12/29/2000 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2000 – page 5 Baack, Banne S. 11/7/2000 Babik, Eileen M. 11/23/2000 Bach, Jay E. 12/3/2000 Bachman, Betty K. 2/23/2000 Bachman, Katie Lee 2/27/2000 Bachtel, Frederick D. 10/24/2000 Bachtel, Louise A. 8/11/2000 Backus, Hazel M. 4/16/2000 Bacon, Itha Mae 7/9/2000 Bacon, Robert E. 3/16/2000 Baeckle, Joan E. 7/27/2000 Baer, Floyd J. 6/27/2000 Baer, Iona J. 8/17/2000 Baer, Roy A. 2/26/2000 Baer, Ruth E. 1/24/2000 Bagby, Robert E. 7/18/2000 Bahr, Neal R. 12/19/2000 Baile, Leona E. 1/14/2000 Bailey, Barbara S. 7/25/2000 Bailey, Bernice 2/25/2000 Bailey, Harold 11/1/2000 Bailey, Jon R. 5/25/2000 Bailey, Leo T. 1/1/2000 Bailey, Linda L. 6/18/2000 Bailey, Lisa L. 1/1/2000 Bailey, Nancy A. 9/25/2000 Bailey, Ruth I. 12/12/2000 Bailey, Steve 8/24/2000 Bailey, William P. 7/11/2000 Bailey. Frank A. 11/10/2000 Bain, Ivan L. 7/28/2000 Bair, Dorothy D. 9/14/2000 Bair, Paul 8/23/2000 Baird, Barbara J. 12/20/2000 Baird, Lucille M. 12/27/2000 Baitz, Donald 9/30/2000 Bajc, Victor L. 6/11/2000 Baker, Brett 4/20/2000 Baker, Carl 2/27/2000 Baker, Claude V. 7/4/2000 Baker, Daren E. 7/26/2000 Baker, Donna L. 12/10/2000 Baker, Earl R. 9/8/2000 Baker, Jacinth 2/6/2000 Baker, John 4/18/2000 Baker, John F. 6/21/2000 Baker, Lawrence F. 7/14/2000 Index to Obituaries Published in the Akron Beacon Journal in 2000 – page 6 Baker, Marcus 11/20/2000 Baker, Margaret A. 10/21/2000 Baker, Patricia C. 2/26/2000 Balaz, Mary 7/12/2000 Balazowich, Julius 1/3/2000 Balchak, Joseph P. 2/22/2000 Baldner, Anne K. 10/29/2000 Baldwin, Charles E. 4/18/2000 Baldwin, Charlotte L.J. 10/8/2000 Baldwin, Gladys 8/8/2000 Balint, Theodore J. 12/12/2000 Ball, Frank R. 11/20/2000 Ball, Robert L. 2/9/2000 Ballard, Demascus 4/24/2000 Ballard, Margarett F. 2/6/2000 Ballard, Melton 2/26/2000 Baltes, Herman C. 12/27/2000 Balthis, Wayne E. 3/31/2000 Banfield, Anna J. 6/3/2000 Banks, Edward E. 2/11/2000 Banks, Eitel F. 6/17/2000 Banks, Eugene 1/9/2000 Banky, Helen A.
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