July – December 2004 Number 37 ISSN 1026 2881 IUCN journal of the African Elephant, African Rhino The World Conservation Union and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups July–December 2004 No. 37 1 Chair reports / Rapports des présidents 1African Elephant Specialist Group / Groupe S P E C I E S des Spécialistes des Eléphants d’Afrique S U R V I V A L Holly T. Dublin C O M M I S S I O N 11 African Rhino Specialist Group / Groupe Editor des Spécialistes des Rhinos d’Afrique Helen van Houten Martin Brooks Assistant Editor 15 Asian Rhino Specialist Group / Groupe des Dali (Pam) Mwagore Spécialistes des Rhinos d’Asie Editorial Board Holly Dublin Mohd Khan bin Momin Khan with/avec Esmond Martin Thomas J. Foose and/et Nico van Strien Leo Niskanen 19 Research Robert Olivier Nico van Strien 19 Population model for the greater one- Lucy Vigne horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in Design and layout Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal Damary Odanga Kristina D. Rothley, Duncan J. Knowler and Graphics Mahesh Poudyal Phillip Miyare 28 Elephant reintroductions to small fenced Address all correspondence, reserves in South Africa including enquiries about Marion E. Garaï, Rob Slotow, subscription, to Robert D. Carr and Brian Reilly The Editor, Pachyderm PO Box 68200, 00200 37 The concept of home range in relation to Nairobi, Kenya elephants in Africa tel: +254 20 576461 fax: +254 20 570385 Ferrel V. Osborn email:[email protected] Web site: www.iucn.org/afesg 45 The elephants (Loxodonta africana) of Zoba Gash Barka, Eritrea: Part 3. Ecological and other data from tusks, teeth and carcasses This document has been produced with the financial Yohannes Yacob, Jeheskel Shoshani, assistance of the US Fish and Yohannes Hagos and Emun Kebrom Wildlife Service and the European Commission. 59 Chemical composition of mineral licks used The views expressed herein by elephants in Aberdares National Park, are those of the authors and Kenya can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official Peter Njiiri Mwangi, Antoni Milewski and opinion of the US Fish and Geoffrey M. Wahungu Wildlife Service or the European Commission. Cover: Square-lipped rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), Moremi, Botswana. Photo: Gene Eckhart journal of the African Elephant, African Rhino and July–December 2004 No. 37 Asian Rhino Specialist Groups 68 Opinion 68 Long-term management of crop raiding by elephants around Kakum Conservation Area in southern Ghana Yaw Boafo, Umaru-Farouk Dubiure, Emmanuel K.A. Danquah, Mildred Manford, Awo Nandjui, Emmanuel M. Hema, Richard F.W. Barnes and Brent Bailey 73 History 73 Fragments on the history of the rhinoceros in Nepal Kees Rookmaaker 80 Field notes 80 Remote treatment of black rhinos against babesiosis in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania Robert D. Fyumagwa, Samson S. Mkumbo and Pete vd B. Morkel 84 Les petites populations d’éléphants du Burkina Faso : statut, distribution et déplacements Philippe Bouché et Clark G. Lungren 92 Rhino notes 92 Black rhino hunting quotes approved for Namibia and South Africa at CITES Conference of the Parties 13 Richard H. Emslie 98 Update on WWF/Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Black Rhino Range Expansion Project Pam Sherriffs 99 Transfer of Swaziland’s southern white rhino from CITES Appendix I to Appendix II Ted Reilly, Mick Reilly and Richard H. Emslie 105 CITES Rhino Resolution 9.14(rev) Richard H. Emslie 111 Book review 111 Evolving Eden: an illustrated guide to the evolution of the African large-mammal fauna, by Alan Turner and Mauricio Anton, review by Richard Kock 112 Guidelines to contributors Views expressed in Pachyderm are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN, the Species Survival Commision or any of the three Specialist Groups responsible for producing Pachyderm (the African Elephant Specialist Group, the African Rhino Specialist Group and the Asian Rhino Specialist Group). CHAIR REPORTS RAPPORTS DES PRESIDENTS African Elephant Specialist Group report Rapport du Groupe des Spécialistes des Eléphants d’Afrique Holly T. Dublin, Chair/Président PO Box 68200, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya; email: [email protected] Meetings Réunions In addition to attending the 13th Meeting of the Con- Les six derniers mois ont été très extrêmement actifs ference of the Parties to CITES in October, where Afri- même sans compter la 13ème Réunion de la Confé- can elephant issues still topped the agenda, the past six rence des Parties à la CITES, en octobre, quand les months have been action packed. At the request of Af- questions relatives aux éléphants ont occupé une fois rican Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG) member Dr de plus une grande partie de l’agenda. A la demande Marion Garaï, and after a year of careful planning, I du Dr Marion Garaï, qui est membre du Groupe des was able to attend the annual general meeting of South Spécialistes des Eléphants d’Afrique (GSEAf), et Africa’s Elephant Management and Owners Associa- après une année de planification attentive, j’ai pu tion, delivering a keynote address to a full house at assister au Parc National de Pilanesberg à la réunion Pilanesberg National Park. This meeting was followed générale annuelle de la South Africa’s Elephant Man- by a second national-level elephant debate hosted by agement and Owners Association et y faire une com- South African National Parks in Kruger National Park. munication-programme devant une salle pleine. Cette These were fascinating meetings with an excellent réunion fut suivie d’un second débat de niveau na- array of talks by students, researchers and managers tional sur les éléphants, accueilli par les Parcs covering the gamut of challenges facing elephants across Nationaux Sud-africains au Parc National Kruger. the country, some controversial management ap- Ce furent des réunions fascinantes, avec une proaches, and some impressive contemporary conser- excellente suite de communications d’étudiants, de vation initiatives. Of particular interest were the unique chercheurs et de gestionnaires couvrant toute la ethical and ecological issues raised by the country’s gamme de challenges touchant les éléphants dans tout practice of private ownership of African elephants. le pays, certaines approches de gestions contestables, These elephants, some held on surprisingly small prop- ainsi que certaines initiatives contemporaines impres- erties and increasing through both natural growth and sionnantes en matière de conservation. Particulière- additional translocations, are rapidly outgrowing their ment intéressantes furent les questions éthiques et limited habitats. Advances in the use of immunocon- écologiques uniques que soulève la pratique nationale traception for such populations and AfESG’s policy on de la possession d’éléphants africains par des the sourcing of elephants from the wild for captive pur- personnes privées. Ces éléphants, dont certains vivent poses were particularly topical, as more elephants than dans des propriétés étonnamment petites et dont le ever before are being captured in South Africa for the nombre augmente aussi bien du fait de la croissance growing elephant-back safari business. Our new trans- naturelle que par l’adjonction de nouveaux individus, location guidelines were warmly received in the light dépassent rapidement les capacités de leurs habitats Pachyderm No. 37 July–December 2004 1 Dublin of many planned movements. Gaining new insights and restreints. Les avances dans l’utilisation de l’immuno- meeting new people provided me an excellent opportu- contraception dans ces populations et la politique du nity to update myself on the situation in this dynamic GSEAf en matière de traçage des éléphants prélevés range state. dans la nature pour être mis en captivité étaient particulièrement d’actualité du fait que de plus en plus The African Elephant Database d’éléphants sont capturés en Afrique du Sud pour servir à l’industrie du safari à dos d’éléphant. Nos With the African Elephant Status Report 2002 out of nouvelles directives sur les translocations ont reçu un the way, African Elephant Database (AED) manager accueil chaleureux étant donné les nombreux déplace- Julian Blanc has focused his efforts on documenting ments prévus. Grâce à de nouveaux éclaircissements the AED and further developing it into a more con- et à des rencontres avec de nouvelles personnes, j’ai sistent, self-contained resource. Many improvements eu une bonne occasion de remettre à jour mes connai- have been implemented to ensure that the AED up- ssances sur la situation dans ce si dynamique état de date cycle can continue smoothly and to ensure that l’aire de répartition. even if AED activities have to be temporarily sus- pended due to lack of funds, the programme can be La Base de Données sur l’Eléphant reinitiated easily as soon as the opportunity arises. Africain Activities in this period have also included the planning and preparation of a meeting of the Data Le Rapport 2002 sur le Statut de l’Eléphant Africain Review Working Group to discuss these and other étant terminé, le responsable de la Base de Données AED matters. In November 2004 Julian accompanies sur l’Eléphant Africain (BDEA), Julian Blanc, a con- me to the IUCN World Conservation Congress in centré ses efforts sur le rassemblement de documents Bangkok, where we have been offered a unique op- pour la BDEA et sur le développement de celle-ci en portunity to showcase the achievements and share une ressource plus cohérente et plus indépendante. Il lessons learned from the AED as one of the flagship y a eu de nombreuses améliorations pour s’assurer products of the IUCN SSC. Work also continues on que le cycle de mise à jour de la BDEA se passe en preparing a scientific paper analysing changes in com- douceur et que, même si les activités de la BDEA parable elephant populations between the 1998 AED devaient être suspendues temporairement par manque and the 2002 status report, which we plan to publish de fonds, le programme puisse être relancé facilement in a future issue of Pachyderm.
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