Images and/or text cannot be shown due to copyright restrictions. "THE LONG VOYAGE HOME" From tILl' flaillti,,{/ b)' Ccc)r{fl'S SdIYl'ibcr. Courtl'''')', Assucia/crl .-lm,...,./('u" Artists. "With their hates and desires men are changing the face of the earth-but they cannot change the sea. Men who live on the sea never change-for they live a lonely world apart as they drift from one rusty tramp steamer to the next, forging the life­ lines of nations." ([."rOIll Ih,' Pro/Ornt" 10 Ihe lIIolioll pic/urI' "Th.. LOllrl ['0-"([,<1" HOlllc") EAMEN'S CHURCH INSTITUTE OJ NEW YORK VOL. XXXI NO. 10 OCTOBER, 1940 "THE LONG YOYAGE HOME .. ," THE COVER REI RODUCE the painting by Geurges SchreIber, sho\\in,!!; the reactIon; oi four . eamen when theIr ship, \\'Ithlll sight of their homc land, IS attacked by enemy airplane bomb and machine gUll bullets: The Lookout Courtesy, \\falter \ anger, producer of th:. ~Cree!1 \'erSlon of Eugene O'1\eill's drama "The Long \'oyage Home," Sec page :J lur turther Ictads, Vol. XXXI October, 1940 No. 10 The Ways and Means Committee takes pleasure in announc­ "®ur §anr1uary" ing that plans have YOL, XXXT, OCTOllER, 1940 Almighty Father, with Whom bee n completed PUBLISHED MONTHLY is no distance, and no dark­ for the Institute's by the ness, and no power too SEAMEN'S CHURCH strong for Thy ruling; we INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK beseech Thee to bless on all Cimtua1 )alL tB~ 25 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. seas the vessels of our fleet to be held on Telephone BOwling Green 9·2710 and merchandise, our sailors ]~ CLARENCE G. MICHALIS and our fishermen, with all [JJJU1i.n.q" (J£lolJa 29 President that go to and fro and oc­ THOMAS ROBERTS at 8:30 Secretary and Treasurer Icupy their business in great REV. HAROLD H. KELLEY waters; save them from dan- at the 51 st Street Theatre Director gers known and unforeseen; We have reserved the orchestra and loges for MARJORIE DENT CANDEE, Editor deliver them from strong Entered as second class matter July temptation a nd from easily 8, 1925. at N.ew Yor~, }{. Y., under besetting sin; teach them to ]/tL Ba1lRL Il.uAML dJL ?rlon1JL eaJtW the act of M.lrch 3, 1879. mark Thy works and wonders Subscripti"" Orchestra seats, rows 1- 3 inclusive are $12.50 One Dollar Annually I on the deep; fill them with rows 4.1 I 10.00 Single Copies, Ten Cents kindness, loyalty, and faith, I rows 12-15 7.50 Gifts to the Insti~ut~ of ~~.OO and oy~~ and help every man to do I rows 16-23 5.00 include a year's lubscrtpttOD to The Lookout. his duty; through Jesus Christ Loges lfirst row) 7.50 Address all communications to our Lord. Amen. I 12nd and 3rd rowsl 5.00 SEAMEN'S CHURCH INSTITUTE Courtesy, "Missions to Sea­ lfourth row) 3.30 OF NEW YORK men", Sydney, Australia, 25 South Street \Ve have been fortunate in arranging a well-balanced program of two new ballet and one old favorite: "THE NEW YORKER', et to the music of America' most famous composer, George Gershwin, and directed by Leonide Massine; de. igned by Rea Irwin after characters by Alan Dunn, Helen Hokinson, William Steig, and other E\V YORKER magazine favorites, Also "SERE DE" a symphonic poem in motion LEGACIES TO THE INSTITUTE as choreographed by George Balanchine to the romantic music of Tchai­ You are asked to remember this Institute in your will, that it kow ky's "Serenade for Strings". Finally, the ever-popular "L. BOU­ may properly carryon its important work for s~amen. Whil~ it is TIQUE FA TA QUE" (The Fantastic Toyshop) danced by Mas ine advisable to consult your lawyer as to the draWing of your will, we to music by Rossini and decor by Andre Derain. The same fine dancers, Alicia Markova, Mia Slaven ka, Alexandra submit nevertheless the following as a clause that may be used: Dani]ova, Frederick Franklin, Igor Youskevitch and of course the inimi­ I give and bequeath to "Seamen's Church Institute of New table Leonide Massine will lead the company of 65 dancer. with Efrem York," incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, Kurtz conducting the symphony orchestra. located at 25 South Street, New York City, the sum of... -.. Tickets will be as ignecl a reservations are received. Please make checks payable to the EAMEN'S CH "RCH INSTITUTE OF NE\i\T ........................................................... _ Dolla rs. YORK and mail to the Benefit Committee. 25 South Street. Your Note that the words "of New York" are a part of our title, generous upport of this benefit will be greatly appreciated as we antici­ pate many seamen will be needing the Institute's help during the coming winter. JlaiL £.£. ClmJvtia:L ! ~ J 'L~ 29th" the n.e\~ Uni.ted had been built like a hotel on .teel OState llller . Alllertca ' aJled piles driven down to hard rock. proudly into ;\ew York harbor and But as he lies perfectly erect in recl·ived the traditional grceting of the flat water f a 'he1.-ea dock all ih· harbor fleet. The new. p<lper" '~e seem,' like a elf-contained piece carried complete repurt: 0 f thi' of beauti ful construction and a civic welcome 0 we shall not re­ credit to her interior decorator. peat here. However, LOOKO '1' ,.\\'hat make her a hip and not readers will doubtIe s be intere "ted a hutel i the fact that naval archi­ in the comments of Felix ~Ior1e\·. tect imagine thing' that a lands­ cditor of the Washin<Yton, D. t. man hardlv knows about. .\ vou POST (and brother of the author. leisurely pl:omenade about her d~ck. Chri topher Morley, who opened you will notice that 'he is stoutly the In titute s Conrad Library); built. The O'las is thick. The teak­ al"o a description of the new hip \\'ood door arc heavy and wing on in an editorial in the )J ew York enormous hinge. The motor Ii fe­ TJ~IES. boats. suspended on . tanchion . are ~ [I'. ~Iorley said: "Having secured again t hocks and motion traveled on some of the super-liner that no building \\·ill ever experi­ 1 can testify that the lower and ence even in an earthquake. smaller Alllcrica. is also easilv the .. L'P forward the pa. 'engers' COI11­ most attractive. both in decoration panionway is daintily paneled and Airplane view of the 5.5. America and the Seamen's Church Institute of New York (encircled). and in that indefinable clement 0 f the floor material is soft on the feet. per onality which every hip po ­ But notice that the companionway "On. ugu t 10th, amid gala cere- watched the ve' el grow from ship' .es e. This splendid t;lew hip ... end- in a ma sive teakwood c1oor, mony, the America will pull out for cradle day ; l\Ir. King, the Chief will develop the ·competent. re­ swinging above an e pecially high the first of her \Ve t Indi Cruise Steward, who e intere t is the pa ­ sourceful and disciplined personnel' wa. hpJate, and ju t beyoncl hang. a among the delectable i lands of a senger' comfort, and :\Ir. Rich­ which the }.Iaritime Commi ion steel watertig-ht door that can he cerulean ea. For the comfort of monel. the pain takinO' Executive rightly regards a' e": 'ntial to the clamped shut. In dock these eern the pa senger it i to be hoped that Ollic 1', and the rank and file of the permanent regeneration of our l\Ier­ like inconveniences in ·trolling the seas will be wonderfully tropical crew, all 0 es ential to the smooth chant l\Iarine.'· about the ship. But there will come and on their be t behavior. But he operation of a large passenger ve ­ From the TnlE": "Fresh from a clay when nothing will seem 0 was laid down two years ago for sel have been brought up in the the builder'. yard, he i clean, important a this. eaworthy con­ the North Atlantic trade and ome tradition of the United States Line hand ome and worth the admira­ struction. Heavy green sea will day will meet the ea he was built and the merican tandards of effi- tion . he ha' evoked f 1'0111 an im­ be thundering again t the water­ to reckon with ably. Tho e ma t ciency and ervice. pre'. ionable city. Her lines are tight door. and in . pite of the care­ that tand 0 till in' Tew York Cit)' \ \' know that LOOKOUT read- bUOYant. he ha- been dramaticallv ful in:ulation salt water will swa h will teeter through the ky. Those er join with u in a fervent hope des(gned. with t\\·o powerful fm;­ against the wash plates inside: and slant o\'al eye ncar the crown of that the good hip "America" may nels set well forward. Her tall bow. this omber corridor. now silent the bow will plunge into angry sea always be employed in peaceful pur­ rising to a gentle bul<Ye, tower well and genteel. will creak. nap and and tream with water; and even suit. ahove the pier-shed.... There i. whine in some unknown language the bridge, now 0 arrogantly re- something' especially inviting about of marine complaint. mote, will get a ducking. The whole a new ship. The A11lerica's fresh ". .. • lJ'eady the eamen have ship will be in action.
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