FIRMS / OFFICES / CORPORATE COUNSEL ASSINIBOIA - ESTEVAN BUFFALO NARROWS ASSINIBOIA 306-235-4489 CHARTIER, CLEMENT J. 306-642-4520 FORD, KIMBERLEY Fax: 613-720-9649 PO Box 361 Fax: 306-642-5777 M. LAW PC LTD. Buffalo Narrows, SK S0M 0J0 228 Centre Street Clement J. CHARTIER, QC (1980) PO Box 759 Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0 Email: [email protected] † Kimberley M. FORD (1984) CUTKNIFE 306-642-3866 MOUNTAIN & MOUNTAIN LAW FIRM 306-490-8161 KASOKEO LAW Fax: 306-642-5848 101 - 4th Avenue West Fax: 306-937-6110 PO Box 2 PO Box 459 Cutknife, SK S0M 0N0 Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0 Deanne K. KASOKEO (2009) Email: [email protected] Web: http://mounl.sasktelwebsite.net † Thomas V. MOUNTAIN (1978) † L. Lee MOUNTAIN (1979) DAVIDSON 306-567-5554 DELLENE CHURCH LAW OFFICE Fax: 306-567-5554 200 Garfield St Box 724 BATTLEFORD Davidson, SK S0G 1A0 306-490-7765 DANIELS, TANNER J. Email: [email protected] Fax: 306-937-0002 161 - 29th Street Dellene S. CHURCH (1995) PO Box 242 Cindy D. DOLAN (2015) Battleford, SK S0M 0E0 Cody GIENI (2019) 306-937-6154 SUNCHILD LAW 306-567-2023 SHIRKEY LAW OFFICE Fax: 306-937-6110 PO Box 1408 Fax: 306-567-4223 127 Washington Avenue Battleford, SK S0M 0E0 PO Box 280 Email: [email protected] Davidson, SK S0G 1A0 Email: [email protected] † Eleanore K. SUNCHILD (1999) Michael J. SEED (2017) † Daryl A. SHIRKEY (1976) BIGGAR ESTERHAZY 306-948-3346 BUSSE LAW PROFESSIONAL 306-745-3952 BOCK AND COMPANY LAW OFFICE Fax: 306-948-3366 CORPORATION Fax: 306-745-6119 500 Maple Street 302 Main Street PO Box 220 PO Box 669 Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0 † Lynnette E. BOCK (2004) Email: [email protected] † Stuart A. BUSSE, QC (1971) Larry A. KIRK (1978) ESTEVAN 306-637-3710 BILLESBERGER LAW FIRM Fax: 306-637-3719 1017 - 3rd Street BROADVIEW Estevan, SK S4A 0R4 306-696-2454 MOORE, GARY Email: [email protected] Fax: 306-696-3105 PO Box 610 John J. BILLESBERGER (1983) Broadview, SK S0G 0K0 Merrilee M. SWANSON (2015) Gary G. MOORE (1975) 306-634-6334 BRIDGES & COMPANY LLP Fax: 306-634-3852 1329 Third Street Estevan, SK S4A 0S1 BROWNLEE Barry D. BRIDGES, QC (1974) Robert C. NICOLAY (2001) 306-759-2621 RAWLINGS, FREDERICK LAW OFFICE † Chad W. JESSE (2003) Fax: 306-759-2621 PO Box 70 Brownlee, SK S0H 0M0 † Frederick R. C. RAWLINGS (1978) 306-634-7494 GOBY LAW OFFICE Fax: 306-634-7494 329 - 12th Avenue Estevan, SK S4A 1E3 John M. GOBY (1993) † C.B.A. member 113 CBA Saskatchewan Legal Directory 2020-2021 ESTEVAN - KERROBERT FIRMS / OFFICES / CORPORATE COUNSEL 306-634-6477 IGNATIUK LAW OFFICES Fax: 306-634-8744 902 - 4th Street HUDSON BAY Estevan, SK S4A 0W3 Email: [email protected] 306-865-3337 ANDERSON, JEREMY J. LAW FIRM Fax: 306-865-3666 120 Churchill Street David C. HICKIE (1989) PO Box 1492 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 306-634-3631 KOHALY ELASH & LUDWIG LLP Jeremy J. ANDERSON (2010) Fax: 306-634-6901 1312 - 4th Street PO Box 580 Estevan, SK S4A 0X2 306-865-2775 NESDOLY, STEPHEN Fax: 306-865-3814 107 C Churchill Street † Paul D. ELASH, QC (1978) PO Box 968 † Aaron M. LUDWIG (2009) Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 306-637-4620 LEGAL AID SASKATCHEWAN Fax: 306-637-4625 South East Area Office 101-1302 3rd Street HUMBOLDT Estevan, SK S4A 0S2 Email: [email protected] 306-682-2642 BEHIEL WILL & BIEMANS Robert J. GRIMSRUD (1991) Fax: 306-682-5165 602 - 9th Street Joelle F. GRAHAM (1997) PO Box 878 Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 Email: [email protected] 306-634-8822 MCGEOUGH ZEPICK LAW OFFICE Web: www.behielwill.com Fax: 306-634-8837 1222 - 5th Street † John C. WILL, QC (1986) Estevan, SK S4A 0Z6 † Aaron G. BEHIEL (2004) Timothy R. MCGEOUGH (1987) † Amber A. BIEMANS, QC (2006) Lisa L. ZEPICK (1995) Jonathan ADAMS (2017) 306-634-3353 ORLOWSKI LAW OFFICE 306-682-5038 WEBER & GASPER Fax: 306-634-7714 1215 - 5th Street Fax: 306-682-5538 512 - 7th Street Estevan, SK S4A 0Z5 PO Drawer 1030 Email: [email protected] Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 Stephen J. M. ORLOWSKI (1984) Email: [email protected] † Russel P. WEBER (1982) 306-634-2616 TROBERT GILLIS LAW FIRM Tabbetha M. GASPER (2006) Fax: 306-634-9881 1339 4th Street Erin RAUERT (2018) Estevan, SK S4A 0X1 James F. TROBERT (1997) † Kathryn E. GILLISS (2015) KAMSACK 306-542-4008 ROSOWSKY LAW Fax: 306-542-4009 422 Cotter Street ESTON PO Box 400 Kamsack, SK S0A 1S0 306-962-4111 HUGHES LAW OFFICE Fax: 306-962-3302 305 Main Street Christina A. ROSOWSKY (2004) PO Box 729 Eston, SK S0L 1A0 Email: [email protected] W. Michael HUGHES, QC (1984) KENOSEE LAKE David P. HUGHES (2017) 306-577-2663 HOWE LEGAL PROFESSIONAL Fax: 306-577-4363 CORPORATION PO Box 305 Kenosee Lake, SK S0C 2S0 FORT QU’APPELLE † Jeffrey M. HOWE (2007) 306-332-5661 HALFORD LAW FIRM Fax: 306-332-4293 181 "B" Broadway Street East PO Box 817 Fort Qu’Appelle, SK S0G 1S0 KERROBERT Nicholas A. SMIATEK (2015) 306-834-5657 SHEPPARD & MILLAR Fax: 306-463-6133 433 Manitoba Avenue 306-332-4432 MORRIS LAW OFFICE Kerrobert, SK S0L 1R0 Fax: 306-332-6811 140 Broadway Street West PO Box 1729 Fort Qu’Appelle, SK S0G 1S0 Email: [email protected] C. George MORRIS (1970) CBA Saskatchewan Legal Directory 2020-2021 114 † C.B.A. member FIRMS / OFFICES / CORPORATE COUNSEL KINDERSLEY - LLOYDMINSTER 306-825-5000 DE NOVO LAW KINDERSLEY Fax: 306-825-5060 101B - 1625 50 Avenue Box 752 306-463-2626 ARD LAW OFFICE Lloydminster, SK S9V 2H3 Fax: 306-463-4917 116 Main Street Email: [email protected] PO Box 1898 Chantelle M. LEFEBVRE (2010) Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0 Email: [email protected] Robert J. ARD, QC (1981) 780-875-9105 FOX WAKEFIELD Fax: 780-875-6748 5016 - 48th Street PO Box 500 306-463-4647 SHEPPARD & MILLAR Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y6 Fax: 306-463-6133 113 - 1st Avenue East Andrea J. FOX (1996) PO Box 1510 Jeremy C. WAKEFIELD (2002) Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0 † Jordan D. BOLT (2017) Email: [email protected] † Monte J. SHEPPARD (1987) Mark L. MILLAR (1991) 780-875-9555 KNIGHT LAW OFFICE Fax: 780-875-9557 4912 - 50th Avenue PO Box 1500 Lloydminster, SK S9V 1K5 LA RONGE Email: [email protected] Bruce A. KNIGHT (1982) 306-425-3140 BELL LAW OFFICE Fax: 306-425-3312 PO Box 228 La Ronge, SK S0J 1L0 780-808-8084 MERIDIAN LAW GROUP Fax: 866-210-4617 4104 - 50th Avenue Richard W. BELL (1989) PO Box 752 Lloydminster, AB T9V 0V8 306-425-4455 LEGAL AID SASKATCHEWAN Stephanie L. DOBSON (2006) Fax: 306-425-4472 Box 232, Mistasinihk Place 1328 La Ronge Avenue La Ronge, SK S0J 1L0 780-875-4276 POLISCHUK, CELENE-ROSE J. Email: [email protected] Fax: 780-808-2981 1, 4602 - 50th Avenue Lloydminster, AB T9V 0W3 Kimberly A. EARING, QC (1996) Email: [email protected] Susan C. E. RYAN (2008) Johann C. KRIEGLER (2017) Celene-Rose J. T. POLISCHUK (1990) † Catriona KAISER-DERRICK (2019) † Brady KNIGHT (2019) 780-875-2288 PSM Lawyers Kaylee MITCHELL (2019) Fax: 780-875-3479 5009 - 47th Street PO Drawer 20 306-425-4227 MINISTRY OF JUSTICE Lloydminster, SK S9V 0X9 Fax: 306-425-4226 La Ronge Prosecution District Email: [email protected] 1328 LaRonge Avenue, PO Box 5000 † Harvey J. NEUFELD (1988) La Ronge, SK S0J 1L0 † Melvin D. WELLS (1989) Muhammad ZUBAIR () † Scott A. POLISCHUK (1990) J. Ruth FAFARD (2007) † Todd R. KIRKPATRICK (2007) Andrew R. MORRISON (2017) † Jeffrey D. KERR (2010) Aaron D. MARTENS (2018) † Meaghan C. LAROSE (2015) Tyler B. MOCK (2018) † Kubashnee GOVENDER (2016) 780-875-9800 REVERING LAW OFFICE Fax: 780-875-8150 5018 - 50th Avenue LANGENBURG Lloydminster, AB T9V 0W7 Email: [email protected] 306-743-5520 MACK, BROOKS LEGAL Donnon F. REVERING (1985) Fax: 306-743-5589 PROFESSIONAL CORP. Mitchell REVERING (2018) 114 Bismark Avenue PO Box 250 Langenburg, SK S0A 2A0 780-875-7671 ROBERTSON MOSKAL SARSONS Email: [email protected] Fax: 780-875-9485 3801A - 51st Avenue Web: www.brooksmacklaw.com PO Box 1680 Brooks G. MACK (2010) Lloydminster, SK S9V 1K6 Avery D. LAYH (2012) Walter A. MOSKAL (1973) Christopher J. SARSONS (1984) † Ryan B. ARMSTRONG (2010) Christine K. HITTINGER (2016) LLOYDMINSTER Thomas W.J. HALL (2018) 780-875-7999 CLEMENTS & SMITH Fax: 780-875-1020 103, 5004 - 18th Street 780-871-0853 ROUNCE LAW OFFICE PO Box 440 Fax: 780-871-0854 5008 - 54th Street Lloydminster, SK S9V OY4 Lloydminster, AB T9V 0R8 Email: [email protected] Eric D. ROUNCE (1990) Donald R. SMITH (1995) Ross A. CLEMENTS (2005) † C.B.A. member 115 CBA Saskatchewan Legal Directory 2020-2021 LLOYDMINSTER - MELFORT FIRMS / OFFICES / CORPORATE COUNSEL 780-875-4536 SHOLTER LAW 306-236-5648 PARTYKA LAW FIRM Fax: 780-875-4481 B3, 5012 46 Street Fax: 306-236-3660 306 Centre Street PO Box 1010 PO Box 939 Lloydminster, SK S9V 1E9 Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Y7 † Alvin W. SHOLTER (1979) Email: [email protected] Benjamin J. PARTYKA (1974) 306-236-4040 PERKINS LAW OFFICE LOON LAKE Fax: 306-236-4878 2, 132 Centre Street 306-837-7909 KYTWAYHAT LAW OFFICE PO Box 3010 Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Z7 PO Box 187 Email: [email protected] Loon Lake, SK S0M 1L0 Gerald R. PERKINS (1987) † Emma J. KYTWAYHAT (2002) MANITOU BEACH MELFORT 306-946-3141 SINK LAW OFFICE 306-752-5781 CARSON & COMPANY Fax: 306-752-4797 803 Main Street Fax: 306-946-3142 219 Evenson Avenue PO Box 1600 Manitou Beach, SK S0K 4T1 Melfort, SK S0E 1A0 Email: [email protected] Grant CARSON (1968) Pauline M.
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