92 Chapter ___-.VIII. Maintenance__ .-__ of international-.-. - peace and security Dccisr~In of 10 hfarch 1973 (rcs. 328 (1973)) para. IO C. Decision to meet following the submissiorl of tbc Sccretnry- (iv) Situation in (he Middle East: Gx~eral’s report Ikcisio:1 of I4 June 1973 (Prcsidcnt’s statcrncnt) Srtuation in the hlrddlc 1,&t: (v) Sltu:ition in Cyprus, IIkci<ion of 20 April 1973 (rc\. 33 1 (1973)), para. 2 Lkci$ion of 20 July 1974 (XL. 353 (1974)). 1~r”. 7 Dcci’iion of 14 Aue;ust 1974 (rc9. 3.57 (1974)). par% 4 DcciFion of 16 Aupuct 1974 (rcs 360 (1974)). par:]. 5 I). Requc~ting the I:conomic and Social Council to consider (vi) Situation in h’;lmibid: periodically the question of economic astislance Ikcision of 17 lkcembcr 1974 (res. 366 (1974)). <‘ompl;lint by Zambia: para. 6 Ikci\ion of 10 March 1973 (rec. 329 (1973)). para. 6 Part II CONSIDERATION OF QUESTIONS RELATING TO AFRICA to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the representative of the WITH WHICH THE SECURITY COUNCIL IS CURRENTLY United Republic of Tanzania and to the President of the SlilZED AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COUNCIL’S United Nations Council for Namibia, the representative of RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS Pakistan.16 At the same meeting, the Security Council decided, at the request of the representatives of Guinea, Decisions of 4 February 1972 (1638th meeting): reso- Somalia and the Sudan,” to extend an invitation, under lutions 309 (1972) and 3 10 (1972) rule 39 of its provisional rules of procedure, to the following persons: Mr. Mohamed Fouad El-Bedewi, Decision of 4 February 1972 (1638th meeting): Mr. Amilcar Cabral, Mr. M. Luvualo, Mr. M. dos Santos, Rejection of three-Power draft resolution Mr. Peter Mueshihange, Mr. Richard Hove,” Mr. Potlako Leballo, Mr. Alfred Nzo, Mr. George Silundika, Mr. Abdul Decisions of 4 February 1972 (1639th meeting): reso- Minty, Mr. Diallo Telli,’ 9 also at the 1632nd meeting to lutions311 (1972)and312(1972) Reverend Canon Burgess Carr:* and at the 1633rd meeting In accordance with its resolution 308 (1972) of 19 to Mr. Johny Eduardo.” January 1972” the Security Council held 13 meetings- At the 1627th meeting on 28 January 1972, the Council 1627th to 1639th-in Addis Ababa between 28 January was addressed by the Emperor of Ethiopia and by the and 4 February 1972. President of Mauritania in his capacity as Chairman of the At the 1628th meeting on 28 January 1972, the Council Assembly of Heads of State and Government of OAU. The adopted the agenda, which had been recommended by Council also heard addresses by the Secretary-General and resolution 308 (1972). entitled: “Consideration of ques- by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Somalia, tions relating to Africa with which the Security Council is speaking in his capacity as President of the Council. currently seized and the implementation of the Council’s President Moktar Ould Daddah of Mauritania, Chairman relevant resolutions.” At the same meeting, the Council of the OAU at its eighth session, stated that despite the decided to invite the representatives of Cameroon, Congo, often disappointing efforts of the United Ndtions to Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, translate its principles and resolutions concerning col- Liberia. Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, onialism and racial discrimination into facts, Africa looked Senegal, Tunisia, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, to the historic session of the Security Council on its soil Zaire and Zambia to participate without vote in the with renewed expectations and in the spirit of realism. A discussion.’ ’ Subsequently, at the 1630th meeting, on 31 new approach was needed that would place upon the January 1972, invitations were also extended to the Council and particularly its permanent members the re- representatives of Algeria, Burundi and the Libyan Arab sponsibility to control the implementation of the main Republic.’ 4 decisions. The OAU formally proposed that a Committee of Also at the 1628th meeting, in view of the decisions the Council including its five permanent members should taken by three United Nations bodies to be represented at take charge of Namibia and make all arrangements to the Security Council meetings in Africa,’ ’ the Council ensure its effective administration leading to its self- further decided to extend invitations to the representative determination and independence. of the Special Committee on Apartheid. the representative The Security Council should immediately assume its of Trinidad and Tobago, the Chairman of the Special responsibilities to the same degree in Rhodesia. Africa Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implement- ation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence r * 1,or the proceedings lcadlng to thr adoption of resolution 308 I6 1628th mecting, opening stalcment by the President. (1972) and thr discussions m connexion with the application of ” S/10602/Rev.2, SC. OR. 27th yr., Suppl. for Jan-March Article 28, paragraph 3. of the Charter and rule 5 of the Provisional 1972. y. 8O;S/10604ibid., p. 81;S/10605,ibid.. p. 82. Rules of Proccdurc of the Sccurily Council, both dealing with mectings of the Security Council away from Lieadquartcrs, see ‘a lnstead of Mr. Hove, Mr. M.K.H. Hamadziripi made a chapter I of thisSupplemenf. statement to the Council, at its 1633rd meeting. with the consent of the Council. ’ 3 1628th meeting: opening statement by the President. I9 1630th meeting, paras. 4-l 1. l4 1630th meeting, paras. l-3. ” 1632nd meeting, para. 11. ’ ’ S/10600. SC.OH. 2 71h yr., Suppl. /or Jan.-Much I9 72. pp. 79-80. 21 1633rd meeting, paras. 1-2. Part II. 93 proposed that the Council should ta!:e official note of the including those under Chapter VII of the Charter, to put an failure of the settlement efforts between the United end to the explosive situation in South Africa. Portugal Kingdom and the minority rCgime in Rhodesia and pro- continued to refuse to implement the United Nations claim them invalid. It was incumbent on the United resolutions and to wage a colonial war against the peoples Kingdom to negotiate with the authentic representatives of of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea (Bissau). The Council the African peoples to bring about majority rule and should take all effective measuresin accordance with the independence in that Territory. The Council should also relevant Charter provisions to ensure that all repressive consider its attitude concerning Portugal and South Africa. activities and military operations by Portugal in these These two States that refused to apply the Council Territories be stopped, that Portugueseforces be withdrawn decisions against decolonization and racial discrimination, and that the Declaration on the Grunting of Independence should be suspended from membership in the United to Colonial Countries and Peoples(resolution I5 14 (XV)) Nations. Such a decision could be applied immediately in be fully implemented.24 contrast to economic sanctions whose application was being At the same meeting the representative of Zambia* subjected to capricious interpretations. In conclusion, joined the African people of Zimbabwe in condemning the Mr. Daddah submitted the African proposal for an inter- Home-Smith “settlement proposals” for Southern Rhodesia national aid fund to be set up within the United Nations and suggested the following course of action to the and to assist in Africa and elsewhere the liberation Council: The Council should support the Zimbabwe people movements and people who fight against racial discrimina- in their rejection of the settlement proposals and demand tion.22 that the British Government recall the Pearce Commission. The President said that by accepting the invitation of The Council should further ask the British Government to OAU to meet in Africa, the Cour.:il, acting under convene without delay a constitutional conference of all Article 28, paragraph 3 of the Charter, was enabled to pay the people of Zimbabwe, it should condemn the United special attention to the regional problems of Africa, to Kingdom as administering Power for the wanton mass respond publicly and positively to the needs of the area rife murders, arrests and detentions of Zimbabwe people by the with actual and potential threats to the peace and to effect Smith rCgime,and it should call upon the British Government the co-operation with regional organizations envisaged in to intervene in the colony militarily. In the meantime, Article 52 of the Charter as an aid to the task of sanctions should be maintained, tightened and expanded to peace-keeping. One important aspect of the meeting in include South Africa and Portugal. The Council should also Africa would be that world attentio:l would be focused on reaffirm the principle of non-recognition of the rebel the evils engendered by racism and colonialism in southern r&me by Member States. With regard to Namibia he asked Africa.23 why the Council did not take decisive action to expel South At the 1628th meeting also held on 28 January 1972, Africa from the Territory and assumedirect control to the representative of Egypt* deplored that although the allow the Namibian people the exercise of their right to Charter of the United Nations had already stated the self-determination. He appealed to the allies of Portugal, principle of self-determination 26 years ago, the authorities particularly some NATO partners, to stop giving Portugal in South Africa, Namibia, Rhodesia and in the Portuguese military and financial assistance,and requested that the territories were still subjecting several million Africans to United Nations, its specialized agenciesand Member States colonial rule and were now resorting to military operations, continue to support the liberation struggle in the occupied supported by foreign economic and other interests, to crush territories.25 the legitimate struggle of the Africans to achieve freedom The representative of Pakistan*, speaking as the Pre- and independence.
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